The importance of employee satisfaction and work motivation is growing all the time in almost all industry specifically on Retail. Specific business problems and or opportunities has been identified at Countdown Barry's Point Takapuna which is associated to Motivational issues: Low level of Deli staff performance in work efficiency due to lack of motivation. The theoretical framework of this research includes concepts of leadership, job satisfaction, motivation. The objective of this research are as follows:
The research and collection of data was conducted at Countdown Deli Department. The research approach is exploratory and descriptive in nature and integrates a qualitative technique (focus group discussions) of 11 participants with a predominantly quantitative approach (survey, implementing a structured questionnaire) to enhance the validity and reliability of data motivation survey research was done as research evidences and findings. Focus group will detect what motivates employees, second how the Deli Department are doing with regards to motivation and performance. The integration of literature on motivation, factors affecting motivation, theory x and y, job design, Herzberg motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. should look further on certain measures to critically evaluate theories in framework and adhere to several concepts of research that is casual to the core function of the overall study development and its process. Focus Group. Non-Random Sampling Population. 11 participants, all are employed at Countdown Takapuna Deli Department. Frequency/ Correlation between Work Status of individual staff- satisfaction level. Setting the Variables. Frequency and use of percentage in getting the total from the population. Percentage method, bar diagrams and tabulation. Tabulation of collected data.
There are 11 employees in Countdown Deli Department Takapuna Branch. Total of 11 staff or employees answered the Employee Satisfaction Survey. Result and Discussion is best explain in (Appendix 2) Conclusion Leadership in Countdown deli department relationship find it satisfactory but it needs more improvement. Leader must develop more communication skills in order to reach to employees. Motivation on the other hand more is dissatisfied that might be the reason why there is high turnover of staff at the deli department. Wages and Benefits; extra vacation; day off; break time; flexible working hours most employees are dissatisfied. Recommendation Managers should maintain good relationship, communication with its subordinates. Managers should personally train new staff. It is very important for managers to listen and give interest to the values and ideas of the staff, it is a motivating factor and sometimes you might also learn from them. Intrinsic motivation is highly recommended to boost morale of staff. In order to avoid high turnover of employment. It is the companies discretion whether or not to give a raise to the employees. Countdown is only giving salaries at their minimum New Zealand Standard. The company should consider this point it might increase the motivation of the employees in the department. The labor law does not mandate companies to give benefits to part timers. It would be better for the company to give cafeteria plan for all of its staff in order to motivate them to stay to the company.
The importance of employee satisfaction and work motivation is growing all the time in almost all industry specifically on Retail. Many researchers have been made to find out the effect the job satisfaction and motivation have in the productivity of the company. This report is about the employee satisfaction in Countdown Takapuna Branch Deli Department. A research interest me and I want to know the level of the employee satisfaction in the Deli Department. After the target organization had been found, the research question was composed: what is the level of employee satisfaction in third largest Countdown across Auckland, which is Countdown Takapuna Deli Department, whose estimated shopper's statistics about 2,900 customers who shops three times a week on the average (New Zealand Statistics- Takapuna 2012). The main subjects will be leadership and motivation, and the affect they have on employee satisfaction.
Is Progressive Enterprises looking at the right angle? Managing the consumer experience in deli requires thoughtful consideration of careful management of operational issues to optimize the retail shopping experience for the consumer. Specific business problems and or opportunities have been identified at Countdown Barry's Point Takapuna, which is associated to the following issues: Motivation
Measurement of employee's satisfaction Job satisfaction affects customer relations people and their knowledge is one of the most important aspects affecting the productivity of the Deli Department. One is the measurement of employee satisfaction. Countdown have to make sure that employee satisfaction is high among the staff, which is a prerequisite for increasing efficiency, receptiveness, excellence and customer service.. The theoretical framework of this research includes concepts of leadership, job satisfaction, and motivation.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the degree of employee satisfaction impact on employee's performance at Countdown Deli Department Takapuna Branch. The Deli Department management task is to optimize the working environment, satisfaction and motivation of employees. To assess the satisfaction level of the employees of Countdown deli department To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of the employees To identify the factor which improves the satisfaction level of employees To offer valuable suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of employees
Work motivation and performance have been evaluated from the viewpoint of motivation theories as the analysis in relation to retailing of Deli sector employees with the motivation to exert effort on performance recognition. There is a theoretical analysis as well as review of several studies of known effects to motivation and performance as it may be positively related to impacts of motivation on employee effective performance food retail sector plan and interest.
