This study was conducted in two different store formats, which are hypermarket and traditional wet market respectively. Totally 200 questionnaires were distributed and collected, each market has 100 questionnaires respectively.
First of all, the general data such as respondents' profiles, trip patterns and transaction patterns were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. This approach generates frequency and percentage of the respondents' characteristics and presents the basic data and information.
Secondly, reliability of the respondents' perception on store image will be tested to examine whether if the data reliable or not. The level of reliability, which is so called Cronbach's alpha, the alpha value should not lower than 0.70 to obtain the consistent result.
After that, independent t-test will be used to examine the level of significant on store attributes between different store formats. Moreover, we will also test the correlation between store formats and the demographic characteristics, trip patterns and transaction patterns. The differences of mean will be calculated, and 95% of confidence intervals were taken in this study. Significant probability was ?0.05. It means if the result lower or equal to 0.05, it indicates statistically significantly different.
Sex |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
Male |
46 |
46.0 |
34 |
34.0 |
Female |
54 |
54.0 |
66 |
66.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
At both different store formats, we can find that there is more female shop at markets than male does.
Gender distribution of respondents at hypermarket was much more balanced than gender distribution of respondents at traditional wet market, which are 46% for male and 54% for female at hypermarket, while traditional wet market was 1/3 of respondents are male and 2/3 of respondents are female.
Age |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
25 and below |
35 |
35.0 |
28 |
28.0 |
26-35 |
34 |
34.0 |
19 |
19.0 |
36-45 |
16 |
16.0 |
14 |
14.0 |
46-55 |
12 |
12.0 |
23 |
23.0 |
56 and above |
3 |
3.0 |
16 |
16.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
The data collection of this study showed that respondents at hypermarket and traditional wet market with the age of 25 years old and below are the highest, which are 35% and 28% respectively, compare with the ages which are between 26-35 years old (34% and 19%), 36-45 years old (16% and 14%), 46-55 years old (12% and 23%), and 56 years old and above (3% and 16%).
One phenomenon can be found in this data is the number of respondents of traditional wet market with the age which are between 46-55 years old and 56 years old and above, are much higher than the respondents of hypermarket with the same range of age. The total percentage for this range of age (46-55 years old and 56 years old and above), for traditional wet market is 39%, while for hypermarket is only 15%. We can conclude that the respondents of traditional wet market are older than the respondent of hypermarket.
Ethnic |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
Malay |
33 |
33.0 |
14 |
14.0 |
Chinese |
55 |
55.0 |
74 |
74.0 |
Indian |
9 |
9.0 |
11 |
11.0 |
Others |
3 |
3.0 |
1 |
1.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
CHAPTER 4: Store Image: Comparing Hypermarket and Traditional Wet Market Consumers' Perception.
Case Study: Bayan Baru, Penang.
In this study, Chinese has the highest number of people (55% from hypermarket, 74% from traditional wet market) following to Malay (33% from hypermarket, 14% from traditional wet market), Indian (9% from hypermarket, 11% from traditional wet market) and the others (3% from hypermarket, 1% from traditional wet market).
The biggest different of these store formats is Chinese respondent has higher portion at traditional wet market compare to hypermarket, which are ¾ of all respondents of traditional wet market compare to ½ of all respondents of hypermarket. While the figure of Malay showed that Malay tends to shop at hypermarket instead of going to traditional wet market, the number of Malay shops at hypermarket is twice compare to number of Malay shops at traditional wet market.
Marital Status |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
Single |
58 |
58.0 |
42 |
42.0 |
Married |
42 |
42.0 |
58 |
58.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
CHAPTER 4: Store Image: Comparing Hypermarket and Traditional Wet Market Consumers' Perception.
Case Study: Bayan Baru, Penang.
CHAPTER 4: Store Image: Comparing Hypermarket and Traditional Wet Market Consumers' Perception.
Case Study: Bayan Baru, Penang.
Base on the data that obtained, the respondents of hypermarket who are married (42%) are fewer than those who are single (58%). While respondents from of traditional wet market have the different situation, the result was totally inversed of hypermarket, that is 58% of the respondents are married, and the others 42% are single.
This result indicates respondents of this study who are married tend to shop at traditional wet market and respondents who are single prefer to shop at hypermarket.
Education Level |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
College/ University |
74 |
74.0 |
50 |
50.0 |
Secondary School |
19 |
19.0 |
34 |
34.0 |
Primary School |
2 |
2.0 |
13 |
13.0 |
No Formal Education |
4 |
4.0 |
3 |
3.0 |
Others |
1 |
1.0 |
1 |
1.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
The respondents from both store formats also have highest number of people (74% of hypermarket and 50% of wet market) who had at least tertiary education, which indicates college or university. This is because of more than 1/3 of respondents from hypermarket and 1/4 of respondents from traditional wet market who are younger generation, which is in the category of 25 years old and below as shown in Chapter
The overall result showed that the respondents of traditional wet market have slightly lower education level compare to those respondents of hypermarket. Half of the respondents of traditional wet market have not ever pursued tertiary education, the number is twice compare to those respondents of hypermarket who had only secondary education, primary education, and no formal education.
Occupation |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
Waged Worker |
25 |
25.0 |
32 |
32.0 |
Government Employee |
18 |
18.0 |
5 |
5.0 |
Entrepreneur |
7 |
7.0 |
5 |
5.0 |
Housewife |
8 |
8.0 |
26 |
26.0 |
Student |
39 |
39.0 |
23 |
23.0 |
Retired Unemployed |
3 0 |
3.0 0.0 |
7 2 |
7.0 2.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
In the previous data showed that the respondents who are younger generation (25 years old and below) and have at least tertiary education level had a large portion of entire respondents. In this section, it showed that most of the respondents of hypermarket are student (39%), following by waged worker (25%), government employee (18%), housewife (8%), entrepreneur (7%), retired (3%).
While at traditional wet market, most of the respondents are worked as waged worker (32%), following by housewife (26%), student (23%), retired (7%), government employee (5%), entrepreneur (5%) and unemployed (2%).
This data also showed that housewife prefers to shop at traditional wet market (25%) instead of shop at hypermarket (8%).
Household Member |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 Total |
7 5 6 28 27 14 7 6 0 0 0 100 |
7.0 5.0 6.0 28.0 27.0 14.0 7.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 |
1 6 15 22 28 11 11 3 1 1 1 100 |
1.0 6.0 15.0 22.0 28.0 11.0 11.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100.0 |
The mode number of household size for respondents of hypermarket and traditional wet market are 4 and 5 respectively.
