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777 essay samples found

Risk Management Techniques and Systemic Risk Finance Essay

In my opinion, existing risk management techniques are not fit for purpose when examined in the context of overall financial stability. This is because current regulation and risk management techniques focus on protecting individual institutions rather than protecting the economy as a whole. As a result, there is no framework to alleviate systemic risk which […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1936 Topics: Bank, Banking, Financial Markets, Investment, Risk, Risk Management

Risk of Increasing Life Expectancy

Risk comes in many different forms; one such form is longevity risk. From a personal perspective, longevity risk is the risk of outliving one’s savings. This would lead to these individuals living in poverty, not being able to assist family through inheritance, or both. From a business perspective, longevity risk is the risk of increasing […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1949 Topics: Health Care, Life Expectancy, Risk
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Robert Bowers and Cesar Sayoc a Psychological Profile

To date, there have been 307 mass shootings in the United States in 2018 alone — nearly as many mass shootings as there are days in the year. According to a study in the ScienceDaily Journal, more people have died or been injured in mass school shootings in the United States in the past 18 […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1954 Topics: Social Issues

Rogerian Argument: Bullying and the Effects that it Causes

Bullying is a social justice issue that has been around for many decades. Bullying is an aggressive act that is intentionally done by harming someone verbally, physically, or psychologically. Normally, bullying is created through and imbalance of power and it is repeated over and over again. There’ something like a general acceptance or justification that […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1968 Topics: Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Interpersonal Relationships, Rogerian Argument, Social Issues, Social Psychology

Role of African Americans in Civil War

Identification and Evaluation of Sources This investigation will explore the question, “To what extent did African Americans play a service role during the American Civil War?” It will focus the perspective of African Americans during the American Civil War, 1861 through 1865. Many know how greatly the American Civil War affected African Americans, but how […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1923 Topics: American Civil War, Civil War, United States, War

Role of Animals in World War 1

Animals have always proven themselves to be loyal and men’s best help during war ground or peace treaties. Unfortunately, as the years are passing by the usage of animals have been reduced in many jobs and areas where they were used the most, they haven’t completely been wiped out but their number have surely been […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1983 Topics: Animals, Cat, Conflicts, Dog, Military, War, World War 1

Role of Physical Education in School

Physical education classes are being eliminated from school curriculums across the nation, but they should remain for the many benefits students receive from them. Physical education can help students now and in their future, by helping them grow physically, mentally, academically, socially and by giving them a greater appreciation for diversity. Adding kinesthetics within the […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1967 Topics: Exercise, Inclusion, Learning, Obesity, Physical Education, School, Teacher

Role of Smes in National Development

ABSTRACT SMEs form the backbone of the Indian manufacturing sector and have become engine of economic growth in India. It is estimated that SMEs account for almost 90% of industrial units in India and 40% of value addition in the manufacturing sector. This paper closely analyses the growth and development of the Indian mall scale […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1985 Topics: Bank, Development, Economic Growth, Manufacturing

Role of Social Class in Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, is revolutionary in its own right, considering it explores the themes of social boundaries, and going a step further in saying that they can be crossed.The character whose story we are following, Jane, seems to be in between various social levels, going from the lowest class, to the highest. Jane’s rather […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2069 Topics: Jane Eyre, Social Class

Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement

People who emit courage and bravery are the ones that help change and shape the future. Due to one African American woman and her brave actions, the future has become a more equal space. Once a segregated United States, we now have equality and are more diverse as a country. There are no longer places […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2011 Topics: Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks

Same Sex Marriage do you Think this Constitutional

Imagine if you had a child that love someone who has the same gender as them and wanted you to accept their love for each other by being there, would you attend the wedding? Some may say yes, and some might say no. Same sex marriage has been a controversy topic for the longest. Same […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1944 Topics: Family, Gender, Homosexuality, Human Sexuality, Interpersonal Relationships, Marriage, Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage and Children

My goal though my research is to educate and motive community members that, same-sex couples can provide a great and safe home to the more than 670,000 children in foster care every day. (Overview of LGBT, n.d.) While it has regularly been utilized as a contention against same-sex adoption, studies have demonstrated that same-sex adoption […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1965 Topics: Child Marriage, Children

Sandy Beaches are the most Common

Beaches are found in many of the world’s coastal regions, as well as along the shores of major rivers and lakes. Beaches are great for economies because they are the top tourist attractions. There are numerous ways of classifying beaches, one being their classification based on their composition. Sand, boulders, shingle, and shells are the […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1969 Topics: Natural Environment, Nature, Oceanography, Sea, Water

Satan in Paradise Lost

An epic hero is a brave and noble character in an epic poem. Multiple arguments can be made on whether or not Satan is the true epic hero of Milton’s Paradise Lost. There are readers who think that Satan is the true hero purely based off of the first two chapters of this epic poem. […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1987 Topics: Paradise Lost

School Violence in the United States

School violence has largely become one of the greatest issues the United States is facing in the 21st century largely due to the underlying issues that are present when violence in schools occurs. When school violence is in the news, oftentimes it is associated with school shootings. There are questions that need to be asked […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2019 Topics: Bullying, Cyber Bullying, School, School Shooting, School Violence, Social Psychology, United States, Violence

Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Dataset Using Machine Learning