Process and Focus Group The research and collection of data was conducted at Countdown Deli Department. The research approach is exploratory and descriptive in nature and integrates a qualitative technique (focus group discussions) of 11 participants with a predominantly quantitative approach (survey, implementing a structured questionnaire) to enhance the validity and reliability of data motivation survey research was done (Babbie and Mouton 1998) as research evidences and findings.. Focus group will detect what motivates employees, second how the Deli Department are doing with regards to motivation and performance. Reliability and validity of research evidence to construct desirable evidence has to be in a conformed process wherein biases and lapses if any. The integration of literature should look further on certain measures to critically evaluate theories in framework and adhere to several concepts of research that is casual to the core function of the overall study development and its process. Focus Group. Non-Random Sampling Population. 11 participants, all are employed at Countdown Takapuna Deli Department. Quantitative or qualitative, the first step is to define the phenomena.. In the quantitative research the data must be in a numerical form which is explained by the fact that in quantitative research the results are analyzed by using mathematical methods. The questionnaire consists of five different chapters. It was created on the basis of the theoretical part and includes such parts as Leadership, Motivation, Compensation. All parts have multiple questions concerning the relationship between the employees' work motivation and satisfaction, and the way those things are in the target organization. Survey. The content and wording of the structured questionnaire was finalised after interpretation of the transcription of the focus group discussions.
Set Selection of Focus Group was systematically chosen methods. Frequency/ Correlation between Work Status of individual staff- satisfaction level. Setting the Variables. Frequency and use of percentage in getting the total from the population. Percentage method, bar diagrams and tabulation. Tabulation of collected data.
Survey was conducted at the Deli Department of Countdown Takapuna at around 4:00 to 5:00 daily Monday to Sunday September 3 to 9, 2012.
The success of any organization depends on the ability of managers to provide a motivating environment for its employees. The challenge for managers today is to keep the staff motivated and performing well in the workplace. The goal of most companies is to benefit from positive employee behavior in the workplace by promote a win-win situation for both the company and workers.
Employee Performance fundamentally depend on many factors like performance appraisals, employee motivation, Employee satisfaction, compensation, Training and development, job security and other, but the area of study is focused only on employee motivation as this factor highly influence the performance of employees. Employee motivation is one of the policies of managers to increase effectual job management amongst employees in organizations (Shadare et al, 2009). Motivation formulates an organization more successful because provoked employees are constantly looking for improved practices to do a work, so it is essential for organizations to persuade motivation of their employees (Kalimullah et al, 2010).
No one works for free, nor should they. Employees want to earn reasonable salary and payment, and employees desire their workers to feel that is what they are getting (Houran. J). To use salaries as a motivator effectively, managers must consider salary structures which should include importance organization attach to each job, payment according to performance, personal or special allowances, fringe benefits, pensions and so on (Adeyinka et al, 2007). Leadership is about getting things done the right way, to do that you need people to follow you, you need to have them trust you. And if you want them to trust you and do things for you and the organization, they need to be motivated (Baldoni.J, 2005). Empowerment provides benefits to organizations and makes sense of belonging and pride in the workforce. In fact, it builds a Win - Win connection among organizations and employees; which is considered an ideal environment in numerous organizations and their employees. Empowered employees focus their job and work-life with additional importance and this leads to constant progress in coordination and work procedures.
Budget and cost limitation of the research process. Including /time constraints The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents. Hence 100% accuracy can't be assured. Even though this research is limited to Countdown Barry's Point Takapuna, the findings should allow us to gain an understanding of the supermarket trends in all its branches and other metropolitan cities of New Zealand as the cultural influence may be quite similar.
Douglas McGregor's famous classification of theory X versus theory Y is applicable for the leadership approaches. When everyone is committed to the common goals, supervisors act as teachers, consult and only rarely act as authoritative bosses. If the assumption is along with the line of Theory X the leadership style will be highly different compared to the situation where leaders act according to the Theory Y. Managers that believe in Theory X tend to control their workers. Those managers think that people are efficient only as long as their work process is observed. Thus the best managing style is to tell workers exactly what they must do and closely control them to get everything done in time and with good quality.
One of the main reasons organizations should pay attention to the concept of job design is that it helps to function and produce better (Rush 1971, 255). Various forms of job design. Job rotation, allows an employee to work in different departments or jobs in an organization to gain better insight into operations. The method can be suitable when employees are involved in performing boring, repetitive tasks to give them a greater variety of tasks. It allows to increase skills and knowledge about other jobs. Job enrichment, allows the employee to take on some responsibilities normally assigned to management. It means that the job provides greater responsibility, recognition and opportunities for growth. There is a risk that too much responsibility and autonomy in the planning and control aspects of the job would be transferred to the employee.
