My Thoughts about my Leadership Style

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INTRODUCTION It is in the culture of human beings to follow a designated purpose in life. Everyone is motivated towards achieving certain goals in life. However, the journey to making this a reality is not a smooth ride, and on the way, most may lose hope, they may lose track and may give up on working for the company. In this case, there ought to exist an ambitious person who will guide, motivate and ensure that there is a strong work ethic.

These are the leaders. Leadership is a process, which entails bringing people together and influencing them to follow a given course in life mostly a real change and mutual purpose to achieve a given result (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). However, the result is majorly influenced by the manner and approach in which the leader provides direction, implements plans, executes them and inspires the follows. This expounds on the leadership style. From the assessment results, my leadership characteristics come out as a good ambassador, advocate, truth seeker, people mover, creative builder, an experienced guide. These traits tend to show the features of a relationship or people-oriented leadership together with a goal-oriented leader.

This article looks into my leadership characteristics and how they help me fit in a particular health care environment, how they help ensure effective communication, how they enhance my leadership skills as well as solve workplace challenges. WORK ENVIRONMENT The leadership features and approaches portray can be more effective in particular healthcare environments and thus, the choice of leadership style ought to match the situation to ensure that the major objectives are achieved (Northouse, 2018). For example, an ambassador is a persuasive person, respectful and acts as a negotiator a mediator in a nasty situation. In case of a strike from healthcare providers, an ambassador will be persuader and diffuser of such a situation (Girma, 2016). An advocate; is largely logical, rational and convincing this, therefore, shows that I can easily articulate the views of the followers. In this case, I can be able to accommodate a worker’s views and the patients want to ensure that each party is satisfied (Ledlow & Coppola, 2013). A truth seeker is a strong supporter of fairness, value for justice, an equalizer, neutral and competent. There may emanate a scenario in which employees may be taking advantage of patients or any loose ends in the healthcare facility security.

Truth Seekers will identify the root cause and encourage the followers to obey the rules and regulations put into place. As a creative builder, I’m largely self-driven and motivated by the dire need for change. I’m also visionary and encourage new ideas. In a case where a healthcare facility ought to change its operating system, a visionary leader who is a creative builder will be on the foreplay trying to galvanize the new ideas to the employees (Oye, Mekki, Jacobsen & Forland, 2016). A talent mover, on the other hand, are talent-spotters, motivators, mindful of their employees’ lives and nurture their followers. These leaders act as parental figures. They are departmental managers or heads with whom the employees in a department can approach to source advice. Besides, they encourage their followers to see the good in a situation instead of the negative side (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). The six characteristics reveal me as a careful guide and a person who can give a listening ear to my followers and offer advice on the necessary step. In this case, I can be the best fit as a manager in a healthcare facility.

This is because the combination shows that I’m good at leading people while I can also take into consideration the needs of the patients. The combination also shows that I have strong interpersonal relationships ability, social competence, ability to create and lead a team, manage change and ensure the formation of a good culture (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). COMMUNICATION In any given organization setting, especially a healthcare facility, the labor force available as characterized by a people of different caliber. Any leader may encounter a certain group of followers who may be easily routine and easy to communicate with while others may be impatient, and over-ambitious (Oye, Mekki, Jacobsen & Forland, 2016). To ensure effective communication with all these people there is a need to ensure that the right communication strategies are applied by the leader. Based on my assessment, it is clear that I’m largely people-oriented hence a good communicator as I can easily advocate for the needs of my team and be an ambassador of what I believe in. However, effective communication entails more than possessing the skills but also making sure that information flows effectively through the organization. This is based on the understanding that for health care professionals to be able to offer services better in a workplace there is need to ensure that information flows effectively (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). As a truth-seeker, it is clear that I’m attentive to details and an active listener which helps ensure effective communication.

