Criminal Sanctions Include Death Penalty

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Types of sanctions: Sanctions are the most important element in separating the rule of law from other laws that control society such as religion and moral principles. So citizens are required to voluntarily follow the rules. But,if they do not do as intended, they are obliged to do so by sanctions imposed by law and implemented by the state. Furthermore, there are three types of sanctions according to the crimes that are made by criminals and crimes are any illegal act that breaches the society system and its security. Also, it may lead to assaulting the victim’s right at the same time. Moreover, these three sanctions are: criminal, civil and administrative sanctions. Firstly, criminal sanctions: Criminal sanctions include death penalty, probation, corporal punishment, house arrest, community supervision, fines, restitution, and service to the community. Criminal law prescribes the form and extent of the criminal penalties. The nature and volume of criminal punishments are dictated by both the perceived severity of the crime and the underlying principle of punishment. Traditionally, punishment by the state on behalf of society was justified on either severe or contradictory grounds.

The crimes here are classified into three categories of severity according to their severity, the most common being felonies, premeditated murder, followed by misdemeanor, mistake and minor robbery, and violations, traffic offenses, and they are the easiest and most severe forms of crimes. The sentence will be determinedaccording the severity of the crime committed in the punishments imposed for felonies: death, life imprisonment, aggravated imprisonment and jail. As for misdemeanors, the penalty is lighter than that which is imprisonment and a fine which exceeds the maximum amount of 100 pounds, while other violations are punishable by a fine of more than 100 Egyptian pounds because it is less dangerous to society’s security than its predecessor. Secondly, civil sanctions: Civil sanctions are thepenalties that is incurred in case of assaulting the private right or denying it.

And it has many forms as: In-kind implementation: It is obliging the debt to perform the same type of commitment to it if it refuses to fulfill it by choice. If the debtor refuses to implement the text of the law that instructs him to voluntarily and voluntarily implement what he committed to it, then he is liable to this exile through public mediation. If, for example, the seller refrained from delivering the item after selling it, the buyer could resort to the court to obtain a ruling that compelled him to make the extradition. First, the ruling is to hand over the child to the person legally entitled to custody. The lessor after the expiry of the period specified for the lease, the lessor may issue a ruling forcing him to evacuate. Among the cases of execution are the same, requiring the person to demolish the building that violates the law and restore the situation to its first position, and the ruling to hand the child over to the person who has the right to legal custody.

Execution for consideration or execution. Execution in return or execution by way of compensation: Execution may be in kind in some cases impossible or burdensome for the debtor or at least in violation of his personal freedom, in which case the civil penalty will shift from execution in kind to implementation in exchange for the way of compensation, which is the debtor paying an amount of The money for the injured person to compensate him for the harm he sustained.

This compensation may be the original direct penalty, it may be an indirect penalty, and it may also be a complementary penalty based on the side of the original penalty. Invalidity: it is the penalty that the law imposes on the lack of a cornerstone of the disposition of the law and a condition of its validity, and it results in the invalidity of the disposal production effects. To clarify this we say that the law requires the emergence of legal actions, and if these elements or these conditions are not available in legal disposal He is not valid for arranging its effects of rights and obligations according to the law, and this is called * the penalty in the contract in Batarat as a reason, and in addition to these pillars the remains of in-kind. It also requires, as well as, eligibility and integrity of will from defect invalidity; The intended legal. The contract and the will are the availability of certain elements, and the form has been stuck in the suspicious behavior. The availability of certain conditions of health. This behavior is then null and void – it is said that the contract is void, or the will is void – due to failure to observe the legal provisions that regulate its creation.

The invalidity is calculated from the severity of the defect, which was marred by behavior is divided into two types: absolute invalidity, relative invalidity or susceptibility to invalidation.Absolute nullity requires that action does not exist in the eyes of the law, so it does not produce any effect from the time of its conclusion. It is achieved if one of the elements of the behavior fails, which is consent, solution and reason, or if the corner of the form fails in the cases where the law requires the disposal of the disposal in a specific form. One example is that the law stipulated that the conduct required that it have a lawful place, that is, it is not contrary to public order or morals. Another example is that the law provides for necessity Thirdly, administrative sanctions: Administrative penalty means that penalty that is imposed on employees and employees for violating the rules of employment.

The law imposes certain duties on employees and workers in the state, in order to ensure the performance of the intended service of the job or work, in a manner that ensures the proper functioning of the government apparatus and public utilities, and imposes certain penalties for neglect or neglect in the performance of those duties. These sanctions vary and take a multiple picture, depending on the gravity of the violations committed. It may be represented in the form of warning, wandering or blame, or in the form of a deduction from the wage or suspension from work, postponing the promotion for a certain period, the reduction to a job that has been performed, or a referral to the pension. In some cases, the penalty may reach the point of dismissal. Another form of administrative punishment is the abolition penalty.

If an administrative decision was issued and it was in violation of the provisions of the law, the aggrieved party has the right to file a lawsuit before the administrative court requesting the annulment of this decision. Conclusion We conclude from the above that the definition of law are groups of laws , general , specific governing individual conduct and relationships society. A punishment in civil law is that part of a statute which imposes a penalty for violating the requirement of the law. In this topic we define the legislature as : the body responsible for this legislative authority creating or changing a collection of procedures , laws and decrease regulating the economic , social and political relations of the country. Legislative functions are chatting and deliberating , ratify a deal with countries outside , It tracks the performance of officials in the executive branch , endorses the general government budgets and creates a tax system by approving a decision on war and peace. Supervision of state capital and expenditure , integral part , administrative purpose.

The sanction is abroad term , in different contexts with different meanings , the word sanction may also reflect opposition and dispute under legal , procedures , penalty for a legal offense is a sentence , so we will define the sanctions as penalties or other enforcement mechanisms used to provide incentive for obedience to the law or to regulations and criminal penalties can take the shape of serious punishment. Sanctions are imposed because their primary purpose is usually to change the behavior of the target country's regimes , individuals or groups in a direction that will improve the situation there. Finally , We have 3 types of sanctions :- *firstly , criminal sanctions that include death penalty , fines and service to the community. *Secondly , civil sanctions that are the penalties that is incurred in case of assaulting the private right or denying it. *Thirdly , administrative sanctions that mean that penalty is imposed on employees and employees for violating the rules of employment.

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Criminal sanctions include death penalty. (2022, Apr 11). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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