Project Report On ‘Effectiveness of Below The Line Advertising’ At IN PARTIAL FULFILLMNT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR MASTER IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES (MMS) Submitted By ROLL NO. C-06 MMS (2009-2011) Submitted To * DECLARATION I wish to state that the work embodied in this Project titled ‘EFFECTIVENESS OF BTL ADVERTISING’ forms my own contribution to Management. Wherever references have been made to intellectual properties of any individual / Institution / Government / Private / Public Bodies/Universities, research paper, text books, reference books, research monographs, archives of newspapers, corporate, individuals, business / Government and any other source of intellectual properties viz. , speeches, quotations, conference proceedings, extracts from the website, working paper, seminal work et al, they have been clearly indicated, duly acknowledged and included in the Bibliography.
Signature of Candidate Prandya Patil * ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project would not have come to fruition without help, wittingly or unwittingly, of a great many people too numerous to mention. This section provides a platform to recognize and acknowledge those fortunate enough to spring to mind. My Industry Mentor, Mr. Gautam Mazumdar should be commended for the guidance, support, and wealth of ideas he provided in order to see this work completed. Our industry mentors should be commended for the guidance, support, and wealth of ideas they provided in order to see this work completed.
The credit of the successful completion of the project goes to our mentors at industry & our college teachers. Thanks a lot to all the unnamed people who kindly responded to the questionnaire, especially our friends in the college. * Genesis of the report This project is generated to study the effectiveness of advertising. As we see that advertising has become very essential to enter and sustain in the market. Many companies have their tie-ups with different Ad agencies for their product launch, sales promotion, offers and all other marketing awareness activities. And there is lot of money poured into making of effective Ads. Thus, there is need to study that if the companies or an entity approaching to an advertiser is finding that Ad effective or not? Many companies use various promotional activities to increase their market share. These activities can broadly be classified under two categories. 1) ATL (Above the line) or Mass Promotional Activities. e. g. Ads on TV or internet, print media, Banners etc. 2) BTL (Below the line) or personalized/Direct marketing. e. g. Tele-calling, promotion via mailing etc.
Companies pour in millions of dollars to promote their brand, create brand awareness and market their services to boost their sales and grab higher market share. So it makes every business sense to know the effectiveness of different media and invest in those which have high effectiveness. The objective of the research was to study the effectiveness of these promotional activities used by businessman and other companies. TABLE OF CONTENTS: DECLARATIONi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTii Genesis of the reportiii A. List of Appendices:1 B. Abbreviations and Definitions:1 I. INTRODUCTION:2 II. LITERATURE REVIEW:6 )Evolution of below -the- line activities6 2)Channels of BTL activities:7 III. BACKGROUND OF THE PLACE OF WORK:10 a)Company Profile:10 b)Services offered:11 c)Media MAXX promotional strategy:13 IV. NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT:14 V. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT:15 VI. PROBLEM FORMULATION:15 VII. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS:16 VIII. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:16 IX. DATA ANALYSIS:17 X. MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES USED:18 XI. FINDING & INTERPRETATION:19 a. General findings from the Research Questionnaire:19 A. Category/Industry Population19 B. Advertising Population20 b. Research findings:21 a)Reason behind Advertising:21 (b)Most Liked feature of Advertising. 22 (c)Respondents perception about BTL23 (d)Confirming Perception24 (f)Judge Effectiveness of BTL25 (g)Analyzing the effectiveness of various promotional activities:26 XII. HYPOTHESIS TESTING27 XIII. CONCLUSION:28 A. Learning experiences from the project:28 B. SUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS:29 C. Limitations:29 XIV. ANNEXURES30 XV. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ REFERENCES34 List of Appendices: Appendix 1: Questionnaire Appendix 2: Chi-Square test, to test the significance of the results for preference of BTL activities.
