Children and Self-Esteem Issues

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Self-esteem is a person's awareness of their own worth. Self-esteem is a basic element in the personal formation of children. Their development in learning, in good relationships, in activities, and why not say it, in the construction of happiness will depend on their degree of self-esteem. Self-esteem influences the ability of children to face new challenges, develop different skills and be more self-sufficient. The role of adults in the self-esteem of children is fundamental, but even more so is the figure of their parents, since children perceive the fears and insecurities of their parents and make them their own with great ease. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind to be attentive to their emotions, how to make them always accept their appearances, and of course, values. Emotions are the main thing for the initiative of self-esteem. It is important to give them lots of love (hugs and kisses).

The self-esteem of a child flourishes when he/she accepts it as it is, no matter what his strengths, difficulties, temperament or skill are. A research of Strauss, (2000) says, Decreasing levels of self-esteem in obese children were associated with significantly increased rates of sadness, loneliness, and nervousness compared with obese children whose self-esteem increased or remained unchanged. In addition, obese children with decreasing levels of self-esteem over the 4-year period were more likely to smoke and drink alcohol compared with obese children whose self-esteem increased or remained unchanged. That is why the phrases of praise and gratitude, and the messages of hope, confidence, pride and forgiveness are important to strengthen their personal worth. Expressions of encouragement should serve to give encouragement and courage, in addition to recognizing the effort the child has made. A child with good self-esteem can experience its positive effects: confidence, encouragement, interest and the pleasure of learning and making dreams come true. It needs to be built and built since the child is just a baby. Cordell (1999) says, Self-esteem enables children to have positive, gratifying experiences. Even experiences that others might interpret as failure, those with high self-esteem see as learning opportunities.

That's why the child should feel loved and embraced for what he/she is. The child who does not feel that he/she is valued by their parents can develop the fear of being abandoned. The same should be done, for example, when the child, at school, is labeled as the bad guy, the impertinent, and the only thing that the classmates and students do is to leave him aside, discriminate against him, making him feel marginalized and rejected. This position will not help at all, creating a low self-esteem in the child that, in a short time, may lead to school failure. Help them feel comfortable with their emotions by defining or naming what they feel. Say: "I understand that you're sad because we have to leave the park." If you accept their emotions without judging him, you reaffirm their feelings and show them that what they says is important. On the other hand, there are parents who believe that their children are happy doing the things that parents want them to do.

For example, parents who have prodigies, according to G. D.'s (2018, February) article says, "As parents, we are prone to tell our children at every critical juncture in their lives that, no matter what, "we just want you to be happy". It should come as no surprise that kids are not always persuaded by sentiment. Consider children who show a remarkable affinity for music, chess, or athletics. What if they insist that practicing for 10 hours a day is what makes them happy, despite their parent's belief that they should go out and play? And what if, years later, they wake up and decide that from here on out, they'd be happier leaving those talents aside to go out and play after all? Prodigies may be grateful for parents who allowed them to pursue their passions, but may also come to resent their parents neglected their holistic growth. That's why it is important for any child no matter how they are, always support them in what they like to do.

Teaching values to a child goes far beyond teaching good manners and his first notions about the world. It is also important to educate them in values from an early age so that, as they grow up, they become happier people and are able to insert themselves properly in society. Obviously, it is a complicated task that requires effort and patience. Thus, self-esteem is very well formed. In addition, it is important to teach the child to solve their own problems and learn from their mistakes and faults, in a positive way. For example, if the child does not achieve a good grade in a school subject, encourage him or her to study more and prepare to excel in the next test. The parent will not blame him for anything. The child must feel that a mistake can be turned into an apprenticeship and, consequently, that he can fix it if he uses more effort. Leave aside criticism that nothing builds. Insults will not favor the child's self-esteem. Instead, for example, to say "you are a mess, you have your room as a garbage", better to say "I do not like to see your room so messy, it makes me very sad".

Thus, the parent will be showing that what he dislike is the disorder of the room, not the child. Improving self-esteem may help to prevent the development of psychological and behavioral problems which are common in children. Strong evidence exists for the benefits of exercise on physical health, but evidence for the effects of exercise on mental health is scarce. Exercising has positive short term effects on self-esteem in children and young people, and concludes that exercise may be an important measure in improving children's self-esteem (Ekeland et al., 2004). Having an adequate self-esteem is fundamental for the development of any child. In fact, a good self-esteem not only improves the emotional state of the child but also their social relationships and enhances their cognitive development. Having a child is a privilege and each parent wants the best for him / her. However, we must realize that the boy-girl are very delicate creatures and the father has to be careful in every action and verb they do because the children reflect what the parents do.

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Children And Self-Esteem Issues. (2019, Aug 02). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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