700 Word Essay Examples

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1406 essay samples found

Conformity in Fahrenheit 451

Come on, Christina. Everybody’s doing it. It’s fine! Christina knew that it was not right, but everyone was doing it. What’s the problem with it? This is a common issue that most everybody will be faced with. Do I give in or do I stand up for what I believe in? This is the same […]

Pages: 2 Words: 692 Topics: Conformity, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury

Consequences Public Condemnation and Lies

What would you do if thousands of people starts to blame, shame, embarrass you on social media? Will you fight back or stay quiet? Social media provided shy and voiceless people, a voice where they can share their thoughts, opinions. Also, through social media they feel connected to the society but these voiceless people can […]

Pages: 2 Words: 731 Topics: Shame
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Constitution and Oath of Enlistment

Civilians control the battle-hardened warriors of the most lethal fighting force in the world. The President of the United States and Congress are in charge of the military. Members of the United States military swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Ordinary civilians, “We The People”, wrote the Constitution […]

Pages: 2 Words: 701 Topics: Constitution

Contributing Factors to Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Juvenile delinquency has and still continues to affect society for as long as crime and humanity have existed. Often times, it is acknowledged that juvenile delinquency is a major problem in todays world and society but not enough attention is put on the causes of juvenile delinquency. There are many contributing factors leading juveniles […]

Pages: 3 Words: 769 Topics: Juvenile Delinquency

Contribution of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is a public character. People respected and valued his ideologies and beliefs. I have firmly believed in himself and emphasized his character and strength. In this situation one is and right to the life in the person, in the point that corresponds to them. His ejamples have been driven by people all around […]

Pages: 2 Words: 716 Topics: Ethical Principles, Mahatma Gandhi

Control the Spread of the Disease

Treatment: none; antibiotics in some severe cases. A virus causes chickenpox, so the doctor won’t prescribe antibiotics. However, antibiotics may be required if the sores become infected by bacteria. This is pretty common among kids because they often scratch and pick at the blisters. The antiviral medicine acyclovir may be prescribed for people with chickenpox […]

Pages: 3 Words: 768 Topics: Disease, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Public Health

Controversial Topic of Violence in Schools

Violence in schools is a very controversial topic to talk about, it has been happening for years, and actually happened very recently in a city called parkland, florida at Stoneman Douglas high school 17 students were shot, and murdered. A student came to the school with firearms, and shot 17 students. The student was charged […]

Pages: 2 Words: 740 Topics: School Violence, Violence

Controversiality of the Views of Sigmund Freud in Comparison with other Psychological Researchers

Wundt blames human internal experience as being the problem with psychology along with philosophy as human experience varies between living, emotions, reactions, and a list of many other factors (Wundt 1912; 1-5). With this in mind, Wundt taught structuralism. Breaking down cognition into parts, in a biological standpoint, in order to understand ‘how’ the mind […]

Pages: 2 Words: 735 Topics: Cognition, Neuroscience

Cooperation Leads to Success

Competition or cooperation? Which works better? The answer, without a doubt, is cooperation. Many may say that competition is a breeding ground for success, however, scientists have repeatedly verified that cooperation has the strongest long-term impact. Yet big business, government, and parental influences continue to encourage competition as a successful tool, completely ignoring the power […]

Pages: 3 Words: 764 Topics: Behavior Modification, Competition, Human Development, Human Nature, Interpersonal Relationships, Success

Coping with Procrastination

Most people in todayr’s world procrastinate because they want to achieve something that means most to them. Achieving something can be things, such as winning a national championship, finishing a 10-page essay, or passing every class with all Ar’s. Trying to do at least one of this can lead to a person procrastinating. When someone […]

Pages: 3 Words: 760 Topics: Emotions, Procrastination

Creation of Serial Killer

There is a difference between a serial killer and simply a murderer. So what defines a serial killer? Well, according to Crime Museum, A serial killer is conventionally defined as a person who murders three or more people in a period of over a month, with cooling down time between murders. For a serial killer, […]

Pages: 3 Words: 762 Topics: Abuse, Crime, Mental Disorder, Murder, Nature Versus Nurture, Serial Killer, Violence

Creative Writing: to Walk on the Beach

It was not often we make it in time for sunset. Mum, Dad and I hurried down from our waterfront villa, perched just above the beach, overlooking the scenery that seemed out of this world. I felt very privileged, to be stationed upon the sand gazing out at the stagnant Byron Bay ocean, leaving me […]

Pages: 2 Words: 743 Topics: Beach, Sky

Creon’s Stubbornness

CHORUS LEADER Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Creon’s Stubbornness” Get custom essay Isn’t this action possibly a god’s? … CREON Or have you seen them honor wicked min? It isn’t so. This exchange shows that it is a common opinion that proper honorary burial rites are desired by the gods, even […]

Pages: 3 Words: 765 Topics: Antigone, Greece, Tragic Hero

Crime and Punishment Plot Overview

Rodion Raskolnikov, former law student, is living in poverty and contemplates murdering the mean pawnbroker Alyona Ivanovna. While contemplating this act, Rodion meets a drunkard whose daughter (Sonya) has turned to prostitution to support his family and finds out his sister (Dunya) is planning to marry a wealthy man (Luzhin). Raskolnikov decides to kill the […]

Pages: 2 Words: 714 Topics: Crime And Punishment, Crime, Punishment

Criminal Justice and the Media Biases and Misrepresentations

As I walk down the street and also spot a policeman, I suddenly attempt to serve as typical as feasible and also obtain anxious, fearing the officer will certainly stop me just for being questionable. Many of my fears of the cops stem from their representation by the media as strict by the book enforcers […]

