Poverty for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: the Role of Social Care Services in Social Life

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Refugees and asylum seekers are some of the most vulnerable groups within a community. These groups are victims of human trafficking, abuse of their labour rights and grave instances of exploitation. National policies attached to these groups have faced scrutiny in recent years as various organisations raise concerns on the large number of individuals and families that are living destitution, poverty and unable to access social care services for various reasons (including hostile environment policy). A systematic review of literature will be undertaken in this study. Various themes will be determined and explored.

Introduction You make a lot of important points here but they need supporting with reference to the research literature. The title on the front page doesn’t clearly relate to the proposed systematic review think about the purpose of the proposed research and make the link between question and proposal very clear. Needs referencing Again lot of big points perhaps think about focussing this down do more about less. This reads rather like opinion that academic critique and discussion And can you do this via a systematic review? You need to hsow a very clear understanding of this type of methodology how would it work, what steps are involved?

Refugees and asylum seekers are some of the most vulnerable groups within a community. In recent years, refugees and asylum seekers have been the focus of public scrutiny, and issue of great political significance. As of 2015, the United Nations noted that 244 million migrants in the world, 20 million are refugees and asylum seekers. Refugees and asylum seekers have fled their countries due to persecution and some form of violence. Well managed migration is beneficial to the host nation, country of origin, the migrant and their families. Through effective management and sound policies, the host nations will decrease the chances of human trafficking, abuse of labour rights and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals.

Refugees and asylum seekers have become an issue of great political significance, public interest and media coverage in United Kingdom. Many countries have begun introducing policies and measures that are designed to avert the arrival of asylum seekers and refugees at a host nation’s border whilst restricting the right to work. In the United Kingdom, there have been televised documentaries and newspaper articles that feed into the hysteria that refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in general, live luxurious lives at the expense of the British taxpayer. This a tinted view of the situation as there is limited data on asylum seekers and refugees. Those that seek asylum within the United Kingdom are barred from seeking employment and most mainstream benefits You make a lot of important points here but they need supporting with reference to the research literature. The title on the front page doesn’t clearly relate to the proposed systematic review think about the purpose of the proposed research and make the link between question and proposal very clear. Needs referencing Again lot of big points perhaps think about focussing this down do more about less. This reads rather like opinion that academic critique and discussion And can you do this via a systematic review? You need to hsow a very clear understanding of this type of methodology how would it work, what steps are involved? .

In the United Kingdom, those seeking asylum are eligible for Section 95 support from the Home Office. This support comes in the form of housing and/or basic living expenses. However, political pressures driven by the nation’s perceptions of increasing numbers of asylum seekers and refugees overburdening the state’s resources that should be reserved for its citizens. Trilling (2018) reports that refugees and asylum seekers upon their arrival in the United Kingdom are left penniless. Despite an individual being assessed as requiring protection, the country’s flawed system is designed to leave them in destitution and poverty making the environment as inhospitable as possible to force them to return home.

The government has employed a strategy of deliberate destitution and poverty that will force asylum seekers back to their country and intentionally deter potential applicants seeking assistance from the United Kingdom. Allsopp et al (2014) notes the government has determined that there will be no further increase in support rates despite various organisations raising concerns over the rising cost of living and the government’s decision to deprive individuals of their basic human rights. The government has employed a hostile environment policy that social care practitioners and services need to appreciate before they can effectively engage with asylum seekers and refugees which will in turn reduce levels of social exclusion and poverty. Practitioners and services will need to appreciate the difference in legal status between refugees and asylum seekers, diversity and highly heterogenous nature of the demographic, (i.e. different genders, ages, educational backgrounds, professions and nationalities You make a lot of important points here but they need supporting with reference to the research literature. The title on the front page doesn’t clearly relate to the proposed systematic review think about the purpose of the proposed research and make the link between question and proposal very clear. Needs referencing Again lot of big points perhaps think about focussing this down do more about less. This reads rather like opinion that academic critique and discussion And can you do this via a systematic review? You need to hsow a very clear understanding of this type of methodology how would it work, what steps are involved? ).

