Intern Report on Standard Chartered Bank

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1. 0 Introduction 1. 1 Origin of the report The BBA internship program is a required course for the students who are graduating from the School of Business of Independent University, Bangladesh. It is a 12 credit hour course with duration of 14 weeks. Students who have completed all the required courses (at least 114 credit hours) are eligible for this course. In the internship program, I was attached to a host organization Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank for 14 weeks. During this period I learned how the host organization works with the help of the internal supervisor. The internal supervisor assigned me on of the projects.

Another project about the customer query frequency is assigned by my supervisor in SCG bank. The report on “SCG’s Online Service: Customers Query Frequency and Satisfaction” is prepared by the author and finally, submitted to the internal supervisor on April 30, 2002. 1. 2 Objective of the report 1. 2. 1 General objective

• To gain practical job experiences and view the application of theoretical knowledge in the real life. 1. 2. 2 Project objective

• To know Standard Chartered Grindlays customers’ different queries regarding cards by using bank’s current online service. To know Standard Chartered Grindlays customers’ view on bank’s current level of online services quality and standards.

• To suggest ways of improving the service standard that accommodates a rapidly growing customer volume. 1. 3 Scope This study attempts to relate the growing customer base with the standard of online service as perceived by customers. The study is mainly done on perception of the customer of the Standard Chartered Grindlays. Most of the primary information has been collected through the tabulation work and a questionnaire survey and also through Card Division, Motijheel branch of Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank. The author was cautious to relate the experience with that of other sales and service center of Standard Chartered Grindlays through observation. This study briefly highlights the various customer services of Standard Chartered Grindlays. 1. 4 Methodology This study is based on both primary and secondary information. To know the customer query patters tabulation sheet work was done for 15 days.

And to know the customers’ perception about the current online service provided by Standard Chartered Grindlays and its quality, a questionnaire has been constructed and a survey has been conducted. The research was conducted on April 2002 through sample survey. The survey was conducted in Card Service at Motijheel branch of Standard Chartered Grindlays.

Information from the bank personnel was gathered through informal discussion. In addition, the author used some secondary data, too. To consummate the survey the following steps were followed: 1. 4. 1 Selection of sampling The sample was selected randomly so that no question of bias would exist. The bank provided the author a random credit card holders’ list to conduct the survey. In this way, each sample was selected for the present study. And for the tabulation work the CSA’s followed a MIS tabulation sheet to trace the calling frequency of the customer. 1. 4. 2 Data collection Method ? Primary source: The data on the perception of the online service quality of Standard Chartered Grindlays was collected from the cooperative respondents through a structured questionnaire. The information on some other services of Standard Chartered Grindlays was collected through informal discussion with several personnel of Standard Chartered Grindlays. And for the query frequency a MIS tabulation sheet was filled up with tally bars for 15 days.

Secondary source: The data about the organization and other customer services was collected from some secondary sources like brochures and Standard Chartered Grindlays’s magazine and personnel. 1. 4. 3 Data Analysis Method Data Analysis was done mostly with the help of Microsoft Excel XP through table and statistical data comparison tools like Average, Standard Deviation, Hypothesized Mean, Z-Test, and multiple regression with T-test and F-test. 1. 5 Limitations ? Lack of comprehension of the respondents was the major problem that created many confusions regarding verification of conceptual question. Limitation of time was one of the most important factors that shortened the present study. Due to time limitation many aspect could not by discussed in the present study. Due to time constraints, the sample size had to be restricted to 50 only. ? Confidentiality of data was another important barrier that was faced during the conduct of this study. Every organization has their own secrecy that in not revealed to others.

While collecting data on Standard Chartered Grindlays, personnel did not disclose enough information for the sake of confidentiality of the organization. Rush hours and business was another reason that acts as an obstacle while gathering data. ? The finding of the survey is based on customers’ response in different Standard Chartered Grindlays branches located in Dhaka City only. The results may not reflect the same for other branches of Standard Chartered Grindlays outside Dhaka. 1. 6 Abbreviation Abbreviations used throughout the report are as follows: SCGStandard Chartered Grindlays SCGBStandard Chartered Grindlays Bank ANZ ANZ Grindlays Bank HSBCHong Kong Sunghai Bank AMEXAmerican Express Bank CSACustomer Service Advisor MIS Management Information System CCCredit Card C/HCard Holder PINPersonal Identification Number SSC Sales and Service center ATM Automated Teller Machine PFS Personal Financial Service EMIEquated Monthly Installment LCLetter of Credit NGONon-Government Organization 1. 7 Report Preview The report contains five parts. Part one is the Introduction part, which includes objective of the report, scope, limitations, and methodology.

Part two the Organizational part gives the idea about Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank’s historical background, different divisions, banking services specially the card services of SCG bank. Third part contains Working Report that mainly discusses about the author’s experience during his 3 months internship with the Bank. Fourth part, the project part explains the main study about the customers’ query frequency to use online and the satisfaction on the present level of online service standard of SCG including research, literature review and hypothesis development. The fifth part contains the author’s point of view and some conclusions and recommendations to ensure their quality service. 2. 0 Organization part 2. 1 Historical Background SCGB has a rich historical background as both Chartered Bank and Standard Bank. Standard Chartered Grindlays Group formed in 1969 through a merger of The Standard Bank founded in 1863 and The Standard Bank founded in 1853. The first branches of The Chartered Bank opened in April 1858 in Calcutta (Kolkata) and Bombay (Mumbai). At present SCGB (former Standard Chartered Grindlays) is the largest and oldest foreign commercial bank operating in Bangladesh. This bank is operating in this region since 1905. It opened its first branch at Narayanganj to invest in Jute sector. Until today, SCGB has 15 branches in Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet, Narayanganj and Bogra of Bangladesh. In May 2000, Standard Chartered Grindlays has acquired Standard Chartered Grindlays through a deal of US $ 2. 53 billion in cash.

