Child behavior is the most important factor when raising and trying to make sure your child has a proper development. Developing your child emotions and behavior to the point when both you and your child understand it, could lead to proper coping which can easily be achieved for the parent's/parent and child. Many disorders can start to originate and show signs in children within the age of 5 years old. Although you child may start to show the signs and become a problem, that doesn't mean he/she is doing it on purpose. A lot of parents tend to get upset and blame the child for their actions when neither of them understand it. Which is why I find it important for a parent to see a doctor when the child gets older for a proper diagnostics.
Dealing with a child's behavior doesn't always involve mental attention. Childhood behavior requires all forms of mental, psychical, and emotional attention. If a child's behavior isn't addressed at a early age , younger children tend to carry a violent or destructive behavior as they get older, some may enforce it on others psychically. For example, students who go through early trauma involving the absence of behavioral guidance from their parents or others result to bullies. Child behavior has a lot to do with how the parents can relate and connect with their children during the early stages of development. When a child is unable to verbally express how he/she is feeling, children will be left in a confused state,which is why all parents should always be able to recognize and identify key signs regarding their child's behavior.
Child behaviour has been one of the most important topics psychologist have been studying. A psychologist named Sigmund Freud who developed the Psychoanalytic Theory, overall in my opinion this theory connects with the behavior of children and is a very interesting theory. This theory includes five psycho-sexual stages, the first one is called the "Oral Stage". The "Oral Stage" develops with eating and how kid's emotions recuperate involving food. The second stage is called the "Anal Stage", the "Anal Stage" develops the liking or disliking in authority, its somewhat beneficial to the parent and child but can go both ways.
For example, if a parent isn't making sure the child is under the right authority, can deprive him/her the necessitates regarding a healthy development,the child may then grow up and become anally retentive as they say. There are three other important stages such as the "Phallic, Latency, and Genital Stage". All are very important when it comes to making sure a eighteen month old baby develops the proper habit leading to a twelve year old and older.
Aggression and the environment of it can affect anyone and anything around it, including your children, especially your children. Aggression and all the other different types of aggression on how someone can enforce it onto a situation or person which plays a big part in early development . For example there are so many types of aggression I wasn't informed about, one of them is called passive aggression. Passive aggression can be a sort of petty and sneaky aggression, a person who's already knowing their intentions in a situation can be inflicted on the secondary person and wouldn't realize it at all, but will feel the effect of the aggression in the end. Aggression can have many forms of development, operational concepts help me understand how to really see the significance of aggression when i didn't even know so many obvious signs before in real life situations.
The most important time of a child's life is when their a baby, the time of birth is no doubt one of the most beautiful things in human nature. The bonding of a baby and mother has at first site after birth is very important in the coping process. A mother and her baby both play big roles when giving birth. Even though the mother does do most of the hard work, the baby and the mother must work together to find the perfect position for a healthy labour. When upright and moving this allows the mother to create the most space for the baby to navigate through the pelvic inlet and outlet, and the birthing canal. This amazing moment is the first bond that a mother and child first experience, some parts are painful but all is full of love.
How parents can help a babies development just by talking to them during infancy can also be a great impact on a child behavior when they get older.Our babies cries in so many ways I didn't even know of. There are many types of cries some of them are, I'm hungry cry, I'm tired or uncomfortable cry, I've had enough cry, I'm bored cry, I've got colic cry, and the I'm sick cry. The" I'm hungry cry" can be fairly desperate and unrelenting; usually high pitched, another way to identify a hungry baby cry is by looking for a baby rooting around his/her mouth, wiggles, or gets frantic. Another cry parents should learn to recognize would be knowing if your baby is in pain, it usually sounds like piercing and grating. He/She may also arch her back or thrash. If the baby has gas pain, an infant would bring his/her knees up to their chest or grunts. When a baby cries it can have many reasons to why a baby seems to be upset or in need of something, they are also not really capable of being manipulative, and their crying is the main way in which they express their needs. If they are hungry, they cry; if they are uncomfortable, they cry; if their diaper needs changing, they cry; if they are startled, they cry.
A child's behavior, which we call an emotion;is a subjective state of being that we often describe as our feelings. Or in other words a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. Child Separation Anxiety Disorder,is a disorder in which a child becomes excessively anxious when separated from parents. Children are especially prone to separation anxiety during times of stress.Separation anxiety differs from normal clinginess. Children with the disorder can't think about anything but the present fear of separation. They may have nightmares or regular physical complaints.They may be reluctant to go to school or other places.
