Competition between Traditional Luxury Brands and Recent Development Luxury

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This article examines an analysis of fashion and accessible luxury in the industry which gives out clusters of different companies which could be identified based on the base of the set contingent variables which are derived from there supply chain. Our accord will be based on different luxury companies which belong to different industrial sectors. According to the recent service oriented most of the customers and suppliers are centered in the shift firm which is focused on one brand of the fashion at a residual time and this ensures that different authors of the article to give focus on the theoretical framework of different types of the luxury brands. Most of the brand names in the fashion industry are different as we compare with the traditional luxury brands and difference comes in the pricing of the brands which to some extend its unreasonable as addressed in the findings. In the recent changes some industries are publishing more than 100 fashion brands whereby the highest percentage is based on the recent development in the market sector. Then in the process some question arises which focus on the formation of new brands and they can be for human desires. In this article will examine some of the hidden facts about some of the aspects which rely on this brands marketing, imaging and the quality of the product as we compare between the two sessions.


Brand is an image that is associated with product that is particular to a certain company and to some extend it can be associated with the entire company depending on the level of customer's choice. In this article there are different brands that have been focused based on the competition and how we can achieve its marketing and exposure of the brand? Most of study shows that for any brand to be known there are must some positive results which will recognize the preferably of the product. As an example, the American apparel had its fair publicity in the past as it focused on traditional brands, which suffered major, loses form the negative imagine of the brands form customers (Reddy & Parent, 2009, p. 192).

Luxury is an old view which was started in the traditional errors, however the idea of luxury brands has a special form of branding which is accompanied by the workforce and the affluent of consumption lifestyle. Therefore, due to some of the changes in the years, the market expanded and started offering some transformed fashion, which erupts from small level to family owned businesses (Phan, 2011, p. 84). Most of the changes were effective based on the value of the fashion brand if we compare between the two level states. Due to this some corporations were made which focused on the investment of the strategic management, brands design and marketing and capabilities of outcome that one can obtain from the luxurious brands which compete over its development. The study is focused on that competition with emergence on the global luxury of the brand industry and some of the conceptualization which address on matters of development in the luxury fashion brands (Liu & Warnaby, 2016, p. 363). In this endeavor, the discussion will focus on the evolutionary growth which is the mandate of the industry and market as it entail on matters of cultural and social platform. Some of the prices in the fashion brand belief that this goods are highly priced because of the quality of the product. Though, some are scares and difficulty to quantify especially the traditional brands which are on the views of most customer's satisfaction.


In this article our main focus of the relationship will be addressed based on the competition of the different brands which are in the traditional and fashion brands and some of the perception with which the context of the media relies on and which are on the development. Both the qualitative and quantitative elements which features on the same brands have some equity in them and we shall base it on company brands rationale. The focus of the article will be on the value of the customers and how they feature the brand including its history which creates the current market of the luxury goods. Additionally, the supply change it's included in the fashion brands which adds value to the production process and beyond the level of recent development.


The luxury brand industry is an industry classification which is under the accord of certain forces of analysis and which operate in different framework. Most of the luxury brands addressed cannot be formally be based on independent industry but rather vary on terms of the automobiles which are indeed rare to imagine. However, it is evident that most of the recent fashion brand offering vary though they provide either consumers with comparable symbolic and different benefits being traditional or the new upcoming development (Amatulli & Guido, 2016, p. 251). It is common that the brand positioning has some shared customer base which has resulted in different practitioners consolidating the industry segment. Hence, when one base on luxury we simply feature to an exclusive group of different brands across different segment which are distinguished by the basic ability to convey some of the consumer elements and its characteristics in the market. Historically, any market brand, which comprises of either small or in large quantities must have some value on matter of the quality and efficiency of the product (Brioschi, 2006, p. 180). To a large extend our competition will basically rely on the multinational market brands which were in the early ages of 2000 and which were termed as traditional. In particular, some of the prices had to have inflation for the market to undergo some changes which was more effluent on consumers taste and preferences.

According to most of the diversification in the market field any increase in international market leads to a direct increase in customer's relation as there is the idea of profit gain which is more significant in the fashion brands and customers diversity (Brun, 2017, 15). Although, most of the luxury brands are changing in terms of market expansion there are some generating views which strengthen this competition based on the industry commitment? The managers of the luxury brands either traditional or in the recent development should invest substantially in a manner that can renown the competitive positioning based on the linked values of the products. It is also crucial in luxury brands to focus on either the market strategy, which enhances the need for this competition through social, or self-esteem (Bowler, 2010, p. 1271). According to the recent research it is evident that this article has some superior quality which is distinctive based on the consumer's perception. Any branding given has some image in it which can add value to the company product due to the choice of the buyer who focus on the luxury corporations.

