My Career Path after i Graduate Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

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I choose this seminar because I wanted to know and better understand what Managed Care Pharmacy was about. This information would help me decide if I wanted a career in managed care after graduating. I also had questions such as what clinical guidelines and resources are provided with managed care? what care the patients received with managed care? Finally, who are the players in the distribution of drugs? I wanted to know what other healthcare professionals are involved in managed care and what roles they played in Managed Care Pharmacy.

This seminar talked about Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. It included Pharmacist, Nurses, Physicians and even student pharmacist. Managed Care supports medication therapies and provides individual patients with medications that are cost effective, clinically appropriate and delivered through the appropriate channel. Their vision is to improve health care for all. Managed care focuses on wellness and enhanced quality of life and improved quality of life. The process of managed care is that the drug comes from a manufacture, then a distributor, then to a retailer and finally to the patient. Some managed care pharmacy tools that are used are clinical programs such as Medication Therapy Management, Drug Utilization Review and Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. These tools can enhance patient care for those with chronic conditions as wells as older patients. Pharmacist collaborate with other healthcare professionals to design effective benefits that will serve the population needs. Overall managed care encourages appropriate prescribing and proper use of medication. It helps improve health and quality of life for populations under their care. It can also identify patients who are adherent and no adherent to their medications. Pharmacist are involved in this program by doing tasks such as notifying prescribers of drug safety alerts and prior authorization requirements. They educate members on their disease state and their medication. Finally, they provide pharmacies with information regarding benefit parameters.

This seminar contributed to advancing my knowledge because I can now explain to someone what Managed Care Pharmacy is about. It helped me decided if I want to go into this career path after I graduate. I know that pharmacist and other health care professionals play key role in this program to ensure that patient are receiving their proper medication and are adhering to the medications they are taking. Pharmacist provide communication protocols to other health care professionals. With managed care pharmacist can help patients with things such as drug-drug interactions, known allergies, under or overdosing and potentially inappropriate dosing. This program also has fraud and abuse programs which can review key drug classes and monitor for patterns of inappropriate use.

This seminar enhanced my career planning because I want to be a helping hand to patients not just at the pharmacy but also in hospitals and many other areas. Managed Care Pharmacy shows that I would have the ability to have an impact in so many patients. I would also get the chance to work with other health care professionals as well as people in other careersheal

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My career path after I graduate Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. (2022, Sep 05). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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