Aim of our Project

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The ultimate aim of our project is to provide the design and development for an reliable internet service application which workable on the WAP enabled wireless handheld devices like mobile phone ,PDA(personal digital assistant) but mobile phone will focused mainly on this. To design a WAP application that will be usable by stock market user to receive and check related information like up-to-date stock value , stock quotes, as well as price detailed, trading status in the service directly from their mobile devices.

This project concern the developing, testing of a WAP based system for wireless handhelds devices like mobile phone to help the stock market user while on the move for instance the user can access to internet even when they travelling from geographical location to another . the idea of this application is to consider one that in principle not only delivering that data which involves in stock market updates and reliable and securely but one will be rapidly aware the user about the market changes in real time without even in the whilst in office or home , whilst we travelling , to the demand form of communication specially whilst "o the move"

The Stock Market system will be based on WAP architecture for mobile devices. This project will demonstrate how practical and possible will it be to use a mobile internet on the mobile phone to check the stock market value for a particular company whilst on the move. the user can have access to know the current price of the stock and it latest information

At click of the button without physically present in front of the stock market office or by watching Television at the someplace. The whole project framework is aim on to Create a WAP application which based on a server side application which could be the company to join a venture with the user's to input the data to form a given result. And it important to aware of the modern days application are adapted by the user to improve their capabilities. According to the research board of project believe that the user application projects are lead to failure if it not fully obtain the user demands and requirement for particular needs.The possibly good market for such system will be investigated into further develop to refine a set of clients requirement . there will be a good response for such an application in the market which intended on user who has invested a solid amount in bonds , shares and gilts , and these are all designed to make life easier in such a way it enable the use to make decision at particular time to sell and buy stock such time .

1. Introduction

1.1 Brief

Stocks are considered riskier investments ,the value of a stock could at peak and drop down on the rate of the share by every time ,it completely depends on the situation of economy .for instance I am a stockholder having 500 share on a private company. Currently the value of my share is at good rate,and if I want to know what is market value of share with other company .Likewise most of the stock market holder are keen to know the latest information in real time .However it is only possible when the share holder are have a chance to watching news or log on a computer that they would be aware of the situation. Nowadays, most people on the move have at least one mobile device, a mobile phone or a PDA .so why not provide the stock market information as soon as possible directly on these mobile phones?.It can be either on a push basis or pull basis .push basis a like a push message it automatically send the latest information to the user whoever subscribe to the push service , in other hand pull message where the user have to send a request first to get the required response.

Most of the people nowadays having mobile phone along them and from which would the user also can access to the internet and other communication uses. Currently the mobile phones are very cheaper and popular in the market when we comparing with other kinds of electronic device However the mobile based stock market tracking system will allows the user to check the latest information of the stock value in the market.

There is good market scope for mobile communication due the feasibility and support of the communication at time . and other important of mobile internet is that a user can to be in up-to-date information on necessary thinks needed like weather , flash NEWS, email etc . this would be a viable alternative from traditional fixed internet for PC's and implementation of the mobile internet which is very convenience for us.

Like Benjamin Franklin so rightly said, "Forewarned is forearmed". So, on consumers' point of view, yes, there is a potential need for this application. Moreover, most mobile phone network providers nowadays offer certain amount of free internet browsing on their mobile handsets each month. Users would prefer to use their free offer to check for stock information rather than dialling or texting a phone number, which are usually charged at premium rate, to get that same information. In terms of benefits for the stock exchange company, this will be an improvement of their customer service and keeping up-to-date with new technology. Staffs involved with providing information over the phone for those travellers who still feel at ease with that means, will be able to provide a better quality of service as he or she would not be under so much pressure of dealing with all the calls waiting in the queue. Moreover, staffs at the will fewer enquiries to deal with as commuters will be informed well in advance.

As author Ben Salter and Alex Michael mentioned ."thirteen per cent of mobile subscribes reported accessing news and information via a mobile browser in June 2004." [ REF 1 ]

The both author believe that current number of user accessing the mobile internet to browser will increases in feature

1.2 Relevance to course Modules

The product based project are really challengeable to undertake but these are possible and manageable from the modules taught over the degree few of them are very help in understanding the cirtical part of the project. Some of the important module are helpful to this project are dicussed below.

1.2.1 CCM2418 (Digital and Mobile Systems) and CCM2420 Data Communications

These both modules are very useful and module which let me know about fundamental communication knowledge .we started with the simple data how it goes through different stage of process and to final point of the information at that level were we want know about web connection level what involves in modulation , demodulation , multiplexing and error checking

1.2.2 CCM3415 (Advanced Network Design and Security) and CCM2412 (Network Routing and Protocols)

In these both modules were important and necessary because most of the topics we learned were associated to computer networks, and it is contributed a very important role in this project , the areas have taught in these modules includes the fundamental of the network which OSI layer model . And another important area which is protocol on the network that are the set of rule govern the network . this was the whole set of the internet , which is the keen important to largest network

1.2.3 CCM3413 (Mobile Internet Applications and Services)

This was the module inspired and gave the knowledge to choose this project ,actually i learned the fundamental of the two-tier architecture , WAP technology , PHP , these topics are playing a main role in this project , module given a full scope of the internet and their uses in different device but we mainly focus on the Mobile Internet which inducted me to undertake this Project

1.2.4 CCM2426 (Professional Project Development)

In this module we learn how to work in group and make it as a team. We all worked together and put all our work in to one piece of report. And we learned business ethics and how to implement them in the real life and we have discussed about computer science ethics which some very important issues in the modern day computer field which includes legal issues , copyrights and piracy theses information areas will be more helpful when we starting the marketing and involved in the business related application then there we have to implement this strategies . in past few years piracy issues are increasing in a very dramatic way due the high speed internet available and this reflected on the computer business and they seeking for legal expect to avoid this kind of problem in future .

