UK Import Export Enterprise

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UK Import Export Enterprise Introduction Import export trade,in the world economy, undertakes huge importance in the context of overall performance. The indicative of smooth functioning of the world economy is due to an upward trend of import export trade; whereas economic instability results in downward trend.

  • UK Import Export Enterprise is a complete one-stop-shop that provides everything you need from Supplier/buyer identification, Purchasing, contracting and consulting, Shipping, Warehousing, Delivery, freight forwarding, Customs clearance, and transport logistics service and shipment globally, from the all world, we import and export product around the world, from a single door-to-door parcel to container loads and dangerous goods. Our skilled consultants can get as involved as your needs dictate; we can offer a complete Exporters / Importer / Service Providers / Wholesale Suppliers, global freight management consultancy service – both import and export - or simply provide a multi-modal transport service that gets your goods where you want them, anywhere in the world, in the required time frame. We can also offer you a cargo assembly service second to none. Give yourself more time to concentrate on running and building your business and to get you to your global markets. Sea Freight Services sea freight is one of most important departments, it is not missed. Full Container loaded (FCL). Less than contain LCL Executive Summary The purpose of this business plan is to raise $1, 00,000 for the development of an import and export company while marketing the expected financials and operations over the next year. The UK Import Export Enterprise is a London based corporation that will acquire inventories of in demand domestic products with the intent to distribute them to wholesalers overseas. The business will also import in demand products for distribution to wholesalers within the Domestic market. The Company The UK Import Export Enterprise has a limited number of private investors and does not plan to go public. The company has its main office in London. The facilities include conference rooms and office spaces. The company expects to begin offering its services in this year. The Services UK Import Export Enterprise offers complete import/export brokerage services plus inventory consulting services. As mentioned previously, this includes the following: Supplier/buyer identification, Purchasing, contracting and consulting, Shipping, Warehousing, Delivery, freight forwarding, Customs clearance, and transport logistics service and shipment globally and freight management consultancy service. It must be noted that the UK Import Export Enterprise does not possess any warehousing facilities and intends to outsource this particular service. We expect to earn revenues by charging a commission based on the value of goods moved per order. The primary operations of the business will be the acquisition of in demand goods with the intent to export them to overseas countries. With the US dollar at an all time valuation low, export businesses have thrived as overseas suppliers can purchase substantial inventories at relatively low prices. The business’ secondary revenue stream will come from the importation of in demand foreign products with the intent to distribute them to wholesalers within the United States. As the strength of the dollar improves, we will expand this segment of the business. The third section of the business plan will further describe the services offered by our Import Export Enterprise. Financial Considerations Start-up assets required include expenses and cash needed to support operations until revenues reach an acceptable level. Most of the company's liabilities will come from outside private investors and management investment; however, we have obtained current borrowing from a bank. This business plan assumes that the business will receive a 10 year loan with a 9% fixed interest rate. Mission Statement Our mission is to develop a value oriented international business with mutual benefit to all parties involved. We believe in growing together and practice the principle of fair business in all our dealings. Our philosophy is in creating a long-term relationship with clients that create sustainable growth and profit for our company in the ever changing global marketplace. Sales Forecasts We expect a strong rate of growth at the start of operations. Below are the expected financials over the next three years acc1.gif 1.6 Expansion Plan We expect that the business will aggressively expand during the first three years of operation. We intends to aggressively develop a network of wholesalers and major retailers that will purchase inventories of exported and imported goods both domestically and overseas.

1.2 Keys to Success

UK Import Export Enterprise’ keys to long-term and profitability are as follows:

  • Differentiate our services to our niche clients so that they realize that we are better able to serve their needs than a more generic competitor.
  • Keeping close contact with clients and establishing a well functioning long-term relationship with them to generate repeat business and create a top notch reputation.
  • Establish a comprehensive service experience for our clients that includes consultation, product/client search, purchasing contracts, warehousing, shipping, delivery, and follow up service analysis.

Objectives Our focus is on value, cutting out the confusion and delivering to you a straightforward and effective UK importing exporting solutions. Shipping to the UK made simple. Whether you are about to start importing/exporting to the UK for the first time or you have experience of years talk to our friendly professional team for a UK shipping solution tailored to your needs. Fast, reliable and cost effective customs clearance service. Importing/exporting UK customs clearance department experienced with handling shipping whether a one off movement or continual ongoing importing/exporting from UK. Our own UK vehicle network will ensure that the import/export shipping containers are delivered when client want and how they want. We will deliver the shipping containers on conventional trailer chassis, tipper chassis or delivered for safe unloading on to the ground To seek through innovative ideas by competitive advantages for our clients, and to help them for the achievement of long-term success and prosperity. Also to provide uncompromising customer satisfaction regardless of the type of product or service offered. Establish our brands all over the world, garnering support and loyalty of our customers. Creating congenial and professional work environment and culture for our employees. Protect the interest of our stakeholders, investors and business counterparts, and maintain transparency in the process of transactions and communication with them. The Core Values for the guidance to achieve our objectives: • Devotion

  • • Corporate & Personal Discipline • Honesty • Competence
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UK Import Export Enterprise. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved September 19, 2024 , from

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