Differences between Professional Athletes and Amateurs

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There are various differences between professional athletes andamateurs. Such as dietary habit, exercise duration time, injury and so on. In this essay, I’ll briefly talk about these three aspects with help of Internet.

First of all, I’ll talk about the dietary habit. There is an easy mistake that an amateur would make, that is consuming too much sugar. Too much sugar that a body can’t absorb would increase the burden of the body’s digestive system. On the contrary, a professional athlete eats properly. A professional athlete will limit the absorption of calories, and choose the kind of meat to eat. For example, a professional athlete will eat chicken rather than pork, because chicken contain more protein and more easier that a body can digest and absorb. A professional athlete has a correct diet which makes him healthier.

Next, I’ll talk about the exercise duration time. As for an amateur, it depends on how much he like the sport and how much spare time he has. For a professional athlete, there will be a schedule that he must follow. And of course, the high of a career depends on how much he has paid. Some athletes such as Kobe Bryant will spend much more time than the others, which makes him always in good condition. Generously, professional athletes have more exercise duration time than an amateur, which makes them professional.

In this paragraph, I’ll talk about the injury. As a professional athlete, he will have a higher risk to severely get injured than an amateur. And a severe injury influences a professional much more than an ordinary people, some injuries might cause permanent damage, which will bury a professional athlete’s career. Instead, a severe injury might not infect an ordinary people’s career but daily life. Some athlete retied because of an injury. Injury does destroy some of the athletes’ dream. Brandon Roy, an NBA player, retired because of torn ligament. He is a talented player but early leave the professional basketball. He didn’t even get to his peak. What a loss! There are so many players like Brandon Roy retire at a young age. And many players loss or miss an important game due to injury. Hope there will not be injury no more!

Let me draw a brief conclusion. A professional athlete has a healthier diet than an amateur. Professional athletes’ exercise duration time are longer to make them in good condition and competitive. Professional athletes have a higher risk to severely get injured.

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Differences Between Professional Athletes and Amateurs. (2022, Oct 04). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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