1.2.5 CCM3422 (Computer Communications Project)

This module has take place a major role of this project, according to the principle of Computer Communication Project, it involves in to scheduling and estimating technology

1.3 Literature Review

My project is consisting of many different numbers of components which performs in different step in its construction and completion. to get this project as one one working model or product ,it has to process through many tasks and topics. And each and every topic in this project are constantly analysis and studied so that all every aspect are fit and work as one whole product . This project are covered from different topics and areas that were research is been taken form many source which includes text books , online materials journals and past projects . some important resource are used for the research are mentioned below with reviews and definitions.

D.Houghand K. Zafar according to their point of view .there are millions of user subscribes to mobile network .these are include everyone from computer executive director to unskilled ordinary labour (Bale Bulb rook). With the benefits of the WAP enable mobile device such as mobile phones, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA ) and pager are developed to access the internet right on the mobile device able to access the phone banking , price checking , product purchase or sale , any sport result and much more

According to authors E.Evan ,P.Ashworth .the wireless device are increase in dramatic way and number of user to communicate , interact on the move, there is a survey showing that right now there is least One billion wireless are subscribes and soon will be increase to twice the amount now (P.Ashworth and E.Evans ,)

There are so many user are subscribe and using the WAP. With help of WAP people are getting the same usual format option as exactly From A personal Computer but these are depends on our convenience and so this will lead to big revolution of the internet in the mobile device and change the traditional way of accessing the internet .Eventually public will notice the real impact of WAP devices how it will change the way of accessing internet and they would know the benefits of using this technology , more user will subscribes to network and it will start to grow on numerous way on a new form of communication because it will start using the new will get start using the new technology and they will reply on the advantage ( Frerrel, ZOO )

In Karli Watson's book (beginning WAP) . when we considering development of the today's communication world some factors are comes first but wireless communication having big impact and revolution over the public and number of users are incredibly increasing at a dramatic amount of subscribing are using and amount of data interchanging in speed at which we access the business and another uses . In less than ten year time it will have a tremendous amount of development from initial level of the internet user from the traditional network

But there was a doubt on the factor of reliability and usability of the WAP access, On 2000 Ramsay and Neilson have noted in their book that the WAP is not really functional and popular now but it will be score a good reputation and developed system after 2001.Due to scale of operation grows it will led more difficulties observation.

To learning Unified model language (UML) introduce will helps and leads as work along with language focused in this book , the author help to keep the clear view on the UML language and help to protect in the cobwets of methodoly.

Fred R.Mcfadden and Jeffery A.Hoffer, , are interest on information resource management (IRM) are here to consider as normal way we do with everyday methods ,equipment . in other word the matter of information is a superior component and business resource and must has to treat as other asset such as student , things and etcs. Mcload and Brittain , are suggesting the basic ideas of IRM from their point of view

According Ian Summerville's book is focused at student who undertaking the project in under graduation and graduate at software engineering . they have least know and done some fundamental engineering course such as programming languages . This book is full of general and basic idea of new update on some important topics such as , dependable system , requirement engineering, and architecture design.

1.4 Analysis from Literature Review

This application is to designed to track the Stock Market status report through WAP enable device . the idea of this application is to provide a service for the user to check their desirable company stock rate on the particular date and a response will send back to user using programmed database and techniques.

The main purpose for this application was to reducing time , developing the reliability and efficiency of use when comparing with current application or system .

According to the Ramsay and Neilson personal view of WAP and they believed that WAP had a very big impact on the today's technology that we been using ever since it introduces of the this system in the market .it had a breakthrough with other opponent technology but it still had better critics among with other technology

P.Ashworth, E.Evans were best authors where keen to know about the feature of mobile communication , actually both were intended to show in their book , to tell what is the feature of M-commerce as of from this decades to next decades development opportunities. M-commerce is the combination of the traditional web system and the wireless connection,

Farrell were interested in studying the future of WAP technology to access the internet on mobile service and tried to explain the benefits of this system over people to use their mobile device to access the web browser or internet , even as our today's live is becoming more amd more difficult by day after day so technology might have to help the problem with changing it same system or service for instance ,internet is access from system which through traditional network but would change it technology and developed into wireless internet that is possible by the WAP technology .

But according to Ian Somerville in their book Software Engineering ,they had a new form of ideas to develop and view a project by eight different parts which include an brief intro to software engineering , application designing , coding , validation and verifications , critical systems ,managements and software evaluation .this book also covers the system distribution architecture , and software development .the critical software system in consisted and integrated with the reliability , accessiably , security and avaliabilty so these are mentioned as a different topics.

Jeffery A. Hoofer and Fred R. McFadden in thier book Modern Database Management they were talked about the database in a larger sector how the larger context of information resource are stored and manage in a dedicated database .

In other hand Craig mentioning about the life cycle of the software and he says that UML depends on the different life cycle development model i.e. Spiral Model , Incremental Model and finally Waterfall Models , UML is depends upon the object oriented programming paradigm . so I am using one of the best model software life cycle model which Watetfall models.

2.1 Aims

The ultimate aim of this project to create and build a stock market quote that allows the user to quote the stock company and accessing these are all done by selecting appropriate option on the device to have a customer needs. And there will a database is designed for the data to processed from the user and they able to pass their won information.

2.2 Objectives

The objectives in project will be divided into two different informant categories ,in each category will further divided into subsection so that each and every phase will be individually discussed and this will lead to achieve a best possible end result of the Final product .

Design based objective:

Design based objective actually it involved in idea for framework the specified requirement for the user needs. It will really help the consumer and design from business prospect to achieve the best possible result . To build a system following key point must accomplished

  • Modelling the system from requirement specification
  • Implementing the requirement specification of the system using appropriate development tool
  • Of course , testing ,evaluation and debugging the protocol against the system requirement .
  • A created database will be use as a model for this project instead using the stock market databases

Research based objectives:

In order to give up- to- date software or system . we must have to be focus and to certain to changes will happened on the current system in terms in future development and challenges and often happened in the software industry.

