Executive Summary
Successful quality circles offer a wide variety of benefits for businesses. They talk about the perceptions as well as employee's awareness, increase management's awareness of employee ideas, as well as employee awareness of the need for innovation within the company. Adding on, quality circles can improve a business's competitiveness by reducing costs, improving quality, and promoting innovation.HZL with the above motives, implemented the Quality Circles. The Quality Circles lead t self development, mutual development, quality improvement , cost reduction, waste reduction, productivity improvement, improvement in safety, job satisfaction , problem solving opportunities, people involvement and participation in team building. But, at present the Quality Circles are not able reciprocate the same.
Therefore the present study aims at two basic objectives
So the quality circles being not up to the mark ,the project aims to streamline the Quality Circle activities at Debari and to provide impetus so that the members get onto self-motivated mode. Further, to facilitate the environment for the activities and conduct appropriate guidance structures at Hindustan Zinc Limited .There must be support based on the respect of humanity, aiming at participation by everybody .Also, to develop capabilities and capacities of the Quality Circle members and to make the work place full of vitality.
The second phase explored Competency Mapping of the employees.Competency plays an important role in shaping up the perceptions of the employees.It is basically a measure to avoid making the mistake of hiring a round peg for a square hole. One of the underlying principles of Competency Mapping is finding the right person for the right job (specially the Facilitators of the quality circles).
After the detailed study on reasons behind the non effectiveness of Quality Circles, Competency Mapping Study was taken up. The facilitator's competencies were taken into account for the same. An effort was taken up to relate the individual competencies to the competencies required for the best Quality Circle Practices at HZL.
Identifying, assessing and linking people competency with the Quality Circle competency from the core mapping. Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a particular position in an organization. Therefore, the executive's opinion about the competencies required for the Quality Circles was taken into account. The relevance and role of HR Managers is going through a flux. The new generation HR Manager attempts to link their individual competency with those set of competencies, which make them successful in their leadership role. In the present study, executives from various departments were selected randomly and were included in the sample. Questionnaires were filled by only those executives who had a free will. The find outcome of this project is in the development of a suggested framework to unable them to bridge the gap between the prevalent and required set of competencies. Hindustan Zinc Smelter (Debari) at present is not making use of the Competency Mapping tool. Therefore the executives were made aware of this tool of HR and to make them know the benefits of Competency Mapping as a tool to help their growth in an organization. Various formats to get the Quality Circles get streamlined are also suggested which include Evaluation Criteria, Format for the meetings and the minutes ,Introduction for of the commandments of QC's, relating awards and recognition to the same. As a result the company organized a Quality Circle gathering with a lunch in which a briefing for the Quality Circles was again given ,besides bags to all the quality circle members were given so as to give them recognition by differentiating them from the non members.
Certificate From Industry Guide
Certificate From Faculty Guide
This is to certify that, Ms Arushi Chauhan from MBA (HR) class of 2009 is a Bonafide student of Amity Business School, Amity University - Uttar Pradesh and is presently pursuing a Post Graduate Programme in Management.
Under my guidance, she has submitted her project titled “Validating Competency Mapping for Attaining Best Quality Circle Practices at HZL”, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the summer internship project from Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udaipur, from May 1, 2008 to June 30, 2008 during the Post Graduate Programme in Management.
This report has not been previously submitted as part of another degree or diploma of another business school or university. (Date July 24, 2008)
Dr. R. Sujatha
Senior Faculty (HR)
Amity Business School
Welcome To The Vedanta Group
Vedanta an over US $ 8.2 billion, Vedanta Resources plc (“Vedanta”) is a London listed FTSE 100 diversified metals and mining major. The group produces aluminium, copper, zinc, lead and iron ore and also commercial energy. Vedanta has operations in India, Zambia and Australia and a strong organic growth pipeline of projects. With an empowered talent pool of 30,000 employees globally, Vedanta places strong emphasis on partnering with all its stakeholders based on the core values of entrepreneurship, excellence, trust, inclusiveness and growth.
Vedanta Resources Plc - A Snapshot
2) Global presence
3) Sterlite Group has also strong presence in Optical cables business through
Sterlite Optical Technologies Ltd. (a non Vedanta Company)
4) A leading producer of key commodities in India
$7.5 billion investment programme. First phase of $2.2 billion completed on time and within budget. The next phase of $5.3 billion under implementation and on schedule.
Various objectives of Sterlite group regarding HZL are:
Introduction to Quality Circle
A Quality Circle is a small group in which people who work in the first line work place, continually improve and maintain the quality of products, services, job.
This small group promotes the activity in such a way as to autonomously administer it, utilize the QC concept and technique and others, display creativity and make self development and mutual development.
This activity intent to:
The executives and the mangers in order to make QC Circle activities successful, contribute to improving the enterprises, constitute and implement company wide TQM or similar one by themselves. Facilitate the environment for the activity and continually, conduct appropriate guidance and support based on the respect for humanity, aiming at the participation by everybody and positioning the activity as important for human resources development and work place utilization
Quality Circles Functioning:
A typical quality circle consists of 5 to 10 members from the same working area. A leader is either elected by the members or the senior most people assumes the leader's role.
The quality circle meets once every week, usually outside working hours. The meeting lasts for half hour to one hour.
The quality circle is assisted by a facilitator or a coordinator, who is from the executive cadre.
The facilitator helps in ensuring that the requirements for the quality circle meetings are met. He also is the contact between the quality circles and the senior management. In many cases, the facilitator helps the team in case they face difficult in solving a problem.
Quality Circle Policy at Hindustan Zinc Limited
This policy provides objectives of the Company's Quality Circle Program and outlines a broad framework for operations of quality circles in the company for its continuity and consistency amongst the units. It provides the strategic direction for the efforts to achieve sustainable operations of quality circles in the company and qualitative aspects embedded in the company's vision and mission statements. It incorporates the basic approach of quality circles concept appropriately to improve the work culture.
The quality circles will have the following objectives:
The Set Up:
Role of QC Leader
Role of Facilitator
An executive of shop floor will facilitate each QC.This executive - The Facilitator - will be responsible in following ways:
Role of Convenor
For overall coordination & facilitating jobs at unit level, the HOD of Unit I.E. Dept. will act as the UNIT convenor (s) to expedite the coordination process. He will be responsible for:
Unit Steering Group (USG)
Corporate support to all QC activities in the Units would be extended through a Corporate QC Steering Group.