Abbreviations and Definitions: 1] ATL: Above the line Above the line(ATL) is a type of advertising through media such as TV, cinema, radio, print, banners and search engines to promote brands. 2] BTL: Below the line BTL is a type of promotional activity which is targeted to a specific person or group of people very similar in their characteristics. Tele-calling, launching a campaign, erecting canopies, mailing, in-house promotions etc. come under BTL. 3] Ads: Advertisement. Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor. The American marketing association I. INTRODUCTION: Everyone is trying to dominate by promoting its brand and product through TV, print, launching campaigns, sending mailers and news-letters etc. methods to promote are many but due to budgetary constraints, search of most effective method of promotion is on, big time.
Promotion is classified under two categories ATL and BTL. The report also tries to analyze the effectiveness of BTL advertising by studying the market habits and advertisers understanding, their perception, preference before going for a particular promotion activity. An activity is effective in the market because it is preferred by most of the people. The product qualities or services are good that’s why they are preferred and thus they become effective in the market as there is high no. preference for those activities. The research is broken into 4 main sections. Research design, general findings, analysis of effectiveness & hypothesis testing and results & recommendation. Above the line (ATL), Below the line (BTL), and Through the Line (TTL), in organizational business and marketing communications, are advertising techniques. In a nutshell, while ATL promotions are tailored for a mass audience, BTL promotions are targeted at individuals according to their needs or preferences.
While ATL promotions can establish brand identity, BTL can actually lead to a sale. ATL promotions are also difficult to measure well, while BTL promotions are highly measurable, giving marketer valuable insights into their return-on-investment. Promotional activities carried out through mass media, such as television, radio and newspaper, are classed as “above the line” promotion. Below the line” promotion refers to forms of non-media communication or advertising, and has become increasingly important in the communications mix of many companies, not only those involved in fast moving consumer goods, but also for industrial goods. “Through the line” refers to an advertising strategy involving both above and below the line communications in which one form of advertising points the target to another form of advertising thereby crossing the “line”. Above the line sales promotion ATL is a type of advertising through media such as television, cinema, radio, print, web banners and web search engines to promote brands. This type of communication is conventional in nature and is considered impersonal to customers. It differs from BTL advertising, which uses unconventional brand-building strategies, such as direct mail and printed media (and usually involves no motion graphics). It is much more effective when the target group is very large and difficult to define.
The term comes from top business managers and involves the way in which Procter & Gamble, one of the world’s biggest advertising clients, was charged for its media in the 1950s and 1960s. Advertising agencies made so much commission from booking media for clients that the creative generation and actual production costs of making TV ads was free – hence above the line. Everything else they paid for and was therefore below the line. Since then, models have changed and clients are no longer charged for their media in that way. The line Used loosely, ATL still means mass media. However the media landscape has shifted so dramatically that advertisers have reconsidered the definitions of mass media.
For some marketers the “line” divides the realm of “Awareness or Attention focused marketing” and that of “Interest + Desire focused marketing”. Since audience numbers in the Interest and Desire phase of the AIDA sales model narrow down to a fraction of the Awareness audience, the line could be drawn right below the awareness set of activities. Loosely put, everything done prior to a customer’s actual entry into a retail outlet is ATL for these retailers, as they define shop-floor activities as the true BTL set of activities which decide on which brand sells eventually.
Below the line sales promotion BTL sales promotion is an immediate or delayed incentive to purchase, expressed in cash or in kind, and having short duration. It is efficient and cost-effective for targeting a limited and specific group. It uses less conventional methods than the usual ATL channels of advertising, typically focusing on direct means of communication, most commonly direct mail and e-mail, often using highly targeted lists of names to maximize response rates. BTL services may include those for which a fee is agreed upon and charged up front. BTL is a common technique used for “touch and feel” products (consumer items where the customer will rely on immediate information rather than previously researched items). A BTL technique ensures recall of the brand while at the same time highlighting the features of the product. Another BTL technique involves sales personnel deployed at retail stores near targeted products. This technique may be used to generate trials of newly launched products. Through the line More recently, agencies and clients have switched to an “Integrated Communication Approach”, or “through the line” approach. TTL is a neologism describing an existing process, according to Altaf Jasnaik, Corporate Communications and Branding Manager at Sharp Middle East & Africa. In the TTL approach, a mix of ATL and BTL are used to integrate a marketer’s efforts and optimize returns from these separate investments.
