Domestic Violence Argument: do you Know your Partner

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When you first get into a relationship , you may feel like that it's perfect. Your partner is perfect and may be your protector. But what happens when they start treating you in a way that you feel disgusted With Yourself. What about when every time they hit you , they smother you with gifts to make you feel better. You’ll be in a predicament thinking how did this happen? That's why you have to sit and think , Do You really know your partner?

According to The National Domestic Hotline- “ Domestic violence includes behaviors that physically harm, arouse fear, prevent a partner from doing what they wish or force them to behave in ways they do not want. It includes the use of physical and sexual violence, threats and intimidation, emotional abuse and economic deprivation. Many of these different forms of domestic violence/abuse can be occurring at any one time within the same intimate relationship.”

Abuse is a learned behavior. Sometimes people see it in their own families. Other times they learn it from friends. However, abuse is a choice, and it’s not one that anyone has to make. Many people who experience or witness abuse growing up decide not to use those negative and hurtful ways of behaving in their own relationships. While outside forces such as drug or alcohol addiction can sometimes escalate abuse, it’s most important to recognize that these issues do not cause abuse..

When Victims leave the abuser , the abuser may become obsessive and go after the victim. There have been many cases where victims have been killed , after ending the relationship with the abuser. I Know what you’re thinking.. Even After leaving the abuse , getting over the trauma , Just For you to become a victim of a more permanent crime.

Some people can not understand domestic violence unless they truly know the facts . The few types of violence that are most prominent in today’s society are physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and domestic violence. Domestic violence is one of the most problematic and dangerous forms of violence that exist due to the effects it has on the individuals directly involved, children who witness these acts of violence, and society

‘’Both men and women can be victims of domestic abuse, however, Safe Horizon states that, “1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime”. Everyone who experiences or witnesses domestic abuse are affected in detrimental ways. The abusers often have anger problems or lack of impulse control which only progresses. The victims become physically and emotionally scarred and the children who fall witness to parental domestic violence develop issues with emotional and behavioral functioning as well as social competence. More often than not, domestic violence is a learned behavior by children in abusive homes.’’

People think that abuse comes from people with mental illnesses or people who come from not so good homes. People also could abuse people from learned behavior. Abusers never just abuse someone one time, it will be a repeated pattern.

Research conducted by The American Medical Association estimates that over 3.3 million abusers were also victims before. Stress in a relationship can lead to abuse. The breadwinner in the family may feel stressed that he/she is unable to provide for the family. He may take this guilt and stress out on the spouse or the child in the form of yelling or hitting. This is the reason that the rate of abuse is higher during the holidays. Another cause for abuse seems to be alcohol or drug abuse. The person that is addicted to drugs or alcohol may come home under the influence and beat, scream or sexually abuse the spouse or child. The abuser may not realize what he done while he was intoxicated then feel remorse when he is sober. Studies have found that abusive behaviors are learned through observation. If a child is abused as a child or has a father that abused the mother it is very likely he will be an abuser or in an abusive relationship as an adult.

Many women tend to stay in abusive relationships because they are either scared or believe that they deserve the treatment they are receiving. The abuser tells you that you will never amount to anything or that you would be nothing without them and you start to believe them. Abusers use children or other things close to the victim to hold them hostage . Abusers use this kind of threats to keep control over the victim.

Although very often domestic violence is presented as a violent beating of a victim, in reality violence may take various forms from physical abuse to subtle psychological manipulation. In any case, domestic violence is aggressive assertion of power over close people whom an abuser is supposed to love and protect. Violence may be openly physical, or manipulatively psychological; it may take economic or even sexual form, and sometimes even children may become a tool for abusing and controlling a partner. Parents may be violent toward their children, and it will count as domestic violence. Violence may also mean attempts to separate a victim from other people who might provide psychological and actual help.

Many studies tried to identify factors that predict high probability of abuse on the part of one partner, yet there are no universal indicators of risk. Domestic violence takes place in families and relationships of people of all ages, races, financial status, education and social backgrounds. Witnessing abuse in childhood, being a victim of abuse as a child, unsecure social conditions, unemployment, alcohol or drug abuse are believed to increase probability of domestic abuse, yet even the most safe and will-to-do environment cannot guarantee happy and healthy relationships.

With Domestic Violence Comes Many Things We’ll Never Think About Until We Become A Victim. We see websites and commercials showing statistics on domestic Violence but do you really know your facts ? On Average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate in the United States. During One Year , this equals to more than 10 million Women and Men. 1 in 4 women 1 and 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact , Sexual violence, and/or partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post traumatic stress disorder;

“ Use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted disease. 1 and 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (Slapping , Shoving , Pushing) and in some cases might not be considered “Domestic Violence“ 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner. 1 in 10 women have been raped by an intimate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.”