The Operative Framework:
Role of Unit Steering Group:
Performance Evaluation:
The performance of each quality circle will be evaluated based on following guidelines:
No. of Meetings (Frequency at least once 15(Maximum 17
in 21 days) meetings in a year)
Regular submission of minutes of 10meetings/reports to Unit Convenor
potential of the groups
No. of solutions implemented 10
No. of presentations made, quality of 20 presentation, participation of members special features in the presentation. Comparison among circles will be done on the basis of the marks scored by different QCs of the unit.
Recognition & Facilitations Aspects:
The efforts of circles attract non -financial awards only which could be in terms of recognition /publicity and theothers as outlined below:
At the time of formation & registration of quality circles:
After 10 meetings or completing at least one useful project whichever is later - inviting QC members with spouse on a ‘tea” by HOD.
After 1st presentation to HOD of Respective Department, a certificate would be given to all QC members on a tea-get-together of the department.
Presentation of selected QCs to Unit Head in presence of all QCS of the unit where certificates shall be awarded to circle members signed by Convenor & chairman of USG together.
Honour at important occasions where QC member could be invited with the spouse.
QC page will be included in monthly departmental and unit report giving highlights of implemented solutions.
After annual performance review of QCs in the unit publication of details of completed projects by QC members with their photographs for circulation in all the units of HZL.
Two best QCs will be selected in the unit convention after 1 year of their operations based on performance criteria & will be awarded accordingly (Preferably in quality month i.e. November).
Awarding QCFI membership to members of best two circles judged by evaluation committee constituted by Unit Steering Group Subject to eligibility.
Sending Unit's best two QC's to other units for presentation on some important occasion of the unit.
Recognition to QCs standing 1st or 2nd in Unit consecutively for two years by CQCSG.
Best quality circle judged by CQCSG at Corporate level matching with corporate image be considered for sending for participation in national competition organized by QCFI when the opportunity comes.
Introduction to Competency Mapping
In the modern competitive world, business managers are required to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business operations. As there are several factors that affect efficiency and effectiveness of operations the improvement is required to be carried out in every factor. These factors are required to bring every factor in synchronization with other factors. To improve synchronization between different elements is an important approach to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the operations.
Manpower, technical and managerial abilities are the most important resource of any organization .The most important resource is the most difficult to manage as no two persons are similar. Every person has different Qualities, attitude, motives, personality traits, skills, knowledge etc. which has effect on their performance at work. Organizations in order to facilitate excellence in the performance of the people in the organization are required to identify the right person for every job. This matching between jobs and people is an important avenue for organizational improvement efforts.
HR professional are entrusted with the responsibility for selection, training and development, administration deployment support, performance appraisal and performance diagnostics of the employees. The most important part of these responsibilities is assessment of the individuals for their superiority for different functional tasks, and development of their potential to be effective and excel in the assigned tasks.
Currently most of the organizations are using personal interview, written tests and group discussion for the purpose of assessment. These approaches were mostly based on personality tests/psychometric tests. These tests have improved assessment of candidates but still the reliability of the results is not adequate to forecast effectiveness of the selected candidate for the job.
Research conducted by Industrial and organizational psychologists have found that effectiveness of a person to carry out a job depends not only on single or isolated factors but on set of many different factors. Such set of factors that help the possessor to be effective in a particular job is termed as competency for that particular job is termed as competency for that particular job.
HR function entrusted with the responsibility of finding right person for every job and development of the employed person to do the assigned job effectively, have found competency mapping assessment as a very effective tool.
Competency mapping is the process of identification of the competencies required to perform successfully a given job or role or a set of tasks at a given point of time. It consists of breaking a given role or job into its constituent tasks or activities and identifying the competencies (technical, managerial, behavioral, conceptual knowledge, an attitudes, skills, etc.) needed to perform the same successfully. Competency assessment is the assessment of the extent to which a given individual or a set of individuals possess these competencies required by a given role or set of roles or levels of roles. Assessment centers use multiple methods and multiple assessors to assess the competencies of a given individual or a group of individuals. In order to enhance objectivity they use trained assessors and multiple methods including psychometric tests, simulation exercise, presentations, in-basket exercises, interviews, role-plays, group discussions etc. The methods to be used depend on the nature of competencies.
Psychometric tests or instruments:
These are scientific methods of assessing personality traits, attitudes, qualities, abilities, aptitude, interpersonal styles etc of individuals in an organization. Psychometric tests can be used effectively to develop individual and organizational excellence. Psychometric instruments are essentially diagnostic in nature. They are useful in assessing the intellectual, managerial, social and emotional competencies of individuals.
Typically these tests are used as a starting point for individual/team development. They enable individuals in organizations to identify strengths and areas of improvement. Hence, they provide directions for developing specific competencies. Some organizations use these for evaluating individuals; others apply these for driving change or for developmental purposes. Many organizations today use these tools to enhance their mentoring systems, team building initiatives, managerial and leadership effectiveness and leadership development.
Competency mapping is essentially an in-house job. Consultants can at best give the methodology and train line managers and HR staff. Consultants cannot do competency mapping all by themselves because no consultant can ever have all the knowledge required to identify the technological, managerial, human relations and other conceptual knowledge, attitudes and skills required for all jobs in a firm.
Where consultants are excessively relied upon, the data generated is likely to enrich the consultants and consulting firms much more than the commissioning firm itself. The lower the consultant's involvement, more the work needs to be done internally and higher the intellectual capital generation and retention within the organization.
Objective and Rationale
The objective behind taking up this project was mainly to develop a optimistically positive attitude in the employees. This would lead onto a self motivated mode to give them an impetus to get the Quality Circles streamlined. This attitude development task could be done by mapping the present competencies of the executives and knowing their level of participation in the various HR Practices taken up at HZL.
The associated objectives taken up in the two phases during the project are :
Quality Circles
A.Self Development through Change in attitude:
This is based on two ideas: that employees can often make better suggestions for improving work processes than management; and that employees are motivated by their participation in making such improvements. Thus, implemented correctly, quality circles can help HZL reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve employee morale (the most challenging factor). Other potential benefits that would be realized besides this include greater operational efficiency, reduced absenteeism, improved employee health and safety, and an overall better working climate.
