The Biggest Influence on my Life

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If someone were to ask me who the most influential person in my life was, I'd most likely tell him or her that it's my brother, Chris. My brother is one of the most important people in my life. I may not always act like it, but I look up to him and respect him. It's hard to think of everything he's done for me and not like him. There's the basic stuff that most older brothers do. You know, baby-sit you, help you with your homework, and let you use their stuff. But my brother did a lot more for me. He was the one who taught me how to read and how to tie my shoes. He taught me how to hold my breath underwater.

He even taught me how not to touch his things. He also did other typical big brother stuff. Like shut me in the closet, play tricks on me, "forbid" me to use his stuff. But for each 'mean' thing he did to me, he did about five nice things. One nice thing he did was that he always let me hang around him and his friends. Because of that I actually have two brothers instead of one. My other "brother" is Chris's best friend, Corey. They spent a lot of time together when they were younger, and since Chris was nice, I usually got to do stuff with them. Since Corey was as much my brother as Chris was, of course they both pulled little tricks on me. But I must admit a lot of the tricks worked because I was a slightly gullible child. One that readily comes to mind is when Chris and Corey tried, and succeeded, to convince me that they were being sucked into the ground.

I was so convinced that I went inside and told Mom that they were being sucked down. As I said, I was a slightly gullible child. Another little prank was when one of my friends was over while Mom and Dad were bowling and Chris and Corey were baby-sitting us. We hid in the bathroom and locked the door, and they decided to take a rope, open the closet door, which is across from the bathroom and opens out, tie one end to the closet door knob, and tie the other end to the bathroom door knob. The bathroom door opens in. Yes. we had some interesting times.

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The Biggest Influence on My Life. (2017, Sep 25). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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