Determining Different Strategies for Different Situations Situation Business Essay

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All successful small business startups eventually face the issue of handling business expansion or growth. Business expansion is a stage of a company's life that is fraught with both opportunities and perils. On the one hand, business growth often carries with it a corresponding increase in financial fortunes for owners and employees alike. In addition, expansion is usually seen as a validation of the entrepreneur's initial business startup idea, and of his or her subsequent efforts to bring that vision to fruition. But as Andrew J. Sherman observed in The Complete Guide to Running and Growing Your Business, business expansion also presents the small business owner with myriad issues that have to be addressed: "Growth causes a variety of changes, all of which present different managerial, legal, and financial challenges. Growth means that new employees will be hired who will be looking to the top management of the company for leadership. Growth means that the company's management will become less and less centralized, and this may raise the levels of internal politics, protectionism, and dissension over what goals and projects the company should pursue. Growth means that market share will expand, calling for new strategies for dealing with larger competitors. Growth also means that additional capital will be required, creating new responsibilities to shareholders, investors, and institutional lenders. Thus, growth brings with it a variety of changes in the company's structure, needs, and objectives." Given these realities, Sherman stated that "the need of the organization to grow must be tempered by the need to understand that meaningful, long-term, profitable growth is a by-product of effective management and planning."

Methods Of Growth

Small businesses can expand their operations by pursuing any number of avenues. The most commonplace methods by which small companies increase their business are incremental in character, i.e., increasing product inventory or services rendered without making wholesale changes to facilities or other operational components. But usually, after some period of time, businesses that have the capacity and desire to grow will find that other options should be studied. Common routes of small business expansion include: Growth through acquisition of another existing business (almost always smaller in size) Offering franchise ownership to other entrepreneurs Licensing of intellectual property to third parties Establishment of business agreements with distributorships and/or dealerships Pursuing new marketing routes (such as catalogs) Joining industry cooperatives to achieve savings in certain common areas of operation, including advertising and purchasing public stock offerings Employee stock ownership plans Of course, none of the above options should be pursued until the business's ownership has laid the necessary groundwork. "The growth process begins with an honest assessment of strengths and weaknesses," wrote Erick Koshner in Human Resource Planning. "Given those skills, the organization then identifies the key markets or types of future market opportunities the company is likely to capture. This, of course, raises another set of issues about how to best develop the structures and processes that will further enhance the organization's core capabilities. Once these structures and processes are identified and the long range planning completed, the business has a view of where it will be in three to five years and agreement on key strategies for building future business."

Situation No: 2

Advertising Strategy

An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services. This strategy, when built in a rational and intelligent manner, will reflect other business considerations (overall budget, brand recognition efforts) and objectives (public image enhancement, market share growth) as well. As Portable MBA in Marketing authors Alexander Hiam and Charles D. Schewe stated, a business's advertising strategy "determines the character of the company's public face." Even though a small business has limited capital and is unable to devote as much money to advertising as a large corporation, it can still develop a highly effective advertising campaign. The key is creative and flexible planning, based on an in-depth knowledge of the target consumer and the avenues that can be utilized to reach that consumer. Today, most advertising strategies focus on achieving three general goals, as the Small Business Administration indicated in Advertising Your Business: 1) promote awareness of a business and its product or services; 2) stimulate sales directly and "attract competitors' customers"; and 3) establish or modify a business' image. In other words, advertising seeks to inform, persuade, and remind the consumer. With these aims in mind, most businesses follow a general process which ties advertising into the other promotional efforts and overall marketing objectives of the business.

Methods Of Advertising

Small business owners can choose from two opposite philosophies when preparing their advertising strategy. The first of these, sometimes called the push method, is a stance wherein an advertiser targets retail establishments in order to establish or broaden a market presence. The second option, sometimes called the pull method, targets end-users (consumers), who are expected to ask retailers for the product and thus help "pull" it through the channel of distribution. Of course, many businesses employ some hybrid of the two when putting together their advertising strategy.

Push Method

The aim of the push method is to convince retailers, salespersons, or dealers to carry and promote the advertiser's product. This relationship is achieved by offering inducements, such as providing advertising kits to help the retailer sell the product, offering incentives to carry stock, and developing trade promotions.

Pull Method

The aim of the pull method is to convince the target consumer to try, purchase, and ultimately repurchase the product. This process is achieved by directly appealing to the target consumer with coupons, in-store displays, and sweepstakes.

The Process of Implementation of Strategies in two different Organizations

The following chart shows that how we are going to implement the recommended strategy on Aone Advertisement Company as well as on Apollo Advertisers.