Competency Mapping
A. To identify the concept of competency and competency based HR practices.
A1. By learning how to develop the mapped competencies (to streamline the
Quality Circles)
A2. By validating the various approaches towards building Competency Model.
B. Defining the factors for success in jobs (also QC ) and work roles within
the organization.
B1. Mapping succession possibilities for employees within the organization.
B2. Assessing the current performance and future development needs of
persons holding jobs and roles
To develop an understanding about the Competency Mapping HR Tool
amongst the chosen and assigned executives.
C1. Defining the concept of Competency Mapping and its symbiosis
with leadership role (aligning with the Quality Circles)
C2. Getting the Questionnaire filled up to know an individual's competency
and his willingness to enhance the workings of Quality Circles at HZL.
The project is taken to develop theoretical and application -oriented inputs on competency mapping and develop mapped competencies. HZL Debari does not have a Competency Mapping framework presently thereby having no competencies defined for any role. The challenge was to formalize the competency analysis process starting from identification of workforce competencies required to streamline the Quality Circles to utilization of competency information for activities like training &development, staffing and competency development.
Review of Quality Circle
After the Second World War, Japan was one of the devastated countries. The quality of products they produced was nothing worth mentioning. In addition the bombing of two important cities had left the country bereft of cable manpower and resources.
The Japanese emperor called a meeting of all his senior industrialists to discuss what could be done to make things turn for the better. Amended was given to study what other countries were doing to be successful.
One factor which immerged after studies was that in USA manufacturing organizations were following the advice and teachings of some persons known for their contribution to Quality. Two names that stood out were Deming and Dr. Juran.
The emperor invited these two eminent gentlemen for a lecture tour of Japan .The Japanese manufacturing concerns learned two important lessons from them:
The Japanese workforce embraced the teaching of Dr. Deming and Dr. Juran and put these teachings into practice. Their first foray into quality was to copy electronic goods. And they did it not only to perfection but even better. This story was repeated in the auto mobile industry. The Japanese .helped by the oil crisis, were able to export their small automobiles to the USA. These cars soon gained a lot of preference & popularity. What happened after that is history.
During this period what happened in Japan was spectacular. The executives and managers in the Japanese organizations felt that the teaching of Dr. Deming Dr. Juran should also be made useful to the workers. The foremen were given the responsibility to impart training in Quality to workmen .In addition the whole nation took on a responsibility of generating quality awareness. A course in quality control was broadcast over the radio. This course of 91 lessons was broadcast everyday for 15 minutes. This was followed by a television lecture series. All this happened between 1956 and 1961.
The 1st group of quality circles then known as quality control circles was launched in 1962.
The then basic principals of Quality circles were:
The work of the circle was mostly conducted outside the regular hours.
Review of Competency Mapping
A team of Educationists lead by Benjamin Bloom in the USA in mid fifties laid the foundation for identifying educational objectives and there by defining the knowledge attitudes and skills needed to be developed in education. The task force lead by Bloom took several years to make an exhaustive classification of the educational objectives that were grouped under the cognitive domain.
David McClelland the famous Harvard Psychologist has pioneered the competency movement across the world. His classic books on "Talent and Society", "Achievement Motive", "The Achieving Society", "Motivating Economic Achievement" and "Power the Inner Experience" brought out several new dimensions of the competencies. These competencies exposed by McClelland dealt with the affective domain in Bloom's terminology. The turning point for competency movement is the article published in American Psychologist in 1973 by McClelland titled where in he presented data that traditional achievement and intelligence scores may not be able to predict job success and what is required is to profile the exact competencies required to perform a given job effectively and measure them using a variety of tests.
Latter McBer a Consulting Firm founded by David McClelland and his associate Berlew have specialized in mapping the competencies of entrepreneurs and managers across the world. They even developed a new and yet simple methodology called the Behavior Event Interviewing (BEI) to map the competencies. With increased recognition of the limitations performance appraisal in predicting future performance potential appraisal got focused. And Assessment centers became popular in seventies. The setting up of an Assessment center was in integral part of the HRD plan given to L&T by the IIMA professors as early as in 1975. L&T did competency mapping and could not start assessment centers until much latter as it was not perceived as a priority area.
Materials and Methods Used
An exploratory research design was used .Data was collected from both Primary & Secondary sources.
Primary Research
The primary research involved the conduction of interviews with personnel from various Quality Circle Facilitators and Leaders. In addition interviews were conducted with other HR executives(chosen and given to me), asking their opinions about the working of the Quality Circles. Personnel's from other HR Programs like Six Sigma were contacted who gave a briefing as to what are the loopholes on the part of the management because of which the quality circles are lagging behind & how would the competency mapping tool streamline the same.
Secondary Research
The secondary research undertaken was by study of reports and policy of HZL regarding workings of Quality Circles and from information available on the public domain from the company websites and other sites from Internet.
The two phases of the project were managed as follows with the help of primary & secondary research.
The actual mapping was carried out on a very small scale for this project. To do the mapping the following steps were taking by me in mapping out competencies:
5.1 To collect information about employment related factors of contract laborers.
5.2 To study the working condition of contract laborers data on employment work undertaken, working conclusions, work hours, wages & allowance & deduction (if any) welfare, social security etc. of contract laborers are collected and analyzed.
5.3 To there any promotion of contract workers.
For Phase II ,as people could hardly give time, more emphasis was placed on individual ratings rather then on superior subordinate or peer rating which would have made the process less biased. The ratings thus commuted can be used to link competencies to any other HR system.
Competency mapping began with identification of the working competencies required to perform the organizational business activities(along with Quality Circles). Once the competencies were identified, a mapping between the targeted value of competency was tried to measure, analyze and predict the future capability of competencies and then necessary corrective / preventive actions to be taken to either enhance or maintain the current capability. The information was collected by directly approaching the executives, labourers, facilitators /leaders of various Quality Circles from the various departments. For labourers the map was built to know their skills along with competency. A specially designed questionnaire in Hindi was prepared for the labourers. Beside the record based information the information was obtained through discussions with the labourers.