There are some of important ways for getting the software awareness by following few steps

  • By examining people who using the daily basis and observe main fact toward the stock market assessment involves by taking surveys and feedback on the web pages usability
  • Offering alternative or current option available to stock exchange quote and their mentioning their advantage and drawback.

2.3 Software Life Cycle and Methodology for the Project

Software life cycle which related to our daily life process and it filters all process

over each and every stage in our life. It is pretty commonly known fact that relation pound exits between the product class and process quality is directly equal to the result of the Product is created . the software development is neither inevitable nor efficient to produce good piece of product ,but it is also very ease to keep your product as it is . A software life cycle for the project is model used to describes the phase or stage which a software development goes through . there is other way we can also describes a software life cycle models as "A software life cycle is vision of the perspective active that happens during software development "[REF 5] . these factors were helping us to understand and improve the basic characteristics and activities of the software life cycle

The software life cycle is best way to describe overall process involved in the project. Some important processes are described below.

  • Help the project manager to keep the project on the track
  • Describes the basic function that are excepted through the Project to per perform in period of software development
  • Describes the major stage or phase of the software development
  • Provides a general outlook od details tasks so that the we will know the every process involves in software development

This Project is development by the waterfall model. Waterfall model is method used for software development process ,it goes through serious of precious step by step method and process is looks as like as waterfall .The advantage of using the waterfall modal is we can organized ,chronological approach to software develop of our projects than beginning at system level and download to next steps .forward through software development in analysis, testing, coding and management . If the software is developed for large scale system so the effects need established for all system fundamental level and assign some division of particular tasks requirement through of software..

2.3.1 Waterfall Model:

Waterfall is commonly used and adopted in software development field . From the Waterfall Model the software development is very simple and straight forward.

The software development will simple as it iluustrated diagram and it says that will easier as ever before from any model . actually Waterfall model is designed to develop the software as simple method of order of segments as figure illustrated below, every segments and stage or phase are put into a distinct goals so that the any segments contributed to a software development are achieved successfully.

Software Requirement

In software development it is vital to gathering requirement of the software and analysis process is very important for a Software based project to build up and focus of the software .In order to know the nature of the program itself to built, one should understand and analysis the requirement of the software and domain need. To gather the requirement we have form and fellow a simple method with some of topic needed to clarified in order to get started this Project.

Design a software

Software designing naturally is a major and complex step process. To achieve a design process successful we have to interprets requirement into representation of the software. There so many reason and factor get the error on the software design.

Coding/ Programming

The designing a software which involves in varies of area to accomplished to form in machine-readable . so code generation is takes place in this step. In this step we actually test the code of our project.

System evaluation/Testing

Once the coding has done, the testing process begins. In this step it will point out any thing on the consist and logical parts of software to make suer which the given statements are correct and it have been tested. And another important part of test is function external testing and it is carried out to make sure that defined input statement will pass and produces actual result


Any changes or an error could happened. Once the Product has reached the end user which is the consumer . so it is important for a software to adopt into the real world use .the conditions of changes might happen on both side of the parties for instance If the consumer would like to change the option available on the current system by any chance. So it is vital for software development to maintain all the option and feature are must to be up-to-date

Project Management

Project management activities which involves in schedules ,planner, organization and creating tasks and document like Risk plan, SRS, configuration management and software development plan were produced .so for my Project i decides to use Work Breakdown System as project management

2.4 Work Breakdown System (WBS)

WBS is a break down system which is commonly used method in all computer project to achieve all tasks in the project to produce to one workable system. With help of this sort of methodology which help our project to on the right track . in our case to produce a WAP based system to stock market on the mobile devices.

3 Problem definitions

Someone who is travelling or is away from their workplace, it is often not possible to gain access from a fixed internet enabled device. But in home environment we would able to access to internet via the local network . Mobile devices are playing major in today's communication world and it becoming very usual and common thing just seem for time. This seem like without this one might thing like a breakdown in the milestone of the telecommunication in this time . Good thing is almost all of latest mobile phones and devices are embedded with WAP-enable so this encourage the user to use this kind of services and the connection are made device by connecting to server which is provided by the network service provider, so therefore provide a service which keep market users, , who spend a proportion of their typical day in the process of accessing to the stock market and tracking on market , latest informed of stock variation, stock quotes, as well as price detailed, trading status, current company news & profile .

The big question is whether, there is a potential large scale need for such type of service by the stock market. Stock market information is not easily available perhaps unless you are make a phone request or log on to the Internet; and while on the move it is often very difficult to get internet access without a WAP enabled mobile phone or PDA.

It is quite simple to imagine that technology is backbone of today's modern world, in this technology world the most important rule is played by the Software System. Almost everyone have to come across with the modern technology every day after day. But few technology development have made tremendous implement with presenting a new form of application performance , attached feature and way of interaction between the user and system these systems are really capable of do anything form a low- level basic need like TV remote to highly sophisacted and sensitive system like Bank transaction these all designed for one single purpose make life easier.

Wired communication systems have as their main disadvantage the lack of mobility; wireless systems have the big advantage of supporting mobility of system use.

In this modern world technology are getting even better ,not only in technology also in way of communication are now .The development of the mobile internet, mobile devices, applications and the provision of services such as the one proposed here attract considerable attention and effort in these time; there were number of studies and research going to find an efficient mobile internet for mobile phones and other wireless devices

One general requirement to ensure that the security of client there are variety of virus and attacker are waiting to corrupt or stole our data from us . so it important to guide the user to access the relevant information easy and rapid . there are two way for safe surf on the mobile internet

  1. Allow the user to surf the particular market report on the relevant web site on the micro-browser
  2. To allow data streaming to capture the information on the mamory

User interface is another issue in mobile device ,due it small screen it just display very few information in simple manner .