Process of Implementation in Aone Advertisement Company

Formulated Strategy

As mentioned above also the strategies recommended are: To adopt the Product Development Strategy At the beginning the market will be the same i.e. Peshawar Later on it can expand to new areas like Kohat, Charsada, Mardan, Noshera, Bajawor Agency, Khyber Agency etc The products will be acquired through outsourcing.

Formulated Strategy


Break in to Policies

Out Sourcing Price Place Product Promotion Human Resource Finance Tasks Responsibilities


Consequences of Change

Prioritize Tasks


The vision of the recommended strategy is to stabilize the company by offering its services through a new product line. And to become a leading advertisement company is Peshawar by utilizing the revenue generated from new product line.

Consequences of Change

Organization Structure

The organization Structure of Aone Company will be slightly changes. As we'll be using the same people for the new business also. The managers under Customer Servicing Executive will be separate. And each one would handed over other tasks.

Increase in Tasks and Responsibilities

As we'll be using the same people for the new business also therefore, their current jobs will be extended. The accountant who is on part time job and comes in the evening for 2 hours will be asked to now come for at least 4 hours.

Office Setup

The office setup will be changed. With the beginning of a new business the entrance of the office will not only project an advertisement company. The look will be changed to enhance and support both the businesses.

Image of The Company

Offering advertisement ideas, facilities etc. is more service oriented business where as offering UPS is more product oriented business. So after starting the new business the image will lie somewhere in between the service oriented and product oriented.

Break in to Policies

The next step for implementing the strategy is to divide it in to further policies or goals for different functions. Each function is described under following headings.


The functions, goals, responsibilities or tasks of the marketing area are explained in 4 categories as price, place, product and promotion.


The prices of different models are different. Still they are set a bit low then the market prices. Firstly, because of the short distribution channel, which reduces cost and secondly for the reason to penetrate the market.


The product will be available in workshop set up by Aone Company. The workshop will be in the same plaza where Aone Company is operating its business.


UPS is a kind of product that is purchased only on the basis of need. Its requirement is felt or becomes necessary only if the customer identifies its need. Now days the need of UPS and batteries are highly felt in the market therefore, the need of advertising the product in magazines, newspapers, TV commercials, cable network or internet is not required as such because of the nature of the product. Still only one medium will be used for creating awareness and that is Mashriq Newspaper. Second way to create awareness about the new product offered by Aone Company is to use personal contact and to reach existing clients through phones, text message, fax and informal gatherings.


The financial decision, which includes investment decisions, day to day operational costs, etc, will be made by the owner of the company Mr. Misbahuddin Ghauri. The overall finance that Aone Company requires is about 2 lacs. As the company is short of finances therefore, it will acquire the required amount of money from a bank. According to Mr. Misbah-ud-Din Ghauri the bank can lend him up to 20 lacs based on his credibility. All the financial operations will be recorded on the daily basis. And at the end of each week the data will be complied. At the end of each month the weekly data will be reviewed and matched with the targets. And decisions will be taken regarding changing policies based on reviewing the monthly data.

Human Resource

The new human resource will be hired for the new business as well as the present human resource will also be used. This will save the cost as well as the present employee will show loyalty to the new business because they are attached to Aone Company for a long time. Following would be the tasks and responsibilities of the human resource.


Misbahuddin Ghauri To make all the financial decisions Arrange monthly meetings with other employees M. Salahuddin Make sales report Make decisions regarding sales Fazal-e-Rehman Book keeping for the new business Technicians Repairs the product returned by the customers Electrician Provides installation services to customers Sales Person Interaction with Customers


Misbahuddin Ghauri Keep the new business at breakeven point Inform other employees about changes that might need with the passage of time M. Salahuddin Monthly sales targets are met Monitor complaints by the customers with the coordination of sales person Fazal-e-Rehman Present financial data in every monthly meetings Technicians Analyze the problems in products and report to Misbahuddin Ghauri so that he may contact the suppliers Electrician Provide satisfactory work to the customers Sales Person Make maximum sales


Aone is not going to manufacture the products itself. The company will be acquiring the product through the suppliers in Rawalpindi. The owner will be in close contact with the suppliers in order to assure the smooth availability of the products according to the demand in the market.

Process of Implementation in Apollo Advertisers

The Apollo advertiser provides the billboards in different areas of Peshawar. It just charges rent for offering billboards. Following would be the process of implementation of the recommended strategy for Aone Company if applied on Apollo.