Top Management
Steering Committee Management
Grass Root
Potential Members
QC Structure
Global Spread
Japan - 1962
East Asian Countries - 1970 - 1984
USA - 1974
UK - 1979
European Countries - 1976 - 1984
India - 1980
China - 1981
The business organizations all over the world have been placing greater emphasis on mapping competencies which are vital for the success of their key executives. Competencies have been defined as “An underlying characteristics of employee (i.e. a motive, trait, skill, aspects of one's self-image, social role, or a body of knowledge) which results in effective and/or superior performance (Boyatzis 1982).”
In the Indian context it is widely believed that executives are possessing analytical frame of mind which explains the success of Indian IT and ITES companies. There are many world ranking educational institutes such as IITs, IIMs, IISCs etc., which are churning out high quality professionals. Some of them are occupying high position in MNCs around the world. The people competencies are largely a function of their upbringing, type of educational provided and the kind of professional working environment, which is made available to them to work in.
Therefore while developing a competency mapping framework at HZL one of the biggest challenges before HR managers is to connect business competencies to people competencies. The Human Resource Management system is expected to play a pivotal role in linking individual competencies with the vision and mission of the HZL. Therefore the top management is first expected to take inventory of their own competencies which are vital for future success in their leadership role. Competencies are cluster of knowledge, skill, and abilities (KSA). Identifying those KSAs, which are vital for superior performance, is necessary for a leader manger.
The top management of HZL will play a pivotal role for success in business. They are supposed to be the navigator of the ship of business. The basic competency required for success in leadership roles goes much beyond simply managing subordinates (Khandwala, 2004).They have to play a proactive role in transforming the fortune of the business organization they are heading.
Against this backdrop an attempt has been made:
The major outcome of this project is to make the employees aware about the need for applying competency-mapping framework in performing their managerial roles in such a much better way by analyzing the gaps between the required and prevalent set of competencies and formulating, strategies to bridge this gap.
Construct Of Competency Mapping
Competency refers to the behavior by which skills are acquired and the desired standard of performance reached. It is interesting to note that there is thin line difference between competence and competency.
Skill based Behavior based
Standard attained Manner of behavior
What is measured How the standard is achieved
In another definition by Spencer & Spencer (1993) competency has been defined as “Competencies are an underlying characteristic leading to successful performance.”
Competencies may be grouped as follows:
Knowledge is awareness, information or understanding about facts,rules,principles,guidelines,concepts,theories,or processes needed to successfully perform a task .The information may be concrete ,specific, and easily measurable or more complex ,abstract, and difficult to assess. Knowledge is acquired through learning and experience. Examples include knowledge of diagnostic characteristics of a disorder, or knowledge of a practice guideline.
Historically ,training and education programs have placed heavy emphasis on imparting knowledge .From a competency perspective ,it is important that knowledge considered essential for a task or job be identified as explicitly as possible. Consistent with Mc Cleland's original set of premises the knowledge imparted should also have a link to meaningful, work related outcomes. Therefore, the assessment of knowledge as an element of competency should take into consideration the impact of that knowledge on individual job performance.
A skill is a capacity to perform physical or mental tasks with a specified outcome. Similar to knowledge, skills can range from highly concrete and easily identifiable tasks, to less tangible and more abstract tasks, such as facilitating a team meeting in order to achieve consensus. Spencer and Spencer refers to knowledge and skills collectively as “surface” competencies, as they tend to be the easiest elements of competency to develop through training.
An ability is demonstrated cognitive or physical capability to successfully perform a task with a wide range of possible outcomes. It is often a constellation of several underlying capacities that enable us to learn and perform. Examples of abilities include thinking analytically, problem solving, making projections based on current data, managing or evaluating a program, synthesizing and integrating information from several sources. Abilities are more complex than skills, and difficult and time consuming to develop, as they typically have a strong component of innate capacity. For example analytical thinking comes more naturally to some people.
Distinction between Central & Surface Competencies
(Sangi 2004)
Knowledge and Skill
Core personality
Self Concept
Fig 1.
The Distinction:
The term competencies is having much wider meaning and multifarious connotation such as skill, knowledge, traits ,motives, self concepts, social orientation etc. Another view of competencies is to consider them as a cluster of key KSAs .It has been believed that the employees possessing appropriate knowledge, skill abilities can deliver superior performance. Identifying such a blend of KSAs from the foundation for competencies mapping framework.
Competency mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a particular position in an organization Garrett define it as ,'Competency mapping is a process an individual uses to identify and describe competencies that are most critical to success in a work situation or work role”. In other words, it involves defining what is important to be successful in a job. Competency Mapping identifies an individual's strengths, weaknesses in order to help them better understand themselves and to show them where career development efforts need to be directed. Competency mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization. Therefore competency mapping has two aspects first is related to identifying individual competencies and second is to assess the job related competency.
The success of HR leadership lies in mapping these two types of competencies on a two-dimensional plane, so that the gap between these if any, can be analyzed. The successful HR manager's devise appropriate strategies such as job evaluation, recruitment, Training &Development, succession planning, performance management system etc.
The success of an organization largely depends on a quality of senior level managers. How well they perform their leadership role defines the future course of action for the organizations. Competency Mapping has become the latest buzzword in HR literature .However very less research work has been conducted which aims to identify the core competencies which are required by key managers for achieving in their leadership role. A study by Khandwala (2004) attempts to fulfill this gap. The present communication is yet another attempt to find out the applicability of competency mapping framework through empirical analysis of Indian HR managers of selected business organizations.
Classification of the Competencies:
1) Organizational Competencies
2) Job related Competencies
3) Personal Competencies
Organizational competencies are unique factors that make an organization competitive. According to C.K. Prahlad and Hamel who wrote the famous book competing in the future,”Organisational competencies:
Organization need to focus their efforts in the area of their competencies and strengthen them and outsource the other activities. This is very important as these competencies are fundamental to the success of the organization.
Job related competencies are those competencies are which are required for performing a specific job. These are the competencies one must demonstrate to be effective in his job/role, task, or duty. Thus these competencies are job or role specific and vary from job to job. A competency model can be used to develop specific job related competencies and come out with a competency dictionary. These competencies are organization specific as roles and responsibilities may vary from time to time and organization to organization even though the job title may be the same. Job related competencies may become the criteria for most of the HR functions like selection .T & D, performance appraisal, compensation etc.