Intrinsic motivation can be described as the process of motivation by work itself in so far as it satisfies the personal needs of the employee. Intrinsic motivation is self-generated and it is thought that people seek for a job they think will most satisfy their needs. The factors affecting intrinsic motivation include for example responsibility, freedom to act, courage to use and develop persons own skills, interesting tasks and opportunities for advancement. Extrinsic motivation is the amount of effort other people give to the person to motivate them. Intrinsic motivators tend to have a longer effect as they are inherent and not imposed from outside. The effect of money as a motivator is discussed later in this thesis. (Armstrong 2007,60) As the needs of individuals differ a lot, it is important to concentrate carefully on the attachment of goals and incentives given when goals are accomplished.
Herzberg's motivation/hygiene theory is also known as the two-factor theory. Herzberg started the study job satisfaction in the 1950's in Pittsburg. The basis of Herzberg's work is in the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. He started with the idea that what causes the job satisfaction are the opposite of those things that cause job dissatisfaction. The result Herzberg theory found out that what makes people happy is what they do or the way they're utilized and what makes people unhappy is the way they're treated. Hygiene factors, are those that the employee expects to be in good condition. As motivators are those that in present cause satisfaction, hygiene factors are those that don't cause satisfaction but if they are lacking, it causes job dissatisfaction. Employees must feel that their job is as secured as it is possible in the current economical situation. (Ellis 2005, 83). The main finding of Herzberg is that the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction but no satisfaction.
There are 11 employees in Countdown Deli Department Takapuna Branch. Total of 11 staff or employees answered the Employee Satisfaction Survey. The background information was introduced in terms of Gender, Work Status, Age and Length of service etc. However since the number of respondents was quite low, the answers were introduced by frequencies, (See Apendix for the Graph) In this section for the Demographic of the Deli Department only tables are presented. Correlation of work status to Satisfaction question as well. (See Appendix for the Graph).
The study therefore set out to assess the effect of management by and the effect of The objective of this research is to evaluate the degree of employee satisfaction impact on individual employee performance at Countdown Deli Department Takapuna Branch. The task is to optimize the working environment ,satisfaction and motivation of employees. The main purpose of this project is to measure the employee satisfaction .The research question was: what is the level of employee satisfaction in the company. The purpose of this kind of research is to find out which factors could be improved and how to make employees enjoy their work every day.
On the basis of the questionnaire and the results, it is possible to analyse the situation in the target organization. It is very important for both manager of the Deli department as well as the employees that the relationship between them is good and open. It is good as it appears in the investigation that majority of the staff has a good relationship with the manager. The relationship of both is very essential when its about job satisfaction and work motivation is concerned. The employees Countdown Deli Department think that the manager shows attention towards the work they do and it is very easy to communicate with the manager. In the work place where communication is easy, the power distance is usually smaller and also employees feel appreciated at work. This is also true if the manager is interested in the ideas and thoughts the employees have, and based on the results, has a satisfying result. The employees are quite satisfied with the amount of information they get from the manager about the job and tasks the employees are expected to do. Same is true in the case of limited amount of information got about the situation of the company. The employees are fairly satisfied with the amount of information they get. The amount of constructive feedback is one of the most important aspects when thinking about the employees' work satisfaction. Constructive feedback is not necessarily positive. It can also be negative; the way the feedback is given is most essential. Without constructive feedback the employees can't develop their ways of working. But majority is neutral either way staff may or may not be satisfied. The employees majority is neutral and satisfied with the appreciation the direct manager shows towards the work they do and they think the boss is quite aware of the abilities of the worker. The style of boss' directions is important as the employees might easily find the style offensive or underestimating. This would have an effect on the job satisfaction. The employees find the style of boss' directions appropriate. The employees also want to have support from the manager. It is important to know that the manager supports the worker in any situation that might arise. The employees defined this situation fairly good. They are also very satisfied with the time their department managers takes to listen to the employees' concerns and support reasonable suggestions. The only thing the employees are not satisfied with is the amount of knowledge the manager has regarding the different aspects of the job responsibilities. It is essential that the manager knows all the different responsibilities of the job so that the manager can provide the employees with support and knowledge regarding the job. It is also important for the manager to know what it is like to do the tasks the employees are expected to complete in certain quality and within a certain time limit.
