A Comparative Analysis of Three Successful Canadian Organisations

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Rocky Mountain Soap Company Rocky Mountain Soap Company is a small Canadian company that’s in the business of producing and selling bath and body products. Their mission statement is “to find the most nurturing and therapeutic ingredients nature has to offer and impart their healing qualities into a collection of 100% natural bath and body products” (Soap, 2014). Rock Mountain Soap was founded by Cam Baty and Karina Birch and was originally a small shop located in Canmore (Soap, 2014). They now have ten stores and a large workshop in Canmore, AB. (Soap, 2014). Rocky Mountain Soap’s website contains useful information about the company and their products. On the home page they showcase their featured product line. Their website also contains a page called “why natural matters”. This page has a lot of useful information on the ingredients that they use as well as what ingredients to avoid when using other body and bath products. This proves their mission is indeed focused around producing 100% natural bath and body products. It also shows that their motives for business aren’t necessarily to make gobs of money, but rather to provide a healthy alternative to most bath and body products.

The website also contains an online store where you can order their products and have them shipped to your door. The about us page provides information that emphasizes their passion for nature and all it has to offer. Rocky Mountain Soap is a very ethical company. Through their mission to provide 100% natural body and bath products, they show that they care for their consumers. To s certain degree Rocky mountain soap possesses a strong amount of utilitarianism, which is when you make decisions based on their outcomes or consequences to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. This is apparent when viewing their online store. Their products are reasonably priced considering the ingredients they use to produce them. A single bar of soap (see figure 2) costs 5.25 and contains the following ingredients: Coconut oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, olive oil, shea butter, Natural Jasmine and Gardenia, Natural vanilla, Natural Berry, Ultramarines (Pink color). Considering that these products aren’t being mass produced, at that price point their contribution margin isn’t very large but still enough to make a small profit. This shows that they strive to make their products affordable and approachable to everyone.

Their passion for finding natural healthy ingredients to ensure the safe consumption of bath and body products shows that Rocky Mountain Soap Company’s organizational culture is both ethical and interesting. WestJet WestJet is a very successful Canadian airline. They were founded in 1996 by Clive Beddoe along with a team of like-minded partners whose beliefs were that “just because you pay less for your flight, doesn’t mean you should get less” (WestJet, 2014). WestJet today is an affordable airline with unprecedented service. Their website is a portal to everything you need to book your next flight. From a simple one-way in province flight, to a 2 week vacation paired and a car rental, their website has you covered. They have a webpage that contains offers for discounted vacation packages, showing that they strive to find the best deals available for their customers. Using their many corporate partners they make finding a vacation package easy and affordable. Their about WestJet page provides us with insight on their organizational culture. Their entire corporate culture has been built around caring for their customers by providing a great experience (WestJet, 2014).

Their mission statement is “to enrich the lives of everyone in WestJet’s world by providing safe, friendly affordable air travel” (WestJet, 2014). Through positive organizational culture, WestJet has become one of Canada’s most successful airline. Their vision is to “be one of the five most successful international airlines in the world by providing our guests with a friendly caring experience that will change air travel forever” (WestJet, 2014). One of WestJet’s most admirable values is that they strive to align the interests of their customers with those of the company (WestJet, 2014). Meaning they really just want to know how to please their consumer so they can provide a service that is unmatched by any other airline. Along with their commitment for caring, WestJet separates themselves from the rest by simply caring for their customer’s needs. From their passion for caring and their vision to be a top five international airline, WestJet has found success from unique organizational culture. Goodlife Fitness Goodlife Fitness is one of Canada’s most successful fitness club.

Part of Goodlife’s success is due to its outstanding organizational culture. Their Culture is focused around a passion for caring. Their mission statement is “to give every Canadian the opportunity to live a fit and healthy good life” (Goodlife Fitness, 2014). Goodlife’s website is a portal to everything you need to know to get started down the path of a “healthy good life”. The first thing you see on their front page is an offer for a free three visit pass, allowing you to sample what they have to offer before you make any sort of commitment. The website also contains a lot of valuable information about what exactly the clubs have to offer. The about us page contains information on the company and its history. Goodlife fitness has 320 club locations across Canada with over one million members (Goodlife Fitness, 2014). They were founded in 1979 by David Patchell-Evans and now employ over 13,000 associates with over 2500 corporate partners (Goodlife Fitness, 2014). Goodlife spends a great deal of time investing in their communities (Goodlife Fitness, 2014).

From helping charitable and not-for-profit organizations to sponsoring and volunteering at events in the community, Goodlife stays true to their passion for caring (Goodlife Fitness, 2014). By establishing their company as a community figure they not only show that they truly do care, but also attract more customers that will help their organization grow and succeed. David Patchell-Evans, or “Patch”, is the founder and CEO of Goodlife fitness. He is an outstanding leader that is responsible for creating Goodlife’s amazing organizational culture. Patch is a transformational leader because he provides a clear mission and vison for his associates to follow and be inspired by. He makes sure that every new employee receives a copy of his book, Living the Good Life: Your Guide to Health and Success (Robins, 2009). At Goodlife employees actually hold the title of an associate (Goodlife Fitness, 2014).

This gives a sense of empowerment to the associates because they feel that they are more than just a subordinate and have a sense of independence when making decisions. This also creates a great deal of organizational commitment, which is the degree an employee identifies with the organization (Nancy Langton, 2011). Goodlife fitness has proven the importance of positive organizational culture. Through amazing leadership and community investment, Goodlife Fitness is one of Canada’s most interesting organizational cultures.


Goodlife Fitness. (2014). About Goodlife Fitness. Retrieved from Goodlife Fitness: https://www.goodlifefitness.com/about/ Nancy Langton, S. P. (2011). Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour 5th Canadian edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education, Inc. Robins, G. (2009, November 12). Corporate culture gives an edge. National Post. Soap, R. M. (2014). Shop On-line. Retrieved from Rocky Mountain Soap: https://www.rockymountainsoap.com/productDetails/1146064/1019833/1000144 Soap, R. M. (2014). Who are we? Retrieved from Rocky Mountain Soap: https://www.rockymountainsoap.com/webpage/1002389/1000144 Soap, R. M. (2014). Why Natural Matters. Retrieved from Rocky Mountain Soap: https://www.rockymountainsoap.com/webpage/1002390/1000144 WestJet. (2014). About WestJet. Retrieved from WestJet: https://www.westjet.com/guest/en/about/index.shtml

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A Comparative Analysis of Three Successful Canadian Organisations. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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