Treatment includes talk therapy and possibly anti-anxiety medication. Treatment for such a crucial impact on a child's childhood would require some sort of professional therapy if required, 2 forms of therapy could be Family therapy and Behavior Therapy. Family therapy is a psychological counseling that helps families resolve conflicts and communicate more effectively.Behavior therapy is a therapy focused on modifying harmful behaviors associated with psychological distress. In conclusion developing ways to deal with separation from your child for better results be to practice separation, schedule separations after naps or feedings,develop a quick goodbye ritual, or leave without fanfare.
Parents should take into consideration to help relieve and recognize their child's depression. Depressed Children can show symptoms of depression which is often undiagnosed and untreated because they are passed off as normal emotional and psychological changes that occur during growth.Children, like adults also suffer from depression, although their symptoms may not be the same. Additionally, children respond well to treatment. Depression is defined as an illness when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with a child or adolescent's ability to function. Signs parents should mostly focus on when trying to tell if their child is depressed or not would be trying to identify the following symptoms such as frequent sadness, fearfulness, crying,hopelessness,decreased interest in activities; or inability to enjoy previously favorite activities,persistent boredom; low energy,social isolation, poor communication,low self esteem and guilt, and many more. If parents or other adults in a young person's life suspect a problem with depression, they should know the warning signs of depression and note how long problems have been going on, how often they occur, and how severe they seem in order to find out if there is in need of therapy or medical attention.
All children deserve to live a life stress free until it's time for them to grow up and become teenagers then adults, life experiences is what makes a person who they are. Although childhood poverty really can take a toll on a child's behavior children are in poverty today. Kids who go through poverty go through symptoms such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, in other words (PTSD). Its truly sad how kids experience what grown man and woman intake after coming home from the army/war where there's murder and constant battle, I would never want any man, woman, or child to go through such a disorder. PTSd can be very bad for a child's behavior, or any kind of stress can do a large amount of mood changing. Stress once again holds a big strain and plays a big part on a child's physical, mental, and obviously emotional developments. If a child is stressed at the age of 5 or below ,can lead to results that enables them from developing the key aspects while trying to mature and take in information. In order to keep all the proper developments strong and flowing parents/adults need to keep a stable and nurturing relationship with their children. If children feel they aren't getting that type of relationship, children won't experience the correct developments.
The Piaget's Development originated from a known psychologist named Jean Piaget, his theory mostly focuses on children, from birth through adulthood, and identifies different stages of development such as language, morals,memory, and reasoning. In the video titled "Piaget's Development" I noticed how knowledge was based off of the age of a child or adult.For example,a toddler or baby hands me a toy phone but in his mind he believes that its real and someone is on the phone,it all deals with the experiences these two age groups encounter along the way of development. Another example would be how ages are categorized based on the normal rate of obtaining knowledge,there's children, young adults, adults, and the elderly. All can be smarter or less fortunate when it comes to knowledge if each of them have different experiences and obtained a certain amount of knowledge from it. Nowadays there a young adults who are way smarter than adults even those with higher education.
Another theory developed by Bandura's experiment overall is by far the most interesting, determining a child's behavior especially an aggressive one can be very stressful. There can be a number of reasons why a child is showing an aggressive attitude,or a lot can come from what he/she experiences from the environment at home or from school. Although the experiment tried to focus on which gender would be more aggressive surprisingly the number where evenly split,So if gender isn't the problem it could have a-lot to do with age. In our generation i've noticed a large amount of kids engaging in boxing, parents took the opportunity to lets sports be the control of a kids aggressive behavior and allow the training to be the main source of developing a sense of control and understanding.
A child's behavior can be affected biological ,doctors use the image machine to see how teens brain develop over the years. Doctors discovered that the front part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex starts to develop and grow more after and during the puberty stages. Their research resulted in kids who are already the age of six show the brain at 95% growth. As they continue to grow, kids brain cells begin to connect and become more solid, they then compare the development of a kids brain to a tree. For example, water is one out of many requirements for a tree or other form of plant life to grow and nourish. In our case we need knowledge and life experiences for a stronger cell mass in a adolescents brain. As I mentioned about how their are many requirements for a tree to grow also applies to humans, why because when we use the same areas of our brain, like doing things we usually do everyday such as habits we develop at a young age can cause other brain cells to die, neurologist's call this the "win it or lose it".
The child's behavior can also be affected through the mother's health through pregnancy and birth. Birth defects can be very crucial to a newborn's health and development, and can also be a sad situation for a mother's child, birth defects affect one in every thirty-three babies born each year in the U.S. Birth defects are caused by gene change or damaged chromosomes, a lot similar to heart defects. As you know birth defects are inherited or in other words run from family or bloodlines. Birth defect is a crucial health condition recognized in a baby at birth. The most common birth defects include spina bifida, cleft palate, clubfoot, and congenital dislocated hip. When there is a problem with a baby's body chemistry , it is called a metabolic birth defect.