Brief product description:

  • It is a client-server based application which will support multi-client. For example: User will input share company the which will be send as a request and the server should respond by sending the real time stock market value of the company share has traded over the previous 40 weeks
  • It should be simple, with a suitable user interface and little user inputs so that the result is obtained the as soon as possible
  • It should also support push services, where certain stockholder will be automatically alerted on their mobile should any changes in the service status occurs. The server should automatically push the information to the specific registered mobile users.

Deliverables and Development Requirements

To successful completion of the project the following items in list will be given in the final submission

A hardcopy of the Project final report

A softcopy of the Project final report

A turnitin copy of the document

Program code on the CD

Software and development requirement used document

Development requirement of the system are:

MySQL Server

Windows Vista

Nokia series

Designing a Application from user point of view.

As stock quote is never easy before computer start to serve the user demand ,as a stock market person has to know the rate of the stock till up to date but these are possible by Internet as simple as single click you would know the value from past record to till now . In the period when the computer are not as personal computer those days the person itself has to find the stock value through Walk-in to the local newsagent to buy NEWS paper or Television or even Radio but this media were not that reliable as today's technology which Internet, computer ,wireless. But technology start to change the way of stock market working from the traditional method . However our aim is to provide a reliable method for a person to access the stock market condition as easy as possible by using it. So we have to design a application which will server the user need in simple way .,to fulfil there need as application designer has to thing generously from user point of view. Some of the questions are striked

  • Is this application or service are able to served the user needs or it just focus on business prospective .
  • Is the user getting any useful and benefit from the application or web page is been designed .
  • How reliable is this application whether is based on other source or direct information from the stock company
  • User interface is most important part for a application ,it must has to be easy to user to use .

To design the WAP application we have to gather relevant information or opion from stock holders who really would get benefit from this WAP application as a user. I managed to contact two persons who using the computer to keep to know stock market rate. Their ultimate demand is that interface must has to simple and provide the useful information as simple as possible like simple graph, etc. So the application is designed to help the user so interface has to simple but not to find how to use it, this will leads poor impression on the application. However everyone has different thoughts from thinging of what they want to make them comfortable well i concluded the thoughts of stock market users what do they want the application has to appear and help them to easy way of tracking the current value of the stock market.

Ease of use:

As a normal user cannot read manual, particularly for some simple service like sending a message, so if they cannot know how to use the application ,they get frustrated and tent to leave the application altogether. That means if the application is not fully intuition, then people will get stuck and we might lose them forever. The user will not come to figure out how to get the application to work .Another ease of use factor is the difficulty of getting to a URL.

When designing a software for certain purpose where the user could get useful by that . The software itself has to serve the purpose that made up for what .There is major role for design a application how it will become useable by user. However ,if the user's goal and the applications are not same ,there may be a problem . for example user want to know the previous stock market rate and average of the rate by performs of the particular company stock from past fifteen days data report , in order to plan for feature plan and to analysis on the market .And if my application only provide the stock value for the past seven days ,in this case the application is not provide the solution to the user demand.

To provide the full potential of the application to user by developing or designing the option in the application as simple as possible o obtain the what is wanted to use by the user. For instance If user if user is holding stock in five major companies shares ,for him or his need to see the top companies which he or she interested should show at first place instant of thousands of company from the list . So in here we deploying the user reliable context to reduce complex problem into simple solution. We can able to attract the user or customer to use our application or provide.

The application must have to provides critical information of an automatic notification message alert user to the fact price of the stock market has dropped or risen to a predetermined level or by a predetermined percentage so that they can take immediate action.

3.1 WAP

WAP is technology allows wireless handheld devices to view specified designed pages from the internet which suing simple text and very simple white and black screen display. WAP is a set of rules and standard exclusively created to internet connection to handheld devices such as personal digital assistant (PDA) , mobile phone , and pagers . WAP is operated by world-wide popular mobile phone companies Nokia ,Ericision , etc, under the name of WAP forum .

The WAP is one and only worldwide for providing a standard to mobile phone for access internet and exchange of the data. But WAP stuck that worked under low bandwidth of 9.6 kilobytes per second is much lower in speed when comparing with dial up started connection modem and telephone line typically speed is 50 kpbs .the low bandwidth constraints in WAP connected this because due to the handling capacity of the WAP device in term of processor speed , memory and size of display screen plus small multi-purpose keyboard nad these are factor that WAP to has a low speed connection constraint . means design of WAP application on the mobile device might give another great advantage to encourage all vendor and consumer are able to get same standard quality and development . therefore many phone manufactures are interested and implemented the WAP along their phones and WAP-enable device ,eventually the more number of WAP device are available in due to open server technology . this general kind of development will gives confidence among in development , manufactory and service providers can have a possibilities to adapted WAP.

There is good reason for using the clien server based architecture which enable the WAP to implement a very simple browser on the client side to pass the user define service and it send back to server to process the user define data but in between this process there will be WAP gateway to restrict the resource for misuse of the information from the place whre sensitive data is been stored on the server

3.1.1 WML:

WML is stands for wireless mark up language and it is special language designed exclusively the mobile device to exchange the data over the wireless network ,most of handheld device which is enable with WAP technology are able to read the web page with help of the WML language . well it is open standard language which can be adapted by any mobile services and it developed by WAP forum and in somehow WML supports the WAP specification and it standards along in the market

WML is made with straight point of view in the mind. So which leads into a more constraints :

  • Low memory capability and constricted computational resources'
  • Small viewing screen and limited user access to input interface
  • Narrowband network connection

WML consist of four import parts:

Text layout and representation -this part correspond to how the images and texts , also a different numbers of layout commands and formatting commands.

Card or deck - This the part where all the data and information are plotted in code according to its functionality of the code in to one set of collect so of decks and cards.