The data showed that 28% and 27% of respondents of hypermarket have household size of 4 and 5. On the other hand, 22% and 28% of respondents of traditional wet market have household size of 4 and 5. These indicate more than half of the respondents who have household size of 4 or 5.
From the figure above, we can see that the household size of traditional wet market respondent is slightly bigger than household size of hypermarket respondents. From the calculation, the mean household size of traditional wet market respondents are 4.87, and respondents of hypermarket are 4.63.
Household Monthly Income |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
RM1500 and below |
23 |
23.0 |
22 |
22.0 |
RM1501-2500 |
17 |
17.0 |
21 |
21.0 |
RM2501-3500 |
23 |
23.0 |
24 |
24.0 |
RM3501-4500 |
23 |
23.0 |
13 |
13.0 |
RM4501 and above |
14 |
14.0 |
20 |
20.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
From these 200 respondents, there is no big difference of household monthly income between two different store formats.
For respondent of hypermarket, the categories of RM1500 and below, RM2501-3500, and RM3501-4500 also showed 23% respectively, followed by RM1501-2500 (17%), RM4501and above (14%).
On the other hand, the mode number of household monthly income for respondents of traditional wet market is RM2501-3500, followed by RM1500 and below (22%), RM1501-2500 (21%), RM4501 and above (20%), RM3501-4500 (13%).
Overall there is not a very significant different between the groups and the categories.
Travelling Time |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
15 minutes and less |
48 |
48.0 |
53 |
53.0 |
16-30 minutes |
34 |
34.0 |
28 |
28.0 |
31-60 minutes |
16 |
16.0 |
17 |
17.0 |
1 hour and more |
2 |
2.0 |
2 |
2.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Majority of the respondents travel from home to the markets were just within 15 minutes and this was showed by 48% respondents of hypermarket and 53% of traditional wet market. This indicates half of the respondents came from adjacent area. While 34% respondents of hypermarket and 28% respondents of traditional wet market have travelling time between 16-30 minutes. Travelling time between 31-60 minutes, 16% and 17% fell to respondents of hypermarket and respondents if traditional wet market respectively. The category of 1 hour and more is only chosen by 2% of respondents of hypermarket and traditional wet market respectively.
From the data we can conclude that people prefer to travel from home to market in shorter time.
Transportation Mode |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
Walk |
15 |
15.0 |
23 |
23.0 |
Bicycle |
4 |
4.0 |
3 |
3.0 |
Bus |
5 |
5.0 |
6 |
6.0 |
Motorcycle |
8 |
8.0 |
23 |
23.0 |
Car Taxi Others |
68 0 0 |
68.0 0.0 0.0 |
45 0 0 |
45.0 0.0 0.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Majority of the respondents prefer going to the markets by car, the data showed that 68% of hypermarket respondents and 45% of traditional wet market respondents go to the markets by car. Another transportation mode that is chosen by respondents is walking (15% of hypermarket respondents and 23% of traditional wet market respondents), as well as motorcycle (8% of hypermarket respondents and 23% traditional wet market respondents).
A few people chose bus (5% of hypermarket respondents and 6% of traditional wet market respondents) and bicycle (4% of hypermarket respondents and 3% of traditional wet market respondents). Taxi and the others transportation mode have none of respondent chose such mode of transportation.
Although majority of the respondents have the shortest travelling time from home to market as showed at Chapter, but most of them still prefer to drive to the market.
Frequency of Visiting |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
Less than once a week |
27 |
27.0 |
21 |
21.0 |
Once a week |
36 |
36.0 |
40 |
40.0 |
Twice weekly |
21 |
21.0 |
11 |
11.0 |
Thrice weekly |
12 |
12.0 |
10 |
10.0 |
4 times or more weekly |
4 |
4.0 |
18 |
18.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Majority of the respondents visiting markets once a week, 36% of hypermarket respondents and 40% traditional wet market respondents chose this category. While 27% of hypermarket respondents and 21% of traditional wet market respondents chose to visit the market less than once a week.
Less than half of the respondents visit the market twice or more than twice weekly. From the data obtained, 21% of hypermarket respondents and 11% of traditional wet market respondents visit the market twice weekly, 12% of hypermarket respondents and 10% of traditional wet market respondents visit the market thrice weekly, and 4% of hypermarket respondents and 18% of traditional wet market respondents visit 4 times and more weekly.
The respondents who visit the markets 4 times and above weekly are 4.5 times more than those hypermarket respondents do.
Visiting Markets with whom |
Hypermarket |
Traditional Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
Alone |
17 |
17.0 |
36 |
36.0 |
Family/ Relatives |
47 |
47.0 |
52 |
52.0 |
Friends/ Neighbours/ Colleagues Others |
36 0 |
36.0 0.0 |
12 0 |
12.0 0.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
Almost half of the respondents prefer to visit the markets with their family member or relatives, this occupied 47% of hypermarket respondents and 52% of traditional wet market respondents.
While the respondents who chose to visit markets with friends/ neighbors/ colleagues or alone, there is a significant different between hypermarket and traditional wet market. 36% of respondents of hypermarket prefer to go to the markets with their friends/ neighbors/ colleagues instead of go by alone, which has only 17% of the respondents chose that. On the other hand, traditional wet market is different. 36% of the respondents chose to go alone instead of go with friends/ neighbors/ colleagues, which only has 12%.
None of them chose to visit the markets with the people who have other relationships.
Time Spent |
Hypermarket |
Wet Market |
Frequency |
Percent |
Frequency |
Percent |
30 minutes and less |
12 |
12.0 |
18 |
18.0 |
30-60 minutes |
32 |
32.0 |
49 |
49.0 |
1-2 hours |
41 |
41.0 |
28 |
28.0 |
2 hours and more |
15 |
15.0 |
5 |
5.0 |
Total |
100 |
100.0 |
100 |
100.0 |
From the data that obtained, majority of the traditional wet market respondent spent 30-60 minutes in the market, which occupied 49% of the traditional wet market respondent, followed by 1-2 hours (28%), 30 minutes and less (18%), and 2 hours and more (5%).
While hypermarket respondents prefer to spent longer time in the market. 41% of hypermarket respondents spent 1-2 hours, followed by 30-60 minutes (32%), 2 hours and more (15%), 30 minutes and less (12%).
For overall, 2/3 of traditional wet market respondents tends to spend shorter time compare to only 44% of hypermarket respondents spent less than 1 hour.