Pages: 2 Words: 715 Topics: Crime, Media Bias, Police, Punishment

Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal justice reform is when errors are found in our criminal justice system, and then are planned to be fixed. Everyone in a courtroom that has had to appear before a judge, has rights. Rights such as due process of law, the right to have bail, to not have your property searched or your personal […]

Pages: 2 Words: 676 Topics: Crime, Criminal Justice, Criminal Law, Government, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Justice, Sex Trafficking, Virtue

Cultural Appreciation and Cultural Exchange

One of the first topic that resonated with me from this class was the salad bowl concept. Like many other Americans and I, we cherish our roots. However, immigration and its laws have had conflicting beliefs over time. Out of these beliefs emerged both the melting pot and salad bowl concepts. The melting pot belief […]

Pages: 3 Words: 755 Topics: Cultural Appropriation, Immigration

Cultural Relativism

Cultural relativism is the point of view that a culture ought to be socially assessed by its own social measures and not by those of another culture. Sociologists believe that good and moral frameworks, which shift from culture to culture, are for the most part similarly substantial and nobody’s framework is extremely superior to some […]

Pages: 2 Words: 688 Topics: Cultural Relativism, Human Nature, Social Psychology, Tradition

Cure for Racism

Even though slavery and separation of races ended many years ago, racism can still be found in nursing today. Racism is an immense fault that many health care professionals exhibit in the field. Working in the healthcare field revolves around patient centered care. A major part of patient centered care is accepting the patient’s culture, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 717 Topics: Health Care, Race, Racism

Curley’s Wife in the Story of Mice and Men

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. These lines are spoken by Winston Churchill. The novel is set in the farmland of the Salinas valley, where the author (John Steinbeck) was born. The story Of Mice And Men tells the story about two displaced migrant workers […]

Pages: 2 Words: 705 Topics: Of Mice And Men

Cyber Bullying Regulation

The Internet has become ingrained into all of life’s processes. It has been our go-to – whether networking with others, storing files, emails, gaming, and so forth. This information highway has opened so many options, for better and for worse. The debate on the pros and cons of censoring and controlling the Internet will continue […]

Pages: 2 Words: 698 Topics: Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Impact of Technology, Internet Addiction

Cyberbullying in School

When I first started high school, I witnessed a cyberbullying incident that put one of my classmates behind bars before their life even started. The student had created a fake Snapchat page that was used to expose the nudity of other students around the school. I assume the kids who had been posted felt embarrassment […]

Pages: 2 Words: 738 Topics: Abuse, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Injustice, School Bullying, School, Social Issues

Dangers of Cyber Bullying

The Oxford Dictionary definition for cyberbullying is “The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature”(“Cyberbullying”). The question that guides us is should cyber-bullying that occurs outside of school be punished by the school? Cyberbullying not only affects one’s mind and emotions but their actions […]

Pages: 2 Words: 731 Topics: Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Interpersonal Relationships, Social Psychology

Dante’s Vita Nuova: who is the Teacher and who is the Student?

Dante’s Vita Nuova represents what could be termed as a text of High Middle Ages. The poem explores literary construction the myth of the contemporary love in the European world. In a late eleventh century, approximately two hundred before Vita Nuova was written, European culture began to experience some re-evaluation of the representation of woman […]

Pages: 2 Words: 687 Topics: American Literature, Dante's Inferno, Student, Teacher

Death of a Salesman Willy Death

Everyone you have met in your life has lied to someone in their lifetime, whether it be a small white lie or a lie that could change your life or someone else’s life or feelings drastically. In “The Ways We Lie” by Stephanie Ericsson and “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller, there are many […]

Pages: 2 Words: 731 Topics: Death, Death Of A Salesman, Fiction, Human activities

Definition of Suicide in Several Examples

Suicide doesn’t just happen because people are being bullied it also happens when a person is dealing with an insane amount of depression and see no hope to their depression ending anytime soon and decided to take an extreme measurement for example, Robin William was an outstanding actor who brought so much joy to people […]

Pages: 2 Words: 688 Topics: Assisted Suicide, Suicide

Deforestation’s Impact on Biodiversity

Research has found that when the need for goods are high, the spotlight on environmental issues dwindles. The everlasting need for paper products is causing the need for commercial deforestation practices and they are finding their way into some of the most specie abundant landscapes. Biodiversity is the natural occurrence of the interactions between community […]

Pages: 3 Words: 757 Topics: Biodiversity, Deforestation

Demand Modeling of Electric Car Fast Charging Station

Abstract This paper presents the modeling and simulation of power loads due to plug-in electric vehicles’ (EVs) charging events at a dc fast charging station. Two algorithms for modeling the loads are introduced and compared, based on sampling and one based on statistical distribution build from the sample database. Simulation of load versus time was […]

Pages: 2 Words: 670 Topics: Climate Change, Electric Car, Electricity

Democracy in Athens

Democracy in Athens was very influential to the rest of the world simply because it is known as the first ever democracy with a sense of competitiveness and community. Competitiveness and community were two of the most valued things in Ancient Athens. Pericles, a notorious statesmen, was a leader and influencer of Athenian democracy. He […]

Pages: 2 Words: 728 Topics: Athens, Democracy, Oedipus Rex

Depiction of Baby Boomer Generation

The term Baby Boomer came from the fact that in the first year of the baby boom, 1946, there were about 2.4 million babies born, by the end of the era in 1964 there about 72.5 million baby boomers. An interesting fact is that Bill Clinton was the first baby boomer to serve as president […]

Pages: 2 Words: 700 Topics: Arts, Baby Boomer Generation, Generation, Visual Arts
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