Analysis of an Epic Poem Paradise Lost

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Paradise Lost is an epic poem written in the 17th century by the English poet John Milton. Paradise Lost recapitulates the original tale of Genesis, from the conflict between the lord and Satan and the temptations in the Garden of Eden. Throughout the poem, Milton compares God and the devil to one another both having angles, yet Satan's have fallen into the darkness of Hell where they are recovering from their war against God. During this poem the poet will also include rebellious actions and punishments of Satan's. The first line of the poem Paradise Lost confirms that the poem's main focus will be Man's first disobedience, and that Milton aims to justify the ways of God to men. John Milton then goes to delineate Adam and Eve to a different extant of temptation, innocence, and distinct details of why and how. I claim that Milton describes a more sympathetic view of Christianity, by presenting the difference in God verses Satan, mans disobedience, and Milton's personalized simplification of Adam and Eve. Through out the poem you may find yourself feeling sympathy for the devil, pitying him, or even cheering for him. As for God in Paradise Lost he is not the kind, forgiving, nice guy he's made out to be in the book of Genesis. Paradise Lost begins with the argument witch contains a flash back of the war between God and Satan. In the poem Satan says, better to reign in hell, than serve in heav'n, this is Satan making his own situation sound like a proud choice rather than horrendous position (book 1, line 263.) Though out this poem Milton devises the reader to believe that Satan is content where he's at, but after makes multiple comments like the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n, leaving the reader distressing over Satan's situation (book 1, lines 254-255.) However its possible to find your self-routing for Satan and his confidence as he lacks self-knowledge of his own limitations, for he can not realize that he will never defeat God or his creations but only tamper with. Satan is confound when his united forces are defeated as he believes no worriers were as strong as his, not realizing god would repulse Satan's army.
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Analysis of an epic poem Paradise Lost. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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