Is Stem Cell Reasearch and Treatmetn Ethical?

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Bethesda, MD. Stem Cell Basics I. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of

Health and Human Services, 2016,

Accessed 25 November 2018

The source gives an introduction to stem cells, explaining what they are and their importance. The source continues to go into information on different types of stem cells, including where they are located and what they are used for. The source also includes the uses of stem cells and obstacles that doctors face while using them. This source will help me give background information on stem cells that I will need to tie into the ethical issues surrounding stem cells and their uses.

King, Nancy Mp and Jacob Perrin. Ethical issues in stem cell research and therapy

Stem cell research & therapy vol. 5,4 85. 7 Jul. 2014,

Accessed 25 November 2018

The source gives information on stem cell research, the different types of stem cells, and the clinical trials they are used in. This source ties in the ethical issues and concerns that come with each type and how animal clinical trials could help avoid issues. The source includes information on the uncertainty of it all but how the positive outcome of using stem cells outweighs it. I am planning on using this source because of this as it will give information on ethical issues with stem cell research and clinical trials for therapy.

Lo, Bernard and Lindsay Parham. Ethical issues in stem cell research Endocrine

reviews vol. 30,3 (2009): 204-13,

Accessed 25 November 2018

This source digs deeper into the ethical issues surrounding the different types of stem cells in research. The source will help me get a better understanding of the issues surrounding the topic.The source also gives information on different types of stem cells and their uses and ties in the ethical issues with each. I am planning on using this source to help me add more information to the ethical issues with stem cells and how to avoid some of them.

Mayo Clinic Staff. Stem Cells: Frequently Asked Questions about Stem Cell Research.

Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 24 Oct. 2018,

Accessed 25 November 2018

The source gives information on what stem cells are, their uses, and the different types. Controversy, where stem cells are from, and why they are used is included as well. All of the information though, I have found in other sources and it is just repeating the same topics. As a result, I do not plan on using this source for my essay but it was a good starting point.

Nine Things To Know About Stem Cell Treatments. A Closer Look at Stem Cells,


Accessed 25 November 2018

This source gives information on important details about stem cell treatments and applications. The source dives into the problems behind treatments that are not well developed and how people should be weary of it. There is also details on how current treatments do not match clinical trials and how not many have been proven to be safe. I will use this source to give more information on how stem cells treatment is still growing and that a chance for change could happen.

Resnik, J.D., Ph.D., David B. What Is Ethics in Research & Why Is It Important?

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services, 1 Dec. 2015,

Accessed 27 November 2018

The source gives information on the ethics used to help research and the principles to be addressed in research. The source also gives details on how ethical norms help research progress. This source explains the principles to keep in mind and why they are important to be aware of during research. I am planning on using this source to give me a better understanding of the ethics behind scientific research.

Siegel, Andrew. Ethics of Stem Cell Research. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

Stanford University, 25 Apr. 2008,

Accessed 25 November 2018

The source covers information on the ethics of stem cells, specifically embryonic stem cells. The source includes the ethics of destroying embryonic cells, of using them, and creating them for research and therapy. The source also touches upon how scientist are using stem cells to derive gamete to create these embryonic cells and the problems behind it. I will use this source as it gives information on the ethical problems behind embryonic cells which is one of the types of stem cells I will be focusing on in my paper.

Stem Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine. Types of Stem Cell

Transplantation. EHR National Symposium,

Accessed 25 November 2018

The source gives information on the different types of stem cell transplant and a brief explanation on how they are collected. It explains each process and where the cells are collected from for the transplant. I will use this source to give information on the transplantation of stem cells. This information can tie into ethical problems involved in stem cell research.

The Stem Cell Debate: Is It Over? Nutrition & the Epigenome, Genetic Science

Learning Center, 10 July 2014,

Accessed 25 November 2018

The source gives details on the problems surrounding newer stem cells research and treatments. The source only focuses on embryonic cells and the ethical problems involved. I do not plan on using this source as the information is limited to only embryonic cells which I cover in a different source. The other source gives a better in depth explanation of it which I why i am choosing it over this one.

Types of Stem Cell Transplant. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Dana-Farber Cancer


Accessed 25 November 2018

The source goes into the many different types of transplants that doctors use with stem cells that could be helpful in explaining the need and use of stem cells. The source also explains how they are collected for transplant for use. I might use this source as it gives more background into how stem cells are used for therapy and transplant. Though, at the same time it is about some of the information that I have already collected in other sources.

Types of Stem Cell | Stem Cells | University of Nebraska Medical Center. UNMC,

University of Nebraska Medical Center,

Accessed 25 November 2018

The source gives details on the few different types of stem cells and where they are located or how they are created. The source only cover these topics which I cover in other sources. As a result, I do not plan on using this source. The source does not give me new information or information that I can get from other sources.

Volarevic, Vladislav et al. Ethical and Safety Issues of Stem Cell-Based Therapy

International journal of medical sciences vol. 15,1 36-45. 1 Jan. 2018,

Accessed 25 November 2018

I will not be using this source as it mostly talks about topics I am not planning to include in my paper. It briefly touches upon the ethical issues of stem cell therapy but includes more about the therapy and its safety issues. Two of my previous sources from the same webpage cover my topic better and can fill in for this source.

What Happens during the Stem Cell Transplant Process? Dana-Farber Cancer

Institute, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ,

Accessed 25 November 2018

I do not plan on using this source as it does not give enough information on what I am looking for. It gives a brief explanation on what happens during the stem cell transplant process. Which I may need but I cover this in other sources. Otherwise, the source goes into topics that I am not including in my paper. These topics include chemotherapy and white blood cells that I do not need information about for my paper.

What Is a Stem Cell Transplant (Bone Marrow Transplant)? Dana-Farber/Boston

Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, Dana-Farber/Boston Children's,

Accessed 25 November 2018

I might use this source to give information on the process of stem cells transplant. This source covers the process but only specifically bone marrow transplants. The source is limited and might not give me the information I need for the direction my paper is planning to go in.

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Is Stem Cell Reasearch and Treatmetn Ethical?. (2019, Jun 19). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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