Assignment on Water and Minerals

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Answer the following questions using your Module 2 and 8 notes, and the given internet source! The following is a label from a can of mixed nuts. Use it to answer the questions below!
  1. Which mineral has the highest percent DV (daily value) in this product?
Daily value is the guide to the nutrients in one serving of food. From the above chart, the mineral with the highest DV is manganese.
  1. The potassium in this product contributes what percent of the DV?
Potassium contributes to 5 percent of the daily value.
  1. List three functions of potassium in the human body.
1) Potassium is specifically essential for the capacity of the skeletal and smooth contraction of the human body muscles. 2) Potassium also serves as an electrolyte function in the human body cells. It is the main electrolyte membrane potential that allows an electrical current to pass from one cell to the other. 3) Potassium regulates the healthy functioning of the human body nerves and muscles by employing checks and balances to guarantee its levels.
  1. The calcium in this product contributes what percent of the DV?
Calcium contributes to 4 percent according to the chart.
  1. List three major functions of calcium in the body.
1) Calcium plays a big role in the human by keeping the bones and teeth strong as well as supporting the skeletal structure. 2) Calcium also decreases the risk for colorectal cancer and reduces systolic blood pressure in peoples with elevated blood pressure. 3) Calcium rich foods are said to reduce the risk of being overweight and obese.
  1. The iron and zinc in this product each contain 8% of the DV; however, you don't get 8% of the DV of each. Why not?
The reason why an individual cannot get the entire 8 percent of the daily value of the two minerals is that for several minerals, the percentage that gets absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract is much less than the full percent which reflects the same issue with the two products. Also, some minerals make use of similar ions transporters for their absorption which leads to competition for absorption.
  1. What are two functions of iron in the body?
1) Iron is needed in the human body for the production of red blood cells through a method known as haematopoiesis binding to the oxygen as well as facilitating its transport from the lungs through the arteries to all the cells all over the body. 2) Also, iron is needed in the human body for the conversion of blood sugar to energy whereby the metabolic energy is vital in allowing muscles to work at their optimum in exercise.
  1. A child is very short in height, has problems learning, has underdeveloped genitalia and does not like to eat because food does not taste good to him. He might be deficient which mineral?
The child is deficient of zinc mineral which is crucial for growth and development of the human body, development of the genitalia, activation of the sense of taste, and activation as well as maintenance of the immune system.
  1. How might a diet of mainly tortillas and beans contribute to this problem?
Beans diet is said to shrink one’s brain especially if taken by toddlers in their young age which can result to the same problems in learning. Beans and tortillas diet is said to be high in carbohydrates and starch which interferes with growth and development of young children. Some beans sold in market places are canned whereby the plastic linings contain BPA which is strong endocrine disruptor. The BPA is linked with erectile dysfunction as well as abnormal reproductive development in young children especially boys. Male children and toddlers are most likely vulnerable to the negative impacts of high legumes diets such as tortillas and beans diet.
  1. One serving of this product supplies what percent DV of magnesium?
It serves 20 percent daily value of magnesium.
  1. List three major functions of magnesium in the body.
1)  Bone Health – an essential function of magnesium is maintaining our bones healthy, a deficient in magnesium in the human body alters the way our body metabolizes calcium as well as the hormones that regulate calcium. Intake of magnesium assists in improving our bone mineral density plus averting osteoporosis. 2) Carbohydrate metabolism – magnesium influences insulin response in the body and assists in controlling blood glucose levels through its function in carbohydrate metabolism. An increment in magnesium diet might assist in reducing the risk of diabetes. 