Personal competencies are aspects of an individual they include the abilities of individuals to perform the activities within an occupation or function to the standard expected in employment. It includes the various behavioral competencies apart from the knowledge and the skill level of an individual, the competencies includes:
Other competencies are:
Threshold competencies are those competencies which a job holder needs in order to perform the job effectively. However these competencies do not distinguish the average performer from a superior performer. It is the differentiating competencies which are present only in superior performer which makes them excel in their respective roles or jobs and bring out outstanding performance. For example knowledge about manufacturing process, tools, equipments is threshold competency and quality orientation is the differentiating competency.
Mc Gregor's X & Y theories:
One of the assumptions people have about workers is that most people just don't like to work. Due to this dislike for work most people must be coerced controlled, directed and threatened with punishment to make them work. Also, an average human being works a bear minimum lacks ambition, refuses to take responsibilities, and would rather be told what to do than to think for himself.
Alternatively the other assumption is that people do not like or dislike work inherently but rather develop an attitude towards it based on their experience with it. People possess enough imagination, ingenuity, and creativity to solve organizational problems. Hence under the right circumstances, people do not shun responsibility but seek it.
These two assumptions about people's behavior are summarized in the table.
It is important for every facilitator to introspect and find out what is his attitude towards people , more so in the quality circle environment.
Quality circles operate on the factors assumed under theory Y and the theory itself finds practical application in Quality Circles.
X and Y Theory Comparison
Assumed Attitude of employee towards |
Theory X |
Theory Y |
Organizational Objectives |
Indifferent to them |
Will work towards them if they perceive rewards associated with doing so |
Responsibility |
Will avoid it if possible |
Will accept responsibility if they are rewarded for acting with responsibility. |
Work |
Dislike all forms of work |
Consider work as natural as play if they associate reward with working |
Rewards |
Want money and security. More pay will produce more work. |
Behave in a way that seek to satisfy a variety of needs. |
Appropriate means of dealing with employees |
Coercion, pressure, threat of punishment. Well specified tasks and close control. Pay and monetary incentives. |
Establish a work environment in which employees can realize recognition ,challenge, satisfaction of achievement etc. |
Competency Mapping
Competency for a job can be defined as a set of attributes that enable an employee to meet and exceed expectations of his internal as well as external customers and stake holders.
It has been a general observation that hard work, sincerity, knowledge, intelligence, alone does not make a person star performer in his profession in his profession. There are other factors that help an individual to excel in his profession. We have observed that top scorers from objective type of tests are not able to hold their rank in descriptive type of tests .Similarly a good runner is not always a good hockey player, as every game needs different set of physical and mental qualities to excel. Thus set of human qualities that make a person star performer for a particular activity defines the competency for that particular activity.
Good managers are generally aware about different qualities a person must possess to do a job effectively, and they make use of their knowledge to select and train their subordinates. Organizational psychologists have studied and refined this understanding and converted it into a structured and formal process thus making it available for business application.
In organization or business context, competency required for a particular job depends on many factors. The factors include social culture, nature of business, business environment, organizational culture, work environment, organizational structure, duties and responsibilities, nature of processes and assigned activities, attitude and motives of colleagues, superiors & subordinates. Some of these factors may change with time, and thus changing competency requirements for the same job position in an organization.
Competency for any job position at a particular time is a unique set and as organization has many different job positions, managing many such sets is a difficult task. Hence for the purpose of HR management, the job competency is divided into elemental competencies.
Fig 2.
Competency mapping and Leadership Role: A symbiosis
Leadership is supposed to be all pervasive in the organization .Success in leadership role can make or mar the fortunes of a business organization. With the unprecedented pressures of the globalization the business cannot afford to take risk. Therefore increasing emphasize is being placed on identifying the set of core competencies which are vital for making one vibrant and a dynamic leader, who is capable of transforming the entire synergy of business. Efforts are being made to unravel not only the present competencies but also to forecast the competencies which will be required in future. This exercise of identifying competencies and working on them to be inculcate in one's personality definitely makes one a better leader. This in essence, is the symbiotic relationship between competence mapping and leadership.
According to Khandwala, a senior manager is required to play multiple roles such as strategic roles, operational roles and leadership roles. He has developed an inventory of six sub sets of managerial competency. While performing strategic roles, the senior managers are required to be proficient in contextual sensitivity competencies. Simlarly, the initiative to smoothly manage new projects and seize new opportunities is also vital for achieving in the strategic role. For the operational roles, the senior mangers must adopt a resilient problem solving attitude. They should also be highly innovative for achieving success in leadership role, great emphasis is laid on mapping interpersonal relationship with a focus on task execution competencies.
The HR manger is the pivot around which the whole organization revolves. The HR managers are vital link between the management and the workforce. The success of an organization is intricately linked to the effectiveness of HR leadership. Rothwell in his extensive research work identified some of the competencies possessed by HR mangers. Some of them are visionary leadership, sound knowledge of the business, successful change agents, excellent interpersonal skills based on mutual trust, emphatic behavior, caring and nurturing attitude etc.
HR manager plays the caretaker role in an organization. The nurturing environment developed by Hr manager boosts the moral of the rest of the workforce in an organization .It is a generally accepted notion that HR managers must be good psychologist to manage huge diversity prevailing among the employees. Ulrich Dave in his famous book entitled Human Resource Champion advocates that the new vision of HR must be defined by what HR can deliver and not by he does.
In future the complexion of the HR profession will undergo a sea-change .The HR manager will be required to act as a strategist. The HR manger of future must essentially have a problem solving attitude to enhance performance of their workforce. They will require to design and deliver flexible and customized HR systems. The futuristic HR manager must be well versed with the IT and techniques, as their application will abound in future.
Moreover the function of Competency Mapping and development and assessment centers has become one of the key responsibilities of HR mangers. Their responsibility does not end there but it also covers the formulation and implementation of various techniques to equip employees with the required set of competencies.
Competencies and Career development: A SYMBIOSIS
First and foremost, competencies must be demonstrated by individuals. Perhaps the most common place where they are demonstrated is within the scope of a particular job or project involvement. However, competencies are also developed and demonstrated by individuals in the following settings: volunteer roles in the community, professional associations, school projects, sports participation settings, and even within one's own home life.
