The Legalization and the Benefits of Marijuana

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Today, to some people it might come as a surprise that cannabis is sort of a mystical miracle herb. Although today, many people deem cannabis as a social and trend drug. Cannabis has been a big deal and a very common part of people's lives for many years. Marijuana plays a very important role in many people's lives across the world. From children to people of advanced age. Marijuana may help people overcome and or soothe whatever illness they might have no matter how detrimental the illness is. The effectiveness of cannabis is widely proven in many cases across the globe. Although cannabis helps saves lives, it is still illegal in some areas.

Researchers have taken some time out to identify some very fascinating potential benefits and benefits of medical cannabis. In this proposal, I will be taking a deeper look into the legality of cannabis and cannabis benefits.

Let's start off with defining cannabis. Cannabis is a blooming beautiful plant that has brawny stalks that can be utilized to make paper, all types of clothing, and also to make tools.
There are four main parts of the cannabis plant that I will be talking about. The roots, the fan leaves, the stems, the cotyledon leaves, and the flower.

The roots of the plant can be utilized for therapeutic purposes and medical uses. The research for the benefits of the roots is slightly limited. Cannabis roots have been said to be able to treat gout which is a type of arthritis that causes excruciating pain. Most times, gout causes swelling, and stiffness in the affected area. Also, the roots can potentially help your liver. There is an agent called friedelin that is located in the roots. Friedelin C30H50O is used as an anti-inflammatory drug.

The seeds are utilized for nourishment and oils. Its species name is cannabis sativa but Hemp seeds are known for being quite nutritious.
Cannabis leaves and blooms are devoured in a few structures: dried canna buds or different sorts of concentrated, free, or squeezed pitch extricated from the blooms or leaves through an assortment of techniques. Once developed, the plant's leaves and blooms are secured with trichomes, modest organs of resinous oil containing cannabinoids and terpenes that give physical and psychoactive impacts. Cannabidiol (CBD), typically relieves convulsions, inflammation, nausea, and anxiety. CBD has the same therapeutic qualities as THC but instead, it does not have psychoactive effects. Cannabinol (CBN), has psychoactive tendencies but very mild, it decreases the intraocular pressure, and occurrences of seizures. Cannabichromene (CBC), is basically a pain reliever, it also has effects like a sedative, relaxing and calming. Cannabigerol (CBG)kind of like CBN & CBC has sedative effects and antimicrobial properties, and it lowers the intraocular pressure. There are two types of cannabis that I will discuss. The first is sativa. Sativa the main effect of sativa is on your thoughts and feelings. A person may feel stimulated, energized, they may become more creative, they'll be more focused, it typically reduces depression, it should elevate their mood, it increases the appetite, relieves nausea and headaches. The next one I will be discussing is Indica. Indicas main effects are on the body. Basically, indica relaxes a person, reduces pain, anxiety, it helps a person sleep and reliefs muscle spasms.

Other than the fact that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) categorizes cannabis as a schedule I drug, a drug that has no accepted use for medical, many of Americans have been thinking that medical cannabis should be legal since the late 1990s. Majority of the Americans now support recreational use and legalization as well. I will be talking about the benefits of cannabis to basic health, the economy, and to each and every reader who has developed a positive relationship with this therapeutic plant.

Ever since the late early 1980s, there have been some changes in the disease prevalence and also medical care has since then greatly increased the population of patients who are able to benefit from the many benefits of the therapeutic cannabis, cancer patients and AIDS patients receiving the benefits has been increasingly more effective during chemotherapy. This argument over whether cannabis should be used as a medicine, the government was enforced to support the commercial research which led to the production of Marinol. Marinol is a synthetic version of a naturally occurring compound known as delta-9-THC. Delta-9-THC stimulates appetite and reduces nausea and vomiting by binding to special receptors found in the nervous system. This agent is approved for Schedule 2 (tightly regulated by special prescription). Although Marinol is effective, Marinol is less effective and is much more expensive than herbal cannabis (Procon, 2008). In the year of 1996, medical use of cannabis was approved by statewide ballot initiatives in California and Arizona as well, creating a dichotomy between the state and the federal law.

