Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume

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The contemporary realistic book that I chose is Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. This is a children novel authored by Judy Blume. It was published in 1972 (Blume, 2003). The book is appropriate for children above the age of 7 years and belongs to the discipline of teaching. This is because it teaches children the behavior of young children aged two years and how to trick them.

The specific objective suitable for this novel is pedagogical objective. This is because it teaches children above the age of 7 years and parents how to trick young children at the age of 2 years. The main purpose of the book is to teach. It teaches how the Peter’s family plays with Fudge psychology. The family in the novel uses Peter the elder brother of Fudge to influence his behavior. Since Fudge likes to mimic his brother Peter, when the family wants to buy a specific item for him, they pretend Peter is going to also purchase that item something, which forces Fudge to accept (Blume, 2003). By doing so, they void his loud shouting and crying.

This book will be used to meet the pedagogical objective by educating parents and elder children on the ways of dealing with their children. It will educate parents on how to play with the psychology of children in order to avoid resistance by tricking them (Nel & Paul, 2011). Tricking children to accept or ignore something, helps prevent them from crying.

One of the problematic specific is when children do not mimic there elder brothers or sisters. This is problematic because it will be hard to trick the child. The other one is having hot tempered children who are not willing to forgive each other. If it becomes hard to trick the child, being a parent you should find other ways of influencing the behavior of your child. For example, I will use rewards to motivate the child to accept a certain offer.

After reading this book, children will be in a position to handle their younger brothers and sisters in the appropriate manner. They will learn the importance of forgiving their younger siblings when they wrong them (Nel & Paul, 2011). This implies that they will have mental growth on how to handle their younger siblings. If the parent objects to the goal of teaching children how to trick their younger siblings, the alternative assignment is to teach them ways of rewarding their siblings in order to accept or reject certain items.

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Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing By Judy Blume. (2019, Oct 10). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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