Data of consumer perception have been collected in the approach of Likert scale, reliability of the data should be tested. Gatewood and Field (1990) said that reliability is the ability of the instrument in providing the consistent results when it is repeated used. Cronbach's alpha is the basic measurement for reliability and an alpha value of 0.7 is sufficient (Nunnally, 1978).
All the store attributes will be tested in terms of the store attributes those contribute as the reasons of consumers to choose a retail store and also the importance level that respondents have given to the store attributes.
Following are the store attributes as the reasons for consumer to shop:
Attribute 1 : Appropriate opening hours
Attribute 2 : Near to place of residence
Attribute 3 : Product quality
Attribute 4 : Product variety
Attribute 5 : Reasonable price
Attribute 6 : Speed of purchase
Attribute 7 : Satisfactorily service
Attribute 8 : Spacious interior space
Attribute 9 : Not crowded
Attribute 10 : Clean and comfortable
Attribute 11 : Good public transport available
Attribute 12 : Car parking facilities
Attribute 13 : Easiness on finding the product
Attribute 14 : Habit
Attribute 15 : Trust in vendor
Cronbach's Alpha |
Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items |
N of Items |
.865 |
.867 |
15 |
Table 4.15: Item-Total Statistics(Store Attributes as the Reasons for Consumers to ShopAt Hypermarket) |
Scale Mean if Item Deleted |
Scale Variance if Item Deleted |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Squared Multiple Correlation |
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted |
Attribute 1 |
51.6100 |
60.947 |
.400 |
.495 |
.862 |
Attribute 2 |
51.7100 |
59.481 |
.489 |
.516 |
.858 |
Attribute 3 |
51.8700 |
59.124 |
.559 |
.570 |
.854 |
Attribute 4 |
51.5800 |
58.367 |
.583 |
.569 |
.853 |
Attribute 5 |
51.7700 |
60.522 |
.492 |
.470 |
.858 |
Attribute 6 |
51.9300 |
58.773 |
.565 |
.497 |
.854 |
Attribute 7 |
52.0200 |
58.666 |
.626 |
.532 |
.852 |
Attribute 8 |
51.9000 |
60.131 |
.446 |
.423 |
.860 |
Attribute 9 |
52.0400 |
58.786 |
.550 |
.604 |
.855 |
Attribute 10 |
51.7500 |
56.997 |
.679 |
.611 |
.848 |
Attribute 11 |
52.6300 |
64.397 |
.136 |
.379 |
.875 |
Attribute 12 |
51.7900 |
56.895 |
.563 |
.492 |
.854 |
Attribute 13 |
51.7700 |
57.027 |
.688 |
.612 |
.848 |
Attribute 14 |
52.2500 |
60.048 |
.403 |
.352 |
.863 |
Attribute 15 |
52.3400 |
59.075 |
.496 |
.544 |
.857 |
According to Table 4.14, Cronbach's alpha (? = 0.865), this indicates the data was reliable. As shown in Table 4.15, all the items has a less Cronbach's alpha than the calculated scale alpha (? = 0.865), except Attribute 11 (good transportation available), which has a higher alpha (? = 0.875), this means the item in the scale suppresses the alpha level. But for overall, the reasons to shop at hypermarket scale seem to be reliable measure of consumer perception.
Cronbach's Alpha |
Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items |
N of Items |
.769 |
.775 |
15 |
Table 4.17: Item-Total Statistics (Store Attributes as the Reasons for Consumers to Shop At Traditional Wet Market) |
Scale Mean if Item Deleted |
Scale Variance if Item Deleted |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Squared Multiple Correlation |
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted |
Attribute 1 |
49.9300 |
46.914 |
.295 |
.358 |
.762 |
Attribute 2 |
49.7400 |
47.164 |
.210 |
.339 |
.771 |
Attribute 3 |
49.5700 |
46.712 |
.357 |
.467 |
.758 |
Attribute 4 |
49.6300 |
45.589 |
.386 |
.493 |
.755 |
Attribute 5 |
49.4900 |
45.343 |
.398 |
.483 |
.754 |
Attribute 6 |
50.0400 |
44.463 |
.475 |
.497 |
.748 |
Attribute 7 |
49.8800 |
45.117 |
.468 |
.468 |
.749 |
Attribute 8 |
50.7000 |
42.859 |
.537 |
.701 |
.741 |
Attribute 9 |
50.7200 |
42.709 |
.530 |
.743 |
.741 |
Attribute 10 |
50.7600 |
42.002 |
.521 |
.697 |
.741 |
Attribute 11 |
51.0700 |
45.197 |
.260 |
.500 |
.770 |
Attribute 12 |
50.7700 |
44.341 |
.353 |
.471 |
.759 |
Attribute 13 |
49.7400 |
46.720 |
.335 |
.441 |
.759 |
Attribute 14 |
49.7100 |
48.168 |
.149 |
.423 |
.775 |
Attribute 15 |
49.7700 |
45.553 |
.366 |
.508 |
.757 |
According to Table 4.16, Cronbach's alpha (? = 0.769), this indicates the reliability of the data is sufficient. As shown in Table 4.17, three of the items has a higher Cronbach's alpha than the calculated scale alpha (? = 0.769), which are Attribute 2 (near to place of residence), Attribute 11 (good transportation available) and Attribute 14 (habit), which have a higher alpha of (? = 0.771), (? = 0.770) and (? = 0.775) this means the items in the scale suppresses the alpha level, consumers may not take the attributes as their priority reasons to shop at traditional wet market. But for overall, the store attributes as the reason to shop at hypermarket scale seem to be reliable measure of consumer perception.