To get a better understanding of this article, one has to value some of the processes which are used to create the exact fashion products under the supply chain of the industry. The supply chain of some of the fashion brands which are accessible is close and similar with those which were in the traditional luxury only that some advancement have been done in the framework of commodities. The first part of the supply chain of the fashion is competitive to its different blends which give multiple designs and colors made in the test product (Cailleux & Kapferer, 2009, p. 408). Then, for mass approval fashion brands has some line of the mass quantity which differs due to change of customer's perception. It is either in an outsourced manner of the company or the plans of the customer's relation in the market gap (Berthon & Berthon, 2009, p. 53). Generally, any supply has to link with different customers who give different returns based on the quality of the goods and accessible ones. During the last few years this brands expanded in the global and were more competitive in the emerging market which projected that in the near future it will outweigh the traditional luxury on matters of economic rationale and love of the luxury brand.


Valuation of the Different Brands

Value Chain

In any production of any brand either on matter of traditional luxury or in the new market development, the company should feature on different methods which add some value to the firm. In putting this extra effort the research of the article has shown advertisement forms the superior part of the product. This matter may even be based on the pricing, perception of the brand image and some of the distribution matter, which has an attempt of raising the brand value (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, p. 65)


This is one of the largest competition that the customer should focus on. If the demand it's too high it will tempt to lower the price of the luxury brand which to some extend may lead to low value outcome form it. If we compare the recent and the traditional luxury it is clear that there is some sensitize price inflation which will lead to comical outcome (Janssen & Lefebvre, 2014, p. 55). Some of the recent companies tends to manipulate it and make it at the same level throughout. Generally, luxury brands offers a discounted price in any industry.


Any availability of the product create more desire for production of another one. Therefore in most of the companies which prefer to maintain this luxury must focus on the distribution of the products in the system and some of the limit which gives out the inner outcome of the different types of luxury (Hwang & Kandampully, 2014, p. 104).

Brand Images

The image of any brand has some value depending on the luxury of the accessible product. It is clear that most of the said brand has some image in it which has some significant in some of the developed nations. Most of the brand images in our comparison will be based on the customers concern and willingness with which may prefer to buy (Hennigs & Klarmann, 2012, p. 31).


In most of the findings was done using different methods of data capture which focused on more than one nation and its residence in specialty of cultural type and influence and gender. Among the people, that the article interacted in the outcome of this topic gave different opinions which was done under excluded sample forms and on the right group (Fionda & Moore, 2009, p. 355). The analysis of the data were revealed based on the respondents who had different citations. Minority featured on traditional luxury as they mentioned their brands based on the category of the people. Again, some of the self-satisfaction from the respondent's observation was low as they expressed their feelings in a luxury fashion which was on the art form of the daily life routine. Most of the views lied on the communication of the new traditional luxury media, which was addressed, based on its features and quality although it was more competitive (Dall'Olmo & Lacroix, 2003, p. 102). According to the discussion which the article has addressed most of the consumers are influential on the fashion design luxury brand as they feel a good sense of the participants feeling in viewing and comparing with the traditional luxury. Hence, survey shows that it is irrelevance to focus on change of development lacking clear thoughts of information with which one can gain trust in it.


In conclusion, luxury brands have a unique sociocultural meaning which is based on consumer's views. Most of the brands offer a simplicity taste of reference which is effluent based on the lifestyle of a particular brand. In this witness, some of the cultural and social platform have different meaning which focus on the characteristics of luxury brands towards the phenomena of the socio cultural influence in pursuit of the luxury surveys in the consumer's culture and nature of the new brands in consideration. It is clear that a higher brand value would mean less price when it is sensitive to its audience while lower brand will mean low potential which is accessible by a large number of people. In this competition there are many different types of models which focus on fashion brands and which it's accessible due to technology impact and can determine the correlation inclusive of the price. It is therefore of vital to have a building brand which is essential for the longevity of any of the company as it maintains the secrets of the company based on the brand and consumers who are the real investors and creates the competition.


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Competition between Traditional Luxury Brands and Recent Development Luxury. (2018, Dec 29). Retrieved March 18, 2025 , from

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