Recently the TTL approach has shifted its emphasis more towards BTL. The idea remains to optimize the return on marketing budget spent by focusing one’s energy on winning smaller yet more crucial BTL battles than ATL wars with well-funded competition. According to EBS Worldwide, mainstream mass broadcast marketing is increasingly being viewed as uneconomical, in terms of return on investment, which is where BTL marketing fits in. Above-the-Line Media| Below-the-Line Media| 1. Are tailored to reach a mass audience| Are targeted to individual consumers, based on their expressed needs and preferences| 2. Establish brand identity or reinforce emotional concepts surrounding a product or brand| Issue a “call-to-action,” inspiring specific customer activity or tailored messages about a product or brand| 3. May or may not drive customer response| Drive individual responses| 4. Are difficult – if not impossible – to measure with any accuracy| Are highly measurable, allowing marketers insight into their return-on-investment, as well as those tactics that are (and are not) working| 5. Cater to the mass market| Establish one-to-one relationships between consumers and marketers| II. LITERATURE REVIEW: 1) Evolution of below -the- line activities In a market rapidly adapting to changes in technology, available information and heightened consumer demand, traditional, brand-oriented advertising is no longer the primary driver of customer behaviour. Whether it’s reflected in dwindling print newspaper circulation or the stagnant market for network television commercials, significant evidence suggests that the marketing landscape has fundamentally shifted – from an “above-the-line” focus on reaching a broad population with emotionally-oriented appeals, to a “below-the- line” approach that stresses targeted, customer-centric communications, measurable results and concrete return-on-investment. We believe that the metaphorical “line” separating marketing philosophies (often quoted, but never precisely defined) is reflected in three key qualities that separate today’s emerging promotional methods from the top-down advertising monologue of the past. Acting in concert, they embody the universal elements of successful below-the-line marketing efforts: * Perception – The extent to which a consumer feels that he or she is engaged as an active participant in a marketing dialogue, rather than a target of an aggressive direct sales or branding effort Interaction – The extent to which consumers are empowered to respond to marketing communications via preferred channels that are both convenient and accessible * Measurability – The extent to which a marketer can track the results of an individual initiative, determine commensurate return-on-investment and adjust future campaigns to provide for an enhanced chance of success Figure 1. 3 Framework of BTL activities Chart 1: Measurability of BTL activities 2) Channels of BTL activities: a) Database marketing: It involves use of proprietary database of consumer records which can enhance prospect or customer data sources with unprecedented demographic, lifestyle and transactional data. It can be utilized for tuning marketing offers targeted at new prospects — and provide their current customers with products that more closely match purchasing preferences and habits. ) Mail marketing: It involves creation of compelling branded Mail/email templates and campaign messages, and also our data driven services to develop precise targeting to reach the highest number of quality prospects c) Interactive services: By designing online campaigns that generate valuable and conversions by the use of Web Properties, Affiliate Network and Search Engine Marketing d) Affinity marketing: Enhancing brand value and gaining new customers by affinity programs like collaborations with * Veteran’s Organizations * Sportsmen’s Organizations Conservation and Wildlife Advocacy Organizations * Seniors Advocacy Organizations * Political Organizations * Religious Organizations * Youth Activity Organizations * Ethnic Group Advocacy Organizations * Cause Based Organizations Direct Response Print: It’s most common form today is infomercials. It is achieved by eliciting a direct response via television presentations. Viewers respond via telephone or internet, credit card in hand.
Other media, such as magazines, newspapers, radio, and e-mail can be used to elicit the response, but they tend to achieve lower response rates than television. ) Event Marketing: It involves a strategic-based face-to-face contact designed to impact a brand’s perception among its constituents. It is set of promotional activities involving an event such as a sporting or social event, designed to bring a product to the attention of the public f) Promotional Marketing: It is a non-personal promotional effort that is designed to have an immediate impact on sales. Sales promotion is media and non-media marketing communications employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples include: * Coupons * Discounts and sales * Contests * Point of purchase displays * Rebates * Free samples (in the case of food items) * Gifts and incentive items * Free travel, such as free flights Sales promotions can be directed at the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at the consumer are called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted at retailers and wholesale are called trade sales promotions. We Maximise value III. BACKGROUND OF THE PLACE OF WORK: ) Company Profile: Vision: Maximimising Every Opportunity.