One of the first encounters with competencies for most individuals is in securing employment with a new organization. Organizations that are purposefully using cutting-edge methods to choose talent for positions or project roles are engaging in what is called “competency-based interviewing and selection”. These interviewing and selection methods are being used not only for hiring external applicants, but also for staffing internal roles, as described later in this article.
Many organizations that use competency-based interviewing and selection are also later using the same competencies to assess performance, to encourage future development plans from individuals, and to plan for succession in the organization. Therefore, the individual employees in such an organization will have an ongoing need to use and map their competencies.
Up to this point, it is implied that the main need for identifying and mapping competencies is for individuals who may be pursuing full-time employment with HZL. However, the need for mapping of competencies also extends to independent contractors seeking project work with those organizations that broker their services. Take the example of The Fulcrum Network, an organizational development consulting brokerage organization. Fulcrum recently released a manual entitled “How to Hire the Right Consultant,” in which it identified 18 factors that can be used to evaluate consultants. (Fulcrum Network, 2002, pg. 10) Most of the 18 factors would be considered competencies.
Phase I Findings
According to the available data and information through the quality circle members lately on April 30 , 2003 the number of quality circles was 28 which are as follows:
Sr. No. |
Name of Quality Circle |
Department |
1 |
Karmath |
R & A |
2 |
Samadhan |
R & A |
3 |
Nivaran |
R & A |
4 |
Adarsh |
R & A |
5 |
Astha |
L & P |
6 |
Golden |
L & P |
7 |
Maharana Pratap |
ZE |
8 |
Shivaji |
ZE |
9 |
Jai Mewar |
Zn Dust |
10 |
Sanjivni |
Lab |
11 |
Sanskar |
12 |
Jagriti |
Instrumentation |
13 |
Prerna |
Instrumentation |
14 |
Viashwakarma |
Civil |
15 |
Shriram |
Wood Shop |
16 |
Trishul |
Electrolysis |
17 |
Shakti |
Electrolysis |
18 |
Hariom |
DG Set |
19 |
Sahayog |
Mechanical |
20 |
Shreenath |
Mechanical |
21 |
Parivartan |
Mechanical |
22 |
Diamond |
Auto |
23 |
Star |
LR Mill |
24 |
Arjun |
Workshop |
25 |
Purushottam |
P & A |
26 |
Saraswati |
P & A |
27 |
Ridhi-Sidhi |
Finance |
28 |
Prayas |
Materials |
After the analysis done it was found that only 15 Quality Circles are in process at May 30,2008 and which are as follows:
Sr. No. |
Name of Quality Circle |
Department |
1 |
Karmath |
R & A |
2 |
Rashtahit |
R & A |
3 |
Novelty |
4 |
Pragatisheel |
5 |
Maharana |
ZE |
6 |
Jagriti |
ZE |
7 |
IT |
IT |
8 |
Sagar |
W.Supply |
9 |
Golden |
Instrumentation |
10 |
Lakshya |
Instrumentation |
11 |
Sunrise |
L & P |
12 |
Shrinath |
L & P |
13 |
Best |
L & P |
14 |
Sanjivni |
Lab |
15 |
Rana |
E.S. |
Reasons for the failure of the quality circles are:
Recommendations for Phase I
Here are some suggestions to get the Quality Circles streamlined at Hindustan Zinc Limited.
People differ not only in their ability to do but also their will to do. The motivation of a person depends on the strength of his motives. Motives are sometimes defined as needs, wants, derives or impulses , within the individual. Motives are directed towards goals which may be conscious or sub conscious.
Urge to satisfy the Need
Internal Need
Need -Urge - Interrelationship
Some of the needs that are satisfied through quality circles are as follows:
Hindustan Zinc must bring the ten commandments of Quality Circles in their Policy
The commandments are as follows:
It is a lie to say, “We have no problems.” Problems are everywhere. Actively search them out.
Use accurate data no guess work. Observe the workplace carefully and grasp the facts accurately using data.
You can not win empty -handed .Study the quality Circle tools well and apply them thoroughly and effectively.
Skill is important. Improve your technical ability by studying specialists skills , techniques and tricks.
It is not good trying to everything at once. Advance steadily by faithfully following the QC seven-step formula.
Do not be beguiled by apparently attractive solutions. Analyze the possible causes rigorously and only act after identifying the true ones.
Computers are useful but not creative. Exercise your ingenuity and originality.
Without a rational approach ,thing will come to a dead end. Move ahead using the QC viewpoint.
It is not good standing back and telling the subordinates to get on with it. Learn to tackle difficulties.
Never give up.Br determined and fight to the last.
Evaluation Criteria:
So as to make the Quality Circles more effective the following evalution scheme must be followed. This may create a sense of belongingness to the circle and would help the Team members to work on their Quality Circle in order to score more. The evaluation criteria can be as follows:
Selection of the best circle:
Sr. No |
01 |
30 |
02 |
100% |
20 |
03 |
4/YEAR |
20 |
04 |
2/YEAR |
10 |
05 |
20 |
06 |
100 |
Associating Rewards and Recognition:
Suggested Format
This simple format is recommended to compulsorily to complete every time a Quality Circle meeting is held. This will help to evaluate the effectiveness of the workings of the quality circles at HZL.Along with this this will be helpful in maintaining records.
Sr. Mgr. (MS)
Zinc Smelter, Debari
Sub:- Registration of Quality Corcle
We are forming a Quality Circle whose details are as under:-
1-Name of Quality Circle
2-Area of Quality Circle
3-Meeting Day
5-Area Coordinator
Details of membership are as under
S No. Name E. No. Role Signature
Signature of FacilitatorSignature of Coordinator
Phase II Findings
Compiled Analysis of the sample size of 10 executives from different departments:-
a)Helps in building necessary knowledge about a new concept.
b)Makes than more completive.
c)Benefited in working culture team organization, source of motivation to work hard.
d)Enhances their professional growth.
e)Helps in increasing interpersonal skills.