Abstract The wide spread of World Wide Web has brought a new way of expressing the sentiments of individuals. It is also a medium with a huge amount of information where users can view the opinion of other users that are classified into different sentiment classes and are increasingly growing as a key factor in […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2048 Topics: Analysis, Learning, Machine Learning

Serving the World’s Poor is Good for Business

Serving the World’s poor is good for business and good for the poorest people in the world Words Count: 1,994 In recent few decades businesses are striving very hard to change their image from simply being “profit making institutions” to “responsible players of the society”. However it is not about serving the society unconditionally rather […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2009 Topics: Employment, Poverty

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In the light of the current #MeToo movement and claims against supreme court elect Brett Kavanaugh, sexual harassment has turned into a major issue in the working environment. Many women and men have fallen victim to sexual advancement from co-workers in positions of power. These unwanted advancements, for example, whistling, invasion of one’s personal space, […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2002 Topics: Brand, Justice, Sexual Harassment, Social Issues

Sexual Offences Act 2003

Critically evaluate the definition of consent for the purposes of sexual offences since the enactment of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, with particular regard to the presumptions in ss.75 and 76. Date authored: 15 th August, 2014. Described by the Home Office Review, Setting the Boundaries, as a ‘patchwork quilt of provisions’, the old law […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1957 Topics: Common Law, Ethical Principles, Government, Jury, Justice, Morality

Sexual Violence and Assaults on Campus

The best four years of your life are known to be the ones spent in college, which is supposed to be an incomparable and unequivocally life altering experience. Students leave high school with the hope of making memories that’ll last a lifetime as well as finding a route towards a successful future. Knowing what students […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2015 Topics: Crime, Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault On College Campuses, Sexual Harassment, Violence

Shakey’s Research Paper

Introduction Shakey’s is the first successful pizza restaurant chain in the Philippines. In the 70s-80s, they use to feature bands, in their restaurants. try any of their thin- crust pizzas. Shakey’s the number 1 pizza restaurant in the Philippines. For the generations, Shakey’s has been the neighborhood gathering place, where family and friends come together […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2031 Topics: Pizza, Restaurant

Should Corporal Punishment be Allowed?

The existence of corporal punishment has been traced back to the early beginnings of time, dating back to some of the first civilizations using it for military aspects and also parenting on children, according to the biblical verses dating back to the 6th century B.C. such as Proverbs 23:13-14, Do not withhold discipline from a […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1916 Topics: Children, Corporal Punishment, Mental Disorder, Punishment, School Violence, Substance Abuse, Teacher, Violence

Should the UK Adopt a Written Constitution?

Should the UK adopt a written constitution? A constitution is the commonly acknowledged body of principles or established regulations and procedure to which nation states are governed by and recognised within Parliament. Britain, along with Israel and New Zealand, is one of only 3 democracies in the world not to have a written constitution (Consoc, […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1977 Topics: Civil Law, Constitution

Should the Uk Government Listen Finance Essay

First, universal banking are type of banking system that includes commercial, investment, and other whole range of banking activities, such as insurance, all under one roof. These kinds of concentration results in a high size and power institutions, those only big banks can create. Generally, they are accounted to perform certain principles of corporate governance […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2018 Topics: Bank, Banking, Government, Investment, Money, Risk, Too Big To Fail

Significant Role of Vaccinations

 Vaccinations are deemed as one of the most essential and practical achievements in epidemiology to date by nearly eradicating and counteracting several diseases that were once prevalent and killed hundreds of thousands in the past centuries. Despite its efficacy in substantially reducing certain diseases, the only vaccine discontinued because the disease was permanently eliminated from […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2001 Topics: Biotechnology, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Public Health, Vaccination

Small Business Vs Big Business

Big business starts as small business software to support a growing enterprise. There are two certainties in life – death and taxes. While both are unavoidable, at least the taxes issue can be managed. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get your custom essay on “Small Business Vs Big Business” Get custom essay But managing taxes, and […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1942 Topics: Database, Information, Small Business

Smoking: Preventable Death

Running head: SMOKING: PREVENTABLE DEATH Smoking: Preventable Death It is 2008, my family is gathered in the hospital room listening to a doctor explain how cigarette smoking is the reason for us being here. This is a speech we are hearing for the third time. I had already watched to of my other family members […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1958 Topics: Death, Determinants Of Health, Smoking, United States

Social Anxiety on College Students

A familiar feeling of sweaty palms, an upturned stomach, racing thoughts, and increased heartbeat is what many people have experienced in their life time. This phenomenon usually occurs when we are put into situations that trigger our flight or fight responses. However, for those with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, these […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1945 Topics: Alcoholism, Anxiety, College, Mental Disorder, Psychotherapy, Social Anxiety

Social Media Effects on Individual’s Self-Esteem

Social Media Effects on Individual’s Self Esteem Introduction The study explores the implications of social media use on children’s self-esteem, which is considered to be among the most researchers issues affecting the users of the web-based platforms. Self-esteem denotes one’s sense of pride, as well as positive assessment or self-respect. Previous studies conducted on the […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2065 Topics: Adolescence, Body Image, Children, Learning, Mass Media, Self Esteem, Social Media

South African Office Sector as an Investment Opportunity


Pages: 7 Words: 1965 Topics: Africa, Investment, Outsourcing, South Africa
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