Family Conflict

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?Part of our last class was the discussion based on the book, the customs of the country. As part of this assignment, I have resolved to do a research on domestic misunderstanding. Domestic misunderstandings can be same as issues of domestic violence. There are most American families that are experiencing these incidences currently. For instance, Undine and her father find themselves in such situations. This happens when Undine wants her father to rent a present for her on Friday celebrations. Undine is seeing to have already made her mind to go to Opera on Friday (Fletcher, 34). According to her, the event will expose to a situation where she will interact with many people of the upper class in the New York society. However, Undine`s father does not seem to understand his daughters situation. However, the misunderstanding is definitely as a result of the fact that, Mr. Spragg is not in position to fulfill his daughter`s needs.

?From my own research, I have realized that, most misunderstandings in the traditional marriages and families were mostly between the parents and the children. I was eager to do this research because I never expected these kinds of scenarios to happen in most American homes, especially here in New York (Small, 56). However, there are different levels of conflicts in American families. You will also realize that, every family experiences conflict in its own way. Disagreements are part of the family`s living. They are normal in our American homes and form part of being a family and living together (Veiga, 67). However, in the traditional American families, disagreements in the family set up were not very common as they are today. Family discord was normally as a result of misunderstandings and stressful family issues. However, it is important that the families today learn important aspects that the traditional families in America employed in order to live happily and with little or no misunderstandings at all.

?Parental family communication challenge was the common form of misunderstanding among the early American homes. Most traditional American homes lacked proper communication. This can be contrasted to today`s family set ups where most families communicate superficially (Veiga, 34). Traditional family members did not have time for sharing meaningful conversations. Poor family communication was most common form of conflict, however, today; the most common form of family conflict is parent- child power struggles. This is the common of stress for most homes in American homes today.

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Family Conflict. (2022, Apr 11). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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