The next best designation for the selected sample of individuals at HZL is of:-
(Table No. : 5)
Sr.No. |
Present job profile |
Department |
Next Designation (In their opinion) |
1. |
New imitative 9OD), Audit launching, payroll, HR Administration |
HR |
A.G.M. |
2. |
Manager, Supervisor Subordinates for smooth running of plant |
Leaching & pacification |
Associate Manager |
3. |
Process control, Monitoring quality, R & W activities |
Laboratory |
A.G.M. |
4. |
HR Head |
HR |
G.M. |
5. |
Looking at cadmium plant along with additional jobs at L & P |
Leaching |
Manager |
6. |
Dive Six Sigma Initiative, handhold projects as per DMAIC roadmap |
Six Sigma |
G.M. |
7. |
Preparing M/S Reports, calculation of production data, Keeping track of data |
M/S. |
Associate Manager |
8. |
M/S Project, Establishment sections |
J. Manager |
Manager |
9. |
Purchases & imports related to plant machinery & spares |
Materials |
Head Purchase |
10. |
Coordinator for M/S. L &D, Legal Cases, Welfare activities on line HR System |
HR |
Unit HR Head. |
Detailed Analysis of the contractual labourers (Sample : 30)
Q.1Number of years the workers have been employed at HZL.
(Table No. 6)
Sr.No. |
No. of Years |
Value |
1 |
Less than 6 months |
2 |
2 |
6 months to 1 year |
2 |
3 |
1 yearto 5 years |
4 |
4 |
5 years to 10 years |
8 |
5 |
10 years to 15 years |
7 |
6 |
15 years to 20 years |
0 |
7 |
20 years to 25 years |
4 |
8 |
25 years to 30 years |
3 |
Total |
30 |
Fig 7
The distribution of the sample shows that workers are well settled in their particular work for a long time 77% of the sample size taken are working in the plant for more than 5 years. They are used to the work and have no plans to quit in the future. They have a sense of belongingness which adheres them to same position all the more.
Q.2In the time allotted for lunch & refreshments enough for them?
Analysis: Workers are actually given an hour for lunch, rest & refreshments. In the sample 26 workers came up with the fact that they were satisfied with the time allotted for lunch. 4 exceptions were the workers who work on the furnace taking out slack & doing the rappelling work. They said they just go in rotation as an when time is available. When one worker is back then only another one is able to go. So, in a way they have to make hurry so that another one can go. Therefore, they do not have time for rest unlike other workers.
But, again the fact is that these workers who work on the furnace all paid the highest of the rest of the workers i.e. 289 per day.
Fig 8
Q.3How many hours do they actually work on the plant?
Analysis: Every worker has to work for eight hours minimum. But the actual distribution is as follows:-
(Table No. 9)
1 hour |
Lunch & Rest |
10 Minutes |
Morning Tea |
10 Minutes |
Evening Tea |
15 Minutes |
Changing and reaching the plant & finally getting started |
30 Minutes |
Winding up the day's work, taking a shows to go back home |
All this accounts for more than 2 hours daily. A single shift is for 8 hours and two hours are minimum required for the about listed factors. Therefore on an average a worker is actually at work for not more than 6 to 7 hours depending upon how active a worker is and his sincerety towards work. Many workers even take more than 10 minutes for their tea time. Therefore even if the worker says he leaves the work premises fifteen to twenty minutes late after the actual shift time he is not working for those extra minutes for which he stays in the work area.
Q.4 What in their opinion do they think about their work? Can they work more than they do at present or the work load is already very much?
Analysis: 48% of the sample size says that the workload is too much they need to work more than they can comfortably do. They are of the opinion that, if their workload is cut down they will be able to deliver more an in a better way.
29% of the sample workers think the work given to tham is according to their capabilities, they are satisfied with the present work load and the working scenario.They seem to have been contented with what they do daily, they don't want any kind of changes in their daily work on the schedule. They are happy doing the same monotonous job daily. They don't ever think of any progress, therefore there is even not any innovation in their working styles.
23% of the workers feel that, at times the workload is more. Whenever there in some breakdown they have to work harder, were else the daily routine work is done by them easily. They are of the opinion, when the workload level is high they have to do it, they have no other option, to be on the job they have to keep up their performance during crisis.
Fig 10.
Q.5Do they face any difficulty during work?
Analysis: 59% of the workers said that they do not face any kind of difficulty or problems during work. The reasons behind this:-
a)They have been doing the same kind of work since a long time.
b)Some trivial issues here & there do not matter much they solve them themselves.
24% workers of the sample taken said that they face problems while working. The steps taken by them to resolve them are as follows.
- Speak out the issue to the engineer.
-They have no other option but to solve it all by themselves.
-They inform the concerned office of the particular department where they work.
-At times workers seek the help of their supervisors and this way to resolve any issue is the most common among the workers.
-Some workers were of the opinion that they solve it themselves, they approach the plant people or the concerned authority only in the extreme cases.
17 %of the workers said that they face the problems or difficulty sometimes specially during a breakdown or so. The steps taken by them are the same as taken by the workers who said they have issues very often.
Fig 11
Q.6. Did they do this type of work before. Where? For what duration?
Analysis:100% of the sample size has not done the kind of work they are doing now. Either they were doing some other work on some of them have started with HZL only.
Q.7Why are they working at HZL.
Analysis: They are working at HZL
-At their free will
-They do not have an invitation outside HZL.
-5% of the workers are here because they think that they are paid here more than outside.
-Another fact they get a weekly off.
-If any injury is there they, are compensated by the company so they feel secure and are not worried about their medical expenses in case they face any mishap.
-They even get a decent overtime more than they can get working anywhere else other then HZL.
-In the sample a female worker came up with the fact that there is not body else at here place who can earn therefore she is working here. She is ready to work harder and prefers to do in office work than being on the plant.
-Workers are also of the opinion that they have been working here since a long time and don't want to discontinue.
Q.8No. of leaves taken in last 15 days.
Analysis: On an average a worker takes at least two leaves besides the official off's the Reasons for leaves taken.
-The most common being work at home.
-Next reason is health related issues.
-A worker was of the opinion that when he gets really worked up, he takes two days leave gets energized and gets back to work with full vigour
Q.9The workers capable of doing any other work than what they are doing now?
Analysis:13% of the workers said they cannot do anything else. The reason being they have been doing the same work even since they are working & it's too late to change now.
Rest all the workers feel they are competent enough for some or the other work than what they presently all doing and would be happy if by doing some other work they get their pay raised.
Workers even feel that if they are taught some other work they will be happy doing that.