The employees of the Deli department don't feel satisfied about enjoying working everyday and performing at their best. They also say it don't like the idea to come to work every day, if only I got another job. According to the results the workers don't feel so optimistic about the future success with the company. Work is supposed to fulfill the employee's basic needs. In average most of the employees are feeling fairly satisfied with the fulfillment of their basic needs by work. Employees want to be appreciated at work. Appreciation at work is one factor that caused job satisfaction. In the employees think that they are not well appreciated at workplace. They are not quite satisfied with the appreciation got from manager. According to Herzberg appreciation and awareness of the boss is very important to employees.
Compensation is the maximum motivator. Employees are not so satisfied with the compensation provided employees are very satisfied with the job security. The employees think that their job place is secured, which has an effect on the motivation.. They are not quite satisfied with the training and development.
Benefits is another form of the rewards systems that makes a motivating factor for the employees. It might add satisfaction if the salary is not so high. Workers of the company shows not satisfied health benefits; extra vacation; day off; break time; flexibility in working hours provided. There is a need for more improvement for benefits are not available to all the employees.
If the management uses enough time to explain the tasks to their employees, it will reduce the amount of frustration the employees have and that way increase productivity. With reasonable training and retraining the employees have the latest information regarding the different aspects of the work, and this can help them to avoid frustration as well as accidents and other sicknesses caused by the job. Proper training is the key to getting better performance. Remember that every employee needs company-specific training in the least. So, try to find out what's the problem that's causing the incompetence. Once you have singled it out, you can solve it. Inability to work well by some employees has always been an issue at every workplace. As these employees don't do their work properly, there is always a need to supervise or look into their work a second time, which can be quite time-consuming in crunch situations. So, how do we deal with such incompetent employees When a person is happy with the job, that he/she will do it most efficiently and effectively. Make sure that the performers get special mention for their work. Ensure that other employees (the ones who are performing at par with each other every month) also get appreciation for their work. One needs to ensure that the non-performing employees are encouraged and motivated to work. Motivation in the workplace should be done in the right way. Have regular feedback sessions with all the employees. Also ensure that they are encouraged to talk without any fear. This is so that you get an honest feedback. Some work for fulfillment, while others work out of love and passion for their work. While working, recognition and acknowledgement play a vital role in boosting employee morale, without which, work productivity could suffer. Also constant criticism would not go down well with employees. Criticism and lack of recognition would eventually make employees lose interest in their work.
Research is based on the questionnaire (See Appendix 2)
To summarize the conclusion under leadership in Countdown deli department relationship of your department manager find it satisfactory. The amount of attention the department manager pays to the work you do I find it fairly satisfactory needs more improvement. Communication with the department manager needs more improvement because of the higher frequency on decline from neutral to not satisfied. Dept Managers interest in and values towards the thoughts and ideas you have quite satisfactory due to the frequency increased from neutral to very satisfied. The volume of information about your task got from your department manager is satisfactory. The volume of constructive feedback and appreciation you got from your department manager. Find it satisfactory. The awareness of the department manager towards the abilities of the employees I find it also satisfactory. The support you got from your department manager I find it satisfactory. The style of your department manager in giving direction satisfactory.
Enjoy working everyday and performing at your best satisfactory .Nice to come to work not satisfactory due to increase in frequency of number of staff from neutral to not satisfied. Optimistic with your future success with the company not satisfied, due to increase in frequency of number of staff choice from neutral to not satisfied that is also the reason why there is a high turnover of staff at the deli department. Your work fulfill your basic need not satisfactory. Most of the staff have other jobs aside from Countdown deli. Appreciation at your work place, half of the percentage of the staff is not satisfied, half of the population find it satisfied. Job security also not satisfied. Training and Development also not satisfied, new staff are not properly trained by the department manager.
Salaries of the staff, majority of the staff is dissatisfied.
Benefits , majority of the staff is not satisfied and not happy with the benefits they are receiving.
Managers should maintain good relationship , communication with its subordinates. Managers should personally train new staff. It is very important for managers to listen and give interest to the values and ideas of the staff, it is a motivating factor and sometimes you might also learn from them.
Intrinsic motivation is highly recommended to boost morale of staff. In order to avoid high turnover of employment.
It is the companies discretion whether or not to give a raise to the employees. Countdown is only giving salaries at their minimum New Zealand Standard. The company should consider this point it might increase the motivation of the employees in the department.
The labor law does not mandate companies to give benefits to part timers. It would be better for the company to give cafeteria plan for all of its staff in order to motivate them to stay to the company. In order to keep employees satisfied and retain them in the organisation should adopt the following practices.
Impact On Improving Employee Satisfaction Business Essay. (2017, Jun 26).
Retrieved March 25, 2025 , from
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