Movies about domestic abuse are very popular , somer may include ( About A Girl , Beyond Betrayal,The Butchers,The Catchers, A Cry For Help:The Tracey Thurman Story,Death Of A Centerfold:The Dorothy Stratten Story, Escape From Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story. You’ve Maybe Even Read Books About Domestic Violence (Why Does He Do That? , The Verbally Abusive Relationship, Its My Life Now: I'm Starting Over) . these sources of entertainment are just a small portion of what goes on in an abusive relationship. Plenty of sources try to show raise awareness.Watching or reading these things made you feel terrified for the victims or being in the situation.

Domestic violence is a thing that happens . Sometimes people try to sweep it under the rug or maybe even don’t speak about it . The most unspeakably domestic violence is domestic violence with powerful men. If a wife has a husband who is high in power , she might not receive help at all . Even If She Tries To Leave The abusers , She Might Feel There’s no Escape. The abuser may have ties with local law or even major law. This is thy the victims may not be able to leave and be comfortable with leaving the abuser. In certain movies the abuser has put an amber alert out for victims who took the kids away. Suggesting the victims are crazy and just kidnapped the kids and fled. This can led to a controversy because if this is a situation, then it could be easily overlooked.

Some people may get confused on the myths and facts about domestic violence. Common myths about Domestic violence are that domestic Violence can only happen in certain “problem families”, ethnic minorities , uneducated or poorer areas. (Abuse pervades every ethnic, social strata. White collar workers are just as likely to abuse their wives as are blue-collar workers; financially independent people are just as likely to suffer abuse as are people on low incomes. It is not the social standing, the amount of stress lived under or the company kept which makes an abuser, but the internal need for power, the belief that they have the right to control someone else.)

Domestic abuse is a family matter.Abusing, battering, assaulting or raping another person is a criminal offence. (Domestic Abuse has far-reaching social implications for everyone, affecting the abused person’s ability to lead a productive life and encouraging children brought up in an abusive home to repeat the cycle themselves and having a detrimental impact on their emotional and sometimes physical well-being. A lot of doctors and hospital time and funds are needed to help those who have been victimised or beaten.)

Domestic abuse is not such a big problem- very few women are actually badly hurt. some women ask for it, provoke it or even want it.Domestic Abuse is a huge problem. It is estimated that 1 in 4 women live in abusive relationships, and within our lifetime half of us can expect to be the victim of domestic or intimate violence. Abuse can be lethal. More women are killed by their partner or ex-partner than by a stranger. And even where physical violence has not occurred, the emotional scars can often have a lifelong effect on the victim.

Abuse is caused by the use of excessive alcohol or the use of drugs. A lot of research is going into the link between drug or alcohol use and violence. However, although some abusers are more prone to being violent when drunk, many more abuse when completely sober. Alcohol and drugs may increase the violence, but they do not cause it. Alcohol and drug abuse are separate issues from abuse, though they may overlap. Once again, blaming chemical dependency for abuse is missing the point, the abuser is responsible for his actions.

Domestic violence is a one-off accident. (Very rarely is abuse a one-off. Most often it is part of an ongoing means of establishing and maintaining control over another person. Abuse tends to increase both in velocity and extent over a period of time.) It can’t be that bad or he/she would leave. ( There are many emotional, social, spiritual and financial hurdles to overcome before someone being abused can leave. Very often the constant undermining of the victims self-belief and self-esteem can leave him/her with very little confidence, socially isolated, and without the normal decision-making abilities. Leaving or trying to leave will also often increase the violence or abuse, and can put both the victim and her children in a position of fearing for their lives. Leaving is the ultimate threat to the abusers power and control, and he will often do anything rather than let her go.)

Abusers are always coarse, nasty, violent man can be easily identified. ( Abusers are often apparently charming, generous and well-presented people who can hold positions of social standing. Abuse is kept for those nearest to him or her, to the privacy of their own homes. This Jekyll and Hyde tendency of the abuser can further confuse and frighten the person being abused, as the person in private is so very different to the person everyone else sees. It can also mean that when the person being abused finally does try to tell his/her friends, family or acquaintances of the abuse, he or she is not believed, because the person they are describing simply doesn’t fit the image portrayed in public.)

Lesbians, Gay men, and men don’t get battered. ( Sexual orientation doesn’t make any difference. Abuse is about control within a relationship and can occur within any relationship where one partner believes they have the right to control the other. Whether they are married or living together, of the same or opposite gender, have been together for a few weeks or many years really doesn’t make much difference – abuse can and does occur.) These are all myths about domestic abuse and the myth busters about domestic abuse.

“Some people get into an relationship and don’t really understand the signs of domestic abuse. Here are a few signs to recognize domestic abuse from the website “

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Domestic Violence Argument: Do You Know Your Partner. (2022, Feb 05). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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