3) Blood pressure regulation – taking dietary foods which are rich in magnesium assists in regulating the body blood pressure. Also, dietary consumption of magnesium foods can improve serum lipid profiles as well as minimize blood pressure of the human body. Intake Analysis: Water & Minerals   Eating Plan A (1 Day’s Intake) Eating Plan B (1 Day’s Intake Potassium Magnesium Water (g) 1 cup of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes ½ cup white 225.26 cereal 51 grapefruit juice, raw 20 1 cup (8 ounces) lowfat milk, 1% 154 2 eggs, large, scrambled 96 fat, with A & D 122 2 cups (16 oz) coffee, brewed from 10 1 ounce cheddar cheese 36 48.87 grounds, tap water 2 slices turkey breast, sliced 70 20 ounces coffee, brewed from prepackaged grounds, tap water 1 29.42 2 slices whole-wheat bread, ½ cup raspberries, raw commercially prepared 48 27 105.47 2 ounces cheddar cheese 1 cup cantaloupe (melons, 32 cantaloupe, raw, cubes) 156 160   1 cup (8 oz) milk, chocolate, 180 1 container (6 oz) yogurt, vanilla commercial, low fat, with added flavor, low fat milk, sweetened with 170 194 vitamin A and vitamin D low calorie sweetener 3 12-ounce beers (alcoholic beverage, beer, regular, all) 8 19 0.91   2 slices Domino’s 14” Pepperoni 107 6 ounces salmon, coho, wild, moist 30 55.58 pizza, classic hand-tossed crust heat 660 ½ cup boiled, drained asparagus 13 83.37   TOTAL:   spears 1 cup broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, w/o salt 16 69.61 5 fluid ounces white table wine 147 127.7 12 ounces diet Pepsi (carbonated 0 beverage, cola, with aspartame, 28.48 contains caffeine ½ cup green peas, frozen, boiled, 71 136.20 drained, without salt 1 small bread, pita, whole-wheat 44.2 19.6   1 cup raw spinach 27.42 24 3 ounces feta cheese 28 82.83 1 cup (149 g) cherry tomatoes (tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, year round 16 140.83 average 2 tbsp. salad dressing, home recipe, 0 7.58 vinegar and oil ¼ cup mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, without salt added 297 2.79   TOTALS: 1237.2 1641.92 Eating Plan C (1 Day’s Intake) Eating Plan D (1 Day’s Intake)     Water (g) Sodium(mg)   Water (g) Iron (mg)   2 eggs, large, scrambled 46.60 88 1 cup honeydew melon, 152.69 0.29 raw, diced 1 cup milk, whole, 3.25% 215.04 105 1 cup strawberries, raw, 138 0.62   milkfat, with vitamin D sliced 2 slice bacon (pork, cured, 2.72 194 1 medium apple, raw, red 93.01 0.12   pre-sliced, pan fried) delicious, with skin 2 1-ounce Slim Jims 2.8 860 ½ avocado, raw, 166.36 1.40   California, w/o skin/seed 6 oz ground beef, 95% 56.87 60 ½ cup sweet green 139.90 0.51 lean, 5% fat, pan broiled peppers, raw, sliced 2 ounces provolone 54.05 1156 1 orange, raw, navel, cheese 2- 7/8” 141.85 0.21 ¼ cup blue cheese 12.02 325 1 medium banana, raw dressing, commercial, 168.55 0.58 regular 12 ounces water 29.59 0 ½ cup grated carrots, raw 113.01 0.38   2 ounces cheddar cheese 48.87 862 ½ cup boiled, drained 83.37 0.82   cubes asparagus spears 6 ounces (use 1 breast) 31.31 41 1 cup boiled yellow string 111.53 1.60 icken breast, fryer, meat 31.31 41 beans, snap, with salt only, fried 111.53 1.60   1 egg, large, scrambled 46.60 88 ¼ cup apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked 40.16 3.46   1 cup Romaine lettuce, 47.29 4 1 small pear, raw, Bartlett, 117.80 0.27 raw, shredded ½ cup blue cheese 1/2 cup (100 g) dates, dressing, commercial, 12.02 325 medjool 5.12 0.22 regular 12 ounces diet Pepsi (carbonated beverage) TOTALS: 1471.35 10.48 cola, with aspartame, 12 28.48 contains caffeine TOTALS: 617.78 4136.48 Complete the above tables from information from the USDA National Nutritional Database ( and click, “start here.”) and then answer the following questions. You must show your work in the above tables for credit!) Examine Eating Plans B, C and D:
  1. Which meal plan (B, C or D) is lowest in water content? To receive credit, your answer must be based on data in the above tables.
Eating plan D with 1471.35 grams
  1. Other than water, name three specific foods high in water that could be added to increase the water content!
Other foods with high water content include cauliflower, broccoli, red cabbage, and carrots Looking at All of the Eating Plans:
  1. The DRI for potassium is 4700 mg. How much potassium does eating plan A provide?
Eating plan A provides 660 mg.
  1. The DRI for magnesium for men is 400 mg and for women, 310 mg. How much magnesium does plan B provide? [GR 2/20]
Eating plan B provides 1237.2 mg of magnesium.
  1. The UL for sodium is 2300 mg. In Eating Plan C, which three foods contribute the most sodium?
  2. Provolone cheese with 1156 mg
  3. Slim jims with 860 mg
  4. Cheese cheddar with 862 mg
  5. The DRI for iron for men and post-menopausal women is 8 mg, and for menstruating women, 18 mg. How much iron is in Eating Plan D?
The total Iron in eating plan D is 10.48 mg
  1. The iron provided by Eating Plan D is insufficient. Name 3 specific foods that could be added to increase the iron but maintain the philosophy or purpose of this eating plan.
Some foods that can be added to eating plan D include red meat, spinach, and legumes such as lentils, beans, and chickpeas.  
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Assignment on Water and Minerals. (2019, Oct 10). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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