For you and your organization. Through the world of dynamic Communication. The Beginning: Media Maxx got into the fast track of visual communication in the Fall of ’09. With the ever changing market conditions – it was the need of the hour to adapt and present communication that hits the right note with the right audience The governing team of Media MAXX: Hari haran – 14 years in the media industry Primarily in planning and production. Planning gives him a clear perspective in brand strategy and concept development. Experience in production of TV serials in multi regional language & an insight in production, TV prodiction has been his passion.
Gautam Mazumdar – Extremely well accomplished at leading cross functional operational teams across multiple geographic locations integrating People, Process, Technology and Partners towards a common goal. Major contributions include successful implementation of marketing strategy Strengths cover a range of media deliverable in print, outdoor, events, video packed with his natural flamboyance. ) Services offered: Repertoire The Companies solutions are optimum and total.
They conceptualise, plan strategy, design and execute – your total communication requirement. What they have to offer is a fine balance between the client’s perspective and current market scenario. Repertoire Specifics Creative Concepts & designing, Production of AV, TVCs & Short films, Media planning, Event Management and Public Relations, Web designing. Designing Thoughts put to creative execution of: Press ads, magazines and journals, brochures, annual financial reports, newsletters, posters and direct mailers, hoardings, kiosks, panels, banners, stickers, danglers, dispensers, packaging and exhibition stalls.
Production Production of AVs, TVCs and Short films Give us a subject and we put in emotion, drama, script, effects – and all that goes into capturing the attention of your audience. Corporate films and documentaries. Television commercials and Radio jingles. CG animation and Programme Opens, 3D Morphing and Composting. Complete 3D Ad films, Logos and 3D Pack Shots. Audio Recording, Video Editing and complete Audio Visual productions.
Media Planning & Releasing As the saying goes – strike while it is hot. The company offer strategic media planning for your creative campaigns and release of the same through different media vehicles such as Television (National, Satellite & Niche), Radio Stations, Newspapers, Magazines, Directories, Hoardings, Kiosks (National & Local). Events & Public Relations To add glamour and glitz – They undertake Event Management assignments for Brand Launches, Exhibitions, Seminars and Workshops. Their Public Relations team offers support in terms of effective coverage on a national scale through sustained media relations. Multimedia & web What sets them apart from other design houses is their expertise and experience in Web Site Design, Web Application Development, and the highly specialized domains of Flash Animation, CD and DVD Production, and Web Training Demos. c) Media MAXX promotional strategy: The company is on the right way to promote itself. As the company is in the starting phase when funds are not much, online promoting is playing a big role in lead generation.
Now, When its advertising your client is always looking out that what extra you can provide him over others. Being an advertising agency company is continuously working on its creativity so that the client will have faith the kind of work, company can provide to him. Even the Tele-calling team should also be credited for lead generation. The company is continuously in touch with its existing clients and even with the clients who showed interest in the company work. There is research team also who would study on the different companies which are existing in the market and are companies ‘Can Be’ clients.
Direct client servicing is last thing which is responsible converting the interested clients into companies customer rather full time customer with its service. So In all, the flow of R on the ‘Can Be’ clients, Tele-calling to get their details, Mailing the profile and mailers of the company and not but the least direct client servicing are the things which have been Media MAXX promotional strategy other than Mouth Publicity. IV. NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: Advertisements are sometimes spoken of as the nervous system of the business world. As nervous system is very important in human body so it is vital in business world. Therefore, in this project we want to study Advertising Effectiveness especially the concern company Media MAXX Management wants the advertising managers to do well and be effective in their client servicing.