Importance levels were given by respondents to the following store attributes:
Attribute 1 : Appropriate opening hours
Attribute 2 : Near to place of residence
Attribute 3 : Product quality
Attribute 4 : Product variety
Attribute 5 : Reasonable price
Attribute 6 : Speed of purchase
Attribute 7 : Satisfactorily service
Attribute 8 : Spacious interior space
Attribute 9 : Not crowded
Attribute 10 : Clean and comfortable
Attribute 11 : Good public transport available
Attribute 12 : Car parking facilities
Attribute 13 : Easiness on finding the product
Cronbach's Alpha |
Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items |
N of Items |
.906 |
.907 |
13 |
Table 4.19: Item-Total Statistics (Importance Level of Store Attributes at Hypermarket) |
Scale Mean if Item Deleted |
Scale Variance if Item Deleted |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Squared Multiple Correlation |
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted |
Attribute 1 |
49.5200 |
46.151 |
.652 |
.548 |
.897 |
Attribute 2 |
49.2300 |
46.724 |
.704 |
.602 |
.895 |
Attribute 3 |
49.1700 |
48.365 |
.655 |
.729 |
.897 |
Attribute 4 |
49.1100 |
48.079 |
.646 |
.631 |
.898 |
Attribute 5 |
49.0300 |
50.009 |
.516 |
.536 |
.903 |
Attribute 6 |
49.5400 |
47.887 |
.639 |
.456 |
.898 |
Attribute 7 |
49.3100 |
47.044 |
.654 |
.463 |
.897 |
Attribute 8 |
49.6600 |
45.701 |
.666 |
.637 |
.897 |
Attribute 9 |
49.6500 |
46.290 |
.655 |
.606 |
.897 |
Attribute 10 |
49.2300 |
48.623 |
.631 |
.504 |
.898 |
Attribute 11 |
49.8900 |
49.250 |
.455 |
.392 |
.906 |
Attribute 12 |
49.3400 |
48.489 |
.532 |
.468 |
.902 |
Attribute 13 |
49.3200 |
47.048 |
.668 |
.535 |
.896 |
Table 4.18 showed that Cronbach's alpha (? = 0.906), this indicates the data have a high level of reliability. According to Table 4.19, all the items of importance level of store attributes at hypermarket scale have a less Cronbach's alpha than the calculated scale alpha (? = 0.906), which means that no single item had suppressed the alpha level. Thus, importance level of store attributes at hypermarket scale seems to be reliable measure of consumer perception.
Cronbach's Alpha |
Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items |
N of Items |
.874 |
.880 |
13 |
Table 4.21: Item-Total Statistics (Importance Level of Store Attributes at Traditional Wet Market) |
Scale Mean if Item Deleted |
Scale Variance if Item Deleted |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Squared Multiple Correlation |
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted |
Attribute 1 |
49.9600 |
38.705 |
.626 |
.497 |
.861 |
Attribute 2 |
49.8400 |
39.307 |
.514 |
.505 |
.867 |
Attribute 3 |
49.6000 |
40.040 |
.587 |
.616 |
.864 |
Attribute 4 |
49.6300 |
39.488 |
.622 |
.702 |
.862 |
Attribute 5 |
49.5500 |
40.654 |
.599 |
.559 |
.864 |
Attribute 6 |
49.9500 |
37.987 |
.642 |
.534 |
.859 |
Attribute 7 |
49.8500 |
40.432 |
.509 |
.395 |
.867 |
Attribute 8 |
50.2700 |
37.876 |
.627 |
.669 |
.860 |
Attribute 9 |
50.3800 |
37.672 |
.622 |
.772 |
.860 |
Attribute 10 |
50.1900 |
38.196 |
.590 |
.580 |
.862 |
Attribute 11 |
50.8200 |
40.412 |
.347 |
.310 |
.878 |
Attribute 12 |
50.1500 |
39.947 |
.424 |
.313 |
.872 |
Attribute 13 |
49.7300 |
39.815 |
.548 |
.524 |
.865 |
Table 4.20 showed that Cronbach's alpha (? = 0.874), this indicates the data have a high level of reliability. According to Table 4.21, all the items of importance level of store attributes at traditional wet market scale have a less Cronbach's alpha than the calculated scale alpha (? = 0.874), except Attribute 11 (good public transport available) with alpha (? = 0.878), which means that is the single item had suppressed the alpha level. Consumers of traditional wet market may not feel this store attribute was important. But for overall, importance level of store attributes at traditional wet market to be reliable measure of consumer perception.
T-tests conducted to examine differences of respondents' profile, trip patterns transaction patterns, store attributes as the reason for consumer to shop and importance level of store attributes of hypermarket and traditional wet market.
Table 4.22: Group Statistics (Respondents' profile, trip patterns and transaction patterns of different store formats) |
Place |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error Mean |
Gender |
Hypermarket |
100 |
1.54 |
.501 |
.050 |
Wet Market |
100 |
1.66 |
.476 |
.048 |
Age |
Hypermarket |
100 |
2.14 |
1.119 |
.112 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.80 |
1.470 |
.147 |
Ethnic |
Hypermarket |
100 |
1.82 |
.716 |
.072 |
Wet Market |
100 |
1.99 |
.541 |
.054 |
Marital Status |
Hypermarket |
100 |
1.42 |
.496 |
.050 |
Wet Market |
100 |
1.58 |
.496 |
.050 |
Education Level |
Hypermarket |
100 |
1.39 |
.803 |
.080 |
Wet Market |
100 |
1.69 |
.813 |
.081 |
Occupation |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.27 |
1.746 |
.175 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.32 |
1.842 |
.184 |
Household Size |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.63 |
1.715 |
.172 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.87 |
1.942 |
.194 |
Household Income |
Hypermarket |
100 |
2.88 |
1.373 |
.137 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.88 |
1.423 |
.142 |
Travelling Time |
Hypermarket |
100 |
1.72 |
.805 |
.081 |
Wet Market |
100 |
1.68 |
.827 |
.083 |
Transportation Mode |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.10 |
1.501 |
.150 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.64 |
1.611 |
.161 |
Frequency |
Hypermarket |
100 |
2.30 |
1.115 |
.111 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.64 |
1.396 |
.140 |
With Whom |
Hypermarket |
100 |
2.19 |
.706 |
.071 |
Wet Market |
100 |
1.76 |
.653 |
.065 |
Time Spent |
Hypermarket |
100 |
2.59 |
.889 |
.089 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.20 |
.791 |
.079 |
Table 4.23: Independent Samples Test (Respondents' profile, trip patterns and transaction patterns of different store formats) |