To enter in to the new business in order to expand our product portfolio.

Consequences of Change

The change will be on the human resource. As they would completely need to acquire new people for new business. They need technicians, electricians and some sales persons. The organizational structure will also be affected. The financial status of the company will be affected.


In order to capture the market share the Apollo should keep comparatively low prices. They can also use their own billboards for advertising their new business. They are financially good as compare to Aone Company therefore; they can afford to spend more on creating awareness. They should have maximum number of products range. This would enhance their image. The quality should be given priority. One thing that Apollo needs is the office for opening a new workshop.


Apollo is financially strong and can invest in order to enter the new business. Instead of completely taking the loan, Apollo invests from its own pocket. This will save him the money it has to pay as an interest.

Human Resource

Apollo needs to hire new employees who can run the new business. Because there are more technical people involved in this new business.

Resources Required for Implementation of Recommended Strategy

Financial Resource

As mentioned earlier the overall finance that Aone Company requires is about 2 lacs. As the company is short of finances therefore, it will acquire the required amount of money from a bank. According to Mr. Misbah-ud-Din Ghauri the bank can lend him up to 20 lacs based on his credibility.

Human Resource

The company requires seven employees to carry out all the activities at inception. The salaries of each four electricians will be three thousand at least. One salesman will be given four thousand and two (UPS) technicians with the salary of six thousand. The total budget required for the working capital is thus thirty thousand (Rs. 30000).

Workshop Area

To set up a work shop Aone Company requires a physical place. Which Aone company already has it. In its current set of advertisement office there are plenty of rooms empty. Aone Company can utilize these rooms to set up a workshop for the time being. The disadvantage of this workshop would be that it is located on the 1st floor and will affect the business. Therefore, in future the Aone company can search for ground floor office either in sadar or university area.


Time is very important resource for any business. The time required for every step of implementation of strategy will be calculated. And a check will be kept whether the activities are carried out in time or not. Otherwise delay will cause loss to the business. Different Monitoring tools for follow-ups of Strategy

Monitoring Tools

Monitoring tools are described as the means by which the actions of individuals or groups within an organization are constrained to perform certain actions while avoiding other actions in an effort to achieve organizational goals.


The following section addresses regulative controls including bureaucratic controls, financial controls, and quality controls. The second section addresses normative controls including team norms and organization cultural norms.

Regulative Controls

Regulative controls stem from standing policies and standard operating procedures, leading some to criticize regulative controls as outdated and counter-productive. As organizations have become more flexible in recent years by flattening organizational hierarchies, expanding organizational boundaries to include suppliers in inventory management and customers in new product development, forging cooperative alliances with competitors, and developing virtual organizations in which employees are geographically dispersed and may meet only a few time each year, critics point out that regulative controls may prevent rather promote goal attainment.

Bureaucratic Controls

Bureaucratic controls stem from lines of authority and this authority comes with one's position in the organizational hierarchy. The higher up the chain of command, the more an individual will have authority to dictate policies and procedures. Bureaucratic controls have gotten a bad name and often rightfully so. Organizations placing too much reliance on chain of command authority relationships inhibit flexibility to deal with unexpected events. However, there are ways managers can build flexibility into policies and procedures that make bureaucracies as flexible and able to quickly respond to customer problems as any other form of organizational control.

Financial Controls

Financial controls include key financial targets for which managers are held accountable. These types of controls are common among firms that are organized as multiple strategic business units (SBUs). SBUs are product, service, or geographic lines having managers who are responsible for the SBU's profits and losses. These managers are held responsible to upper management to achieve financial targets that contribute to the overall profitability of the corporation. Managers who are not SBU executives often have financial responsibility as well. Individual department heads are typically responsible for keeping expenses within budgeted guidelines. These managers, however, tend to have less overall responsibility for financial profitability targets than SBU managers.

Quality Controls

Quality controls describe the extent of variation in processes or products that is considered acceptable. For some companies, zero defects-no variation at all-is the standard. In other companies, statistically insignificant variation is allowable. Quality controls influence the ultimate product or service outcome offered to customers. By maintaining consistent quality, customers can rely on a firm's product or service attributes, but this also creates an interesting dilemma. An overemphasis on consistency where variation is kept to the lowest levels may also reduce response to unique customer needs. This is not a problem when the product or service is relatively standardized such as a McDonald's hamburger, but may pose a problem when customers have nonstandard situations for which a one-size-fits-all solution is inappropriate. Wealth managers, for example, may create investment portfolios tailored to a single client, but the process used to implement that portfolio such as stock market transactions will be standardized. Thus, there is room within quality control for both creativity; e.g., wealth portfolio solutions, and standardization; e.g., stock market transactions.