Conflict theory is a theory proposed by Karl Marx. The theory claims that society is in the state of a never changing conflict due to the fact that there is competition for limited resources. The theory holds that the social order is maintained and kept by sovereignty, domination, and power, rather than having general agreements and or conformity. According to this conflict theory, the people with an abundant amount of wealth and power try to hold on to their wealth by any means necessary, to some extents by suppressing the poor and the powerless. The conflict theory applies to the legalization of marijuana because drugs are more tightly regulated because the poor "suffer" from substance abuse. The people of higher status have the power and the ability to pass laws that can decriminalize particular ethnic groups and people of a lower status.

The questions that I intend to apply to my topic are: How do societies evolve and change? The human societies are vital adaptive mechanisms in which the human populations strive to satisfy their diverse needs and their desires. Sometimes this is done by conserving the traditional ways of doing things, and by sometimes picking up new and innovative ways. Sometime we may experience role conflict when we find ourselves getting pulled in different directions as we attempt to respond to the many statuses that we hold. Role conflict can be something that can be short term or it can either be long term. Is conflict inherently bad? Is inequality a necessary part of any society? Basically, authority is built-in in the social positions themselves, and it isn't a result of the psychological or behavioral characteristics of the individuals who occupy them. I have applied each of these questions to the benefits of cannabis and its legalization. Also, how when one restricts something that is beneficial from society deviance and conflict will occur.

Methods Section

A Literary ethnography method is mainly accomplished through a thorough and organized reading of a large range of texts containing a clear and defined scope or some subject matter. The ethnographic study is carried out as a rambling process. This method is not a method of analysis conducted as a quantifiable or statistical procedure. This method is an interpretative procedure in which the investigator has to be very focused while reading a very big selection of texts. 1. In my research, I used mainly only 7 online literary sources. 2. Modern research suggests that cannabis is a very valuable agent in aid in the treatment of a broad range of clinical practices. Some of these include pain relief, mainly neuropathic pain, nausea, cerebral palsy, glaucoma, and lots of other movement disorders. Marijuana is also a very powerful appetite stimulant, it is very good specifically for patients suffering from dementia, HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome. Upcoming research suggests that terpenes and the cannabinoids found in cannabis work together synergistically to help protect the body against some types of malicious tumors. 3. One of the themes that cannabis has always been stigmatized for did cannabis make a person "dumb" over time. From reading the works of authors (Pappas, 2016), and (Lehrer, 2011), I have concluded that the stereotype of an avid cannabis smoker is not flattering: slow and unmotivated, a lifestyle a bit dulled by all of that weed. But the science to back up this stereotype is far from clear. Weed smokers "potheads", basically eat an abundant amount of food and laugh at ridiculous jokes or anything for that matter. The stigma, of course, is that such damage is enduring and that "smoking pot" permanently impedes learning and memory.

That, at the least, has been one of the most collective stereotypes for decades. 5. Conflict theory and the benefits of cannabis along with the legalization of cannabis is a big deal. If more states would legalize cannabis fewer people would be getting arrested. The cops would have more time to focus on real criminals instead of recreational pot smokers and medicinal users of pot. There would be less deviance because if it were legal, distributors of illegal cannabis wouldn't be selling it illegally. 6. In conclusion, the method outlined here starts with the reading and beginning identification of themes in a collection of literary works which have been selected by the I the researcher because of their relevance to this research. Next was the classification of presiding motifs and the development of analytical conclusions concerning these themes that made it possible to construct and create a composite portrait the benefit and legalization of cannabis.


In this section of the analysis, I will be explaining two different categories. I will then give two real-life situations to the two categories. The two categories are social deviance and medical reasoning. The theory that I will be applying to each of these categories will be the conflict theory. I will then give an answer to the two questions from the conflict theory.