From August 1, 2000, the bank has been renamed as Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank. Until September 2002, both Standard Chartered Grindlays and Standard Chartered Grindlays will operate under the same management but as separate entities.

With effect from September 2002, there would not be any Grindlays- only Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank. 2. 2 Banking Services: There are two types of service provided by the Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank. 1) Business or Corporate Financial Services 2) Retail or Consumer Financial Services. 2. 2. 1 Business/Corporate Banking of SCGB It is very true that major contribution to the bank’s equity has been from business banking sector. It provides several types of services under business banking (Figure 6). As Figure 6 shows, SCGB offers corporate banking facilities to both local corporate and multinationals. Besides, it also provides commercial, Institutional, Quasi Government or Correspondence and Treasury banking facilities. Figure 2. 1 Business Banking of SCGB [pic] Source: Corporate Banking, SCGB 2. 2. 1. 1 Corporate Banking SCGB is recognized as the leading financial institution in corporate finance services in Bangladesh. A professional management team caters to the needs of its clients and provides them with a wide range of financial services some of which are project financing and investment consultancy, syndicated debt and equity, bond and guaranties, local and international treasury products. 2. 2. 1. 2 Institutional Banking SCGB’s this service is designed for different fund based organizations like donor agencies, NGOs, voluntary organizations, foreign missions, airlines, shipping lines and their personnel with the facilities like convertible and non-convertible current accounts, convertible taka accounts, which are freely convertible to major international currencies, local and foreign currency remittances through a large network of branches and correspondence. 2. 2. 1. 3 Commercial Banking SCGB offers different commercial banking facilities to all commercial concerns specially those with particular involvement with import and export finance. It provides the finance facilities like trade finance facilities including counseling, confirming export L/CS, and issue of import L/CS backed by its international branch and correspondent network. It also provides bonds and guarantees, investment advice, leasing facilities, project finance opportunities. 2. 2. 1. 4 Quasi Government Banking SCGB’s Quasi Government service helps the government by providing different financial service like efficient and knowledgeable management of trade business (import and export), skills in barter, swaps and counter trade deals. In addition, the opportunity of debenture finance for new projects, possibilities of hard currency loans and lease deals, the opportunity of syndicated hard currency, financing of loans and import L/C, highly efficient account management and remittance handling within the country or aboard. 2. 2. 1. 5 Treasury Banking SCGB’s treasury is one of the leading treasuries that offers foreign exchange requirements, provides market commentaries, economic forecasts and advisory to its major corporate clients. To keep its customers’ up-to –date with what is happening in the money markets, SCGB has ‘Weekly Treasury Updates’. . 2. 2 Retail Banking or Consumer Banking Services: The services of PFS and Card Services are known as Retail banking or Consumer Banking. Retail banking deals with the providing the bank services to individuals on a one-to-one basis. 2. 2. 2. 1 Personal Banking Services of SCGB SCGB (former ANZ) started its personal banking services in March 1992. Besides usual deposit services, consumer finance services of SCGB have been most popular. This section of report discusses all these personal banking services provided by SCGB. 2. 2. 2. 1. Deposit Services SCGB has the deposit services for its customers. SCGB’s deposit services are shown in the following figure: Figure 2. 2 Deposit Services of SCGB [pic] Source: SCGB’s Official Document 2. 2. 2. 1. 2 Consumer Finance SCGB first introduced consumer finance in Bangladesh and until today, they are the market leader. It has varieties in financing its retail customers with innovative products.

These include different types of credit and savings schemes shown below in the Figure. Figure 2. 3 Scheme offered under consumer finance of SCGB pic] Source: External affairs division, SCGB 2. 2. 2. 1. 3 Locker Facilities SCGB’s locker service allows the customers to keep their valuable in a safe and secure place and access the same at convenient times. These strong and heat resistant steel lockers lodged in reinforced concrete steel vault, round the clock security guards, sophisticated anti- burglary alarm systems provide maximum protection to the valuables of customers. 2. 2. 2. 1. 4 Government Bonds Like other banks, SCGB provides its customers with bond services. Three types of government bonds are available with the bank. These bonds are sold and related accounts are maintained according to the already established procedures. 2. 2. 2. 2 SCGB’s Card Services Personal banking and business banking of SCGB, though these two are the major functions of any commercial bank, a description of SCGB’s customer services will not be complete without a discussion on its card services. In fact, SCGB is the pioneer in the card services of Bangladesh. This section of the report discusses different care services of SCGB. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1 Credit Card A credit card is a revolving loan facility, which can be used to purchase goods and services and withdraw cash at wide range of outlets. SCGB first introduced the Taka credit card in Bangladesh.

Its credit card division offers both Silver Visa Card and Gold Master Card. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2 Benefits of Credit Card A SCGB credit card offers a wide range of benefits like: ? A minimum credit limit of Tk 10 thousands for Silver and Tk 1 lac for Gold Card. ? Free air travel death accident insurance Tk 5 lac for Gold, Tk 1 lac for Silver Card ? Convenient way of payment for purchase Maximum of 45 days free credit period ? Flexible and easy repayment options ? Credit can be used in over 3000 retail and service outlets around the country. ? 50% cash advances of the credit limit from 25 ATMs, 24 hours a day or from any sales and service center of the bank during office hour. ? No need to carry cash anymore. ? 24 hours customer service over phone. ? One lifetime free supplementary card. ? Minimum 7% discounts in good restaurants in Dhaka, Chittagong and Shylet. ? Paying credit card bill through ATM machines. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3 Eligibility to Get a Card. For getting a credit card customers have to fulfill two conditions. These are:

• Card applicant should be aged between 21 and 70 years he/she should have a regular gross monthly income of Taka 10 thousand for Silver Card and Taka 55 thousand of above for Gold Card after tax. The detailed information about the documents is given in the table below: Figure 2. 4 Required Documents for credit card Of SCGB Source: Card Service, SCGB 2. 2. 2. 2. 4 Repayment of Credit Amount SCGB offers its customers with the option to repay the credit amount according to their convenience. Every month bank sends a statement contains details of the purchases and cash advances made by the customer in the last 30 days. Then the customers have two options: ? Pay the bill in full within 15 days from statement date. In this case, customers do not have to pay any interest charge for purchases. In case of failure of payment within 45 days, customers have to pay an interest at the rate of 2. 5 percent over the total credit amount and a late payment fee. ? Spread the repayment over a number of months while repaying the bank 10 percent of the outstanding balance in the statement or Taka 500 (whichever is greater) every month. . 2. 2. 2. 5 SCGB Access Card SCGB offers its customers with SCGB Access Card, which allows the customers a 24 hours access SCGB Night and Day banks by providing the services like cash withdrawals, statement requests, balance enquiries, funds transfer between the accounts.