Inter connection of card and relevant links - WML supports the navigation between the decks in the program

String parameterization - WML decks can parameterized ,with the help of a state model

3.2.1 WML script:

The WAP forum provide additional function to system by providing of the scripting language called as WMLScript. Actually is enable the program or application to accept the data from the user . WML is just the data format for representing the web page which is interact with user in term of getting the data , selection option. WMLScript help in to WML as like the JavaScript is to HTML . WMLScript is specially design to support the relatively with low bandwidth restricted device , but WMLScript is based on the ECMAScript which is the derivation of the JavaScript. Help to over come the drawback of the low bandwidth connection .

WMLScript is just an enhancer of WML in different number of ways. With help of it we can check the user input data , user access , general purpose ad message to handsets .

It functionality proves that the user can instantly program the things like error message and user alert for any mistake on the process of the data . WMLScript is consists of many function of data over through the program and also contains the control flow of the construction and it is called as main body of the WMLScript

The advantage of the WMLScript is also complied with WAP gateway in such way a into binary form to reduce the over coding size and which effectively reduce the transmission time between the user and server . WMLScript is represented by byte-code for optimal utilization of the low bandwidth channel problem and also device memory size.

WMLScript is not a object-oriented , so it hard for the user to define the data type .but it also offers different numbers of operation which can performs some operation like logical operation , assignment operation array operation and arithmetic operation

3.4 How WAP Functions.

The WAP enabled devices are able to access the internet on it but it new way of communication when we comparing to the traditional internet connection for PC's . a WAP can communicate with real server by passing through the intermediated server known as WAP server . where the user request the server content by sending a request WAP request to server ,but the server are can't understand the WAP language so it need WAP gateway which address this program . WAP gateway which in turn the communication between WAP device and server . And it converts the WAP content into binary code so the server can read the WAP request.

WAP work under a set way of works and it discussed below

The steps involves in the WAP function in real life

  1. The user requested content or data will be assigned URL request and user will the pressed the URL key in phone .
  2. The once the URL requested by the pressed the URL button in phone and URL reached the WAP gateway using the WAP protocols
  3. WAP gateway then change the specified URL to a valid HTTP and sends it to the web server
  4. When the http request reached the web server ,it will start processes the request . The URL may are apply to WAP file to create the WAP content . then the server finished processing it will add the HTTP header to URL .
  5. The converted content which requested by the mobile and added the HTTP header are returned back to the WAP gateway.
  6. WAP gateway verified the data which received from the web server and then it encoded into binary form. In this step where the HTTP content are created into WML content ,because phone can't read the HTTP content and sends it to the mobile phone
  7. When the phone received the WML content and now the information can display.

3.4.1 Apache Web Server:

Apache web server is designed to deals with a client side as web browser type and server side as a web server type.for instance when a user want to visit a some website like "" ,actually the web browser translates the URL address into to a readable version to operating system along with address of the destination operating system along with destination IP , packets data layer software it later attached to header . This method allow the receive to accept the packet or data safely and this enable remote access between two different computers.

There are few steps involves when two system wants to exchange between each other .basically if a user want to transfer a data firstly the network address card indicate a signal to operating system to wake up and where the data enclosed with TCP/IP header of http .One's the data checked by operating system and search for available web server in the system ,for meanwhile the operating system is responsible for data when it find ,it given to the corresponding web server. Now it's time for the web server to do rest of the process, firstly data are need to goes through to main process known as gateway filtration process implementation, this actually filters the given raw data according the information in the header . This concept of implementation in web server is commonly known as gateway interface which has a web server concept ,which holds the data in different variables. There are so many web servers are available such as ISS , but the drawback of IIS is only compatible with windows platforms or operating system such as XP ,VISTA .In our application we are using Apache as web server , because it is open source and it compatible with most of the operating system .there are some many parameters for classifying the web servers.

The basic purpose of a Web server is to keeping Websites efficient and order. There are three main way a websites can design and store

  1. Virtual directory hosting
  2. Default directort hosting
  3. Virtual domain hosting

3.4.2 PHP

PHP is widely known and usable scripting language ,this is open source software and it also serve a web development software and can be implemented in HTML coding . but most of the syntax in the PHP are adopted from other languages like Java, C and Perl .but the aim of PHP is to allow the web developer to write the program as quick and there other languages support .

PHP is popular scripting language this because for its simplicity and efficient of its tool available for built web database application. There are many reason to choose the PHP as scripting language for application. Includes that its:

Flexible for integration with HTML

Using of this method we can embedded one or more PHP scripts into HTML files and this might easy the client integration . But the downside is can mix the scripts with the presentation

Open source

There are lots efforts are given by commercial imperative for community to improve unconstrained by

Suitable to complex projects

PHP is complete features of object-oriented programming language , and also able of doing more than 200 libraries of programmed functions for tasks such as calculation , chat, copy , sending email and creating PDF document . There are 15 libraries for native .

Platform- and operating-system portable

The PHP and Apache are distinct server with different purpose and run on operating systems and platforms . even thought PHP are also to be integrated with different web servers.

4 Databases

4.1 Database Management Systems

Database servers are designed to manage and search the data what ever store on the database. And it is a place to store an application and related data can able to other database. It contains entries that are simple personal information such a home address , name of a person , home number and mobile number etc .but on other hand , the database can consist many numbers of records that consist of company details like purchase order number , parties contact details , employee names and their address , most of database application have arranged from small to medium size database.

Database are heavy software , fortunately it is easy for the user to access the database server because all important web database component is the application interface .

4.3 Application Overview

My Application is designed to handle the Stock Market status report via mobile devices.

It has been observed at stock market place the real time stock value and it will is displayed on back on the consumers to view the screen . The information's are updated in real time basis to allow the user to obtain live status of stock value . In order to know live status the user need to go over direct to the place where we can gather information that related to the value of their stock or by watching through Television on the Stock Market relevant TV channels where we could find the Stock market quote in bottom of the screen or by buying the NEWS paper from local NEWS agent. However impact of the technology did change the method we were using before .