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances |
t-test for Equality of Means |
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
F |
Sig. |
t |
df |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Mean Difference |
Std. Error Difference |
Lower |
Upper |
Gender |
Equal variances assumed |
9.284 |
.003 |
-1.736 |
198 |
.084 |
-.120 |
.069 |
-.256 |
.016 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.736 |
197.491 |
.084 |
-.120 |
.069 |
-.256 |
.016 |
Age |
Equal variances assumed |
20.161 |
.000 |
-3.572 |
198 |
.000 |
-.660 |
.185 |
-1.024 |
-.296 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-3.572 |
184.905 |
.000 |
-.660 |
.185 |
-1.025 |
-.295 |
Ethnic |
Equal variances assumed |
16.130 |
.000 |
-1.894 |
198 |
.060 |
-.170 |
.090 |
-.347 |
.007 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.894 |
184.269 |
.060 |
-.170 |
.090 |
-.347 |
.007 |
Marital Status |
Equal variances assumed |
.000 |
1.000 |
-2.281 |
198 |
.024 |
-.160 |
.070 |
-.298 |
-.022 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-2.281 |
198.000 |
.024 |
-.160 |
.070 |
-.298 |
-.022 |
Education Level |
Equal variances assumed |
2.610 |
.108 |
-2.626 |
198 |
.009 |
-.300 |
.114 |
-.525 |
-.075 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-2.626 |
197.970 |
.009 |
-.300 |
.114 |
-.525 |
-.075 |
Occupation |
Equal variances assumed |
.035 |
.852 |
-.197 |
198 |
.844 |
-.050 |
.254 |
-.550 |
.450 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.197 |
197.437 |
.844 |
-.050 |
.254 |
-.550 |
.450 |
Household Size |
Equal variances assumed |
.069 |
.793 |
-.926 |
198 |
.355 |
-.240 |
.259 |
-.751 |
.271 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.926 |
195.031 |
.355 |
-.240 |
.259 |
-.751 |
.271 |
Household Income |
Equal variances assumed |
.098 |
.754 |
.000 |
198 |
1.000 |
.000 |
.198 |
-.390 |
.390 |
Equal variances not assumed |
.000 |
197.741 |
1.000 |
.000 |
.198 |
-.390 |
.390 |
Travelling Time |
Equal variances assumed |
.269 |
.604 |
.347 |
198 |
.729 |
.040 |
.115 |
-.188 |
.268 |
Equal variances not assumed |
.347 |
197.853 |
.729 |
.040 |
.115 |
-.188 |
.268 |
Transportation Mode |
Equal variances assumed |
1.980 |
.161 |
2.089 |
198 |
.038 |
.460 |
.220 |
.026 |
.894 |
Equal variances not assumed |
2.089 |
197.009 |
.038 |
.460 |
.220 |
.026 |
.894 |
Frequency |
Equal variances assumed |
9.041 |
.003 |
-1.903 |
198 |
.058 |
-.340 |
.179 |
-.692 |
.012 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.903 |
188.731 |
.059 |
-.340 |
.179 |
-.692 |
.012 |
With Whom |
Equal variances assumed |
.464 |
.497 |
4.470 |
198 |
.000 |
.430 |
.096 |
.240 |
.620 |
Equal variances not assumed |
4.470 |
196.802 |
.000 |
.430 |
.096 |
.240 |
.620 |
Time Spent |
Equal variances assumed |
3.953 |
.048 |
3.277 |
198 |
.001 |
.390 |
.119 |
.155 |
.625 |
Equal variances not assumed |
3.277 |
195.394 |
.001 |
.390 |
.119 |
.155 |
.625 |
Levene's test is the approach to test if the two condition “Means” have a statistically different. In this study, if the Sig (2-Tailed) value is less than or equal to 0.05, we can conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between two conditions (hypermarket and traditional wet market). The initial part we need to test is whether if the different store formats will affect the socio-demographic of the respondents and their trip patterns and transaction pattern as well.
From the result of the test, we get those 6 out of 13 items have the Sig. (2-Tailed) value less than or equal to 0.05, which are age, marital status, education level, transportation mode, visit the markets with whom and the time spent in market.
Respondents' age has significant different between hypermarket and traditional wet market, it has a record of t (df = 198) = -3.572, p<.05 and the Means for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=2.14) and (M=2.80). It means that consumers at hypermarket have significant younger than consumers at traditional wet market. Another significant difference between the groups is the marital status of the respondents, it has a result of t (df = 198) = -2.281, p<.05 and the Means are (M=1.42) and (M=1.58). It means that respondents of traditional wet market who are married have a greater number compare to the respondents of hypermarket.
Education level of the respondents also showed significant different between the store formats, the result for Levene's test is t (df = 198) = -2.626, p<.05, the Means are respectively (M=1.39) and (M=1.69). We can conclude that respondents of hypermarket have a higher education level compare the respondent of traditional wet market. While the store formats will affect the transportation mode as well, the result for transportation mode is t (df = 198) = 2.089, p<.05, Means are (M=4.10) and (M=3.64). Refer to the primary analysis, we can judge that majority of hypermarket respondent choose car as their transportation mode, while traditional wet market respondents tend to choose car, walk and motorcycle.
On the other hand, the people who accompany respondents to shop also showed significant difference. The result is t (df = 198) = 4.470, p<.05, Means for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=2.19) and (M=1.76). Refer to the primary analysis, we can conclude that hypermarket respondents tend to shop with their family/ relatives and friends/ neighbors/ colleagues, while traditional wet market respondents prefer to shop with the family/ relatives or alone. Last but not least, time spent in store also showed significant difference. The result is t (df = 198) = 3.277, p<.05, Means are (M=2.59) and (M=2.20). It showed that hypermarket respondents prefer to spent longer time compare to traditional wet market respondents.
The conclusion is the store formats have impact to some variables of socio-demographic of respondents, their trip patterns and transaction pattern. Each store may have a different target market.
