Adolf Hitler and Nuremberg Laws

Check out more papers on Adolf Hitler Hatred Nazi Germany

After Hitler took over power in 1933, he created the Nuremberg laws. These were anti semitic laws. These laws restricted the rights of German Jews. After identifying who was Jewish, they prohibited marriage between Jews and others,and even banned sexual intercourse between Jews and non-Jews. Following the Nuremberg Laws on 1935, Nazi laws were issued to where the Jews were stripped completely to their rights as human beings.One of the houses burning.

Watching some of the survivor testimonies and trying to picture what they're explaining is horrifying. When you're reading all of it on a website it's one thing, but to imagine it and to put an image in your head is something else entirely. Researching information about selection was very difficult for me. Knowing that some children were put right into the death line pretty much was very hard to hear.

Knowing that these Germans, these animals, could sit there and kill an innocent child above anything else is the most disgusting part. Needless to say, it's a shame that the world didn't get light of this situation till way after it was done and over with. The only thing we can go off of now is survivor testimonies and knowledge of the subject. War and killing is definitely a part of this world we come to know and love, to say that we should live in a world of peace is almost too asinine a thought. I hope nothing like the Holocaust ever happens again. Too many innocent lives fell victim to what essentially was a racist/prejudice issue.

No one knows for certain why Hitler hated the Jews, but it is a good guess to say World War One and his childhood made him the way he was during World War Two. Hitler will always be looked at as evil, mentally unstable, and racist but I think he could have turned out a great person if born under different circumstances. He had the qualities to be a general in the army or president of the United States! I am not saying Hitler was a great guy, but I think anyone could have turned out the way he did if we had to walk a mile in his shoes.

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Adolf Hitler and Nuremberg Laws. (2019, Jul 24). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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