Normative Controls

Rather than relying on written policies and procedures as in regulative controls, normative controls govern employee and managerial behavior through generally accepted patterns of action. One way to think of normative controls is in terms how certain behaviors are appropriate and others are less appropriate. For instance, a tuxedo might be the appropriate attire for an American business awards ceremony, but totally out of place at a Scottish awards ceremony, where a formal kilt may be more in line with local customs. However, there would generally be no written policy regarding disciplinary action for failure to wear the appropriate attire, thus separating formal regulative controls for the more informal normative controls.

Team Norms

Teams have become commonplace in many organizations. Team norms are the informal rules that make team members aware of their responsibilities to the team. Although the task of the team may be formally documented and communicated, the ways in which team members interact are typically developed over time as the team goes through phases of growth. Even team leadership be informally agreed upon; at times, an appointed leader may have less influence than an informal leader. If, for example, an informal leader has greater expertise than a formal team leader, team members may look to the informal leader for guidance requiring specific skills or knowledge. Team norms tend to develop gradually, but once formed, can be powerful influences over behavior.

Organizational Culture Norms

In addition to team norms, norms based on organizational culture are another type of normative control. Organizational culture involves the shared values, beliefs, and rituals of a particular organization. The Internet search firm, Google, Inc. has a culture in which innovation is valued, beliefs are shared among employees that the work of the organization is important, and teamwork and collaboration are common. In contrast, the retirement specialty firm, VALIC, focuses on individual production for its sales agents, de-emphasizing teamwork and collaboration in favor of personal effort and rewards. Both of these example are equally effective in matching norms with organizational goals; the key is thus in properly aligning norms and goals.


Maintenance is the combination of all technical and associated administrative actions intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Many companies are seeking to gain competitive advantage with respect to cost, quality, service and on-time deliveries. The effect of maintenance on these variables has prompted increased attention to the maintenance area as an integral part of productivity improvement. Maintenance is rapidly evolving into a major contributor to the performance and profitability of manufacturing systems. In fact, some see maintenance as the "last frontier" for manufacturing. Preventive maintenance-the prevention of equipment breakdowns before they happen. This includes inspections, adjustments, regular service and planned shutdowns. Repair work-repairing equipment and troubleshooting malfunctions in an effort to return the equipment to its previous condition. These repairs may be reactive or preventive. Improvement work-searching for better materials and improved design changes to facilitate equipment reliability. Repair work is often a part of improvement work. As shown in figure below, six maintenance programs are identified within the maintenance hierarchy, each representing an increased level of sophistication.

Reactive Maintenance

Reactive maintenance (also known as corrective maintenance) involves all unscheduled actions performed as a result of system or product failure. Basically, it is an attempt to restore the system/product to a specified condition. The spectrums of activities within this level are (1) failure identification, (2) localization and isolation, (3) disassembly, (4) item removal and replacement or repair in place, (5) reassembly, and (6) checkout and condition verification. This approach is mainly a response to machine breakdowns. Unfortunately, many manufacturers are still in a reactive mode of operation. Their main objective is to ship the product. If their manufacturing equipment breaks down, they fix it as quickly as possible and then run it until it breaks down again. This is an extremely unreliable process and is not the best way to maximize the useful life span of one's assets. It leaves machine tools in a state of poor repair and can cause the production of out-of-tolerance parts and scrap. Because of its unpredictable nature it can easily cause disruptions to the production process.

Scheduled Maintenance

Scheduled maintenance utilizes a previously developed maintenance schedule for each machine tool. This is much like an oil change on an automobile that takes place every three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first. While this is a broadly practiced technique in many manufacturing organizations, it does possess some distinct disadvantages. The scheduled maintenance may take place too soon, while the machine still operates well (15-20 percent of all components fail after a predictable time), or it may come too late if the machine fails before the scheduled maintenance time. In some cases, the machine may still be running but producing unacceptable parts. Scheduled maintenance can be considered a part of preventive maintenance known as fixed-time maintenance (FTM). Preventive maintenance is discussed later.