Banks issue the customers with a four digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) at the time of issuing the Access Card. Customers need to enter their PIN every time they use their cards. For security reasons, maximum transaction is Taka 20000 once and you can withdraw many times in a day. SCGB, the pioneer of card services in the country, has achieved a huge success. SCGB has achieved a sharp growth rate in both Silver Visa Card and SCGB Access card and a steady growth rate in Gold Master Card over last three years. SCGB has approximately 52000 cardholders in the year 2002. 2. 2. 2. 3 Special Services Offered by SCGB 2. 2. 2. 3. 1 SCGB Link SCGB Link enables the customers to access the bank accounts from any places through their personal computer. Balance inquiry, account transfer are the main two facilities taken by the customers. 2. 2. 2. 3. 2 SCGB Cheq This service enables SCGB’s corporate customers to automate their cheque payments. It is offered to facilitate preparation, printing, recording, and reconciliation of SCGB’s cheque. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3 Tele-Banking SCGB’s Tele-Banking service provides customers the opportunity to make inquires and service request to the bank over telephone. It supports account balance inquiries, transaction details, exchange rates, interest details, balance certificates, issue of chequebooks, issue of pay order and issue of drafts, advice of stop payments, lost chequebooks and change of address. . 2. 2. 3. 4 Mobile Banking SCGB’s Mobile Bank units are designed to bring banking service to customers doorsteps. It enables the customers to complete their daily banking without visiting the bank. 2. 2. 2. 3. 5 Any Branch Banking SCGB offers its customers with the facility of operating their bank accounts from any of its sales and service centers across the county. This enables customers to meet their countrywide banking needs out of one single account. 2. 2. 2. 3. 6 Premium Banking SCGB provides its top 5 percent clients with premium banking facilities. These 5 percent customers are determined depending on their amount of deposits in the bank.

They receive special treatments from the bank in various banking services; every one of them is issued with a premium Banking Card. Each branch has a separate premium banking section where these cardholders receive quick and specialized service. 2. 2. 2. 3. 7 SCGB Courier SCGB has its own courier service to collect from and delivery documents. 2. 2. 2. 3. 8 International Network Service SCGB has an easy access to international network through its banking correspondence. The bank offers different facilities like trade finance facilities including advising, confirming exports L/Cs and issue of import L/Cs backed by international sales and service center of the bank and correspondent bank network. , bonds and guarantees. It also offers its foreign correspondent customers with current account services where taka settlement is necessary, the ability to issue bonds and guarantees in support of their customer’s business, advising of LC and negotiation documents, market intelligence and status report. 2. 2. 2. 3.. 9 Access Account SCGB has recently launched its latest product, the Access Account, which is a non-chequing savings account. It has been designed to give customers the benefit of day-to-day banking through its ATM network. 3. 0 Working report 3. 1 Introduction During my three months of work experience with Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank on my internship program, I was placed in the Card Service, Motijheel Branch. I joined the program in February 1, 2002. This branch is the main Card Sales and Service Center of Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank as a result I have gathered an important experience of handling a lot of customers in last three months. . 2 Organization Structure of Card Service of Motijheel Branch In this Card Service, the head of consumer banking holds the topmost position in the hierarchy, as the card service falls under the consumer banking.

Then the head of cards holds the second position with 6 subordinate managers. Lastly, some officers are working under these managers. The internal communication among the Bank officials in this branch is supportive. Often, they have very informal discussion about different issues.

Figure 3. 1 Organizational Structure of Card Service Division [pic] Source: Card Service Division . 3 Description of My Task Areas In Standard Chartered Grindlays, my main task was to handle customer over phone, which helped me to gain practical experience on handling different type of customers. This has definitely enriched my practical experience and united to theoretical knowledge. 3. 3. 1 Tasks I performed in Standard Chartered Grindlays, Motijheel Branch 3. 3. 1. 1 Online Customer Service for Credit Card With Credit Card, one can obtain and deposit credit card payments and purchase goods and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. The ATM night and day service is used by the holders of VISA and Master Credit cards of Standard Chartered Grindlays bank. To access the credit card a customer must have his or her confidential PIN (Personal Identification Number). So when the cardholder faces problem in using the CC, he or she calls to our call-center and ask for the solution, and we try our level best to help the CC over phone. 3. 3. 1. 1. 1 Hands-on Experience It was a great learning experience for me to hear the problem and giving the solution to the CC over phone. Everyday I faced a lot of problems like card activation, authorization, lost card report, captured card in ATM, balance and payment enquiry, address change and a lot more and gave the solutions to the customers instantly. Handling customers over phone and convincing them with a right solution was really a great experience that will help me in near future regarding customer service. 3. 3. 1. 1. 2 Observation It is my personal observation that everyday a lot of customers call us to solve their problem and the customer feel very confident if we can provide the prompt and right solution. Sometimes they get angry when we fail to solve their problem. So handling customers over phone is a bit challenging and I had many things to learn in the last three months. 3. 3. 1. 2 Other Task Areas ? Delivering different types of forms regarding credit card and helping the customers to fill those forms. ? Preparing the credit card complaint sheet and card activation regularly. ? Providing card numbers to the courier for sending the returned card, pin or other required documents. ? Giving authorization code to the merchants to complete the transaction. Giving advises to the customers regarding the proper use of the cc. 3. 4 Interaction with different levels of bank officials Except from the usual works I had interactions with the managers, officers and my colleagues. 3. 41 Interaction with the Managers In last three months I had attended in a training session and some lecturers were given by the managers. Beside this many I had informal discussions with the managers regarding my problem in handling customers, my mistakes and also about my report.