Real time stock are available from internet via personal computer ,but user has to be at a place where he or she could access the computer connected with Internet , eventually user not achieve the mobility and it seem likely to ways we used before. But is problems are solved by the WAP technology enabled Mobile device ,and it make possible for the user to actually access to quote the stock exchange straight from the Mobile phone whilst on the move .The actual application provides live stock exchange quote ,rate and time table for specific company and has to provide up to relevant information back to user as quick as possible to maintain the user need and company image .

Technology has literally developed and change normal life at the click of a button ,the 'Stock Quote ' system will help from normal user to busiest person are able to the quote of their Stock exchange and which help in term of forecasting the feature market of the company so that the user could able to plan whether to buy that particular company share not in first instance also give the option to plan their sell and buy their Stock at any time while on the move . there is issue and downside of company advertisement which happens when a company keep sending message to all customer regarding their last news and offer and advertisement in business prospect ,some advantage of the uses of their service make use of to as an advertisement tool, and there is chance to miss a sensitive information which need to sent to user . But is problem by mobile phone themselves that it can to display limited option and less data because of the small display , even the important information are need to displayed in a very simple way of user interface

In NEW YORK, at present The NASDAQ OMX group ,Inc is world wide respectable exchange company and the first stock exchange company to offer free access to quote the stock company in PC and also introduce new service for mobile devices by it had launched new exclusively version of web . In addition it has designed a WAP site for commuter able to keep in touch the latest stock value at any time

4.3.1 Application Modes Management:

This application offer the user to register with us and once they successfully register they are able to login to their personal account with their own UserID and User password .when in the process of registering some personal question will asked the user to enter and these information will kept securely . And the user could change their information at time as they which to change . why have to register with the system because the register can retrieve the data in order word history of the data service usage ,with this user could view and go through the store data entry that been before . This feature not possible for non register user .

The difference between the register and unregister user is that there is option for keeping the past record information on the server memory .

4.4 Functional Requirements

Functional requirement are critical part of the project, actually here we need to picture the functionality of user inputs and system behave to it . Have to clearly state that how the system are going to react to particular user input and in the way application should perform . the functional requirement need to be show precious end product offer.

4.4.1 User Entry Interfaces.

Entry Interface is where the system really goes into the process. Actually it interacts with administrator controller of the system and user enter the data into database. The interface is place or screen where that provided the user to input their queries or data to system. With use of this user can entry the queries that want to know. And which will store on database this can done by the program operator of with SQL

4.4.2 Database

A database is place where the user data entry is stores this is done through the User Entry Interface . The data that stored on the database can retrieve and change at any time by the User with the corresponded available option on database. The user can enter and change the information on database and some of the option mention and described below

The User interface enable to enter the quote on the company using the table called Stock quotes

Enter current company news & profile through table called company news & profile

Updating stock quotes and company news & profile use this tables if any ,changes happens to the current condition of Stock market.

Enter trading status using the table called trading Status

Enter marketing stats using the table called marketing stats

Enter price of a stock detailed using the table called price detailed

4.4.3 Stock Checking Mechanism

The user are asked to whether register with the company or not any way it option , if they want to register and register process goes through serious of information are collected from user and the details which include the name of person , date of birth for security reason, the name of the company she/he interested ,etc and this stored on the database ,so next time the user just need to browse straight away to details that been stored through the system. Even the user can to enter the name of the new stock company and the system will response back to user demand quote of the company from the last forty weeks stock records to current status .

4.4.4 Inputs

Entry of stock company in database by using the option called User Data Interface

And here user login operation takes place ,user can register their self in here with personal details and the old user how already been register can loggin to the system by their personal "User logging in ID" and "password". And other operation like

Stock quote, market status , price and current information for stock searching

4.4.5 Outputs

The final part of the application is the outputs where created records of the user personal details and other related information are stored into a correct database table . the database tables are protect and hold by the user along with valid "User Loggin ID " and "password". For example if user want to access appropriate database table by enter the "user loggin id " and "password " respectively if the user entered details are matched with the details stored in the database table and it come up with result either "user login is successful" or " username and password incorrect "

And other useful information what the user wants from the applications stock market current status provided value of the current stock and predictable value in future.

4.5 Non-Functional Requirements

4.5.1 Usability

The system is able to access and accept all kind of user however having the account which registered users and how not having a account which is unregistered users

  1. When new user visiting the web site are offer to register with system and they can register with us any time . so simply " check and find " not even registering to system
  2. Registered user can simply login into system with their personal information with "User Login Id " and "User Password". They can even change or delete their detail and other personal information like history , favourite company details .

4.5.2 Security

Security is other important factor and more sensitive consider the user personal details .so the system itself is protect my the user assigned password . the registered user can login to system with their own "User Login ID" and "User password" and then system is told by user to do.

4.5.3 User Interface

User interface is big issue in mobile device this due to size of the screen and keypad . most of the device has small screen which limited the data showing on the screen and of course the keypad is small too. So improvement in technology can change this factor for example having voice recognizer which would he help to instead of keypad.

4.6 Actors

The software will be model by using Actors, and there are three actors which involves in the system and interact with it .

The basic function of the database tier is to store and retrieves data . And few important responsible to updates, same period of access from WAP and web servers, , support services such a data backup , ensuring the data entry and data security . It is responsibility of the database is to provide a reliable and fast access to millions and billion of data by certain time

It is very complicated to manage record in the database tier on the Database Management System (DBMSs) or servers Fortunately, it possible with help of sophisticated software to solve the problem so that the complication of the system are hidden

As i mentioned database or server are implement with sophisticated software to tackle the program so that in order to handle the database in efficient way one should have the knowledge of SQL language and there language associated with it such as MySQL and in this project we have had to use this language on server side to manage data. It has a very good impact for it speed rather than it's competitor and it popular for the fast access of million and billions of data are processes over a second in process of solving queries defined by user requirement ,it's powerful and has to reliable particularly suited to a database application like Apache aand PHP

In order to develop a web database application successful, the first step thing is to know the design databases and system requirement. There are so many types of services are available for storing a data on the database tier . These includes gateway services and also search engine mechanism

5.2 System Design

The process of designing a system involves analysing the user requirement and defining a appropriate system which accomplish the user demands . according to the user requirement the system will design with an appropriate material such memory, speed , security and devices strategies . all the objectives in system will be represented or model to form of unit that will become as a end product .the design have to be more precious state the characteristic and purpose of the system. The design of the system must contain few of the characteristics mentioned follow

The design must preciously ensure the correct representation of the project or user requirement

It must to be valid method in such a way it could understandable and readable

The design should be in clearly describes and show the overall picture or structure of software system .

