1500 Word Essay Examples

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1297 essay samples found

Greece is Said to be the Birthplace

Greece is said to be the birthplace of many amazing discoveries. Three thousand years later we still use ancient Greek discoveries in math, philosophy, science, architecture, government, and art. What’s even more astonishing is that ancient Greeks achieved so much without the use of technology or machinery. Many of ancient Greeks discoveries and inventions are […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1527 Topics: Ancient Greece, Greece, Machine

Grounded Theory and Ethnography Approach

Introduction Qualitative research is a method to gather non-numerical data. It is usually used to discover trends in views, opinions and try to further investigate into the problems. There is no one qualitative method, but five different approaches including research and methods from multiple fields, especially academic field. The objective of this paper is to […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1474 Topics: Epistemology, Ethnographic, Justification, Qualitative Research, Research Methods, Scientific Method
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Growing Global Concern over Poverty

The growing concern of poverty is a prevalent issue that prevents many individuals from succeeding. Often, it is the economic, social and political barriers that limit one’s potential to succeed. A lot of these barriers affect individuals of all ages; however, youth in Canada are the ones at the most significant risk from being affected […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1464 Topics: Children, Family, Health Care, Poverty, Poverty Reduction, Sibling, Social Inequality

Growing up in Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Growing up in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, I was always hyperaware of staying away from substances due to the fear of addiction. My family and I joined my father in his AA meetings as he struggled with nicotine addiction and alcoholism. When my sister turned 21, my father would always warn her not to drink excessively. […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1471 Topics: Drugs, Medication, Mental Disorder, Opioid

Growing up with Divorced Parents

At the age of six, my parents got a divorce. I did not think much about how it had affected me psychologically, I paid more attention to how much my life was changing overall. While reading chapter 8, I thought a lot about how much of an effect my childhood had on my personality and […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1567 Topics: Clinical Psychology, Divorce, Interpersonal Relationships, Neuroscience, Sibling, Social Psychology

Gun Violence and Awareness

Gun Control: Gun violence and awareness On Dec. 15, 1791, ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution eventually known as the Bill of Rights were ratified. The second of them said: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1480 Topics: Government, Gun Control, Gun Violence, Justice, United States, Violence

Gun Violence in the US

The Constitution guarantees us rights and liberties that people in most countries do not have. One of those rights, the second amendment, gives us the right to form a militia and bear arms. Firearms have been a huge part of the culture in the United States since our creation, we bear arms to protect ourselves […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1496 Topics: Criminal Justice, Deviance, Gun Violence, Justice, Suicide, Violence

Gun Violence Prevention

Preventing Gun Violence: What causes Gun Violence? Gun violence is a problem that is being dealt with throughout many places, and my group is researching how to prevent gun violence since it is a problem that many locations are facing and it is becoming a nation-wide epidemic. Gun violence is most common in places with […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1536 Topics: Gun Violence, Violence

H1N1 Influenza Virus

RUNNING HEAD: H1N1 INFLUENZA VIRUS 1 H1N1 Influenza Virus 2 H1N1 is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This virus was first detected in residents of the United States in April of 2009. This virus is contagious and is spreading from person to person worldwide just as seasonal flu viruses spread. According to […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1440 Topics: Epidemiology, Influenza, Microbiology, Public Health, Vaccination, Viruses

Haircut: Sports Clips Haircuts and Great Clips

Mary A. Purchasing a service require more thought given the fact that most services are intangible things that consumer normally cannot touch, or taste. While it is a challenge for service providers to find the right marketing strategy for each of the service they provide, consumer’s on the other hand also face the challenge of […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1427 Topics: Customer Service, Value

Hamlet: Tragic Hero

William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is one of his greatest plays and the play was written in 1599. There are many characters within this story but only one of them stands out the most which is Hamlet himself. Hamlet is the prince of Denmark and he is the son of King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. After […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1587 Topics: Hamlet, Hero, Tragic Hero

Happiness is more Important than Money (essay)

From reading self-help books to magazine articles, we are all too familiar with the idea that money cannot buy concepts like forgiveness, optimism, and relationships, yet the reality remains that for most people, things, like receiving a salary raise and or, even winning the lottery, seem like the key to true happiness. Sure, money can […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1519 Topics: Emotions, Happiness, Money, Optimism, Positive Psychology

Harmless and Changing Cold War

Many people believe the Cold War was an actual war however, this war was an event that included a sequence of divergent competitions. The Cold War was caused by several events, which took place at the Yalta conference. This conference lead to the Cold War by allowing the Soviet Union to have control over the […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1563 Topics: Cold War, Communism, Government, Political Ideologies, Soviet Union, United States, War

Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

The issue of slavery in the 1800’s had the means of being very brutal and carried dehumanizing factors that affected the lives of many men, women, and children who were colored. The autobiography, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, highly demonstrated the cruelty slaveowners exhibited towards their slaves, whom they saw as merely […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1488 Topics: Harriet Jacobs, Human Rights, Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl, Slavery

Hate Crimes against African Americans

There is so much going on in the world today Vivaldi hate crime specifically among African-Americans within the United States. I hate crime involves don’t harassment or physical form to an individual or group of individuals and it is motivated by prejudice against one’s race, religion ethnicity, sexual orientation or even disability. What is it […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1505 Topics: Hate Crime