Following are the store attributes as the reasons for consumer to shop:
Attribute 1 : Appropriate opening hours
Attribute 2 : Near to place of residence
Attribute 3 : Product quality
Attribute 4 : Product variety
Attribute 5 : Reasonable price
Attribute 6 : Speed of purchase
Attribute 7 : Satisfactorily service
Attribute 8 : Spacious interior space
Attribute 9 : Not crowded
Attribute 10 : Clean and comfortable
Attribute 11 : Good public transport available
Attribute 12 : Car parking facilities
Attribute 13 : Easiness on finding the product
Attribute 14 : Habit
Attribute 15 : Trust in vendor
Table 4.24: Group Statistics (Store Attributes as the Reasons for Consumers to Shop At Different Store Formats) |
Place |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error Mean |
Attribute 1 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.03 |
.904 |
.090 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.75 |
.857 |
.086 |
Attribute 2 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.93 |
.935 |
.093 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.94 |
1.013 |
.101 |
Attribute 3 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.77 |
.874 |
.087 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.11 |
.777 |
.078 |
Attribute 4 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.06 |
.919 |
.092 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.05 |
.903 |
.090 |
Attribute 5 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.87 |
.812 |
.081 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.19 |
.918 |
.092 |
Attribute 6 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.71 |
.902 |
.090 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.64 |
.916 |
.092 |
Attribute 7 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.62 |
.838 |
.084 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.80 |
.841 |
.084 |
Attribute 8 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.74 |
.928 |
.093 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.98 |
1.025 |
.102 |
Attribute 9 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.60 |
.921 |
.092 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.96 |
1.053 |
.105 |
Attribute 10 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.89 |
.931 |
.093 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.92 |
1.152 |
.115 |
Attribute 11 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.01 |
.959 |
.096 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.61 |
1.246 |
.125 |
Attribute 12 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.85 |
1.095 |
.110 |
Wet Market |
100 |
2.91 |
1.156 |
.116 |
Attribute 13 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.87 |
.917 |
.092 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.94 |
.814 |
.081 |
Attribute 14 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.39 |
1.014 |
.101 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.97 |
.969 |
.097 |
Attribute 15 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.30 |
.969 |
.097 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.91 |
.944 |
.094 |
Table 4.25: Independent Samples Test (Store Attributes as the Reasons for Consumers to Shop At Different Store Formats) |
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances |
t-test for Equality of Means |
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
F |
Sig. |
t |
df |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Mean Difference |
Std. Error Difference |
Lower |
Upper |
Attribute 1 |
Equal variances assumed |
.939 |
.334 |
2.247 |
198 |
.026 |
.280 |
.125 |
.034 |
.526 |
Equal variances not assumed |
2.247 |
197.443 |
.026 |
.280 |
.125 |
.034 |
.526 |
Attribute 2 |
Equal variances assumed |
.552 |
.458 |
-.073 |
198 |
.942 |
-.010 |
.138 |
-.282 |
.262 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.073 |
196.728 |
.942 |
-.010 |
.138 |
-.282 |
.262 |
Attribute 3 |
Equal variances assumed |
2.680 |
.103 |
-2.906 |
198 |
.004 |
-.340 |
.117 |
-.571 |
-.109 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-2.906 |
195.304 |
.004 |
-.340 |
.117 |
-.571 |
-.109 |
Attribute 4 |
Equal variances assumed |
.007 |
.933 |
.078 |
198 |
.938 |
.010 |
.129 |
-.244 |
.264 |
Equal variances not assumed |
.078 |
197.939 |
.938 |
.010 |
.129 |
-.244 |
.264 |
Attribute 5 |
Equal variances assumed |
1.530 |
.218 |
-2.611 |
198 |
.010 |
-.320 |
.123 |
-.562 |
-.078 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-2.611 |
195.116 |
.010 |
-.320 |
.123 |
-.562 |
-.078 |
Attribute 6 |
Equal variances assumed |
.000 |
.984 |
.544 |
198 |
.587 |
.070 |
.129 |
-.184 |
.324 |
Equal variances not assumed |
.544 |
197.956 |
.587 |
.070 |
.129 |
-.184 |
.324 |
Attribute 7 |
Equal variances assumed |
.006 |
.938 |
-1.516 |
198 |
.131 |
-.180 |
.119 |
-.414 |
.054 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.516 |
197.998 |
.131 |
-.180 |
.119 |
-.414 |
.054 |
Attribute 8 |
Equal variances assumed |
.374 |
.542 |
5.498 |
198 |
.000 |
.760 |
.138 |
.487 |
1.033 |
Equal variances not assumed |
5.498 |
196.080 |
.000 |
.760 |
.138 |
.487 |
1.033 |
Attribute 9 |
Equal variances assumed |
.198 |
.656 |
4.574 |
198 |
.000 |
.640 |
.140 |
.364 |
.916 |
Equal variances not assumed |
4.574 |
194.543 |
.000 |
.640 |
.140 |
.364 |
.916 |
Attribute 10 |
Equal variances assumed |
13.388 |
.000 |
6.550 |
198 |
.000 |
.970 |
.148 |
.678 |
1.262 |
Equal variances not assumed |
6.550 |
189.648 |
.000 |
.970 |
.148 |
.678 |
1.262 |
Attribute 11 |
Equal variances assumed |
14.930 |
.000 |
2.544 |
198 |
.012 |
.400 |
.157 |
.090 |
.710 |
Equal variances not assumed |
2.544 |
185.772 |
.012 |
.400 |
.157 |
.090 |
.710 |
Attribute 12 |
Equal variances assumed |
3.035 |
.083 |
5.904 |
198 |
.000 |
.940 |
.159 |
.626 |
1.254 |
Equal variances not assumed |
5.904 |
197.434 |
.000 |
.940 |
.159 |
.626 |
1.254 |
Attribute 13 |
Equal variances assumed |
2.579 |
.110 |
-.571 |
198 |
.569 |
-.070 |
.123 |
-.312 |
.172 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.571 |
195.252 |
.569 |
-.070 |
.123 |
-.312 |
.172 |
Attribute 14 |
Equal variances assumed |
1.164 |
.282 |
-4.136 |
198 |
.000 |
-.580 |
.140 |
-.857 |
-.303 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-4.136 |
197.589 |
.000 |
-.580 |
.140 |
-.857 |
-.303 |
Attribute 15 |
Equal variances assumed |
.605 |
.438 |
-4.509 |
198 |
.000 |
-.610 |
.135 |
-.877 |
-.343 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-4.509 |
197.861 |
.000 |
-.610 |
.135 |
-.877 |
-.343 |
T-test also has been used to test the respondents' reason to shop at hypermarket and traditional wet market. 15 store attributes had been tested; those are appropriate opening hours, near to place of residence, product quality, product variety, reasonable price, speed of purchase, satisfactorily service, spacious interior space, not crowded, clean and comfortable, good public transport available, car parking facilities, easiness on finding the product, habit, and trust in vendor.
From the result of the test, 10 out of 15 attributes showed statistically significant different between hypermarket and traditional wet market, which are appropriate opening hours, product quality, reasonable price, spacious interior space, not crowded, clean and comfortable, good public transport available, car parking facilities, habit and trust in vendor.
Attribute 1, appropriate opening hours showed that t (df = 198) = 2.247, p<.05 and Means for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=4.03) and (M=3.75). Respondents of hypermarket have a statistically significantly higher mean score on the reason to shop because of appropriate opening hours than respondents of traditional wet market. We can conclude that hypermarket respondent more prefer and agree with the opening hours of hypermarket compare to traditional wet market.