It would be much easier the way of considering software design system and the approach of implementing the design in system . So there are two widely usable approaches are available

  1. Object oriented approach and
  2. Structured Approach

Object Oriented Approach

In this approach the system id design to substance the future changes on the individual part . with the help of the logical distribution a system benefited by the adapting itself to changes acquires through the whole life of the system . In future if some of the parts in the system needs to change or update it won't effects the whole system that the beauty of the Object Oriented Approach so that every part in the system are independent to each other and changes to any of the part won't effect the other part and therefore the whole system is stable and efficient

The Object Oriental Approach are similar as a simple programming is called as class and instance of the class is called object . the idea of using this approach to define the every function in the program as like in program class and object . basically the class is whole body of the program and made up of many object so that any changes happened in one of the object won't reflect on the class . normally using this approach over the function of system form one class

Structured approach

In this approach we are considering the whole system as a major part and then other smaller parts are formed the whole system . the smaller parts are called as entities . the structure approach is all about the design which include the interface , architectural and procedural design

5.3 Database Design

It is vital in the software development and it plays a important role in the every phase on it . each phase is responsible for district purpose and server its own specified job. Database are made up of many phases and each has the functions which is table , row and column in the record .so it is important to desiring the phase in database design so the data can stored on the memory in proper manner so that database will used by the user in an efficient way .the database is very important in all project that details with data at high and local level .

Design Strategy

The design strategy is to helped the each and every entities in the table in way that individual care on every entities . the design strategy is used in this project in which we consider the different class for every entities or function .so the different information are stores in district place in the database table and database server are efficient DBMS then there won't be any problem of data loss and data redundancy . Make a separate table for every entities which only not make database easier but also to help the user to updated or deleted or modifying records in table without distributing the entire database system . as told the special precaution need to be execute in terms of relation between different data tables by primary and foreign key which make the data administrator to manage the database server

(in this case MySQL are very effective and efficient and without any problems )

Entity Relationship

When we thing of creating a database which would be database server for client ,so database are have to handle by a data management system . As a database has to support a particular language to create, update and delete databases entities . SQL is most widely used language for all database servers, there is a set of statement which manipulates and defines data. Once the database is created , the most frequent SQL functions are UPDATE, INSERT, SELECT and DELETE, which change ,add, ,search and Remove data from a database, respectively

In this application , we are going to implement MySQL as a database server . MySQL database server runs exactly as a processor of server , like IIS and Apache help so many clients. There is only one MySQL server are multiple database and it able to handle multitasking applications and can store different data in different ways.

There is a model in this database which is known as "entity relationship" that tell all about the relationship between different entities on table are connected with each other. This is commonly through foreign or primary key. It is executively designed to benefits the database designer to know the logical functions and properties of the server database in an enterprise side , the meaning of enterprise is an organization or company who keep the database . the description of the enterprise level is directly corresponds to the conceptual schema or level in the tier three level architecture . ERDs are help to express the logical function in the database model. And the entity relationship diagram are another source which use to picture the whole database but unfortunately this feature is available for DBMS to create the conceptual/ external or conceptual/internal mappings. The entity relationship diagram are general designing tool to document the system .

Database is place to store all types of data in one place could be in a table , for instance , the database can store data which it associated with the record in a table and information such as weather , sports result , stock exchange information and traffic and so on .

A table is a playing major role in a database to store a data which given by the user through user interface and it made of rows , fields and attributes or columns . The user given data will store at any of available row in the table.

The attribute in a table defines the qualities and properties of the entity . mostly entities are linked by the relationships ,which is intent to interconnect with every entities in the table , by abstraction , we can could identified the entities corresponded to the entry to table

While rows are only capable to hold the data and this will stores in the table . rows contains very entries of data .The relationship between the user and database are set to satisfy the user requirement on first place. The key of the entity are used as a attributes of the system relationships set . as all the entities and attributes , the system relationship type are one part of intense of the model and but the all instance are extension of the model

6 Implementation

This project is been developed and implement with the help of many tools that are been used in this application. Firstly the WAP -based system is aim of this project to produces a working model so that system requirement and system design have to done but with help of the appropriate tool we could achieve that . The tools that are been used to development and implement the WAP-based system

The software list used in our application are ,

  • Liquid XML Studio 2008 (v6) (for editing WML and PHP coding )
  • XAMPP Lite (for MySQL database , PHP servers )
  • Nokia Mobile Browser Simulator 4.0 (for WAP simulation )

6.1WML and PHP Coding (Liquid XML Studio 2008)

The liquid XML studio is powerful program source code Editor and it gives very flexible and effective to edit the programs used by WAP and wep based application .the option and functions available in this application is more than sufficient to achieve a best result . it got all mandatory function like testing , editing and debugging the program in such a easy and efficient way . PHP is widely use programming language for the web and WAP based project . PHP is very efficient language to use in a complex system but PHP programming coding with other non PHP functions , like HTML tags and WML by including at top in the header of WML first. Our application is combination of PHP and MySQL which work along with each other to process the data .

