The Impact of the French Revolution in the Eighteenth Century in Europe

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According to an history editor in 1789 the French revolution started as a watershed modern European history when the French revolution ended in the 1790s the Napoleon Bonaparte. The citizen of the country destroy their own country's political landscape, removing long age institutions like absolute monarchy and feudal system. This disaster was ignited by an extensive act of discontent with the French monarchy and also with the bad and poor policies made by Louis XVI in his economy sector, though he later died and also the wife of Louis was not able to achieve all of his aim and at a particulars time degenerated into chaotic bloodbath. There were several causes of the great change in France ; the cultural, social, political, financial and also the economic aspect, the French revolution destroyed the old system of the French and also bring about the a very significant instrument as a means of change and brought about new development and ideas.

The financial crisis: the absolute monarchy in France extended his royal influence into new areas of lawmaking administration, taxation. all these areas did not bring changes to meet the needs of the state. Louis XV claim to be an absolute monarch like his grandfather the right and the interest of the nation are a necessity one with my own and it lie in my hand only. It was nation of a constant crisis in the financial sector, the French nation seek for loan s to be able to meet up with his prevailing needs, before the loan the state were already in a serious debts. They borrowing in an high rate also required that when they want to pay they will also pay a huge amount of interest. The nadir of Louis reign came in 1763, with the French defeat in the seven years war including in the colonies and continent, the war itself was also a financial debacle.

The crisis from the governmental sector: The tension between the monarch and also with the aristocracy, there were 13 regent courts in the French judicial organization, all their seat were in Paris and a dozen provincial sectors, each magistrate member of each were from the aristocracy the parliament chose to remove taxation on the nobles and commoner alike. They argued that the king was attacking the liberty of his subjects by trying to also tax those subject who we excluded from tax by virtue of their privileged status.

The time of creation and discovery is called the Great Revolution in France or common known as the French Revolution. The revolution cut across all the segment of the society, the overthrow of absolutist monarchy brought with the new theories, symbols, and behavior, the excitement of a state of lawlessness was match by the terror. The revolutionary had to fight with the crisis of that was going on all over the continent of Europe. This change which took place in the France had also it's own horrible side which also brought in also lots of violence and instability; in the wake of came about also in internal discord, civil war, and violence repression. The establishment of the Napoleon's dictatorship at the end of the century show that the revolution has ended, The triumphs and contradiction of the revolutionary experiment in democracy show that the old system and the stating of the modern history, it also shows that politics can not be the same again. The Terror was a short and also deadly period of time whereby Maximilien Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety and also the Revolutionary give a dead sentence to thousands of people under the falling blade of the guillotine. The real scene of the Terror was very much complicated. this incident was not started by a particular man, neither was it by a body or by a certain policy that was created in times past; nevertheless it was actually likened to a lot of parent with just a particular child, sparked by several actions and factors. whatsoever, might have trigger this terror it was the most violent time during the Great Revolution.

Napoleon ruled for about fiftteen year, which close out the french revolution his very own aim were to creat a solid dynasty in france and also to dominate the france empire in Europe Napoleon firmly planted his personal power, calling himself emperor and making a new sketch of the new aristocaray. He was always at war with the Britain but with the Prussia an Austria going into a Coalitions. Till 1812, the campaigns of napoleon were always successful. Napoleon still made misake regulary on his strategy most especially in the concentration of troops and the deployment of artillery. His empire stirred vastly, and in captured Spain, a new coalition formed among the other dominant power in 1813. the nation of afrance fell into an invading force of this alliance in 1814, he was exiled and later came back only to be defeated at waterloo in 1815 which finally ended his reign

According to an article written by (Cantoni .D., 2009)This paragaphy, we will see a very short aspect of the French Revolution and the consition in some neighboring states and cities before the effect of this Great revolution that are important to our research. We also restated how expansion by the French Revolutionary armies and later by Napoleon affected these regions. The Great Revolution was trigger by a very long-running fiscal crisis which led to the summoning of the Estates-General in 1789 for the very first time since 1614. Majorityy of the radical institutional changes were taken by the seizure of the Revolutionary armies of France. with the removal of all the remaining vestiges of serfdom and quasi-feudal land relations, the grip of the clergy toward the area economic and political power, the sovereignty, of the guilds in urban areas, and legal changes with the creation of equality before the law (Cantoni .D., 2009).

finally: There are many effect of the revolution though there were serious damages and lot's of destruction and lost of life and property in the French Revolution the positive ffct at weight the negative one monarch was removed and the liberal system of government which is democracy was introduced and developed. the civic rights were adopted. It also permitted and accept the freedom of speech, worship, association, press and also land ownership.


Cantoni .D., J. .. (2009). The consequences of radical reform: The french Revolution. N23.

NBER Working Paper No.14831 JEL No. N23 Editors, French Revolution. December 19,2018. A&E Television Networks

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