Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work

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Paragraph Number| What it says| What it does| #1| Students based on their class of society are treated and taught differently in class rooms. | This first paragraph explains the problem that the author is writing about. | #2| Before the author starts to explain the problem, she’s going to define the social classes. | This is a paragraph describing what’s going to be explained next. | #3| There are 3 factors to decide who goes into which social class. | This explains that relations define which social class you are in. #4| A person who has relation to ownership of capital is considered to be more upper class. | This explains the first relationship to determine your social class. | #5| To be in an upper class, one must own stocks or capital. | It shows some important data that the wealthy has possession of the majority of stock. | #6| The worker class usually doesn’t own physical capital and usually labors in order to gain profits for others. | It gives an explanation to the working class. | #7| The middle class is a mixture of the working class and upper class. This gives an explanation of the middle class. | #8| The upper class has a position of power over the middle and working class when it comes to employment. | This explains the relationship between classes. | #9| The working class majority of the time has labor that requires routine and mechanical with no layout. Middle class has jobs that require some labor and some planning out. | This explains the labor of the separate social classes. | #10| The social class can change for a person at anytime so it isn’t set in stone. The conclusion for explaining the separation of social classes. | #11| The author has decided to study 5 different schools each with different social classes. | It was an introduction previewing readers what they’re going to read on later. | #12| The first and second school are working-class schools where majority of the parents of students here have blue-collar jobs. | It shows the situation of the elementary schools to provide readers with the information on how much the working class’s salaries are. #13| The third school is a middle class school where it’s still split up into 3 different groups: low-middle class, middle class, and upper-middle class. | This paragraph explains some careers of the elementary student’s parents. | #14| The fourth school is an upper class. Majority of the students here are white. | This explains the upper class parent jobs. | #15| The last school is an “Executive Elite School” because the majority of fathers of students are top executives. No minority students attend this school. | It talks about the upper of the upper class and describes how less than 1% of families. #16| The author talks about how each school work will be different. | This is the conclusion to how the schools are separated between classes. | #17| Different classes have different ways for students to learn and how every teacher teaches different. | This is the introduction paragraph to describe the teaching styles of each different class. | #18| The students will have different relations to the authorities throughout the schools. | It explains the relationship between students and staff members of the school. |

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Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work. (2017, Sep 15). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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