After all, advertising uses the scarce resources that could be invested in a number of ways. Therefore, the question that management poses is, “Is advertising the best way to use those funds? ” and if yes “Is it heading in right direction? And it is the job of the advertising campaign planner to be able to answer that question. Hence, the need was felt that whoever has taken service from the company or who has advertised themselves through BTL advertising. Are they satisfied with it or not? Did these businessmen find BTL promotions effective or not? While studying on the project we got a chance to work on some of the projects.
These projects include: * Planning a Road-show for ‘Saint-Gobain’s ‘Gyproc’ product. Its a construction related things manufacturing company which wanted to organize a Road Show for the awareness of the product. Working under this project we got a chance to work on planning, costing, pitching for getting the project on Road Show. * There was another project to make a society event targeting women. Wherein Canopies were installed in the societies. In the whole event all the women would get a chance to make mehendi on their hand and meanwhile company would showcase its designs to them explaining about the offers and exclusive designs available at Tanishq Showrooms. * Another project was to work on a Township project at Khalapur. This dealt with designing the project for their customers which to be launched in coming September. * Making health day planner for Hiranandani Hospitals ‘Health Day’ events. V. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: 1]To analyze the effectiveness of BTL advertising. 2]To study the perception of the businessmen for different types of options available in the market. VI. PROBLEM FORMULATION: Promotional activities are broadly classified under ATL and BTL. Due to the inherent difference in their nature, they work differently and outshine one another depending on the industry and the target audience they are directed towards.
For a well established company or a new comer company in the market, to gain a higher market share, they want to promote their products/services. Here lies the problem, what type kind of promotional activity one should use. Whether one should go with ATL or BTL? Which one has greater effectiveness as far as preferences are concerned? Now, how can we calculate effectiveness of a promotional activity? This project is to study the perception and the preference given by the businessmen or marketing managers to promotional activities to study the effectiveness of BTL advertising. VII. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS: Null Hypothesis: H0: ‘There is no significant preference for BTL advertising’ So, an alternative hypothesis would be, H1: ‘There is significant preference for BTL advertising’ VIII. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: * The target population was businessmen or any company officials dealing into advertising activities for their business. * A questionnaire was designed to get the information from the respondents to study the effectiveness of BTL advertising. * A target sample size of 59 was decided. As Out of 71 respondents, 8 people doesn’t advertise and 4 were wrong responses. Quota sampling technique was used: population was divided into regions, the sample elements were selected based on convenience or judgement. * ‘Online sampling’ was also used but to a lesser extent. * Only primary data could have served the purpose, which was collected via questionnaire * The research work: * It comprised of targeting people from commercial places, markets etc. * Mailing an online questionnaire to every known e-mail also helped in data collection IX. DATA ANALYSIS: * Once we got the data, the next step was to analyze it. This data was further categorized according to the factors explaining it statistically. * Then it was analysed thro the graphs to know the trend of target population towards advertising.
Peoples perception towards advertising and why do they feel to shift over from one option to another. * SPSS tools such as frequency, MS Excel tools such as bar, pie charts were used to analyze the data. Since multiple choices were allowed, this made the data complex and difficult to analyze. Hence, the data was analysed through graphs for those questions which could not get analysed through SPSS. X. MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES USED: Brainstorming: The topic was first discussed among the trainees. The need of the topic felt and hence it was decided that the would hold well if research on such topic is done then company can plan some strategies on the basis of it. Analysis Interrogation: Interrogation with company officials helped to understand the industry, its behaviour, the kind of trends and technology which is coming to market. This is responsible for shifting consumers’ mindset from one available option to another.
This has helped to generate the interest in the research the field of advertising. Observation: Observing the business process at office did help a lot to know the customer needs while facing them on call or in person.
Working on a clients project actually helped me to understand the whole process in advertising and generated interest towards the topic. Planning: A plan was made according to the population we wanted to focus on of the area we had selected. This plan was finalised through discussion and brainstorming with other colleagues. Analysis: This study was further analysed to recommend some strategies to the company to work on. Analysis was done with the help of SPSS software.
