Travel and Tourism Industry

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The Maldivian travel and tourism industry is largely controlled by the private sector. The central government acts as a regulatory body in the industry. The key stake holders in the industry are the local tour operators, tour operators abroad, local airlines, international airlines, tour operators. Among them exists partnerships and strategic alliances together contributing to the quality service being provided.

There are 97 luxury resorts established in the Maldives currently under operation and a further 30 resorts are been developed in addition to 145 safari vessels and city hotels already operating in the country. The Maldives is known for its high end world class resorts and, which offer tropical privacy in the modern hectic world, popular among the rich and famous. Tourism is the main industry in the Maldives and contributes about 32% to its GDP. Over the last five years tourist arrivals to the Maldives have been increasing constantly.

Kurumba Maldives

Kurumba Maldives is the first resort in the Maldives, Kurumba Maldives offers a wide range of comfortable accommodations. This resort is just 10 minutes away by speedboat from the Male International Airport. Guests can enjoy relaxing on the white sandy beaches and a vibrant house reef at this classic Maldivian resort. Kurumba Maldives provides a comfortable place to stay with unlimited relaxation, and guests can enjoy a variety of activities such as watersports. Kurumba Maldives is a perfect venue for a variety of guests including families and travelers who wish to have a memorable experience with adventure, dining, and nightly entertainments. Focused on offering a warm and pleasant stay in the Maldives, Kurumba Maldivesensures great hospitality throughout your stay with professional service and a wide array of features.

Evaluate the facilities and tourism products available at the destination

Tourism products available


Kurumba Maldives has a beautiful white sand beaches and scenic coconut trees. It offers free WiFi in all rooms, 8 restaurants and 4 bars. The resort has 2 outdoor freshwater pools, 3 tennis courts and a fitness center. Offering a wide range of treatments, Veli Spa proposes the unique Dhivehi Beys treatments, as well as both modern and traditional treatments. Island-hopping tours and fishing trips are available, as well as customized excursions. The luxurious rooms and villas feature private terraces with beach views. Tourists can get different types of food from Kurumba’s restaurants.


After a long flight, kurumba maldives vihamanafushi is certain that you will appreciate arriving to the maldives luxury honeymoon resorts early and upon departure, you can stretch your stay at the kurumba village resort Maldives until 3 hours prior to your flight's departure.

Kurumba is a household name in the Maldives and appeals to a broad range of travelers because of its competitive room rates and easy accessibility. The resort's fleet of boats makes regular trips to the airport to collect guests, and crew members offer bottled water and cool towels scented with coconut. Members of staff will wait on the jetty for arrivals and lead newcomers to the main reception area -- an attractive open-air building that looks especially romantic when lit at night.

During check-in, an elegant presentation of coconut ice cream is offered to guests before they are are taken to their accommodations on various parts of the island. Some rooms are located closer to the beach than others, while sun loungers, designated by room numbers, surround the shore. It is easy to walk the entire circumference of the island, and guests may also take inland pathways. It is easy to get turned around the first day or two, but landmarks such as the orchid garden or the staff mosque can help remind guests where they are.

The resort provides a convenient place to discover Male Island and Hulhule, as well as everything the local area has to offer. Activities such as snorkeling, boating and water activities are offered nearby.


The average temperature is around 29/32° Celsius. The wetter times are normally between May to June and September to November. These periods can be daily patches of light showers to good thunderstorms. The water temperature ranges from 24/30° Celsius. Umbrellas are in every room so there is no need to pack an umbrella. During this time the water is warm and the fish do not seem to mind the rain.

Majaa (in the local dhivehi language means fun) recreation team of Kurumba Maldives is located in the middle of the island. The skilled Majaa team is on hand to help guests choose a pursuit, which could range from a session of tennis lesson to night of snorkeling. In addition to individual activity programms, a seven-day activity timetable is also available to ensure guests are always entertained.


  • 24 hour gymnasium
  • Beginners Yoga
  • Core Conditioning
  • Full-Body Stretching
  • Tai Chi
  • Tennis
  • Watersports


  • Coconut Capers
  • Coral Gardening
  • Green & Back-of-House Tour
  • Kurumba Leaf Crafts
  • Marine Biology Presentation
  • Recycled Arts & Crafts


  • Glass-Bottom Boat
  • Guided Night Snorkelling
  • House Reef Tour
  • Maldivian Experience
  • Mal© Tour
  • Sandbank Picnic
  • Seaplane Photo Flight
  • Snorkelling Lesson
  • Sunset & Dolphin Discovery Cruise
  • Sunset Fishing


  • Bodu Beru
  • Canvas Painting Class
  • Cocktail Masterclass
  • Local Island Experience
  • Maldivian Arts & Crafts
  • Maldivian Cooking demonstration
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Travel and Tourism Industry. (2021, Mar 26). Retrieved September 20, 2024 , from

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