My Dream Job is Becoming a Teacher

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My initial plan for coming to Baylor was to study Exercise Physiology and go the Pre Physical Therapy route. I always knew that I loved being around children, so I wanted to adjust the Exercise Physiology major and personalize it in to solely working with children such as teaching kids to walk again, help children recover from a major accident, and so on. My plan then changed when I felt a calling to be a teacher after working with a few special eighth grade and freshman girls. I realized that every single person has progressed to be something in their life because of a teacher, and I want to be one of the many teachers that changes the course of someones life. Being a teacher would mean every day something new would be brought to the table; every day at least one student would have something new and excited to share. Every student has different God given potential and talent, making each group extremely diverse and interesting.

As a child, I was inspired by my aunt who was a ninth-grade english teacher. I would always beg to come over to her house and help her revise and edit papers, I would ask her to tell me stories about her all of her different students. I admired what she did for her students individually, she connected with each and every one and made sure each of them knew she was always there to help them succeed. I was also inspired by my soccer coach this year to become an English teacher. She was an English teacher for eighth grade, so I would always drop in on her classes and listen to her teaching. She was my mentor for my junior and senior year, and I can honestly call her one of my best friends. She was a woman of God, my biggest prayer warrior, and she really helped me figure out the kind of woman I need to strive to be.

I absolutely adore the middle school age, I love how they are still young and naive to the real world. I connect to that age group very easily, there is something about the children going through their "awkward middle years" that makes me so excited. They are in between the stage of being opened to a whole new world of maturity and new experiences. Middle school students seem to always be willing to put themselves out there without embarrassment, they haven't reached the "too cool for school" stage yet. I want to inspire them and give them a passion in life, and motivate them to be the best they can be.

My goal for becoming a teacher is to live out the talent that God graciously gave me which is naturally connecting with children. I want to glorify Him in all that I do, and I want to show children the great kingdom of God. My absolute ideal and dream job would be to go back to my high school that I graduated at, Covenant Christian Academy, and teach eighth grade English. Every single person on staff, all of the parents, and even the students are all wonderful examples of Gods' love. I want to give back the same love and care to students that I got when I attended Covenant.

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My Dream Job is Becoming a Teacher. (2022, Sep 30). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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