The managers were very much helpful regarding my problems and other situations. . 42 Interaction with the officers One of the important tasks of the officers is to give some manual inputs into the main system regarding the transaction of the credit card. I used to give the card lists and the complaints of the customers regarding the transaction. 3. 043 Interaction with Colleague Under the direction of managers, and officers of card service, my colleagues and I used to handle customer complaints and provide necessary solutions over phone log the problems in complaint sheet and provide other service regarding cards. 3. 5 Challenges of work Standard Chartered Grindlays being an International Bank has a very friendly and helpful working environment. Being an intern the most challenging work for me was to perform my daily job properly. I had to be very sincere and alert while serving customer as any mistake done by me could do a great harm to the bank and its reputation. The work environment at Standard Chartered Grindlays always provided me with challenge to improve my performance everyday. I was trained to interact with sophisticated customers and to follow bank’s procedures accordingly. 3. 6 Learning Experience I have learned that when the internal communication is effective among the employees within the organization, it tends to encourage employees to perform better and it automatically motivates the employees.

• I learned the importance of detailed data to be gathered from customer while opening a credit card. The validity and the accuracy of the details given offer help the bank in providing fast service.

• I also learned about the latest payment system or about the credit card which is a great knowledge for my near future.

• I learned to work in a group and how to contribute positively to the objective of the group. Standard Chartered has a practice of teamwork in almost each of its specific task.

Working in different groups in different time helped me improve my communication skill.

• Interacting with customers and the techniques applied to deal customers over phone also helped me improve my communication skill.

• I learned that the perception and knowledge I gained from my Business School is of extreme importance. It made me confident, knowledgeable and open minded to new ideas and situation. This may be the reason that I found no problem to work in an absorbing work environment of Standard Chartered Grindlays. . 0 The Research Part 4. 1 Background of the research Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank has widened its credit card customer base in recent years. Again it has also merged with ANZ Grindlays bank. So, the number of customers has grown rapidly due to this merger and continuous marketing effort. Above all the bank’s success in acquiring a broader credit card customer base has created a serious problem in providing the usual fast service that this bank was repute for. A very common sight of SCG these days is continuous customer query over phone. However, infrastructural facilities of the bank to respond to these calls have not been expanded to match the increasing demand. The number of phone lines or the CSA’s and PC has not been increased in proportion to its rising customers. As a result it became a matter of concern for management that whether the bank will be able to maintain its distinctive reputation as a quality service provider or not. On the other hand the reaction of the customers to the banks current standard of service must also be taken into account before it continues to widen its customer base more. Thus, whether or not the bank is continuing its quality service with its booming customer base and the customers’ frequency of using online service and opinion about bank’s current online service standard has become a matter of interest to the bank’s credit card service department. 4. 2 Problem Statement 1 As already mentioned that the number of credit card holders are increasing day by day, but the bank’s resources are not increasing in that pace. So, it has become a great issue to provide the same service like before and to maintain the service quality for which SCG bank is reputed for. Proper utilization of the existing system could be a better alternative than increasing the resources. If findings prove that the existing system is properly utilized but still some new resources are needed than necessary steps could be taken at that point of time. So due to that reason my external supervisor of SCG bank has asked the author to work with the present situation of customer usage of the existing online system and to find out some useful and necessary findings about the existing system. On that perception the author has developed my first research topic that is: Research 1: Analyzing online queries by CC Holders. By analyzing the online queries the effort has been made to find out how frequently the credit card holders are taking the online service.

From this frequency of the customers’ queries, the usage of the existing online service can easily be discovered. Another important finding will come out that is whether the existing resources are properly utilized or not.

And some other valuable information will be revealed that will help the card service department to take necessary steps for the proper usage and improvement of the existing online system. 4. Problem Statement 2 Another very important thing is that, proper utilization of the existing resources always cannot make the customer satisfied. Due to other important factors at the end of the day some companies find its customers dissatisfied. As the author said that it is a very important concern of the bank to see whether their customers are satisfied or not with their existing services. As a statistical saying goes like that – “It is 5 times more difficult to get a new customer than retaining a customer”. So, proper and constant quality service is needed to make the customer satisfied. The author was very much curious about finding the present customer satisfaction regarding the online credit card customer service as it became a challenging issue to continue the quality service to its booming customer base. So, on that perception the author has developed his second research topic that is: Research 2: Evaluating online customer service quality of the credit card as perceived by CC holders. From the above discussion it is very clear that the present customer satisfaction regarding the online customer service regarding credit card has become a very important issue for SCG credit card service department. Here the author has tried to find out the present satisfaction level and the perception of the customer regarding online customer service regarding credit card. 5. 0 Literature Review and Hypothesis Development 5. 1 Literature review for research-1 5. 1. 1 Online Customer Service of Credit card Generally online service means providing service to the customer from anywhere in the world. But here the author shortened that wide range of service as SCG bank doesn’t have any international credit card. Here, the author wanted to indicate the customer credit card service over phone as online service regardless from where the customer is calling to the service center.

