About Black Friday

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It's official, it's here, the best time of the year! The tradition of shopping on Black Friday started in 1869, and it has grown in popularity to now interpolate the night of Thanksgiving today.

On Friday September 24, 1869 americans initiated the tradition of Black Friday (infoplease.com). Back when it had just began Black Friday was cited as the stock market crashed (thefactsite.com). The name Black Friday came into existance 121 years after it originated. It changed to the name Black Friday, originating in Philadelphia, it was referred to as Big Friday in it's earlier years (dealnews.com).

This day marks the unconfirmed start of the Christmas season (bbc.com). Starting recently Black Friday is an intermutual holiday, over the years it's gotten so well known, it's spread to 15 other countries and is now a global affair (thefactsite.com). In 2001, it was properly marked as the busiest day of the year (thefactsite.com)

The number one busiest day of the year is Black Friday (shoppertrak.com). Each year nearly 135.5 million people zest Black Friday shopping, countless of those shoppers truely comprehend what Black Friday really means "going into the black," (pixlee.com). That would be around 30 percent of Americans shopping on that particuliar day (thepennyhoarder.com).

Although the prevalence of Black Friday can be threatening do to citizens raging over certain items. This miss behavior has killed 12 and injured over 110 people (thepennyhoarder.com). So just apprehend it might be safer to shop online (thepennyhoarder.com).

However be wary about getting rigged because lots of manufacturers make low quality objects just for Black Friday (thepennyhoarder.com).

The day of Thanksgiving was scoundrelly decided by holiday shoppers (thefactsite.com). Black Friday has gotten so crowd-pleasing that some countries like Mexico have made their own name for it such as El Buen (thefactsite.com). Around 12 percent of the shoppers are drunk (thefactsite.com). It's also the active day of the year for plumbers (thefactsite.com).

Retailers kickoff their profits for the season on Black Friday (wonderopolis.org). On average consumers save about 24 percent (thebalance.com). Although the average discount on Thanksgiving night is up another seven percent (thefactsite.com).

On average about five billion dollars are spent within 24 hours in the U.S (pixlee.com). In 2016, americans spent around $5,200,000,000 (thefactsite.com). On average a single person by themself spends nearly 300 dollars (thepennyhoarder.com).

Amazon, Best Buy, Ebay, Kohl's and Walmart have been known throughout the years to have the best discounts (dealnews.com). However after Black Friday every year there's about a 16.5% increase in money spent on online stores (pixlee.com).

The insanitity of Black Friday shopping has been around for 149 years now.It has grown to now include one more day and 15 other countries. Even though there's some crazy stuff that happens, between the history and all the money world citizens save, Black Friday is truly a blessing to have around the world!

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About Black Friday. (2019, Dec 23). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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