Purpose of using MySQL and PHP

PHP and MySQL languages are powerful by alone itself but it even get more powerful when this both combined together so in our application we are using the combination of PHP and MySQL to create a dynamic page that will interact the user to get the data . HTML is very simple way to represent the text and in basic manner but addition of PHP ,the PHP enhance the HTML text into rich format ,in other hand with help of MySQL even the system can collect the data directly from user . with this combination of PHP and MySQL can perform in such a good way but it not possible on HTML itself . PHP is also designed to work along with HTML , so we can code the PHP coding inside the HTML code . the PHP is just enhancer for the HTML to give more functions and options

6.2 MySQL Server

MySQL is a database server that designed to receive data from the user. And store back the data in the appropriate place allocated for it in the database. And MySQL actually created in database server by allowing their user to access the data in database for update , change or delete kind of functions , even we considering security for the user records it is high secure and efficient control , multi level process which is multitasking usage are possible without distributing the whole system

7 Testing and Evaluation

Testing and evaluation are the most important part of any system which rather do with user based or system based applications . and it is vital to look after the system in any case before or after the system is handed to the client . A process which help the user to determine the efficient of the system in terms of error or problem in the function of the system or to define a user input generation and produce user determined output .and this is called as testing. Testing is more vital process in whole system before it get to user or client hands . most of the enterprise level commonly use the test process in there system .

And other part is the Evaluation that the process of checking the system according the certain form of testing rule . the process of evaluating the system is way that thing can go over the testing in such a way that all facts to be checked . and this is known as enhancement of testing .

7.1 Testing Levels

It would be easier if we set the testing process into three step so that all phase could specially checked , the following are the three step :

  • Integration testing
  • System testing and
  • Unit testing

7.1.1 Unit Testing

It is very important that all modules or part in one system should work fine other ways the whole system will get collapse and lead to failure . with the idea of unit testing would help to test every single part or module in system individually . in this way we could make sure that the particular module or part function in a proper way as one unit. It is very easier to spot the error modules without interrupting the whole system so all focus on particular module itself

7.1.2 Integration Testing

In this process all modules are packaged or assembled into a new form of software package . the advantage of this testing to help the designer by point out the error at that level if any occurs , this kind of test addressing the validation , verification of the software package .in this project form ad display of the result were performs separately but then all the results are integrated into one system . in this the way the whole system can checked up

7.1.3 System Testing

Here it's the final part of the testing scheme . In this scheme are the assembled part which entire system are will in treated into a final test called system testing , this test is all about elements are matching with the each other in order to concluding the entire system function is achieved .at this stage the error might encounter so once it corrected system fine to work as normal as other. Actually at this is place organization and report bugs took place that were not during the whole test processes.

7.1.4 Black Box Testing

Black box testing is testing techniques where the user set the required command with a desired input stream into the system and it also known as functional or behaviour testing and highly interested on the functional requirement of the system .

The purpose of using this sort of software testing to help the tester or designer to define the output of particular input in the system . once the input is been processed by the box and it response back to the tester or designer to specified event to applying set of maps the outputs. What it actually does is ,performs the test case and output will written down so that we can know how far it goes. The following table clarifying the text case which is going to help to find the functional requirements of the software

7.2 System Evaluation

This phase is final part of the testing process , and to get to this point firstly the entire system has to implemented successfully which means that it is possible to use this phase after only we succeed the design and implementation . after all the modules are designed and test are done by black box . once the system is implemented successfully ,the system evaluation process are about to rise and then the designer use this to ensure that whether the requirement is been met as our aim of this project . To ensuring the requirement of the system whether succeed or not ,if not there is always a chance for improvement and enhancement on the system which would immediately informed to the designer knowledge so that he/she go further on the particular error in levels.but however this kind of things seems to a terminal point for one project to get begin for the further improvement and near future enhancement and growth with the help of evaluation of the whole system .

8 Deployments

The whole system is deployed at important resource some of them are servers, database ,simulation tools , other vital software needed in this project. The system has to handle by user how is trained specially for managing the particular system in order to get the full advantage and efficient of the system .the software's that are used to help to deploying the system are listed below

  • MySQL database server
  • Nokia Mobile Browser Simulator 4.0
  • Apache server

MySQL database server is used in system for the purpose of database that server the user requirement in form of database server . In other hand we using apache as

A web server which might be use for WAP and web based system and in our project we needed WAP based system for client side . however we need to define how in our case WAP based system how it looks and works so it is bit hustle to loads the program on real device to test the system is quiet inconvenient to designer so I am using the Nokia Mobile Browser Simulator 4.0 as simulation tool to check the overall system before it release to the use on the handheld WAP enabled devices such mobile phones , PDA and other wireless device .

Programming technique

In programming for this of application , user have to keep connected to the server all time . when user requesting anything to the server and the duty of the server is to response to requested user with he /she want . but in our case we based on WAP so it not possible for connecting the normal server . so the user has to communicated to WAP/web server . to achieve this constraint , the WAP gateway are used to allow the WAP based system to connect to the normal system . In order to achieve a possible internet on the mobile phone the web pages are written in html data format .

The step involved in the process of the connection between the WAP device and web server are done by the intermediate server known as WAP gateway .

9 Conclusion

This system is concluded by in terms of its benefits for customer and necessary future enhancement if needed that would be carried out for the advance level of improvement in system .

9.1 Benefits for customer

The benefits available from this system will be tremendous and useful to the customer in the way user could use this system to track the market value of the stock from any particular day we/she mention on their request or even the user could know the previous twenty days of history to analysis the future stock status will be but it is not possible to guess anything in stock market business ,however for the user demand it makes this system available for that sort of options . the growth of stock exchange user will gradually increase to few and user demand for this application eventually get increase as well in terms is terms of says the user can increase by analyzing user demand at certain time . so all user information will be manage efficiently on order to that all user get mutually serverd.

9.2 System Enhancement

This section is right place to tell that if I would want to improve the few function on the system . there are several aspects which would make this system even efficient to use and enhancement not only on the system function and also the facilitation availability .some of thing a could like to add in this system is voice recognition ,by adding the voice recognition functionality to system which there is will no need of big small keypad at all the time

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