Data Collection and its Types

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1. What is the website that you have reviewed? 

Be sure to include both the title and weblink

2. Who uses this data source and why?

This data source is basically for the California state’s children health. This program and website are statewide resource for overall health record of children. The data source is available for every county, cities, school district, and legislative district in California. The data source used by parents, policymakers, grant seekers, health professionals, educators, media and state government. For example, this data sources use by the California health care foundation, Joyce foundation, Zellerbach family foundation, United way of the Bay area, Judicial council of California, and Walter S. Johnson Foundation. This data can be used for program planning, policy development, community assessment, reports, and presentation.

The health professionals and educators are uses or used this data because of its reliability and easy access for all physical and mental health issues in children. The data source provides information about access to health care, child’s physical and emotional health in groups, children violence, disease prevalence & incidence rates, morbidity & mortality rates by different age group, and different geographic areas etc. This is the easiest way to identify health problems and health care outcomes in children so, everyone uses this data source. For instance, Kern County— Medically Vulnerable Care Coordination Project (MVCCP) used the to improve lives of infants and children of 0-5 years of age. They use the data at county level which is related with premature births, income level, and insurance. They build up their new policies and improve health care for infants and children. The another one is Bullying Prevention Month: helped in to find out crime rates in children. October is the month of bullying prevention for public awryness. According to 2010— 42% of 7th graders, 35% of 9th graders, 28% of 11th graders in California reported being harassed at school. Because of bullying there is grater risk of depression and suicide in these groups of children rather than any other children groups. Therefore, helpful to find out this problem and making new policies for better child heath. Improvement in learning policies, nutrition education, increasing opportunities for physical activities, prevention of drug uses, prevention of child valance and promotion of mental health of children are the ways to improve children’s physical health, mental health, and social well-being.

Data Collection

3. How is the data collected? collect their data on five basic criteria— correlation Vs causation, credibility, reliability, timeliness, and generalizability. Firstly, correlation has two findings which are related with each other and causation has one finding. They establish the statistically significant results for each data that are related. Secondly, credibility related with source of the data collection and strength of the data. The data is checked for any sponsor fund, biases and data provider’s reputation. The government and academic institution data collection considered the most authentic because, it is collected for public’s benefits. Thirdly, reliability consider with accuracy of data collection. It is referring to the ethical research methods, survey, analysis, and translation in other languages. Timeliness is referring to the period of research or data collection such as when was data collection done and lag time in data collection. Lastly, generalizability is referring to the data collection on specific populations or groups that might be used for other populations and groups also. It gives the idea about the differences in population. The foundation supports child public health data and packages it in manageable ways so, this make it highly effective research tool for who are interested in children’s health. In this website more than 60 topics related to the children’s mental health, physical health, safety and well-being covered. It has also wide range of information on around 400 different measures for children’s well-being, youth safety, demographics, education, emotional & behavioral health, physical health, family economics, and children with special health care needs. It provides roughly 1800 geographic regions and 10 demographic groups. This data is classified by age, gender, disability, ethnicity, immigrants, income level, insurance, LGBT, and children with special health care needs. This website provides users’ graphs, charts, and maps according to different region. Moreover, users can also build their own graphs & charts upon their own research and arrange it onto other websites and blogs. This is very helpful data source to improve health care access for children in California.

4. Who collects the data? Is it gathered by contractors, a 3rd party, can you determine?

The data collection for Lucile Packard Foundation is gathered by consultant. Basically, the data is collection is done by contractors.

The responsibility of consultant of this foundation are to collection of data, identification of data, analysis of data, and organize & share the data in such way that general public and policymakers can able to understand it very easily. For example, foundation first contracted with communication in 2005— for the collection of data, analysis of wide range of dataset, brief summaries on research, and provided new research topic areas in health care for children in the San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. Another example is in 2007, this foundation increases its working areas in the California—the Bay area of state. In 2009, the expanded the site and offer statewide data policymakers, decision makers, and California health department.

5. What are the data collection sources and procedures?

Sources- There are more than 30 public sources for data collection in this foundation. Normally, the data collected from two sources—primary and secondary data sources. The primary data sources are called raw information for research and mostly collected in uncontrolled environmental situation. It is mostly questionnaire survey and photographical collection of data. Primary data collection is important part of end goal of any research paper or method and it is collected in such way to customize analysis needs. Primary data collection sources are highly cost effective (UNICEF, 2014).

The secondary data sources are divided into external and internal sources of data. Internal sources refer to the existent of any data or already stored in any organization for previous research. The balance sheets with profit & loss and past marketing study records are examples of internal data sources. External data sources refer to the data which is collected by individuals or groups from outer environment. The government sources, media, commercial administration, and trade markets are examples of external data sources. The secondary data sources are collected from books, journals, magazines, reports, articles, and web sources (UNICEF, 2014).       

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Data collection and its types. (2021, Oct 08). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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