Further, as an advocate, this shows that I’m friendly and easy to interact with people which is therefore essential for effective communication. I’m also highly open mined since as a creative builder and an ambassador one has to take into consideration the ideas and thoughts of other people. However, due to largely being people oriented I may tend to frequently interact with the followers. It is important to understand that people have different personalities and their love relating with others while some may want to keep to themselves. In this case, my leadership or communication style may not be effective to each and everyone in the organization. One of the personalities that would not respond to my leadership style are the introverts or the people who keep to themselves. However, I would use my leadership style to ensure that everyone is accommodated and they feel part of the organization this is through using different communication strategies that suit everyone in the workplace (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). LEADERSHIP SKILLS Knowledge of strengths and weaknesses that exist is crucial in creating an effective leadership strategy. Initially, a leader ought to have a stipulated vision, which acts as a guide to the followers (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). Thus, my competencies may help build employee growth and satisfaction at the workplace while not showing much concentration on the organizational goals which is a limitation.

Second, a leader ought to identify the weaknesses and strengths of each follow and delegate tasks according to their strengths. In a healthcare facility, a team would not be built up of employees who have similar skills as it limits the scope of knowledge. Third, the leader ought to uphold ethical standards (Frankel & PGCMS, 2019). Fourth, the leader ought to serve as a role model. Fifth, a leader ought to set achievable goals and a concrete set of activities that will unite and guide every employee. Lastly, a leader ought to eradicate any barriers hindering communication by encouraging every follower to contribute to the decision making process. This will enhance better performance (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). Based on the leadership characteristics shown, it is clear that I have strong interpersonal skills.

This, therefore, indicates that I’m more of a people or relationship oriented leader. However, it is important to note that according to leadership management grid a good leader is the one who is both people oriented and task oriented.

This means that the most effective leader is the one who focuses on motivating the employees to achieve goals while focusing on the goals and objectives of healthcare. In this case, since I’m more of a people-oriented leader, it is clear that I’m not strong in ensuring focus on goals and objectives (Northouse, 2018). However, I aim to capitalize on my ability for critical thinking skills and as an experienced guide to ensure focus on goals and objectives. Further, as an ambassador, I will seek to ensure that I stand for the organizational goals, the needs of the healthcare professionals and the patients to ensure each of the parties achieve their goals. This is through improving the skills of the workers to increase productivity, ensuring that patients are tended to with care while ensuring that set healthcare needs are met. WORKPLACE CHALLENGES In every working environment, it is normal to find challenges and hindrances that tend to block goal achievement or the ability of the employees to offer services efficiently. Therefore, a leader ought to learn how to deal with different people.

Often, team members may disagree, others may be reluctant during service delivery, and some may take advantage of patients (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). As a leader an ambassador, a critical thinker, truth-seeker, advocate and an experienced guide, I believe I have the skills required to solve workplace challenges. My leadership style may help me face challenged such as underperformance, which will inhibit the achievement of objectives. This may be through coming up with a system in which every member will be allocated a specific task according to his or her area of specialization. I may also be able to face challenges regarding privacy of patient’s information since as a truth seeker I would be able to stand up for the rights of the employees. As an exceptional guide, I may be able to face challenges that come with changes in laws and regulations since the healthcare industry is highly regulated. A healthcare facility may also face sociodemographic drawbacks such as language barrier, racism, ethnicity and age gap. This will inhibit optimal collaboration, which in return will affect service delivery (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is evident that finding purpose is not enough among human beings. There ought to be a person or group who is acting as a motivating factor, a guide, a director and an executor of plans to see that the purpose is achieved. In a healthcare setting, a leader who can be a good ambassador, advocate, truth seeker, people mover, creative builder, an experienced guide will be crucial in seeing into it that the laid down objectives of a healthcare facility come to be (Frankel & PGCMS, 2019). Thus, the kind of leadership style that a given leader uses plays a major role in determining the working atmosphere in a given working environ met, competence in communication and the ability to eradicate any workplace challenge that may arise. 

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My Thoughts About My Leadership Style. (2022, Apr 14). Retrieved March 14, 2025 , from

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