Pain Affects

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Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined according to In the book The Giver, people have never experienced pain. In the community, there is no color, past, or pain. But a boy named Jonas can experience all of those things. The community should have pain, because it helps with growth, confidence, and connections with each people.

People can have growth by learning from the pain. An example is Jonas is riding on his bicycle. Painfully righted himself and the bike, and reassured Gabe (171). This quote shows how Jonas continued in pain, yet he continued to reassure Gabe. Another example, is when Jonas is remembering a time when his friend was disciplined. He couldn't seem to stop, though for each lapse the discipline wand came again, escalating to a series of painful lashes that left marks on Asher's legs (55) This quote tells us that Asher learned from the pain, and grew as a three. From then on, he learned to keep his mouth quiet.

Pain can also help grow a personr's confidence. The book states Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away. This quote proves that even through all the memories off pain, color, and past. Jonas grew as a person, through all the memories he had received. Another example is when Jonas is thinking how the people would be able to handle all the past. Their attention would turn to the overwhelming task of bearing the memories themselves. This quote shows how much growth Jonas mustve had to endure the memories, compared to others who would be overwhelmed.

Finally, pain can help people connect. In the book Jonas and Gabriel are hiding from the planes, under a bush, waiting anxiously. So always, when he heard the aircraft sound, he reached to Gabriel and transmitted memories of snow, keeping some for himself. Together they became cold; and when the planes were gone, they would shiver, holding each other, until sleep came again. (169.) This quote show how memories can help us connect with other people. Another example that proves my idea, The Giver would help them (161). This quote shows how memories can help people connect and relate to each other.

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Pain Affects. (2019, Jun 10). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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