Racism as Superiority

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The past not because today there are more racists than ever before, but because people have developed a sense of equality of rights that was never as common in the past as it is today. This can primarily be attributed to education. As people have started to seek education, they have started to realize their individualistic and collective rights. This has consequentially increased their sensitivity towards behaviors that are racists, thus making racism a potential issue of the contemporary society. Racism is an issue because it poses many issues. Over the years, societies have become increasingly multicultural as a result of massive migration of people from the underdeveloped countries to the more technologically advanced countries. Integration of the foreigners into the host societies has led to the creation of cultural diversity in the workplace. Racism is one of the biggest threats for a multicultural workplace because it assumes immense tendency to affect the staff members’ relations for the worse which has an equivalent negative impact on the profitability of the business.

Some organizational personnel inflicting racism upon others cause dysfunctional conflicts which cause a decline in their productivity and tarnishing of their relationships. This reduces their tendency to work as a team and make a holistic effort to attain the organizational goals. Racism is an issue not only in the workplace, but also in every organization including schools, hospitals and public places.

Racism is essentially a display of emotions of behavior that speak of the superiority of one individual as compared to the other. This superiority can be attributed to the difference of race, ethnicity and culture etc. Racism is a denial of the fundamental law of nature that all human beings are equal and are thus entitled to equal rights. Owing to a belief in their superiority, racist people believe in a disparity of entitlement to rights between them and the assumed inferior people as a result of which, they misbehave with them and adopt a demeaning behavior towards them while interacting with them. Racism is the root cause of many problems in the society.

Social problems caused by racism include but are not limited to depression, anxiety, social exclusion, poverty, illiteracy, violence, and abuse. When racism prevails in an organization e.g. school, it serves as a disincentive for some people of the society who are victimized. This has a consequential negative effect on the tendency of these victims to seek education. Consequentially, either they resort to private schooling options or leave studies forever. Racism poses hindrances in the integration of minorities in the society that are the victims of racism. As a result, minorities are underrepresented in media, politics and all social forums. Even if there is a representation somewhere, that is hardly respectable. Owing to its tendency to cause huge threats to the society, racism is an extremely important issue of the contemporary age.

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Racism As Superiority. (2022, Apr 11). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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