The SCG bank is providing this online service to the credit card holders from a long time. It also can be said that as the bank is maintaining a data base connected to the main server of Dubai, and the service it is providing to its card holders is based on that database information the term online service can be used here to define that service. So in a gist the service over phone regarding the credit card is defined as the online service of SCG bank. . 1. 2 Customer Query It is now very clear that online service of SCGB provides the information and necessary solutions to the credit card holders whenever a card holder calls to the call center. Everyday many card holders call to the call centre and ask for the information and solution related to their credit card. This is defined as customer query. 5. 1. 3 Different types of customer queries As the author has already said that the credit card holders call to the call center regarding their card problem. So here the author tried to mention the common problems in the following way: 5. 1. 3. 1 Address Change Due to the change in the address, the C/H calls in the call centre to change the old address in the database. 5. 1. 3. 2 Application Status Sometimes people call to the call center to know about the status of their application for the credit card. 5. 1. 3. 3 ATM Problem The ATM card holder as well as the credit card holder calls to the call center when they face problem using ATM machine. 5. 1. 3. 4 Authorization Authorization is needed when the card holder pays his or bill by the credit card in the goods or service centers. In this process the shop keeper calls us to give him a code to accept the transaction of the credit card. 5. 1. 3. Balance Enquiry It is very common that the card holder calls to know the current balance about his credit card account. 5. 1. 3. 6 Campaign related Sometimes new marketing campaign takes place and that’s why the card holders and new customers call to the call center to know about the campaign. 5. 1. 3. 7 Card Activation Normally the SCG Bank send a deactivate card to the card holders for the security purpose. So the card holders call to the call center to activate the card. 5. 1. 3. 8 Card Cancellation Call for card cancellation is very rare and the card holder only calls to cancel the credit card due to some problem or dissatisfaction. . 1. 3. 9 Card problem Card holders sometimes face some card problems like magnetic stripe problem, wrong name embossed in the card and other problems, and that is why they sometimes take the online service 5. 1. 3. 10 Cash Advance The cardholders can withdraw cash from the ATM machine by using the PIN number. But sometimes they withdraw cash from the branch and at that time the branch people calls to the call center for the authorization code for the valid cash transaction like shops. 5. 1. 3. 11 Disputed Transaction Sometimes C/H calls for correcting the transaction of the credit card that has not taken place. . 1. 3. 12 Delivery/ Courier Problem From the beginning SCG bank has been using its personal courier service for the better and quick delivery of its necessary documents. Due to some reasons sometimes the cardholders do not get the documents regarding the credit card.

Then they take the help of the online service and ask to solve that problem. 5. 1. 3. 13 Fee/Charges Waving Request Another very common problem for which the C/H takes the help of the online service that is the extra fee or charges waving request that is charged and the C/H is not liable to pay that. 5. 1. 3. 14 Limit enhancement After using the card for using 6 months the C/H can apply for the enhancement of their credit limit and it takes 3 to 4 weeks to verify that application. So during this time the cardholder takes the help of online service to know the status of his limit enhance process. Again some C/H wants to know the procedure regarding the limit enhancement. 5. 1. 3. 15 Lost Card Pick pocketing is a very common accident and sometimes the C/H faces this problem that his or her credit card has stolen. So they call in the call center to take necessary action for this problem. 5. 1. 3. 16 Merchant Related The shopkeepers who use our credit card punching machine to provide the credit card payment facility to its customers sometimes face problems regarding their payment and machine. For this reason they take the help of our online customer service. 5. 1. 3. 17 Online Down The online machine for taking the payment by credit card sometimes do malfunctions and for that reason the merchant complain and inform the bank by calling in the online customer service. 5. 1. 3. 18 Payment Related Sometimes the C/H faces problem regarding the payment and for that they take the SCG online service. 5. 1. 3. 9 Pin Problem Pin is a secured number that is provided to use the credit card in the ATM machine. Sometimes C/H forgets the PIN; sometimes they do not get the PIN and faces lot more problems regarding PIN number.

Then they take the online service. 5. 1. 3. 20 Product Related Queries Especially new cardholders do this kind of queries over phone to know how to use the credit card and its other features. 5. 1. 3. 21 Replacement Problem For the lost card, expired card, problematic card the C/H wants the replacement of the existing credit card and for this reason sometimes they take the service. . 1. 3. 22 Reverse Authorization Reverse authorization takes place when the merchant wants to cancel the previous transaction. So they call and ask for the reverse authorization through the existing online service. 5. 1. 3. 23 Statement Related Problem Cardholders sometime do queries regarding their statement that the bank sends them as a summary of their transaction in a particular month. 5. 1. 3. 24 Others Other calls like personal calls, wrong numbers, and calls to know other information other than card takes place in a working day. Based on these different types of customer query the author developed a tabulation sheet to know the customer present query pattern and frequency of taking the help by using existing online credit card service. 5. 2 Literature review for research-2 5. 2. 1 Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is really hard to define as many factors have a great influence on it. With the help of a research paper the author has developed a diagram related to customer satisfaction. WHAT IS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Performance < Expected Dissatisfaction Performance = Expected Satisfaction Performance < Expected Delight . 2. 1. 1 Factors influencing customer satisfaction As already mentioned that, there are many factors that influence the customer satisfaction. The factors are given below with the help of a diagram: 5. 2. 1. 1. 1 Service Quality and its Dimensions Service quality is one of the important factors that influence customer satisfaction. Researchers and managers of service firms concur that service quality involves a comparison of expectations with performance. According to Lewis and Booms “Service quality is a measure of how well the service level delivered matches customer expectations. Delivering quality service means confirming to customer expectations on a consistent basis”. This service quality has some dimensions that are presented in a diagram beside: So, by this diagram the author tried to show the 7 dimensions of service quality and they are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles, access and lastly courtesy. Based on these dimensions the author has developed the questionnaire and tried to find out the present service quality that is perceived by the customer of the credit card. 5. 3 Hypotheses Development Hypothesis, from statistics point of view are assumptions or theories that a researcher or manager makes about some characteristics of the population under study.