Intellectual disability has a wide variety of medical/environmental issues that can do a great deal of damage towards a newborn. Issues such as Genetic conditions which include Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome. Genetic issues can either form from mom or dad, maybe both. Problems during pregnancy like issues that are fatal to the brain during development such as emotional, learning, and behavioral disadvantageous include alcohol or drug use, malnutrition, and certain infections.Intellectual disability is not a disease and cannot be cured, however early diagnosis and ongoing interventions can improve adaptive functioning throughout one's childhood and into adulthood.
Another Cause of intellectual disability is Birth Trauma. Birth trauma is a general term used to describe any cuts, fractures, or other injuries sustained by a newborn baby during labor or delivery.Deliveries of larger, heavier babies often require doctors to use their hands, forceps, or vacuums to ease their passage through the birth canal. Although birth trauma is crucial to a newborn's health, the most common out of all causes are the accidental one, in other words car accidents or serious fall damage towards a newborn. In the end all around childcare and support from the government also plays a big part in large poverty areas, without the right medicines, or finical support a parent needs to help treat this disability can become a huge problem.
ADHD also known as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by a combination of inattentiveness, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. More than half the children diagnosed with ADHD continue to have symptoms during their adolescent years and into adulthood. In the video I noticed how psychologist mentioned how majority boys tend to develop ADD at an early age more than girls do. Although girls do tend to have their hyper moments, boys lead straight to physical activity and later required attention by a parent/adult supervision to help calm themselves down. People with ADHD typically have trouble getting organized, staying focused, making realistic plans and thinking before acting. So psychologist have decided that focusing on ADHD patients on a behavioral perspective is less effective when diagnosing ADHD, rather than trying to recognize the array of the brain-coping skills, such as memory, focus, and a child's ability to regulate his or her emotions.
Child Separation Anxiety Disorder,this is a disorder in which a child becomes excessively anxious when separated from parents. Children are especially prone to separation anxiety during times of stress.Separation anxiety differs from normal clinginess. Children with the disorder can't think about anything but the present fear of separation.They may have nightmares or regular physical complaints.They may be reluctant to go to school or other places.Treatment includes talk therapy and possibly anti-anxiety medication. Treatment for such a crucial impact on a child's childhood would require some sort of professional therapy if required, 2 forms of therapy could be Family therapy and Behavior Therapy. Family therapy is a psychological counseling that helps families resolve conflicts and communicate more effectively.Behavior therapy is a therapy focused on modifying harmful behaviors associated with psychological distress. In conclusion developing ways to deal with separation from your child for better results be to practice separation, schedule separations after naps or feedings,develop a quick goodbye ritual, or leave without fanfare.
The mother's behavior and feelings also affect the child as much as the child can affect the mother's. Postpartum feelings also known as "Baby Blues" which is a case of depression after having your baby days later. In some circumstances Baby blues usually goes away by itself within a week or two of giving birth, medical treatment isn't necessary, but if you aren't sleeping, or having other critical symptoms of depression within the two week limit,seeing a doctor is recommended. Baby Blues usually goes away within a few days, a good way to speed up the process would be getting some rest, feeling free to ask others for help, especially your loved ones. Another beneficial process would be taking some alone time to get yourself together, there's nothing wrong with leaving your baby with a responsible family member for a few hours to free your mind. And most important don't drink alcohol, use street drugs or abuse prescription drugs. All of these can affect your mood and make you feel worse. And can make it hard for you to take care of your baby. In the end taking care of yourself is also a big factor when having a baby even after pregnancy, because all babies need their mother's to have a bright environment and healthy state of mind when trying to have a healthy development with their baby.
In conclusion, there are many types of child behavior, and so many ways a child's behavior can be formed or dealt with. In my opinion depression is the most important, depression can be a very dangerous feeling, especially when a child doesn't know how to express or communicate with someone about his or her feelings. This can lead to a change in behavior physically and emotionally, physically a child would throw tantrums or hit the parent or others around them trying to figure out whats wrong. And emotionally would be the child constantly crying and not in the mood for coping with the parent or keeping the distance between the two . It all has to do with the parents or parent in the matter of understanding and having patience when it comes to gaining your child's emotions and physical symptoms.
Child behavior. (2019, Mar 22).
Retrieved March 19, 2025 , from
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