The Organization of the Research Study Business Essay

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The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview of this study. It provides a special reference to the background of the study. Definition or the research issue, objectives of the study and the limitations of the research. The importance of theA Emotional IntelligenceA is also explained through this section. Finally the organization of the research is presented.

Background of the Study

The main concern of this study is the effectiveness of the supervisory level of apparel making companies who can make a significant impact on the performance of the factory level employees. A Therefore this study focuses on the fact that whether high levels of EQ helps out to develop the Effectiveness of Line Supervisors. In other words, whether the concern about ones' own emotions and other people's emotions will contribute to the improvement of the Effectiveness of the Line Supervisors of the Apparel Industry. For this purpose two Export oriented apparel manufacturing factories in the Katunayake Export Promotion Zone were selected. In these factories, there are about ten thousand employees. Each and every Line Supervisor has to supervise at least twenty five employees at a time. Therefore the purpose of this Research is to identify whether Emotional Intelligence would really make a better impact or difference for the Effectiveness of Line Supervisors. In other words, to glance at the fact that dealing with these above mentioned situations successfully might benefit in encouraging the employees in such a way that they will contribute more to the development of the performance of the organization.

 Emotional Quotient

Singh (2001) stated that research demonstrate that IQ accounts for only about 20 percent of an individual's success in life. It means IQ explains a very small part of a person's achievement at the work place. But eventually the researchers found out that Emotional Quotient make a great impact on ones work and family life that his IQ.

 Definitions of EI

These are some definitions of Emotional Intelligence. Bar on (1997) stated that emotional Intelligence reflects one's ability to deal with daily environment challenges and his predict ones success in life, including professional and personal pursuits. Goleman (1998) declared that Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, from motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. Emotional Intelligence or the purely cognitive capacities measured by Intelligence Quotient. Bar-On, Brown, Kirkcaldy and Thome (2000) stated that Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive ad express emotion, assimilate emotion thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion the self and others,

 Research Issue

The issue that was recognized here in this research study is to explore the impact of Emotional Intelligence to the Effectiveness of Line supervisors in the Katunayake Investment Promotion Zone and thus to fain some knowledge about the effect on the Sri Lankan context as well, During the initial interviews of the HR managers of some factories, they declared that there is a tendency of the Effectiveness of the Line Supervisors of the factory, to decline. Though they have tried to fill the gap by doing various activities to increase the Effectiveness of the Line Supervisors, they have found out that the Effectiveness of the Line Supervisors has not shown much improvement according to their Performance Appraisal System. The main problem they have identified for the decrease of the Effectiveness of Line Supervisors was lack of self-understand and understanding the feeling of others. A This is a significant area where enough research has not been carried out but a large difference can be done if given enough attention. Therefore a main target is to explore whether a significant impact could be done by Emotional Intelligence to improve the effectiveness of Line Supervisors in Apparel Industry and if so this concept can't be used largely in many areas as well to explore new ways to increase the effectiveness of the Line Supervisors. This study attempts to determine the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Effectiveness of Line Supervisors as it has a great impact on enhancing the effectiveness of Line Supervisors in the Apparel industry.

Objectives of the Study

To determine whether Line Supervisors in Apparel Industry have Personal Competency of Emotional Intelligence. To determine whether Line Supervisors in Apparel Industry have Social Competency of Emotional Intelligence. To recognize whether Emotional Intelligence leads to Effectiveness of Line Supervisors in Apparel Industry.