The intern used the above mentioned constructs to develop hypothesis for the customer satisfaction of the online service. 5. 3. 1 Research-1 In doing research-1, no hypothesis was developed, as it was a tabulation of the customer queries in a particular. In this research the author has emphasized on the findings only. 5. 3. 2 Hypothesis Statement-1 and Constructive / Conceptual Definitions of the constructs The author has used a research paper that was done on customer satisfaction as reference for the second research, and has found out 7 dimensions to measure service quality (as mentioned in literature review). So, the author developed 6 hypothesis statements by leaving one dimension tangible as this dimension has a very little importance in online credit card customer service. So the 6 hypothesis statements are developed as follows: 5. 3. 2. 1 Reliability Reliability is the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. So the hypothesis is as follows 1. a) If reliability is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. ) If reliability is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. 5. 3. 2. 2 Responsiveness Responsiveness is the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. So the hypothesis is follows 2. a) If responsiveness is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. b) If responsiveness is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. 5. 3. 2. 3 Assurance Assurance can be defined as the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence. 3. a) If assurance is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. b) If assurance is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. . 3. 2. 4 Empathy Empathy is the caring, individual attention that a firm provides its customers. So the hypothesis is follows 4. a) If empathy is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. b) If empathy is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. 5. 3. 2. 5 Tangibles Tangibles include the physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel of a service provided by an organization. As it is quite irrelevant with the study, it is ignored. 5. 3. 2. 6 Access Access involves the approachability and ease to contact for getting the service whenever the customer needs the service. So the hypothesis is follows . a) If access is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. b) If access is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. 5. 3. 2. 7 Courtesy Courtesy involves politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of contact personnel of a service system. So the hypothesis is follows 6. a) If courtesy is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. b) If courtesy is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. All the satisfaction factors averaged value will be tested with the following hypothesis to test overall satisfaction. 7. a) If the average satisfaction is greater than 3, the customers are atisfied. b) If average satisfaction is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. 5. 3. 3 Operational Definitions The operational definitions of the dimensions or the constructs are given below: 5. 3. 3. 1 Reliability

• Providing service as promised

• Dependability in handling customers’ service problems

• Providing services right the first time.

• Providing services at the promised time.

• Maintaining all of free records accurately. 5. 3. 3. 2 Responsiveness

• Keeping customers’ informed as to when services will be performed

• Prompt service to customers ( sending bill ) Willingness to help customers ( calling back)

• Readiness to respond to cutomers’ requests 5. 3. 3. 3 Assurance

• Employees who instill confidance in customers

• Making customers feel safe in their transactions

• Employees who are consistently courteous.

• Employees who have the knowledge to answer customer questions.

• Physical Safety 5. 3. 3. 4 Empathy

• Giving customers individual attention

• Employees who deal with customers’ in a caring fashion ( recognising regular customer)

• Having the customer’s best interest at heart.

• Employees who understand the need of their customers

• Convenient business hours. . 3. 3. 5 Tangibles

• Modern equipment

• Visually apealing facilities (plastic credit card)

• Employees who have a real, professional appearance

• Visually appealing materials associated with the service. 5. 3. 3. 6 Access

• The service is easily accessible by telephone ( lines are not busy and don’t put you on hold)

• Waiting time to receive service is not expensive

• Convenient time of operation

• Convenient location of service facility 5. 3. 3. 7 Courtesy

• Politeness, respect, consideration and freindliness

• Clean and neat appearance of public contact personnel.

• Consideration for the consumer’s property. . 4 Hypothesis Development (Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis) In the hypothesis statement part the author has mentioned about 6 hypothesis statements and from those statements the author has developed “Null Hypothesis (Ho), and “Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)” for each statement.

Null hypothesis is the statement that the researcher wants to prove untrue and Alternative Hypothesis is the statement that the researcher wants to prove to be true. They are mentioned as follows: 1. a) If reliability is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 b) If reliability is greater than 3. , the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 2. a) If responsiveness is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied.

Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 b) If responsiveness is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 3. a) If assurance is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 b) If assurance is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 4. a) If empathy is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 b) If empathy is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 5. a) If access is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied.

Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 b) If access is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 6. a) If courtesy is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 b) If courtesy is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 7. a) If average satisfaction is greater than 3, the customers are satisfied.

Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 b) If average satisfaction is greater than 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5. 5 Questionnaire Development For the first research part a tabulation sheet has been developed based on the different customer queries and a sample of that tabulation sheet is given in the appendix part of this report. Again for the second research, based on the operational definition of the constructs a questionnaire has been developed and a sample is given in the appendix-b part of this report. 5. 6 Methodology The developed hypothesis has been tested with the help of Z-test and regression. Microsoft Excel XP and SPSS 11. 0 these two software were used to do these tests. 5. 7 Limitations Many other statistical tools could be used but due to time constraints and lack of knowledge it was not done. And other few scopes of going in depth of the collected data were not possible for the same reason.

The software complexity was another reason for not doing the complex calculation of the collected data. 6. 0 Data Analysis 6. 1 Findings of the customer query tabulation To know the customers’ query frequency of online service of credit card provided by SCG, a tabulation sheet has been developed and followed for 15 days. After analyzing those sheets, different information have been found and discussed in this part. . 1. 1 Customer query variation As the intern mentioned that normally 24 types of customer query comes everyday in the online service. So, he analyzed those problems based on holidays and workings days. 6. 1. 1. 1 Customer queries in holiday Here, a graph below is given to visualize the customer query type in the holiday Figure 6. 1 Customer Query Type in Holidays Source: Primary Source Here, it is clear that authorization (79%), balance enquiry (9%), card activation (4%), payment related queries (2%) and others (2%) are the main customer queries in holidays. 6. 1. 1. 2 Customer queries in working day Here, a graph below is given to visualize the customer query type in the working day.

