The Atmospheric and Hydrological Processes that Transform Collaroy Beach

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Collaroy belongs to the Northern Beaches region, in the suburb of Collaroy. Collaroy Beach is located north of Long Reef and south of Narrabeen Beach. Collaroy beach was privately owned and was known as Mount Ramsay Estate, until the 20th century.

The government chose not to buy this estate despite the many chances he had. The beach was in the communities property boundary after 1901, hence they were allowed to build their property near the beach. Continuous storms caused damage to houses near the shore during the 1940’s. 

The implemented sea wall has not been properly assembled so it broke down against erosion. Coastal Erosion - Erosion hazards maximise from urban development as it can harm coastal changes and change coastal stability. Intense climate conditions expose buildings, streets and homes (close to Collaroy beach) to sand-drift, stormwater erosion and diminishing shorelines.

Ineffective Seawalls - The seawalls on Narrabeen-Collaroy beach is not effective as it has not been constructed to a great extent.

Government Neglect - Issues of erosion at Collaroy beach have been ignored by the government, since 1901 though now it is starting to become acknowledged. Boronia serrulata an Australian shrub with brilliant pink blossoms which has a delightful smell. They are the best in sandy or moist soils. Grows up to 1.5m

The flannel flower is highlighted on the official greeting to Australia's Federal Celebrations in 1901. Flannel flowers are shallow established plants that require great seepage. They develop well in sandstone heathland.

The Black-eyed Susan is a little pink/purple plant. They develop on ridge tops, upper slants and less on mid-inclining sandstone. There are known sightings of this plant in the northern end of the Council area. Due to urban development, this plant is vulnerable.

Eucalyptus camfieldii, this plant is just found in two areas on the Northern Beaches and just a single little pocket of a neighborhood National Park. Eucalyptus camfieldii is recorded as nationally vulnerable.

Persoonia hirsuta, it is a spreading bush to 1m high with little packed leaves canvassed in corroded hairs. Hairy yellow flowers show up from November to January. It develops in sandy soils in dry sclerophyll open timberland, forest and heath on sandstone. In the Northern Beaches area there is only a limited amount of these specimens.

Bandicoots - Northern Beaches is home to two types of bandicoots; the Long-nosed Bandicoot is a slim, medium-sized marsupial with a pointed nose and pointed ears. It has course greyish fur and a white underbelly. Bandicoots are nighttime creatures and live in a wide scope of natural surroundings. They for the most part cover up during the day in their home which may comprise of an empty log or cleft or low lying vegetation.

The Blue-tongue Lizard eats a wide assortment of plants and insects, including spiders. It shields under rocks or leaf litter. On the off chance that these creatures feel compromised, they stick out their blue tongue.

The Brown Antechinus is a little savage marsupial found in forest and woodland living spaces. It is for the most part nighttime, coming out around evening time to chase bugs, for example, insects, spiders,, cockroaches and at times little reptiles and frogs.

Bush Rat is nighttime creature that lives in the undergrowth of bushes and plants in heath, backwoods and forests. They feed on fungi, grasses, organic products, seeds and bugs as they are an omnivore.

The Common Eastern Froglet is one of the most widely recognized frogs in Sydney. The are small and lay eggs on grass stalks and branch twigs.

At the point when waves enter shallow water the standard orbital movement of water gets circular. The waves delayed down and get more extreme and higher. This process is named shoaling. At the point when the waves become excessively high as opposed to the waters depth, the waves break. Due to the shallow water, the breaking waves push the sediment towards the beach. This process of water escalating up a beach is named swash. Backwash is the returning progression of water down a sea shore and furthermore brings sediment back with it.Waves approach the beach at an angle when there is a prevailing wind. Thus the sediment that climbs the sea shore with swash will likewise be moved at an edge. Similarly the backwash will move the sediment down the sea shore at an edge. The sediment will go to and from along the sea shore like a zigzag. This process is called Longshore drift.

According to (Coastal Erosion | Northern Beaches Council, 2020), constructive waves are low, further apart and have a strong swash so the sediments build up the beach. On the other hand, the backwash is weak so it does not have enough strength to remove sediments. Per minute around nine constructive waves can occur. Long frequency, weak backwash, solid swash and smothered wave gradients, are what make up a constructive wave. The frequency in constructive waves appears to be less and restricts sand removal. The gradual slowness clear in wave actions avoid the in-depth removal of sand material. The wave actions appear to remain at the top layers as opposed to cutting into the deeper gradients. Hence why it prevents intense erosion to occur.


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The Atmospheric And Hydrological Processes That Transform Collaroy Beach. (2021, Dec 28). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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