Knowledge of Human Resources Management

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Activity 1

The CIPD bands are designed to help professional master qualities that aid their success in as HR in future. The tool acknowledges that people may enter the HR department from different career backgrounds and that the management of the human resource is more complex today than in the past. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development outlines eight behavior, ten professional areas and four bands of competence (CIPD, 2017). This paper will explore two behaviors from band 1 and 2 that are essential for an HR.

One of the behaviors that an HR must display as being a decisive thinker rhymes with Band one that require an HR to support colleagues in the management of the organization. To demonstrate the behavior, the each must show the ability to analyze and understand data submitted to the department, in addition, they should be able to gather information from data available at their disposal. Skills require at this levels include the ability to uses informative insights and knowledge in a structured manner to come up with options that can benefit the organization (CIPD, 2017). After analyzing the information, the HR should be in a position to help in the making of recommendation that is robust and defensible, this characteristic summarizes an HR behaviors of being a decisive thinker.

Band 2 requires the HR to be of assistance in making a decision with regard to individuals or teams. Therefore, the HR has a clear understanding of the evaluation procedure and the possible solutions. One of behavior requires for the HR is being personally collaborative. HR needs to able to work inclusively and effectively with diverse groups of people, both with the internal environment of the organization and the outside world. Diversification, change, and knowledge of the business environment are critical to the success of an effective HR department. It is possible to achieve driver through collaboration as the basis of practice and interaction with other stakeholders in the organization. In the simplest level, it understands the need of another party while taking into consideration personal objective, through such an understanding, HR can lead the way in the formation of teams and guide the management on decision making with regard to individual or teams. Another behavior essential for an HR is the drive to deliver, in this case, the HR must demonstrate the determination, purpose, and resourcefulness to help in the achievement of the best outcome. The HR must demonstrate its commitment to the wider organization goals by being driver of change. When the HR shows that it is ready towards a given organization goals, it completes the bond necessary to accomplish organizational objectives. HR also needs to be a skilled influencer, this requires skills in building and delivering professionalism through a combination of commercial and HR practices to create value for the stakeholders (CIPD, 2017). The HR must acquire respect from all levels of management and be the epitome of correct behaviors in an organization. Credibility is the currency that allows an HR to assist in decision making when it comes to complex needs.

Activity 2

One working as a unit to complete certain tasks, people often performs distinct roles, groups dynamics is the manner in which the roles performed by each individual affects the whole group. This is the influence that one’s personality and characteristics have on the entire group. The diversity in nature of groups means that they undergo different dynamics. When the concept of group dynamics is applied to development, it determines why and how a group develops from scratch. Several theories explain why a group develops, a theory developed by George Homans suggest that a group originated from the existence of a common activity, sentiments, and interaction. It means when individual share similar things, then they will develop attitudes that are either positive or negative (Driskell, 2006). A positive attitude causes the attractive force that leads to the formation of a group. For instance, people who like the same activity, for instance, playing football can come together and form a group.

According to social exchange theory offer an alternative explanation to the idea of group dynamics. It implies that a group originates when people have implicit expectations of mutual benefit if they can combine their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, when people see that one’s strengths can supplement their failures, then such people will come closer and form a group. For example, welfare groups thrive on the basis of mutual benefit if the members can dedicate their efforts to a common goal (Driskell, 2006). As understood from the social identity theory, individuals forms groups based on their subscription to silent groups. Such groups can arise from demographic proximity or cultural relations.

Group dynamics does not only consider the formation stage of a group but how the group progresses to the final stage of dissolution. As noted by Bruce Tuckman in the 1960s, a group is not at its maximum efficiency at the formation stage. Groups counter certain dynamics as they attempt to reach maximum efficiency. Most groups will under similar conflicts as their progress through the stages of development. Tuckman theory noted the existence of five stages of group development, during these stages, groups exhibit similar characteristics and members must adjust to the issues at hand. The first stage in group development is forming, at this stage, the major groups of the goals are neither clear nor the way of arriving at the final objective, but members share a common interest when it comes to final outcome. The main activity that takes place in orientation is member getting to know each other, their strengths and weaknesses (Luthan 2005). The second stage is storming in which the member faces the most serious disagreements and challenges. Members often pose their concerns and criticism, there is also the element of a power struggle as members compete for leadership positions. If members fail to resolve such conflicts, the group may fail. The third stage is norming, member recognizes each other’s strengths and weaknesses and become accommodative, and the group is them ready to pursue its objectives. The fourth stage is performing, groups members are understanding and can attain higher goals. There is a sense of cohesiveness. Members of the group become rational. Adjourning is the final stage of group dynamic where members agree to split apart.

During the process of group formation conflicts may arise, this calls for the group members to have effective conflict resolution methods. One of the approaches applicable in conflict resolution is a discussion (Driskell, 2006). Often, conflicts originate from the lack of effective communication between members, the discussion provides a way of overcoming the communication barriers and reaching a common understanding. Another method applicable in conflict resolution is mediation, a third party can come in to help the conflicting groups reach a common consensus thus solving the problem (Driskell, 2006).