Figure 6. 2 Customer Query Type in Working days Source: Primary Source Here, it is clear that authorization (50%), balance enquiry (13%), card activation (9%), cash advance(5%), application status(4%), limit enhancement(2%), merchant related (2%), others(2%), payment related queries (2%), pin problem (2%), and ATM problem(2%) are the main customer queries in the holidays. 6. 1. 1. 3 Customer queries in general Here, a graph below is given to visualize the customer query type in general. Figure 6. 3 Customer Query Type in General Source: Primary Source Here, it is clear that authorization (54%), balance enquiry (12%), card activation (9%), cash advance(4%), application status(4%), limit enhancement(2%), merchant related (2%), others(2%) are the main customer queries in the general. 6. 1. 1. 4 Analysis of the findings Here, we can see that in comparison to holidays more problems like cash advance, application status, limit enhancement, merchant, payment, ATM, and pin related problem came up, because these problems can be solved in the working days. And in general authorization, balance enquiry, card activation, cash advance, application status, limit enhancement, merchant related, and others are the common queries faced in online service. 6. 1. 2 Customer query frequency Here, the intern wanted to find out the customer calling frequency in different time slots of the day. It is very true that customer doesn’t call all the day. So, in some particular time slot they call in the online service and ask for the solution. So in the next session the intern tried to find out the calling frequency based on holiday, working day and in general. . 1. 2. 1 Customer query frequency in holiday Here, a graph below is given to visualize the customer query frequency in the holiday Figure 6. 4 Customer Query frequency in Holidays Source: Primary Source Here, from the pie chart it is very clear that 19% of the total call occurs from 7pm to 9pm, 17% occurs from 5pm to 7pm, 15% occurs in 3pm to 5pm and 11am to 1pm and 11% occurs in 1pm to 3pm time slot. Others are low in comparison to these rush time slots. 6. 1. 2. 2 Customer query frequency in working day Here, a graph below is given to visualize the customer query frequency in the working day. Figure 6. 5 Customer Query frequency in Working days Source: Primary Source Here, from the pie chart it is very clear that 19% of the total call occurs from 7pm to 9pm, 17% occurs from 5pm to 7pm, 15% occurs in 3pm to 5pm and 11am to 1pm and 11% occurs in 1pm to 3pm time slot. Others are low in comparison to these rush time slots. 6. 1. 2. 3 Customer query frequency in general Here, a graph below is given to visualize the customer query frequency in general.

Figure 6. Customer Query frequencies in general Source: Primary Source Here, from the pie chart it is very clear that 19% of the total call occurs from 7pm to 9pm, 17% occurs from 5pm to 7pm, 15% occurs in 3pm to 5pm and 11am to 1pm and 11% occurs in 1pm to 3pm time slot. Others are low in comparison to these rush time slots. 6. 1. 2. 4 Analysis of the findings In holidays till 11am and 1pm -3pm calls are low, as this is the rest time. But from 11am to 1pm and from 3pm to till 11pm the calling frequency is very high as the customer goes out and sometimes stay home and solve the problem. But in working days rush hour is from 9am to 9pm. And after 9pm the calling frequency goes down. Customer from the office and their housewives from shopping or home calls up in working days, so the pressure is pretty high. But in general the rush hour is from 9am to 9pm and gradually it decreases and there are hardly few calls during the night after 1pm. In general 3pm to 5pm is the peak time slot. 6. 1. 3 Customer query variation and frequency Here, the intern wanted to find out the customer calling variation and frequency in different time slots of the day. . 1. 3. 1 Customer query frequency and variation in holiday A graph below is given to visualize the customer query frequency and variation in the holiday Figure 6. 7 Customer Query frequency and variation in Holidays Source: Primary Source From the graph we can say that authorization and balance enquiry were the common problem.

The others are very less in compare to these two. 6. 1. 3. 2 Customer query frequency and variation in working day A graph is given to visualize the customer query frequency and variation in working day. Figure 6. Customer Query frequency and variation in working days Source: Primary Source From the graph we can say not only authorization and balance enquiry like holiday but also card activation, cash advance, application status, limit enhancement, and others were the common problem. 6. 1. 3. 3 Analysis of the findings In holidays authorization takes place in every slot of time from morning to night and it reaches to its peak in 3pm to 5pm slot. Problems related to working days like cash advance does not take place. Except authorization and lost card report there is no call after 11pm in holidays. Lost card report is a very irregular phenomenon because nobody knows then it will occur.

One important thing is that online machine down in holidays is a big problem for the online service. Now in case of working days the authorization and ATM problem take place in every slot like holidays. Address change, application status, card cancellation, campaign and product related queries, limit enhancement, online down, statement or payment related problem, reverse auth, pin problems very rarely come after 9pm. As branches close at 3pm the cash advance does not take place after that. Mainly authorization, ATM problem, balance enquiry, card activation, and lost card report are the main problems that come in the SCG online service round the clock. 6. 3 Hypothesis Testing Many hypothesis-testing techniques are there, such as t-test, chi-square test, ANOVA and so on. In this report the author has selected “z-test”, the most common and applicable on to test his hypotheses. 6. 3. 1 Calculation of value of Z The author has calculated the value of “z” for the z-test and all the values are given in a tabular form in the index. 6. 3. 2 Hypothesis testing for reliability Here the intern first tried to test whether the customers are very satisfied or normal satisfied. If he got the result that, the customers are not very satisfied then he tried to test whether the customers are satisfied or not. 1. b) If reliability is greater than or equal to 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 |Factor Average of Reliability |3. 82 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Reliability |0. 6 | |Hypothesized Mean for Reliability |3. 50 | |Z-Score |3. 49 | |Z-Critical |3. 68 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is less than z-critical and it falls in the acceptance region. So here the null hypothesis is accepted by rejecting the alternative hypothesis. As the customers are not very satisfied he looked for the satisfied customer. 1. ) If reliability is greater than or equal to 3, the customers are satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 |Factor Average of Reliability |3. 82 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Reliability |0. 66 | |Hypothesized Mean for Reliability |3. 00 | |Z-Score |8. 6 | |Z-Critical |3. 18 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is greater than z-critical and it falls in the rejection region. So here the null hypothesis is rejected by accepting the alternative hypothesis. So he found that the customers are satisfied.