Attribute 3, product quality has the result of t (df = 198) = -2.906, p<.05 and Means for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=3.77) and (M=4.11). Respondents of hypermarket have a statistically significantly lower mean score on the reason of product quality than respondents of traditional wet market. It indicates that traditional wet market respondents more prefer and agree with traditional wet market has good product quality compare to hypermarket.
Attribute 5, reasonable price get t (df = 198) = -2.611, p<.05 and Means for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=3.87) and (M=4.19). Respondents of traditional wet market have a statistically significantly higher mean score on the reason of reasonable price than respondents of hypermarket. It indicates more respondents of traditional wet market agree that reasonable price is the reason for going to shop at traditional wet market compare to respondents of hypermarket.
Attributes 8, 9 and 10, which are the attributes of spacious interior space, not crowed, clean and comfortable have shown that there is statistically significant difference between the mean score for hypermarket and traditional wet market. The result of T-test showed that attribute 8 is t (df = 198) = 5.498, p<.05, Means score are respectively (M=3.74) and (M=2.98), while attribute 9 is t (df = 198) = 4.574, p<.05, Means score are respectively (M=3.60) and (M=2.96), and attribute 10 is t (df = 198) = 6.550, p<.05, Means score are respectively (M=3.89) and (M=2.92). All these results showed that there is statistically significant difference between the Means scores for hypermarket and traditional wet market. In other words, Means scores of hypermarket on the store attributes as the reasons to shop are higher than traditional wet market, it means that respondents of hypermarket more agree with these 3 attributes as their reason for going to shop at hypermarket, while respondents of traditional wet market more disagree with those attributes as their reasons to shop.
Attributes 11 and 12 are good public transport available and car parking facilities. The T-test result for attribute 11 is t (df = 198) = 2.544, p<.05, Means for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=3.01) and (M=2.61), while attribute 12 is t (df = 198) = 5.904, p<.05, Means are respectively (M=3.85) and (M=2.91). These results indicate that hypermarket has higher mean scores compare to traditional wet market. The respondents of hypermarket more agree with these attributes are making them to shop at hypermarket.
Attribute 14 and 15 are habit and trust in vendor. The T-test result for attribute 14 is t (df = 198) = -4.136, p<.05, Means for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=3.39) and (M=3.97), while attribute 15 is t (df = 198) = -4.509, p<.05, Means are respectively (M=3.30) and (M=3.91). Mean scores of traditional wet market are significantly higher than hypermarket, thus this indicates respondents of traditional wet market more agree with habit and trust in vendor are the attributes as their reason for going to shop at traditional wet market, while respondents of hypermarket more disagree with these attributes compare to traditional wet market respondents.
There is 10 out of 15 attributes showed statistically significant difference among hypermarket and traditional wet market. Hypermarket have higher mean scores for appropriate opening hours, spacious interior space, not crowded, clean and comfortable, good public transport available and car parking facilities. On the other hand, traditional wet market has higher mean scores for product quality, speed of purchase, habit and trust in vendor. This indicates hypermarket and traditional wet market have their strength in attracting consumers.
Importance levels were given by respondents to the following store attributes:
Attribute 1 : Appropriate opening hours
Attribute 2 : Near to place of residence
Attribute 3 : Product quality
Attribute 4 : Product variety
Attribute 5 : Reasonable price
Attribute 6 : Speed of purchase
Attribute 7 : Satisfactorily service
Attribute 8 : Spacious interior space
Attribute 9 : Not crowded
Attribute 10 : Clean and comfortable
Attribute 11 : Good public transport available
Attribute 12 : Car parking facilities
Attribute 13 : Easiness on finding the product
Table 4.26: Group Statistics (Importance Level of Store Attributes At Different Store Formats) |
Place |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error Mean |
Attribute 1 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.98 |
.953 |
.095 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.20 |
.804 |
.080 |
Attribute 2 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.27 |
.839 |
.084 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.32 |
.863 |
.086 |
Attribute 3 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.33 |
.726 |
.073 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.56 |
.686 |
.069 |
Attribute 4 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.39 |
.764 |
.076 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.53 |
.717 |
.072 |
Attribute 5 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.47 |
.688 |
.069 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.61 |
.601 |
.060 |
Attribute 6 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.96 |
.790 |
.079 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.21 |
.868 |
.087 |
Attribute 7 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.19 |
.861 |
.086 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.31 |
.720 |
.072 |
Attribute 8 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.84 |
.982 |
.098 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.89 |
.898 |
.090 |
Attribute 9 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.85 |
.936 |
.094 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.78 |
.927 |
.093 |
Attribute 10 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.27 |
.723 |
.072 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.97 |
.904 |
.090 |
Attribute 11 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
3.61 |
.863 |
.086 |
Wet Market |
100 |
3.34 |
.966 |
.097 |
Attribute 12 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.16 |
.849 |
.085 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.01 |
.904 |
.090 |
Attribute 13 |
Hypermarket |
100 |
4.18 |
.845 |
.085 |
Wet Market |
100 |
4.43 |
.756 |
.076 |
Table 4.27: Independent Samples Test (Importance Level of Store Attributes At Different Store Formats) |
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances |
t-test for Equality of Means |
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
F |
Sig. |
t |
df |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Mean Difference |
Std. Error Difference |
Lower |
Upper |
Attribute 1 |
Equal variances assumed |
.949 |
.331 |
-1.764 |
198 |
.079 |
-.220 |
.125 |
-.466 |
.026 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.764 |
192.526 |
.079 |
-.220 |
.125 |
-.466 |
.026 |
Attribute 2 |
Equal variances assumed |
.022 |
.882 |
-.415 |
198 |
.678 |
-.050 |
.120 |
-.287 |
.187 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.415 |
197.842 |
.678 |
-.050 |
.120 |
-.287 |
.187 |
Attribute 3 |
Equal variances assumed |
1.630 |
.203 |
-2.303 |
198 |
.022 |
-.230 |
.100 |
-.427 |
-.033 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-2.303 |
197.394 |
.022 |
-.230 |
.100 |
-.427 |
-.033 |
Attribute 4 |
Equal variances assumed |
1.353 |
.246 |
-1.336 |
198 |
.183 |
-.140 |
.105 |
-.347 |
.067 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.336 |
197.210 |
.183 |