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance involves performing maintenance on a machine in advance of the time a failure would occur if the maintenance were not performed. Of course, this means that one must calculate when a machine is predicted to fail. In order to do this, the firm must collect data on variables that can be used to indicate an impending failure (vibration, temperature, sound, color, etc.). This data is then analyzed to approximate when a failure will occur and maintenance is then scheduled to take place prior to this time. By seeking the correct level of maintenance required, unplanned downtime is minimized.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance encompasses activities, including adjustments, replacement, and basic cleanliness, that forestall machine breakdowns. Preventive activities are primarily condition based. The condition of a component, measured when the equipment is operating, governs planned/scheduled maintenance. Typical preventive maintenance activities include periodic inspections, condition monitoring, critical item replacements, and calibrations. In order to accomplish this, blocks of time are incorporated into the operations schedule. One can easily see that this is the beginning of a proactive mode rather than a reactive one. The purpose of preventive maintenance is to ensure that production quality is maintained and that delivery schedules are met. In addition, a machine that is well cared for will last longer and cause fewer problems. Current trends in management philosophy such as just-in-time (JIT) and total quality management (TQM) incorporate preventive maintenance as key factors in their success. JIT requires high machine availability, which in turn requires preventive maintenance. Also, TQM requires equipment that is well maintained in order to meet required process capability. Preventive maintenance is also seen as a measure of management excellence. It requires a long-term commitment, constant monitoring of new technology, a constant assessment of the financial and organizational tradeoffs in contracting out versus in-house maintenance, and an awareness of the impact of the regulatory and legal environment. The resulting benefits of preventive maintenance are many. Some of them are listed below: Safety. Machinery that is not well-maintained can become a safety hazard. Preventive maintenance increases the margin of safety by keeping equipment in top running condition. Lower cost. A modern and cost-effective approach to preventive maintenance shows that there is no maintenance cost optimum. However, maintenance costs will decrease as the costs for production losses decreases. Obviously, no preventive maintenance action is performed unless it is less costly that the resulting failure. Reduction in failures and breakdowns. Preventive maintenance aims at reducing or eliminating unplanned downtime, thereby increasing machine efficiency. Downtime is also reduced when the preventive maintenance process gives maintenance personnel sufficient warning so repairs can be scheduled during normal outages. Extension of equipment life. Obviously, equipment that is cared for will last longer than equipment that is abused and neglected. Improved trade-in/resale value of equipment. If the equipment is to be sold or traded in, a preventive maintenance program will help keep the machine in the best possible condition, thereby maximizing its used value. Increased equipment reliability. By performing preventive maintenance on equipment, a firm begins to build reliability into the equipment by removing routine and avoidable breakdowns. Increased plant productivity. Productivity is enhanced by the decrease in unexpected machine breakdown. Also, forecast shutdown time can allow the firm to utilize alternate routings and scheduling alternatives that will minimize the negative effect of downtime. Fewer surprises. Preventive maintenance enables users to avoid the unexpected. Preventive maintenance does not guarantee elimination of all unexpected downtime, but empirically it has proven to eliminate most of it caused by mechanical failure. Reduced cycle time. If process equipment is incapable of running the product, then the time it takes to move the product through the factory will suffer. Taninecz found, from an Industry Week survey, that there is a strong correlation between preventive maintenance and cycle-time reductions as well as near-perfect on-time delivery rates. Also, approximately 35 percent of the surveyed plants who widely adopted preventive maintenance achieved on-time delivery rates of 98 percent, compared to only 19.5 percent for non-adopters. Increased service level for the customer and reduction in the number of defective parts. These have a positive direct effect on stock-outs, backlog, and delivery time to the customer. Reduced overall maintenance. By not allowing machinery to fall into a state of disrepair, overall maintenance requirements are greatly decreased.