Explanation of the finding Here we saw that the customers are not very satisfied. And in the findings of the survey (Appendix-A) we can see that only 14% strongly agreed that they are getting promised service, 16% strongly agreed about service at the first call and getting service in promised time. One thing is remarkably noticeable that 52% strongly agreed about getting the accurate information.

Only providing accurate information rather than providing first call, promised service will not highly satisfy customer. 6. 3. 3 Hypothesis testing for responsiveness 2. b) If responsiveness is greater than or equal to 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 |Factor Average of Responsiveness |3. 89 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Responsiveness |0. 8 | |Hypothesized Mean for Responsiveness |3. 50 | |Z-Score |4. 07 | |Z-Critical |3. 69 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is greater than z-critical and it falls in the rejection region. So here the null hypothesis is rejected by accepting the alternative hypothesis. So he found that the customers are very satisfied. As the customers are very satisfied the intern didn’t go for testing the 2. a no hypothesis for average satisfied customer. Explanation of the finding Here we saw that the customers are very satisfied. According to the survey findings (appendix-a) customers’ 58% strongly agree response about our helping tendency is a remarkable response.

And average 50% agree response regarding prompt service, prepared service, and service performed time made hem very satisfied. 6. 3. 4 Hypothesis testing for assurance 3. b) If assurance is greater than or equal to 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 |Factor Average of Assurance |4. 25 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Assurance |0. 54 | |Hypothesized Mean for Assurance |3. 0 | |Z-Score |9. 92 | |Z-Critical |3. 65 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is greater than z-critical and it falls in the rejection region. So here the null hypothesis is rejected by accepting the alternative hypothesis. So he found that the customers are very satisfied. As the customers are very satisfied the intern didn’t go for testing the 3. no hypothesis for average satisfied customer. Explanation of the finding Customers’ 66% strongly acceptance (appendix-a) of feeling it as secured system, 34% strongly acceptance of feeling confident by getting service, and 38% strongly acceptance of getting right solution made them very satisfied. 6. 3. 5 Hypothesis testing for empathy 4. b) If empathy is greater than or equal to 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 |Factor Average of Empathy |4. 9 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Empathy |0. 47 | |Hypothesized Mean for Empathy |3. 50 | |Z-Score |10. 28 | |Z-Critical |3. 63 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is greater than z-critical and it falls in the rejection region. So here the null hypothesis is rejected by accepting the alternative hypothesis. So he found that the customers are very satisfied. As the customers are very satisfied the intern didn’t go for testing the 4. a no hypothesis for average satisfied customer. Explanation of the finding Customers’ 50% strongly acceptance (appendix-a) of feeling that we understand their problem, 42% strongly acceptance of feeling our caring made them very satisfied. . 3. 6 Hypothesis testing for accessibility 5. a) If access is greater than or equal to 3, the customers are satisfied.

Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 0 |Factor Average of Accessibility |3. 02 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Accessibility |0. 44 | |Hypothesized Mean for Accessibility |3. 0 | |Z-Score |0. 24 | |Z-Critical |3. 12 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is very less than z-critical and it falls in the acceptance region. So here the null hypothesis is accepted by rejecting the alternative hypothesis. So he found that the customers are not satisfied in this regard. Explanation of the finding Customers’ 82% strongly negative response (appendix-a) of getting the phone free at the first time, only 30% strong positive response feeling the service expensive, and only 24% strong response about the satisfactory access made them dissatisfied. 6. 3. 7 Hypothesis testing for courteousness 6. b) If courtesy is greater than or equal to 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied. Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 |Factor Average of Courteousness |4. 33 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Courteousness |0. 3 | |Hypothesized Mean for Courteousness |3. 50 | |Z-Score |9. 23 | |Z-Critical |3. 68 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is greater than z-critical and it falls in the rejection region. So here the null hypothesis is rejected by accepting the alternative hypothesis. So he found that the customers are very satisfied. As the customers are very satisfied the intern didn’t go for testing the 6. a no hypothesis for average satisfied customer. Explanation of the finding Customers’ 52% strongly positive response (appendix-a) of our politeness over phone, 50% strong response of thinking us helpful, 42% strong response that greeted warmly and lastly 44% strong response of getting satisfactory behavior over phone made them very satisfied. 6. . 8 Hypothesis testing for average satisfaction 7. b) If average satisfaction is greater than or equal to 3. 5, the customers are very satisfied.

Null HypothesisHo ( 3. 5 |Factor Average of Overall Satisfaction |4. 14 | |Factor Standard Deviation of Overall Satisfaction |0. 68 | |Hypothesized Mean for Overall Satisfaction |3. 0 | |Z-Score |6. 68 | |Z-Critical |3. 69 | From the table it is very clear that z-score is greater than z-critical and it falls in the rejection region. So here the null hypothesis is rejected by accepting the alternative hypothesis. So he found that the customers are very satisfied. As the customers are very satisfied the intern didn’t go for testing the 7. no hypothesis for average satisfied customer. Explanation of the finding So at the end of the last hypothesis test we found that the customers are very satisfied though they are not highly satisfied. Satisfaction in reliability, very much satisfaction in responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and courteousness made them very satisfied. 6. 3. 9 Multiple Linear Regression (R2) A multiple linear regression calculation is done and described below. Normally regression is done to analyze how a single dependent variable is affected by the values of one or more independent variables. 0. 445297(m6) |0. 233849(m5) |0. 272201(m4) |-0. 08952(m3) |0. 146248(m2) |0. 320827(m1) |-1. 04632 (b) | |0. 117393(se6) |0. 138357(se5) |0. 162251(se4) |0. 145013(se3) |0. 114264(se2) |0. 133686(se1) |0. 708944(seb) | |0. 683417(r2) |0. 407187(sev) |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A | |15. 709(F) |43(df) |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A | |15. 39055(ssreg) |7. 129448(ssresid) |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A |#N/A |

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Intern Report on Standard Chartered Bank. (2017, Sep 20). Retrieved March 16, 2025 , from

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