The first category, social deviance. Social deviance is a behavior that violates the social standards, engendering anger, resentment, and a desire for punishment in a significant segment of the society or culture ( Farlex, 2009). A real-life example to this category of social deviance would be a young man of the age of 15 has already begun to act out. This young boy was raised in a well-educated family, lived in a nice neighborhood in a country-suburban area. He was moved from out of the country and into a city with a lot of gang violence and drug influences. By the age of 18, this young man has a daughter who is now 2 years old. This young man has been in and out of jail for the possession and distribution of cannabis. If cannabis was legalized this particular situation could have been avoided not excusing his criminal activity. He was informally socialized into selling and possessing cannabis. This does not justify his actions. If cannabis was legalized there would be no need for underground distribution of cannabis. The question that I will apply to this is how do societies evolve and change? Societies evolve and change when over 60% of society decides that social change is acceptable. So if over 60% of the people in Texas decide that medicinal and recreational use of cannabis is all natural and that it has numerous health benefits then the society will evolve and there would be less crime and more people peace. The next question that I will apply is conflict inherently bad? Conflict is not inherently bad. Sometimes conflict allows people to come up with new things and actually use their brain, that allows a society to evolve. When two people get into a conflict about half of the time the conflict isn't all bad. When it comes to cannabis and conflict occurs and two different sides are arguing on whether cannabis should be legal or illegal. This gives an opportunity for one side to come up with the pros of cannabis and the other side to come up with the cons. Finding and defining the pros and cons of cannabis can help evolve the research on cannabis. With the legalization of cannabis conflict comes in when people actually need to use the cannabis for certain medical conditions that they are diagnosed with and they are not able to get it because it is illegal then, they go and get it illegally.

The second category is medical reasoning. I choose this category because many people across the world can use cannabis and need to use cannabis for health-related reasons. A real life example would be an elderly man who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a disease where it is a chronic and progressive movement disorder, meaning that symptoms continue and worsen over time. This man proceeds to self medicate with cannabis. He medicates with just a small amount of 30mg of cannabis and after 20 minutes his tremors were almost completely calmed down, he was able to hold his hands still (Nagesh, 2016). I am applying the conflict theory to this category and the real-life situation. The question that I will apply to this is how do societies evolve and change? As I have said before society will evolve and change when over 60% of the society decides to accept social change This man really needs to use cannabis for medical reasoning. If society doesn't change and evolve and accept that cannabis is better for them than over half of the junk that they put into their bodies, then many people who are sick and are in dire need of natural treatment will continue to suffer.


Boundless. "Sociological Theories of Deviance - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. Boundless, 26 May 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. .
"Conflict Theory ?.", n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2017. .
Grinspoon, Lester. "DrugSense: What Is the Importance of Medical Marijuana?" DrugSense: What Is the Importance of Medical Marijuana? N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2017.

Lehrer, Jonah. "Does Marijuana Make You Stupid?" Wired. Conde Nast, 17 Aug. 2011. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. ., Ashitha Nagesh for. "Parkinson's Sufferer Shows What Vaping Cannabis Does to His Tremors." Metro. N.p., 23 Sept. 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. .

Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. S.v. "social deviance." Retrieved April 28, 2017, from
Pappas, Stephanie. "Does Marijuana Make You Stupid?" LiveScience. Purch, 22 Apr. 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. .

"Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF)." What Is Parkinson's Disease? | Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF). N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. .

Welsh, Kevin Loria, and Jennifer. "21 Medical Benefits of Marijuana." Business Insider. Business Insider, 20 Apr. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. .

ProCon. "What Is Marinol? - Medical Marijuana -" Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? N.p., 30 May 2008. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. .

The Legalization and The Benefits Of Marijuana
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The Legalization and the Benefits of Marijuana. (2020, Apr 17). Retrieved March 15, 2025 , from

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