How Can we Understand the Iraq War?

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Iraq had a big part in war and PTSD. Iraq is a country in south-western Asia. It has a small border on the Persian Gulf. “War is a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between a state or nations.” (From the Merriam Webster Dictionary). “PTSD is a psychological reaction occurring after experiencing a highly stressing event.” (From the Merriam Webster Dictionary).

Deaths and casualties happens in every war. For U.S. soldiers, 31,958 were WIA and there were (including both KIA and non-hostile) 4,410 total deaths. Symptoms for PTSD are: Disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the event(s). Some complications from PTSD can be suicide. Treatment can be counselling or medication. The Iraq war lasted 8.8 years. The war went from Mar. 20, 2003-Dec. 18, 2011. Iraq war was an armed conflict. A lot of countries were in the Iraq war.

“Why the Iraq war has produced more PTSD than the conflict in Afghanistan” (Badger np). Over the length of these two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq). Iraq service members have been exposed to more combat than Afghanistan. “PTSD affects about 11% of veterans of the war in Afghanistan, but 20% of veterans who served in Iraq.” (Badger np). Looking forward for veterans, they will likely need more money for mental health care. (Badger np).

Problems caused by PTSD are a serious issue. Mental problems include: depression, other anxiety disorders, drug use problems. For physical health, a lot of things are associated. Like, arthritis, heart-related problems and disease, respiratory system-related problems and disease, digestive problems and disease, reproductive system-related problems, diabetes, pain. “PTSD puts tremendous physical and emotional strain on a person.” (Tull np). “People with PTSD may engage in more risky and health-compromising behaviors, such as alcohol and drug use.” (Tull np). PTSD puts strain on the human body. It is very important to get medical help if you have PTSD.

To understand the Iraq war, you need eye witnesses. Casey Owens was a marine and a land mine took both legs on his second deployment. He says he loves his life. Even without legs, he still runs with prosthetics. He got the Purple Heart. At the age of 22, he was admitted to combat. He has a special needs dog, to cope with Caseys PTSD. Evan Morgan was a marine who lost both legs to an IED blast. He got the Purple Heart. Says he's happy. He got married and had two kids. Tony Riddle was a marine. His wife said he was different when he came back. He has PTSD. He got awards. They were all in 1st battalion, 7th Marines.

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How Can We Understand The Iraq War?. (2019, May 07). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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