Theresa May’s government has increasingly enforced the principle that welfare services should only be accessible to citizens free of charge and foreigners need to pay for access. Services would be made available to those who are ordinarily resident in the country. This extended to services such as the National Health Service (NHS). This policy meant asylum seekers would need to pay for services. In 2017, this hostile environment policy was extended to force the Department of Health to share information with the Home Office of those individuals who would have overstayed, be asylum seekers or have accrued a debt on the NHS. The information would include their address and contact details. This prompted asylum seekers to be cautious when accessing services with Hiam et al (2018) noting the reluctance of some Grenfell Tower victims in accessing emergency services as their immigration status was unclear despite the seriousness of their injuries You make a lot of important points here but they need supporting with reference to the research literature. The title on the front page doesn’t clearly relate to the proposed systematic review think about the purpose of the proposed research and make the link between question and proposal very clear. Needs referencing Again lot of big points perhaps think about focussing this down do more about less. This reads rather like opinion that academic critique and discussion And can you do this via a systematic review? You need to hsow a very clear understanding of this type of methodology how would it work, what steps are involved? .


This study will seek to examine the relationship between poverty, refugees and asylum seekers in the United Kingdom You make a lot of important points here but they need supporting with reference to the research literature. The title on the front page doesn’t clearly relate to the proposed systematic review think about the purpose of the proposed research and make the link between question and proposal very clear. Needs referencing Again lot of big points perhaps think about focussing this down do more about less. This reads rather like opinion that academic critique and discussion And can you do this via a systematic review? You need to hsow a very clear understanding of this type of methodology how would it work, what steps are involved? . The study will discuss the various barriers faced by refugees and asylum seekers in accessing the various social care services available in the country and the impact national policies are having on their lives and well-being.

The objectives of the study would be:

  • Compare different levels of poverty experienced by asylum seekers and refugees.
  • Explore the different barriers faced by asylum seekers and refugees in accessing social care support
  • Examine the impact of policies and legislation and how support can be provided.

Methodology You make a lot of important points here but they need supporting with reference to the research literature. The title on the front page doesn’t clearly relate to the proposed systematic review think about the purpose of the proposed research and make the link between question and proposal very clear. Needs referencing Again lot of big points perhaps think about focussing this down do more about less. This reads rather like opinion that academic critique and discussion And can you do this via a systematic review? You need to hsow a very clear understanding of this type of methodology how would it work, what steps are involved?

This study will employ a systematic literature review. The review will collect and critically analyse multiple research studies by employing a transparent rigorous approach to describe what has been researched and integrate findings of different studies. The most comprehensive search engine database will be the ABI/INFORM Global. Grey literature was drawn from such agencies as the Refugee Council, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Asylum Support Appeals Project, Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The use of grey literature fills a void and will assist in eliminating any bias that could arise in the research process involved in this study (Pappas & Williams, 2011). As a group that has been noted to present a data collection/ research disadvantage, it is prudent to include sources that reduce the inevitable bias that would appear in our research. The scoping terms used included ‘poverty’ ‘asylum seekers’ ‘refugee’ and ‘policy initiatives.


Allsop, J., Sigona, N. & Phillimore, J. (2014) Poverty among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK: An evidence and policy review. IRIS Working Paper Series, No.1/2014. Birmingham: Institute for Research into Superdiversity)

Fleay, C. & Hartley, L. (2016) 'I feel like a beggar': Asylum seekers living in the Australian Community without right to work. International Migration and Integration, 17, pp. 1031-1048.

Hiam, L., Steele, S. & McKee, M. (2018) Creating a 'hostile environment for migrants': the British government's use of health service data to restrict immigration is a very bad idea. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 13, pp. 107-117.

Mayblin, L. (2014) Asylum, welfare and work: reflections on research in asylum and refugee studies. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 34(56), pp. 375-391.

Murphy, F. & Vieten, U. (2015) Asylum seekers and refugees' experiences of life in Northern Ireland, Belfast. Available at: https://www.qub.ac.uk/home/media/Media,784971,en.pdf [Accessed 30 November 2018].

Travis, A. (2017) UK asylum seekers' housing branded disgraceful' by MPs. The Guardian, 31 January, [Accessed 30 November 2018] Available at: https//www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jan/31/uk-asylum-seekers-housing-branded-disgraceful-by-mps-yvette-cooper

United Nations (2016) 244 million international migrants living abroad worldwide, new UN statistics reveal. [Online] Available at: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/2016/01/244-million-international-migrants-living-abroad-worldwide-new-un-statistics-reveal/ [Accessed 30 November 2018].

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Poverty for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: The Role of Social Care Services in social life. (2019, Jul 11). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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