Activity 3

I was involved a change project that aimed at improving the organization’s competitive advantage, the management realized the need to transfer its operation from in-house IT architecture to cloud based computing. The project involves convincing the employees that embracing technology was in the best interest of the market. With changes in the global business environment, the organization is increasingly becoming depended on the efficient use of technology for a variety of purposes. One of the main advantages of embracing technology is a reduction in cost as well as efficient business activities. As the HR was involved in the management of the project from start to the end. Project management skills became handy in the process.

Organization in the past employed a variety of techniques to achieve development objectives. Nevertheless, the success of a project depended on how effectively an organization utilized its resource in the realization of the objectives (Bredin & Soderlund, 2010). During the course of the project, I was able to employ project management tools to solve problems and ensure the success of the project. Employing project management systems helps in the minimization of disputes, disruptions and measuring routine business processes. In many cases, management of a project starts by outlining the skills, technologies, and resources that are critical for the realization of the objectives (Bredin & Soderlund, 2010). Skills required in each step of the project varies, the project management team must be in a position to supply necessary skills, this the manpower requirement of a project. To ensure the success of the project, I employed four key phases of project management, these were initiating the project, planning of activities, execution, closing, and monitoring.

At the initiation phase, it employed management techniques such as establishing the project team. As the HR, I was responsible for the recruitment of the required personnel, this meant that selecting team members based on the skills requirements in a project (Bredin & Soderlund, 2010). The second step was establishing the relationship between the project and the stakeholder, this required training of employees to accept the change and eventually creating a conducive for the new operating procedures. The planning phase of a project needed coming up with a description of the scope, alternative and feasibility study of the project, it also helped in the division of the project into milestones and eventually developing a general schedule to guide the implementation of the project. The execution phase was critical in bringing the project to reality, with good planning and ensuring the availability of all resources need during the course of the project, it was easy to transform the plans into an actual operating environment (Bredin & Soderlund, 2010). The fourth phase closing the down the project and establishing it as the new operating procedure. Finally, without monitoring to ensure that the personnel adapt and retain the changes brought by the project, it is easy for the organization to slip back to its old traditions and rendering the success of the project. As the HR, continuous monitoring is important in transforming the changes into organization culture (Lloyd?Walker, 2013)). With a good planning, I was able to avoid problems such as unrealistic scheduling, excessive resource need, and opposition that would possibly come from the employees.

As the HR, I applied influencing, persuading and negotiation skills in making the project a success. At formation, it is important to influence the entire organization into accepting the change as the way forward. I was able to influence management into accepting the change through persuasion, I used industry statistics and suggestion from professional to persuade the management. The process also involved the negotiation with stakeholders to ensure that the project worked for everyone. Through negotiation, I was able to come up with a feasible project. Negotiation also helped in reducing opposition to the project. A combination of the three techniques helped in realizing the project goals.

Activity 4

One of the roles of HR is hiring the right people and the retention of employees. An HR must understand what means to be a good workforce manager. Without good recruitment plans, the organization fall due to the inability of human resources to function as planned. Thus, it is critical to assess one’s professional skills with regard to employee recruitment and retention techniques (Swaffield, 2009). Professional development allows one to grade their professional skills with regard to requirements of their workforce. Several methods are applicable in the evaluation of professional skills, one of such approaches include the Development Needs Analysis Tool (Swaffield, 2009). The tool consist of a different question, by answering this question, one can grade their level of qualifications. The tool gives an accurate picture if used honestly. Through the assessment, I realized that I was underperforming in certain areas.

Improvement options

As a professional, I have an obligation to take part in research within my profession and come up with a new system that promotes efficiency (Thompson, 2009). However, my professional evaluation reveals gaps when it comes to my participation in professional research. My research skills appeared audited and in need of an update. Theme three of the DNAT reveal that I could not help others to access research material or information on trending issues within my profession. With most information generate through research and spreads through various computing technologies, I both need to improve my participation and knowledge on how to use such databases. With regard to implementation abilities, I scored highly on the ability to observe international guidelines on implementation of HR projects. This reveals that I have sufficient knowledge to when it comes to management of workforce as a critical resource to the success of the organization. To maintain my skills updated, I need to continually review new policies and attend seminars on the best practices within the profession.

Professional Development Plan Action Plan

As noted in the earlier sections, some of my skills did not match the expectation of my profession as an HR. Thus, I need to improve such areas in order to remain indispensable to the organization. As a professional, I play a critical role in the development of new knowledge as well as translation of the finding into practice. The development will help me to improve areas of underperformance as well as uphold areas that I already show good performance.


The professional development plan was effective in helping me to improve my professional skills. Contrary to the initial condition whereby I took little interest in research and had limited access to new publication, I became involved and assisted in the generation of new knowledge that targets the improvement of the profession. Some of my research solved common problems while others generate alternative approaches to certain operation guideline. I also realized that I knew little about the new business environment, my knowledge was limited to local policies and guidelines, through research, seminars, and access to wide range of internal, external and government research, I discovered that the world is changing in there is a lot of diversity in HR practices. Understanding of this global practices helped me to become relevant. In a global economy. I also gained significant knowledge about my organization and factors within both the internal and external environment that affect its business conduct. The process was beneficial to my career.

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Knowledge of Human Resources Management. (2019, Oct 10). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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