Role Model and the Presidential Election

Check out more papers on Children Donald Trump Hillary Clinton

In 2016 the presidential election was an important time. It was going to be the next step in our future. Donald Trump the republican party, and Hillary Clinton the democratic party were racing together to fight for the title of President. On January 12, 2017 Donald Trump became the new President of the United States. President trump is perceived in many different ways, In the news article Trump Fast Facts It states that on October 9th, 2016 during the second presidential debate, CNNs Cooper asks Trump about his description of groping and kissing women without their consent. After President Trump says these things, 11 women step forward to claim that they were sexually harassed or sexually assaulted Although Donald Trump denies these encounters, this information does not make Trump look like a person that we should look up to. In the ad Role Models tries to persuade parents to vote Hillary Clinton for president by appealing obviously to the negative impact on children views, but more subtly to the values of behavior, and leadership.

The ad Role Models obviously appeals to the negative impact Donald Trump is leaving on children. The one minute ad shows children ranging in age, gender, and race watching inappropriate clips of Donald Trump. The ad shows Trump using violence, profanity, and sexism to relay a message. For example, there is a clip when the camera is angled behind a young boys head focusing in on his ears, where Donald Trump imitates shooting someone with his fingers. The camera captures it as if he was shooting the young boy. This clips symbolizes that children are listening. That is a perfect example in why Donald Trump is dangerous. He is supposed to be teaching them, and protecting children but instead is indirectly showing them bad habits. The ad shows that Hillary Clinton is superior to Trump. The video shows that if Trump is supposed to be a so called role model then we have set our children up for failure. His message is in no way kind, which is why the children look so choked.

The children were taught to respect other than this so called leader is showing negative features that they are going to imitate. When the clip transfers over to Hillary Clinton the children look hopeful, and you can see the excitement in their eyes. Hillary states Our children and grandchildren will look back at this time, at the choices we are about to make, the goals we will strive for, the principles we will live by. This quote shows that that children are our future, and we have to set good examples for them. The ad subtly appeals to the values of behavior, and leadership, and how it has impacted children. Donald Trump's behavior affect the way the children perceive him. When he uses explicit language the children are shocked, and that is teaching them that it's alright to speak like that. In the ad, Donald Trump mocks a reporter with a disability. This poor behavior, sets a bad example of leadership. That is not a good role model for the children. It is taking a part of equality away when he makes jokes about someone with a disability, that they obviously cant control. As Hillary stands in front of an audience she states that Our children and grandchildren will look back at this time, at the choices we are about to make, the goals we will strive for, the principles we will live by. And we need to make sure that they can be proud of us. In the ad Hillary is setting a good example by including setting goals, that will affect the children's future.

The ad features Hillary Clinton being a respectable leader, by the way she is carrying herself. She is relaying a message that she can be a good leader. Clinton is wearing white, which shows purity, and goodness. White also mean safety, and cleanliness, which means that Clinton is looking out for the safety of the children affected by Trump's message in the beginning of the Ad. As the ad comes to the end, it become more bright, and zoomed out, so that the bigger picture of what examples need to be made to positively impact the children on today, so that they have something to look forward to in the future. At the end of the ad Hillary puts he hand over her heart to symbolize leadership, compassion, and patriotism. The camera angles in this ad relay an important message. When Donald Trump is speaking, the childrens faces are zoomed in to show important detail. When the camera focuses in on the children it shows there eyes, and ears in detail to represent that children are always watching, and listening to the decisions we are making. The ad is trying to pull the intended audience which is parents, because the people viewing the ad will see the innocence in the close ups of the children. In one particular part of the ad, it shows a child under a blanket, and holding a stuffed animal so tightly. It is showing that the stuffed animal is representing comfort for the young child. Donald Trump is being perceived as a dangerous person to the children, which is why they are using the animal for comfort.

There is an absence of color when showing President Trump. When Hilary starts speaking the video becomes brighter and not so close up. The bigger picture is that children cant learn from someone like Trump. Although, the video only shows the bad side of trump, and throws all his political speeches and bunches them in under a minute to make the republican side look bad. It shows many clips of Trumps irrational behavior. Each clip is pulled from different sources to show that he offers no good. As you can see visualizing the one minute ad. The message that is pulled out is that behavior can negatively impact the role of leadership. In conclusion, Trump's own words are being used against him. The ad warns parents to protect their children from the powerful message Donald Trump uses. The ad proceeds to make Hillary Clinton look like an excellent role model for children, while Trump is dangerous. In the ad Role Models tries to persuade parents to vote Hillary Clinton for president by appealing obviously to the negative impact on children views, but more subtly to the values of behavior, and leadership.

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Role Model and The Presidential Election. (2019, May 06). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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