-.140 |
.105 |
-.347 |
.067 |
Attribute 5 |
Equal variances assumed |
4.784 |
.030 |
-1.532 |
198 |
.127 |
-.140 |
.091 |
-.320 |
.040 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.532 |
194.484 |
.127 |
-.140 |
.091 |
-.320 |
.040 |
Attribute 6 |
Equal variances assumed |
4.347 |
.038 |
-2.130 |
198 |
.034 |
-.250 |
.117 |
-.481 |
-.019 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-2.130 |
196.286 |
.034 |
-.250 |
.117 |
-.482 |
-.018 |
Attribute 7 |
Equal variances assumed |
.212 |
.646 |
-1.069 |
198 |
.286 |
-.120 |
.112 |
-.341 |
.101 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-1.069 |
192.031 |
.286 |
-.120 |
.112 |
-.341 |
.101 |
Attribute 8 |
Equal variances assumed |
.336 |
.563 |
-.376 |
198 |
.707 |
-.050 |
.133 |
-.312 |
.212 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.376 |
196.433 |
.707 |
-.050 |
.133 |
-.312 |
.212 |
Attribute 9 |
Equal variances assumed |
.003 |
.953 |
.531 |
198 |
.596 |
.070 |
.132 |
-.190 |
.330 |
Equal variances not assumed |
.531 |
197.983 |
.596 |
.070 |
.132 |
-.190 |
.330 |
Attribute 10 |
Equal variances assumed |
.798 |
.373 |
2.592 |
198 |
.010 |
.300 |
.116 |
.072 |
.528 |
Equal variances not assumed |
2.592 |
188.845 |
.010 |
.300 |
.116 |
.072 |
.528 |
Attribute 11 |
Equal variances assumed |
1.785 |
.183 |
2.084 |
198 |
.038 |
.270 |
.130 |
.014 |
.526 |
Equal variances not assumed |
2.084 |
195.539 |
.038 |
.270 |
.130 |
.014 |
.526 |
Attribute 12 |
Equal variances assumed |
.370 |
.544 |
1.209 |
198 |
.228 |
.150 |
.124 |
-.095 |
.395 |
Equal variances not assumed |
1.209 |
197.226 |
.228 |
.150 |
.124 |
-.095 |
.395 |
Attribute 13 |
Equal variances assumed |
.209 |
.648 |
-2.205 |
198 |
.029 |
-.250 |
.113 |
-.474 |
-.026 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-2.205 |
195.548 |
.029 |
-.250 |
.113 |
-.474 |
-.026 |
Importance level of store attributes had been tested to understand consumers' perception. All the store attributes in this part are same as the store attributes as the reasons for consumers to shop, but habit and trust in vendor had been excluded in this part.
There are 5 out of 13 store attributes showed statistically significant different among hypermarket and traditional wet market, which are product quality, speed of purchase, clean ad comfortable, good public facilities and easiness on finding the product.
Attribute 3, which is product quality, showed statistically significant different among hypermarket and traditional wet market. The result of T-test showed t (df = 198) = -2.303, p<.05, Means score for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=4.33) and (M=4.56). Traditional wet market has a higher mean score compare to hypermarket, it indicates consumers of traditional wet market are more emphasizing on the attribute of store providing better product quality, and they feel this is very important. Although, hypermarket has lower Mean score, but since the Mean score is high (4.33), thus this indicates they feel this is important as well.
Attribute 6, speed of purchase, showed statistically significant different among hypermarket and traditional wet market. The T-test result is t (df = 198) = -2.130, p<.05, Means score are respectively (M=3.96) and (M=4.21). Hypermarket showed statistically significant lower mean score compare to traditional wet market, it means consumers of hypermarket have less concern about attribute of store providing faster speed of purchase and do not feel this is very important while consumers of traditional wet market feel this is very important.
Attribute 10, clean and comfortable, also has shown statistically significant different among two different store formats. The T-test result is t (df = 198) = 2.592, p<.05, Means score for hypermarket and traditional wet market are respectively (M=4.27) and (M=3.97). Hypermarket has a statistically significant higher means score compare to traditional wet market, it indicates consumers of hypermarket are more concerning on attribute of store providing clean and comfortable environment to them, while consumers of traditional wet market may not feel this is an important attribute of a store.
Attribute 11, good public transport available, has shown statistically significant different among hypermarket and traditional wet market as well. T-test result of this attributes is t (df = 198) = 2.084, p<.05, Means score are respectively (M=3.61) and (M=3.34). Traditional wet market showed statistically significant lower mean score compare to hypermarket, it indicates consumers of traditional wet market are less emphasizing on the attribute of good public transport available at the store compare to hypermarket.
Last but not least, attribute 13, which is easiness on finding the product, also has statistically significant among hypermarket and traditional wet market. T-test result for this store attribute is t (df = 198) = -2.205, p<.05, Means score are respectively (M=4.18) and (M=4.43). Traditional wet market showed a statistically higher mean score compare to hypermarket. We can conclude that consumers of traditional wet market have put higher important level and more concerning on attribute of easiness on finding the product in the store.
The conclusion is 8 out of 13 expectations showed there is no difference between hypermarket and traditional wet market. Consumers have put a high important level on store attributes. While 5 out of 13 expectations showed statistically significant among hypermarket and traditional wet market, this indicates consumers have put different importance level (higher or lower) of on the store attributes.
Three methods have been used in data analyzing, which are descriptive, reliable analysis and independent T-test.
As a result, in descriptive data, we able to identify the majority group in particular characteristics. For example, in the gender, we identified majority of the respondents are female. This majority group has occupied 54% of the respondent at hypermarket and 2/3 of the respondents at traditional wet market. We use the same way to describe all the basic data for socio-demographics, trip patterns and transaction patterns.
A next step was taken to test the reliability of the data. Store attributes are the data will be tested in this part. From the result of store attributes as the reasons for consumers to shop at hypermarket and traditional wet market, we able identified from all 15 attributes, only 1 attribute for hypermarket and 3 attributes for traditional wet market showed higher alpha value than Cronbach's alpha value, it means the scale had suppressed the alpha level. Consumers might give low point for those attributes. In simple words, means that consumers did not take those attributes as their reason for shop at particular retail stores. Same method has been done for importance level of store attributes. For overall, all the results are reliable measure of consumer perception.
Last step in analyzing data is Independent T-test. A comparison of the data has been tested to examine whether there is statistically significant different. Three results had been obtained in this part, which is the comparison of respondents' profile, trip patterns and transaction patterns of different store formats, store attributes as the reasons for consumers to shop at different store formats, and importance level of store attributes at different store formats.
A further discussion about findings of the data will be discussed in Chapter 5.
Comparing hypermarket and traditional wet market consumers' perception. (2017, Jun 26).
Retrieved February 23, 2025 , from
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