This analysis proved the assumption we had made earlier. Evaluating: Evaluation of the project was done on the basis of graphs which we had got through data collected. These graphs showed the percentages of the different preferences, peoples perception in mind before advertising and why do they choose an option among all available. XI. FINDING & INTERPRETATION: a. General findings from the Research Questionnaire: A. Category/Industry Population Chart 2: Category/Industry Population The respondents were chosen either from those who have got their business or from those who are working in a company for marketing related activities. This helped in making a combination of small business houses and the well established companies, which helped in getting good quality responses from the respondents. Combinations of the respondents who may have different advertising budget but then how do spend money on advertising? How do choose an option among all available. In the above pie-chart we see that 59% respondents are those who have their own business and 41% are servicemen.
This is a good combination for research. B. Advertising Population Chart 3: Advertising Population This question helped in using the data more specific towards the goal. As we need to find out the effectiveness of BTL advertising in the market. i. e. We need to concentrate on the respondents who have advertised before. Those will help us to know why they chose an option and what the factors behind that decision were. In the above Pie-Chart we see that almost all the respondents collected go for advertising their product except few i. e. 1% of the total don’t advertise and 89% do advertise for their products. b. Research findings: Reason behind Advertising: Chart 4: Reasons Behind Advertising While doing the study it was expected to study the reasons behind the advertising. The expenditure, availability, targets all other factors which depend on the reason of advertising. The above pie- chart shows that most of the people do advertise for their sales promotion, target segmentation, business awareness. So it seems advertisers have become target specific.
They want to spend money for their set customers. Most Liked feature of Advertising. Which are the features of promotion liked by you most? Chart 5: Most Liked Features Of Promotion Now, while making an Advertisement the agency should also think of the priorities and expectation of the people from the Ad. We see in the chart above that they want more clarity & simplicity in their advertisement for better understanding and good impact on the customers mind. Respondents perception about BTL Do you agree with the statements given below? Chart 6: Respondents Perception About BTL This question was framed to know the people understanding about BTL promotions. As shown in the graph, we had taken some factors to study whether people agree with the statement given or not. The result shows that people are very much aware about the promotion option available for them and the reason behind going for it. In the last bar we also see that most of them have said that BTL is no as effective as ATL. This shows that each promotion activity has got its own identity which cannot be taken over by other.
Confirming Perception Do you think, BTL stands differently & effectively against ATL? Chart 7: Confirming Perception From the previous chart analysis we see that people have voted that BTL stands differently and effectively against ATL. Because as the time passes people may shift from one to another but these two can never takeover their actual customers. Judge Effectiveness of BTL How effective would you judge BTL activities: Chart 8: Judge Effectiveness of BTL As it is seen that people find BTL advertising effective and different from other options available, we will judge how effective did they find it? Hence the respondents were given four options to judge BTL. If it is very effective, just effective, ineffective or Neutral.
The study shows that people find it very effective in case of ‘Company’s investment in brand marketing’; followed by ‘Advertising creative execution’ then ‘Company’s plan for media advertising and at last ‘The brand slogan advertising’. In the above chart we see that respondents from businesses and services, most of them have found BTL effective for the parameters discussed above. Analyzing the effectiveness of various promotional activities: Which are the promotional activities you would go for your business promotion? Chart 9: Analysis of preferences There was a need to study preference of the respondents for BTL advertising. A person would always prefer to choose an option which is more effective. It’s a business, wherein return on every investment is preferred most. Hence respondents were asked on the promotion activity they would prefer most. And as we can see, people have given more responses in case of BTL that is (Tele-calling + Mail + Campaigns & Canopies) over (Outdoor + Print + TV). This proves that people mostly prefer BTL advertising.
Hence, it is effective. XII. HYPOTHESIS TESTING H0: There is no significant preference for BTL advertising. Since, respondents preferences towards were judged, we will apply Chi-Square test. On Applying the Chi-Square test (Appendix 2) We get, X2 (calculated) > X2 (tabulated) 12. 288 > 11. 070 Therefore, H0 is rejected. Therefore, H0 is rejected. Ha is accepted. Which means there is significant preference for BTL advertising. Thus, the assumption which we had considered that BTL is effective over other promotional activities is proved. XIII. CONCLUSION: A. Learning experiences from the project: a. This project showed that people are aware about the various options available in the market.