Hate Crimes Theories in the Gwen Araujo Case

Gwen Araujo was born February 24, 1985 under the name Eddie Araujo. However, this was not who Gwen was. She was a trans woman. Moreover, Gwen was victim of a heinous hate crime and was murdered on October 3, 2002 for simply being who she was. Gwen was seventeen years old when she murdered by […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1476 Topics: Gender, Hate Crime, Human Sexuality, Sex, Social Issues, Social Psychology

Hawthornes Critique of the Scarlet Letter

The idea of a gender being more superior has been present throughout history and is especially present in the Puritan society which has a structure of the man being the head of the family. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne he talks a lot about the Puritan values of sins, qualities of being a […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1469 Topics: Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter


Introduction Headphones are smaller versions of loudspeakers, one that can be carried around one’s neck all day. They cover up both the ears reaching across from around the head. They are generally cushioned for comfort and this also helps in noise cancellation. Over the years, the headphones have found themselves useful in more ways than […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1438 Topics: Electrical Engineering, Electronics

Health Care Management Problem

Health care organizations in the United States and around the world are always dealing with Management problems. The complexity of the health care system is one of the causes of many management troubles in health care today. Communication in health care setting the implementation depends on behavior rather than technical and there are numerous communication […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1528 Topics: Caring In Nursing, Health Care, Health Care Reform

Health Policy Goal

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to understand why President Clinton’s Health Plan was unsuccessful. I will discuss the features of the health care reform plan and provide reasons why it was said to be unsuccessful from articles I researched about the healthcare reform plan. I will describe the interplay that is expected between […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1535 Topics: Medicare, Organization, Policy

Heart of Darkness Historical Background

While in England somewhere in the range of 1898 and 1899, Joseph Conrad composed the novella Heart of Darkness. Occurring during the stature of European dominion in Africa, Heart of Darkness follows the excursion up the Congo River of Marlow, a steamship chief. Marlow comes to Africa to get away from the exacting bounds of […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1458 Topics: Africa, Colonialism, Heart of Darkness

Heavy Impact of Technology

The 21stCentury is characterized by the heavy impact technology has on us as a society while it continues to develop new devices and modernize technology.Millions of individuals around the world are now connected digitally; in other words, people globally rely heavily on smartphones tablets and/ or computers that store or save a majority of their […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1542 Topics: Communication, Cyberspace, Facebook, Impact of Technology, Information Technology, Internet Privacy, Privacy

Henrietta Lacks: more than Immortality

In 1952, more than 3,000 people in the United States died due to the polio virus (Beaubien). Because of the polio vaccine, it has not originated in the U.S. since 1979 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). We have one person to thank for this: an African-American woman named Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta’s immortal cells – […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1535 Topics: Cancer, Epidemiology, Henrietta Lacks, Immortality

Hidden Truths

A shocking study from CBC News revealed: around 97% of women have negative thoughts about themselves at least once a day (CBS News). The problem of negative body issues is not a new dilemma and has been around for some time. The poem Barbie Doll written by Marge Piercy explores this issue and makes a […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1500 Topics: Feminism, Truth

High Leverage from the Financial Product Innovation Finance Essay

From 2000 to 2003, the Federal Reserve made the interest rate target to 1%. This was done to soften the effects of the collapse of the dot-com bubble and of the 911 terrorist attacks. On the other hand, Globalization and trade imbalances made up the large inflows of money into the U.S. from high savings […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1575 Topics: Banking, Debt, Financial Markets, Investment, Money, Subprime Mortgage Crisis

High Tech Technology Products Business Essay

High-tech technology has to do with an industry that generates industry (Dovleac, 2011a). More specifically, high-tech industry is defined as “the industry involved in creating, developing and introducing new products and/or innovative manufacturing processes through the systematic application of scientific and technical knowledge” (Wasinghton, 1982). Some examples of industries that belong to high-tech industry are […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1425 Topics: Attitude, Behavior

Hindu and Buddhism

Systems of faith and worship form the major characteristic of religion. However, the religion that this paper tries to explain is one which believes in a supreme being and a power beyond the natural, often referred to as a god in all the religions (Cipriani, 2017). The worshiper is always free to choose the one […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1494 Topics: Buddhism, Hinduism, Karma, Metaphysics, Nirvana, Reincarnation, Truth

Hispanic Latinos Health Diabetes

Hispanics/Latinos Health: Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a worldwide health issue that many people struggle with and Hispanics/ Latinos is one of the largest groups affected. One study has been conducted on Hispanics/Latinos group in United States and findings focused on three main categories. These categories are following: diabetes self-care behaviors and challenges, challenges with […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1572 Topics: Diabetes, Health Care, Type 2 Diabetes

Historical Aspects of Racism and its Relationship to Mortality Among Black Women in America

This paper explores the Black Maternal Mortality Crisis as it stands in the United States. In this paper I will also briefly explain both the definition of Black woman regarding this piece of work as well the history of childbirth in the United States for Black women. The purpose of this paper is to identify […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1544 Topics: Midwife, Pregnancy, Race, Racism

Historical Context of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Fictional narrative can have the ability to change history. One of the greatest use of the power fictional narrative brings is Uncle Toms cabin, which made a great impact on americans beliefs in the ninteeth century. Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Toms Cabin, was involved in many religious and feminist causes during the […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1478 Topics: Uncle Tom's Cabin
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