Total Productive Maintenance

Total productive maintenance (TPM) is preventive maintenance plus continuing efforts to adapt, modify, and refine equipment to increase flexibility, reduce material handling, and promote continuous flows. It is operator-oriented maintenance with the involvement of all qualified employees in all maintenance activities. TPM has been described as preventive maintenance with these three factors added: (1) involving machine operators in preliminary maintenance activities by encouraging them to keep machines clean and well lubricated; (2) encouraging operators to report indications of incipient distress to the maintenance department; and (3) establishing a maintenance education and training program. Developed in Japan, TPM places a high value on teamwork, consensus building, and continuous improvement. It is a partnership approach among organizational functions, especially production and maintenance. TPM means total employee involvement, total equipment effectiveness, and a total maintenance delivery system. In order to achieve this, machine operators must share the preventive maintenance efforts, assist mechanics with repairs when equipment is down, and work on equipment and process improvements within team activities. Tennessee Eastman found that another employee, such as an equipment operator, with minimal training, could do 40 percent of the traditional maintenance mechanic's work. Another 40 percent could be performed with additional training, but still below the certified level. Only 20 percent of the maintenance tasks actually required a certified mechanic's skills. They also reported that as much as 75 percent of maintenance problems can be prevented by operators at an early stage. This frees maintenance personnel to be responsible for the tasks that require their critical skills, such as breakdown analysis, overhaul, corrective maintenance and root cause analysis. Beneficial results of TPM include: Overall equipment effectiveness and overall efficiency are maximized. It takes the guesswork out of determining which machine needs major repairs or rebuilding. It provides objectivity by converting the operator's intuition into quantifiable values. It pinpoints exact maintenance requirement. The operator carries out only the needed corrective actions so no unnecessary work, beyond routine maintenance, is done. It rapidly verifies the effectiveness of major corrective work. Operators improve their job skills. Operators are motivated by involvement in maintaining their own machines and by involvement in team-based concepts. Operator involvement in the process gives them ownership of making the project a success. A preventive maintenance program for the lifecycle of the equipment is developed. By getting everyone involved in equipment design and selection, a better understanding of why certain decisions and trade-offs are necessary results. Equipment and maintenance management (inherent in a reliability strategy) result. Capacity is maximized. Costs are minimized. Product quality is improved. Improved safety. The manufacturing process is continually improved. As a final note on TPM, another school of thought holds that TPM can be adopted by continuous diagnostic monitoring of a machine's conditions and establishing a trend line for it. Trend lines approaching or veering into the domain that identifies poor operating conditions will trigger maintenance action.

Reliability-Centered Maintenance

It has been assumed that preventive maintenance programs help to ensure reliability and safety of equipment and machinery. However, tests performed by airlines in the mid-1960s showed that scheduled overhaul of complex equipment had little or no positive effect on the reliability of the equipment in service. These tests revealed the need for a new concept of preventive maintenance, which later became known as reliability-centered maintenance (RCM). The concept of RCM is rooted in a 1968 working paper prepared by the Boeing 747 Maintenance Steering Group. A refined version appeared in 1970. Continued studies at the Department of Defense led to the 1986 publication of the "Reliability Centered Maintenance Requirements for Naval Aircraft, Weapons Systems and Support Equipment," a set of maintenance standards and procedures that certain military maintenance personnel were expected to follow. The RCM methodology was further developed and found application not only in the military and aviation, but also in the energy, manufacturing, foundry, and transport industries. According to Bulmer, the RCM process can be considered as three separate but associated analyses: failure mode and effects analysis, consequence analysis, and task analysis. These analyses consider the specific characteristics and consequences of a failure and attempt to arrive at the optimal solution based on this information.

Models For Monitoring Recommended Strategy

The tools which are discussed above are the same we recommend to Aone Company to use for its new business which will control the actions and maintain the position of the business in the market.

Bureaucratic Control

As the Aone company has a very short organizational structure which retains most of the authority with the head of the company. The steps in opening a new business all the procedures will be clearly mentioned. After the setup has established, different forms will be available which needs to be filled at the right time. The daily operation form should be filled with all the details of daily activities. Then there would be employee forms. Their attendance, time of entry and time of exit will be entered on daily bases.

Financial Control

Forms will be available for the new business that will note down the transaction of money whether inflow or outflow on the daily bases, and also the cause and purpose of that transaction. At the end of each day the financial records will be shown to the head of the company.

Quality Control

A proper quality check will be kept on regular bases whether the products which are received from the supplier are up to the mark or not. Aone will not compromise on quality. There are different qualities of Chinese UPS systems that are available. But Aone will only take the best quality product as decided in the policy.

Team and Organizational Norms

In order to assure a peaceful environment in the organization which is very important for any business to carry out, the head of the company will pay especial attention to the needs of the employees. Their basic needs, personal needs and social needs will be given due consideration so that they are motivated to work and show their loyalty for the benefit of the company.

Scheduled Maintenance

As mentioned before the time limit of every activity will be mentioned before it is carried out in the written form. Whether its employees' entry time or product delivery time, installation time or any other.

Total Productive Maintenance

The new business does not have the only purpose of providing with the products. But it provides after sales services too. Therefore, the overall process will be examined in order to ensure the smooth running of the business.

Machinery Maintenance

There will be many tools in the workshop that will repair the products. But there own maintenance is also very important. All such machinery will be checked regularly in order to prolong their life.

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Determining Different Strategies For Different Situations Situation Business Essay. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved February 11, 2025 , from

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