The basic reasons of refusal to join quality circles .The facilitator will have to be sensitized to these reasons and be prepared to help people overcome them.
Some of the common reasons found while doing the project are as follows:
Impact of Competency Mapping on quality Circles
1) Competency Mapping projects an appearance as a “cutting-edge” and well-prepared candidate, who has taken the time to learn about competencies, investigate those in demand, and map his/her own competencies prior to interviewing. Demonstrates self-confidence that comes from knowing one's competitive advantages more convincingly, and from being able to articulate those advantages in specific language.
2) Secures essential input to resume development - the need for HZL is to assign the Quality Circle to those employees who can get them working after restructuring the mindset of the members to QCs.
3) Develops the capability to compare one's actual competencies to an organization or position's required/preferred competencies, therefore the recruitments HZL goes for in near future for HR , must actually look for the people with knowledge & capability to get the Quality Circles working again with full vigour.
4) The true factors for success don't really vary that much in most organizations. This is another way of saying that competencies tend to be valid across a wide range of jobs, work roles, organizations, industries, and professions. Therefore, even if competencies are not officially being used at HZL they do indeed have a lot to do with success. So an individual who is prepared with insight into his/her own competencies will probably be able to handle the Quality Circles better than a person having no knowledge of the same.
Many strong philosophical offer argument for the importance of an individual knowing and mapping his/her competencies as part of ongoing career planning inside an organization. Nowell-Philipp says that in today's organizations, especially those going through fundamental change, it is essential to be able to “articulate your value-add and who you are, as a person and as a professional, in language that is common and accepted in the organization”. That prerogative implies the importance of competency-based self presentation: at this time especially at HZL so that the leadership qualities of the employees are brought forward which would bring forth healthy quality circles.
Based upon the above description of the benefits of competency mapping, and the likely organizational and self-employed applications of one's competency map, it is probably clear that an individual needs to become very familiar with his/her own competencies and examples of when they have been demonstrated in the past. Therefore, individuals need to build some time into their career management efforts to do the following:
Research (likely through informational interviews with key contacts) which competencies are in demand in HZL as a whole, and in particular positions of interest.
Map their current competencies, giving emphasis to those which appear to be in the most demand at HZL for the best practices of the Quality Circles at HZL.
Practice describing the competencies, complete with behavioral examples of past use. Map their Quality Circles development needs for additional competencies, based on their future career goals. One caution here: The Gallup Organization has recently presented the results of relevant research in their best-selling books First Break All the Rules, and later, Now, Discover Your Strengths. They caution that Strengths (talents, to which one has added knowledge and skills) may not be developable in many cases, and may need to be built into up-front hiring criteria as a result. So the caution with using competencies for development planning is this - be careful of spending too much time trying to develop a missing competency into strength. Sometimes the implication may be for the individual to find a position that better matches his/her current strengths.
Future implications:
A competency model can provide an important, and useful, tool to guide individual development. Mapping the future is no different. It describes what it takes for one as an individual contributor and as a workplace learning and performance professional, to achieve career success. It is a foundation on which an individual's carrier plan can be build and can develop him in the specifically chosen plan. The key to a successful career in future is to align with the needs of the organization and their leaders to achieve business results.” Mapping the Future” provides the means to create a common language that you can use to discuss what is it that one's organization needs from workplace learning and performance. It also answers this question: What competencies should individuals possess to be successful in the field? It provides a clear picture of success so one can compare his performance against a set of valid descriptions.
Therefore the need at Hindustan Zinc is to get the Quality Circles streamlined and the employees need to align their competencies with this particular need at Hindustan Zinc Limited to achieve business results. Apart from the recommendations given to get the Quality Circles back in the normal process, finding the right person for the right job is also the need of the hour at Hindustan Zinc Limited.
One may however begin by some reflection on what it will take for one to be successful in the field and in one's organization in future. A good strategy for one to follow is to think about oneself in relation to the competencies outlined and answer the following questions:
There are many ways to carry out the assessment process, informally or formally. An informal method uses competencies as a foundation to prompt self-reflection and guide career conversations with one's mentor or supervisors. A more formal method relies on such organized approaches to assessing individual competencies as 360 -degree assessment, and work samples. The result of such assessment will indicate which strengths one should be leveraging and areas in which you need further professional development.
Strengths and development needs, once identified, can be documented and form the basis for an individual development plan. A well prepared plan can help one in leveraging one's strength and focus one's developmental priorities. The plan can also facilitate accountability by clarifying what learning strategies one will use ,when one will learn ,what support one will need ,and how one's results can be measured .One's development needs can be met through many learning approaches including training education, rotational experiences, mentoring,coaching,organized work assignments-learning experiences ,and many other learning -oriented inventions.
Individuals may also use a competency model as a foundation for documenting their own accomplistments.Increasingly; employers want to see evidence of achievement, such as work samples and not just evidence of education or experience, and assembling relevant work samples.
Quality Circles
Hindustan Zinc Limited
Q 1. What is the name of the:
a. Quality Circle : _____________________________________________
b. Department/Sector :__________________________________________
c. Area Coordinator :___________________________________________
d. Facilitator : ________________________________________________
e. Leader : ___________________________________________________
Q 2. Total number of members in this Quality Circle is:
Q 3. What is the number of meetings held during a month?
Q 4. Are you satisfied with the workings of this Quality Circle?
Q 5. If yes then why and if no then why not?
Q 6. What is the level of participation from your group members?
Q 7. What are the various techniques used in the Quality Circle?
Q 8. What is the number of problems discussed in a meeting?
Q 9. What is the further course of action after discussing the problems?
Q 10. What is the frequency of implementation of the solutions?
Q 11. Are presentations conducted at Plant or Departmental level regularly?
Q 12. Are any reports prepared about the minutes of the meetings?
Q 13. Whom are the repots submitted to?
Q 14. What are the benefits of conducting such Quality Circle meetings?
Q 15. How are the members motivated to form or join Quality Circles?
Q 16. What are the reasons for some Quality Circles to become :
Dormant: ________________________________________________
Inactive: _________________________________________________
Q 17. What suggestions would you like to give to revive the Quality Circles at HZL?
ISBN 0-02-916683-7. Pages 394-399
Web Links:
Competency Quality Management. (2017, Jun 26).
Retrieved March 13, 2025 , from
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