Wuthering Heights Questions

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Wuthering Heights has the theme of revenge because of Heathcliff seeking vengeance on his tormentor as a child, Hindley, his brother. During earlier years Hindley was a jerk to Heathcliff always degrading him and putting him down and once their father passed, he was sure to make sure Heathcliff had no one to fall on. Heathcliff was able to exploit him in the future because of his addictions of both alcohol and gambling. In doing this he was able to take over. In an odd way you could count Hindleys treatment of Heathcliff as revenge as he did it because he took his fathers attention.

How is the relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff redeemed in the second generation?

In the second generation we have Cathy Linton and Hareton Earnshaw. Hareton was brought up to be uneducated and is raised by Heathcliff who wishes to treat him unfairly like he has for being Hindleys son. He ends up loving Cathy, who was turned cold because of Wuthering Heights and sees him as a beast. She does however turn a new leaf when he begins to teach him secretly. In the end Heathcliff allows the relationship possibly because of how much Hareton was like him and because he wishes to be with his true love Catherine.

How do you feel about Heathcliff? Is he a monster, an anti-hero, a tragic-romantic hero or something else? Did you find yourself rooting for him?

I see him as a monster one that the families seemingly created who turned him seemingly violent. His family hated him, and it was reflected with how he grew up and reflected his behavior. I couldnt root for him for long as he began to try and take over everything trapping a naive girl in a terrible relationship and even hanging her pets. Even harming Catherines daughter all because of her husband (You would think he would love a child from the woman he loved despite who the father was). He seems to have a deep hatred for everyone and those who get in the way of his revenge, yet he still seems to care for Catherine. Is it really love or is it just because she was someone who showed him an ounce of kindness.

Why is Isabella infatuated with Heathcliff? How does Heathcliff treat Isabella?

I would say she is infatuated not just because of his appearance of a man who is not only dark, but brooding (the mysterious type that girls wish to redeem Im assuming), but because of Catherine. She envied Catherine and what's a better way of getting back then by stealing her man. This backfire as she is soon put in a loveless marriage. She is imprisoned by her husband who hates her. Worst of all she learns he only married her to use her she is hurt and degraded.

Does Hindley have any redeeming qualities?

I would personally say no he's a gambling drunk who was a jerk in his early years. He treated Heathcliff as if he was dirt and even remarked how he wished he would die such as the horse remark. I could only sympathize with him briefly with how the addiction was spurred by the loss of his wife because something similar has happened in my family. In the end though he wasnt seen as a good person at least from the point of view we see. Wuthering Heights has the theme of revenge because of Heathcliff seeking vengeance on his tormentor as a child, Hindley, his brother. During earlier years Hindley was a jerk to Heathcliff always degrading him and putting him down and once their father passed, he was sure to make sure Heathcliff had no one to fall on. Heathcliff was able to exploit him in the future because of his addictions of both alcohol and gambling. In doing this he was able to take over. In an odd way you could count Hindleys treatment of Heathcliff as revenge as he did it because he took his fathers attention.

How is the relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff redeemed in the second generation?

In the second generation we have Cathy Linton and Hareton Earnshaw. Hareton was brought up to be uneducated and is raised by Heathcliff who wishes to treat him unfairly like he has for being Hindleys son. He ends up loving Cathy, who was turned cold because of Wuthering Heights and sees him as a beast. She does however turn a new leaf when he begins to teach him secretly. In the end Heathcliff allows the relationship possibly because of how much Hareton was like him and because he wishes to be with his true love Catherine.

How do you feel about Heathcliff? Is he a monster, an anti-hero, a tragic-romantic hero or something else? Did you find yourself rooting for him?

I see him as a monster one that the families seemingly created who turned him seemingly violent. His family hated him, and it was reflected with how he grew up and reflected his behavior. I couldnt root for him for long as he began to try and take over everything trapping a naive girl in a terrible relationship and even hanging her pets. Even harming Catherines daughter all because of her husband (You would think he would love a child from the woman he loved despite who the father was). He seems to have a deep hatred for everyone and those who get in the way of his revenge, yet he still seems to care for Catherine. Is it really love or is it just because she was someone who showed him an ounce of kindness.

Why is Isabella infatuated with Heathcliff? How does Heathcliff treat Isabella?

I would say she is infatuated not just because of his appearance of a man who is not only dark, but brooding (the mysterious type that girls wish to redeem Im assuming), but because of Catherine. She envied Catherine and what's a better way of getting back then by stealing her man. This backfire as she is soon put in a loveless marriage. She is imprisoned by her husband who hates her. Worst of all she learns he only married her to use her she is hurt and degraded.

Does Hindley have any redeeming qualities?

I would personally say no he's a gambling drunk who was a jerk in his early years. He treated Heathcliff as if he was dirt and even remarked how he wished he would die such as the horse remark. I could only sympathize with him briefly with how the addiction was spurred by the loss of his wife because something similar has happened in my family. In the end though he wasnt seen as a good person at least from the point of view we see.

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Wuthering Heights Questions. (2019, May 13). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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