Ethnographic Comparison: African, Indian, and Chinese Cultures

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Throughout the duration of this composition, I will provide cultural information depicted from the African, Indian, and Chinese cultures. The information will consist of background information, societal issues, policies that are implemented, and the profound decisions, law making and the way a group of individuals live in general. (Petrakis, Kostis, 2013) explained how cultural differences were a notion utilized in policy creation that highlights the impact of cultural capital on population and individual behavior.

The cultural and social capital's experience stress when the individuals in charge of policy creation and how policies come into contact with financial incentives and the access to information that has an effect on widespread human conduct. The the accumulation of knowledge, behaviors, and skills is known as cultural capital, this is also a social asset that advances social mobility (Lareau, 1987). To give a better understanding, things that fit such a criteria may consist of, schooling, dress style, reason, outward impression, and verbal accent. The influence that these things exert over a culture covers mass communication, friends, establishments, and family members. Change is exhibited in many ways including societal normalities, and viewpoints that influence the actual implementation of action. The African, Indian and Chinese societies actually share some of the same qualities and are also able to be contrasted as well as it relates to cultural alterations, law making, and widespread fiscal determinations.

India happens to be an extremely diverse religious country with many cultures living there and none of these differences has deterred their unionship. The Indian culture has greatly impacted the fiscal outcome and widespread way of living because of an incline in wise choices. This is largely attributed to the training of the Indians (Tenhunen), 2012). There exists a great educational system in place within the Indian culture. Such system aids with the raising and instilling of morals and values, along with helping them develop the skill of great decision making. Also, in their culture, children are raised in a way that propels the probability of them being a accountable progressive adult. The way that they dress is multifarious and distinctive as it pertains to fashion. It exhibits the diversity of cultures within the country. These distinctive ways of living has undoubtedly been a influential force as it relates to the behavior of individuals and the widespread normalities of living. Also, more individuals are in stable jobs in India than China and Africa.

The continent of Africa is flourishing with countries being advanced, as well as so many different cultures and tribes. In Africa, the culture directly guides law making and fiscal behavior. For instance, education in Africa is progressively improving, individuals are realizing the importance of educating their familial construct in order to advance the future fiscal situation of the country. It has been asserted that the norms within the culture are able to impede the educational mutations. It requires much effort to terminate regressive societal normalities like female genitalia disfigurement. The dress code is an additional cultural capital that has a notable impact on the mutation of abilities into good beliefs that may be utilized to create more meaningful policies. Most African people have begun dressing in a more contemporary light. With the exception of those communities that still live in what is considered the wild. The quality of life in Africa is not adequate when equated to China and India, this is largely attributed to lack of gainful labor and destitution. The way that the young is raised in Africa has an immense impact on the temperament and the way that the generation behaves and make decisions once they become of age. Many traditional families in Africa determines the role of the female to be one which takes care of and raises the children. This may cause a distorted development of conduct that could also cause distasteful being.

China is the most populated country in the world. It has over 1billion people compared to 7 billion world population. Its economy is also one of the strongest in the world due to the use of modern technology in manufacturing of products. Because of that varied tribal, ethnic and racial population that is in one geographical place, there are various social and cultural aspects that influence the decision making, standards of living and general economic behavior of the country. According to Chu, G. C., & Ju, Y. (1993), various forms of cultural capital such as education and intellect among others has enabled China to make public policies that helps the country to expand its global market of goods and services and thus creating a stronger economy.

Education and the role of parenting in shaping child education is lower in china compared to India though there are many intellects in china because they stress in gaining of knowledge and technical skills even using informal means of education. The behavior of Chinese people and their innovative skills is a product of the kind of parenting and social influence by close associates that cause the culture change that has helped drive the economic performance of the country. Chinese enjoys higher standards compared to Africans and the Indians due to the use of skills and intellect to improve their infrastructures and other social amenities.

The benefits, social problems and policy issues associated with culture change

According to Liu, K. (2004), Culture change has been a benefit the three ethic societies but in varied measures depending on the degree of influence of the role of parenting, families, close associates and institutions in shaping the attitudes, believes and the behaviors of its people. The influence of culture change brings socio-economic development which in terms improves the standards of living, employment levels and the welfare of the people. Cultural capital is an ingredient in culture change that catalyses the efficiency of human capital to increase productivity by encouraging good attitude, behavior and focus in good policy and decision making.

Adopting good behavior and channeling energy to better ways of improving the standards of living is the only way of ensuring that the optimal social welfare of the people

is achieved. The social problems that will arise with culture change my include loss of morals, crime, widening of poverty gap and inequity in social welfare. This is due to unbalanced economic development among various regions in a country and the adopting of new ways of doing things.


In conclusion, it's good to understand that culture change is a long-lasting social process. Policy makers should therefore endeavor to improve and redefine some of the basic cultural traits in the society that will enable people to focus of good decision making. Political and economic institutions should be reformed and restructured to give space to culture change. This will be the only way to influence change and gain from cultural capital that is sometimes underestimated by most policy makers. From the analysis of the three ethnic societies it is clear that culture change is good aspect of good policy and decision making.


Chu, G. C., & Ju, Y. (1993). The great wall in ruins: Communication and cultural change in China. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press.

Fonlon, B. N. (2010). Challenge of culture in Africa: From restoration to integration. Mankon, Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG.

Lareau, A. (1987). Social class differences in family-school relationships: The importance of cultural capital. Sociology of education, 73-85.

Liu, K. (2004). Globalization and cultural trends in China. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawai'i Press.

P.E. Petrakis, P.C. Kostis (2013) Economic Growth and Cultural Change, Journal of Socio-Economics, Issue C, Vol. 47, pp. 147-157, DOI 10.1016/j.socec.2013.02.011

Tenhunen, S., & Sa?€a?€va?€la?€, M. (2012). An introduction to changing India: Culture, politics and development. London: Anthem Press.

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Ethnographic Comparison: African, Indian, and Chinese cultures. (2019, Jun 24). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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