There is a thought process involved before choosing a promotion activity. b. The research shows that even if there are many options available, there is strata of business and service industry population which would always prefer to go for BTL. Because it has got its own identity. And as the time passes there can fluctuations in the preferences but current scenario is that most people find BTL as the effective way of advertising. c. As the time passes, technology changes, new inventions comes into the market, but some advertisements have got their own identity and BTL is one of them. d. BTL can provide you wide options for promotions and cut down your cost and boost your sales as well. . This project helped me to understand various promotion activities, to study consumer behaviour, factors affecting their decisions. In all, the whole BTL market I got to learn which was very interesting. B. SUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: * Since BTL is effective than other promotional activities available, Companies should reconsider their marketing strategy with higher advertising dollars going for BTL (Preferably in the proportion of their respective effectiveness) * Setting up of canopies at commercial places, residential colonies, apartments will certainly show great results. Companies should use the available database to exploit the brand loyalty of the company which they might have and that can be communicated with them through phone or / mail (e-mail), both highly effective media, and give information about our products. * Tele-callers are an asset for a company; companies should invest more here to equip them with required soft-skills and product knowledge so that they have higher convincing abilities. This increases their effectiveness and customer base. * The present customer base is an asset which will rope in more customers if they are cared through prompt after sales service.
The price range is also a decision maker. Bringing in new ‘Value for money’ package in this range and marketing them well can do the trick. C. Limitations: * As some questions were quite complex, most of them could not get analysed thro SPSS. * We can say ‘what’ is effective but cannot say ‘why’ it’s effective. That’s probably needs another research. * Sample size is also a major limitation since research of this sort requires a large sample size. This limitation became evident when, effectiveness of BTL activities came out to be higher than due to very small no. of respondents. XIV. ANNEXURES ANNEXURE-I: Questionnaire: 1 Name 2 Category or Industry of the population? No. Of People a. Service b. Business 3 Do you advertise for your business? Yes No 4 If No, What is the reason behind it?
If have advertised before, What was the reason behind? i) Business/Brand Awareness ii) Business Promotion iii) Branding iv) Brand Recall v) Sales Promotion vi) Target Segmentation vii) Others, Please Specify 6 Which are the features of promotion liked by you most? Please rate your preferences on a scale of 1-4. i) Simplicity ii) Clarity iii) Creativity iv) Exhaustive Publicity 7. Do you agree with the statements given below: Statements| Yes| No| BTL requires less investment than ATL| | | Probability of risk is less in case of BTL than ATL| | | ATL is a good way to reach masses but BTL reaches to target customers| | | BTL investor has more options to choose than ATL| | | BTL is as effective as ATL| | | 8. Do you think, BTL stands differently & effectively against ATL? (Considering- Starting investment, R OI, Reach, Targeting the client, Time taken to receive return,Valuable. ) a) Yes b) No 9)How effective would you judge BTL activities for? | Very Effective| Effective| Ineffective| Neutral| The Company’s investment in brand marketing| | | | | The company’s plan for media advertising| | | | | The advertising creative execution| | | | | The brand slogan advertising for product| | | | | 8 Which one of the following promotional activities you would prefer for your business promotion? Promotional Activities. i) TV ii) Print iii) Outdoor iv) Campaigns, Canopies, Events, Exhibitions v) Mail vi) Telecalling Ans: .Any Suggestions Thank you very much for your valuable time! Annexure-II: SPSS test calculation: Chi-Square Test Frequencies Preferences| | Observed N| Expected N| Residual| 4| 4| 9. 8| -5. 8| 5| 5| 9. 8| -4. 8| 8| 8| 9. 8| -1. 8| 12| 12| 9. 8| 2. 2| 14| 14| 9. 8| 4. 2| 16| 16| 9. 8| 6. 2| Total| 59| | | Test Statistics| | Preferences| Chi-Square| 12. 288a| Df| 5| Asymp. Sig. | . 031| a. 0 cells (. 0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected.
Atl and Btl Advertising. (2017, Sep 26).
Retrieved March 18, 2025 , from
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