Should Developed Countries Accept more Refugees

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The world is full of people forced to leave their homes and countries for having better lives as a result of political disorder and persecution. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), estimated that their number can reach to 40 million. More than half of them within their countries borders and over 12 million are those who have fled to other countries to escape ethnic, religious, and political persecution (Debatewise, 2016). According to Pew Research Center (2016), only in 2015, around 1.3 million applications of refugees have been received by European Union countries and most of them have been accepted. Besides, most of Americans are children of refugees; it means that the U.S also sheltered a lot of refugees. Yet, the question remains that should developed countries accept more refugees? The media strongly portrays the arguments for accepting refugees, but there are some people who are against the entrance of refugees to their countries. However, this paper is for accepting more refugees by providing two strong reasons;

The first arguments is that developed countries have a lot of resources that they should share with refugees by allowing them to be in their countries. According to Debatewise (2016), it's a valid argument that many 1st world countries have enough resources and stable systems to help many of refugees who have gone through problems, inexplicable horrors, and who have less. It is clear and obvious that people in developed countries live quite peaceful lives and there aren't many people experiencing what refugees may be experiencing in their home countries like hunger, fear, running from bombs, being separated from their family, injuries, and even being killed. Debatewise adds that many citizens of developed nations believe that they have enough housing, money that are paid by tax payers, and ability to provide shelter and opportunity for immigrants. Thus, developed countries should allow more refugees to come to their countries and give some of their resources to them.

The other reason why developed countries allow refugees is the view that refugees can help the economy. It is believed that the children whose lives have been saved and are provided by opportunities will raise up, can be functional citizens of the country and will give back (Debatewise, 2016). Most of the people who migrate to developed countries, they receive aid mostly in cash from international community or organizations for their food and other expenses that can add to the income of the host country as whole. Besides, when there is more citizens in a country, they will buy and consume more products that allow businesses to produce more and increase the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of that country. Moreover, most of refugees are young and are able to provide jobs or employment that will bring more revenue and affect the economy of the country positively. As an example, 15% of the U.S population are refugees that represent 25% of entrepreneurs who took risk, established their own venture, and created many jobs (Bahar, 2018). This is how refugees are helpful for the economy of the host countries.

On the other hand, many people believe that developed countries themselves have a lot of problems and needy people that have to take care of them. Especially, in the U.S., the people who don't want refugees to be in their county argue that the U.S. already has so many underprivileged and homeless people who could be receiving that help and resources instead (Debatewise, 2016). Moreover, there are those who think that the inflow of thousands of refugees means that the jobs of the citizens of developed countries will be taken by those refugees. Many claim that it's difficult to find job or provide employment for this much immigrants as they need to send their children to school and cover other expenses that negatively affects the economic system of host countries (Debatewise, 2016). Despite all these, the developed nations have a lot of resources that will be enough for providing shelter to the migrants and their own citizens. Also, natives don't need to be worried about losing their jobs because natives and foreigners typically have a different set of skills and compete for different types of jobs. Sometimes, foreigners or refugees are not able to compete with natives especially when the job needs the domain language. Besides, by their arrival there will be need for more teachers, doctors, engineers, and other professions that immigrants can own jobs by fulfilling those needs.

To conclude, the number of refugees is increasing day by day because of civil, religious, and political disorders. They leave their own countries to live better lives in the countries that are developed. Thus, my argument here is that developed nations have to contribute to solving this issue by allowing more refugees to their countries. Developed counties by accepting more refugees will gain more compare to what they lose. They will share their land and some other resources; in return, the refugees will be a catalyst for their economic cycle by consuming more and creating more jobs.

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Should Developed Countries Accept More Refugees. (2019, Jun 18). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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