This chapter will present literature pertaining to two companies of Emotional Intelligence, namely Personal Competency and Social Competency.A

The shortcomings of Intelligent Quotient (IQ)

Before the Emotional Quotient (EQ) concept was initiated, Intelligent Quotient (IQ) turned out to be the most important and highly valued measurement of employees in any organization. Primary IQ measures the skills like mathematical and spatial reasoning, logical ability and language understanding of a person. But it does not measure a person's experiences, wisdom personal qualities such as understanding, kindness empathy etc. anyone can score high when they are trained to take IQ tests. So it is not known whether a person score high because of the training he gets or his own intelligence. Some outcome variations relating to the success of individuals in education and organizational context should not be explained through traditional IQ measures (Fatt & Howe, 2003). Researchers, who had done number of research over IQ, had realized that there is something more in a person that cannot be measured by an IQ test. Even though some of those persons had fabulous IQ scores, they were doing poorly in their work life and wasting their potential by thinking, behaving communicating in a way that hindered their chances to succeed.

What is Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most emerging and interesting concept of today's world which largely impact to every part of any organization. Since it deals with Human psychology factor, it has become an influencing concept to the minds of people. Emotional Intelligence involves the lower and central section of the brain, called the limbic system. Human beings cannot live without emotions as they are naturally emotional beings. Goleman (1997) described Emotional Intelligence as managing feelings so that they are expressed appropriately and effectively, enabling people to work together smoothly toward their common goals. Van Rooy and Viswesvaran (2004) defined EI as the set of abilities (verbal and nonverbal) that enables a person to generate, recognize, express, understand and evaluate their own and others, emotions in order to guide thinking and action that successfully cope with environmental demands and pressures.

 Benefits of Assessing EQ

Assessing Emotional Intelligence gives much benefit for the individuals and organization. Benefits of assessing EQ for the Individual Examine the overall ability to deal with the immediate world Inventories emotional and social skills Identifies strengths and opportunities for improvement Target areas for personal growth and development Benefits of assessing EQ for the organization Recognize the areas of employees to be developed Serve as a training assessment Supports career path development processes Identifies employees with management potential Assists in selecting new employees

Origin of Emotional Intelligence

Hilgard (1980) declared that our mind operates in three ways: Cognition, affect and Motivation. Human memory, reasoning, judgment and abstract thought are the attributes of cognition. Emotions, moods, evaluations and other feelings states are the attributes of affect. Finally the attributes of motivation are the personality which includes biological urge or learned goal-seeking behavior. EI was made up by the cognition and affect together. Harvard psychologist and one of the most influential theorists of intelligence, Gardner (1983) had proposed the model of "Multiple Intelligence", to point out the distinction between intellectual and emotional capacities. He also proposed "Personal Intelligence" for managing oneself and relationships. Mayer and Salovey (1990) proposed a comprehensive theory of EI. They have illuminated EL as being able to identify, understand, use and regulate a person's emotion. Mayer and Salovey (1997) defined Emotional Intelligence as the ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion; the ability to access and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thought; the ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and the ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

There are four branches of their framework:

1.Perception, appraisal, and expression of emotion 2.Emotions facilitation of thinking 3.Understand and analyzing emotions; employing emotional knowledge 4. Reflective regulation of emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth Goleman (2007) identified the Five 'Domains' of Emotional Intelligence as: knowing your emotions managing your own emotions motivating yourself Recognizing and understanding other people's emotions Managing relationships, i.e., managing the emotions of others

 Theory of Salovey and Mayer

The four branch model of Emotional intelligence describes four areas of capacities or skills that collectively describe many of areas of Emotional Intelligence (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). More specifically, this model defines Emotional intelligence as involving the abilities to accurately perceive emotions in oneself an others, use emotions to facilitate thinking, understand emotional meanings, and manage emotions.


People with competence ofA Emotional AwarenessA know which emotions they are feeling and why they do feel like that. They are able to realize the links between the feelings, thought s in their minds, the appropriate words they should speak and the tone they should use. People who have this competence easily recognize how their performance is affected by their feelings. They also have guiding awareness of their values and goal to be achieved. Another competency ofA Self AwarenessA is Self Confidence. People who have this competence are very decisive. They make sound decisions regardless uncertain and stressful situations. They are able to voice the unpopular views and present themselves with self- assurance.

 Self - Regulation

Self-control is one of the most important competences one should have. People with this competence are able to manage their impulsive feelings and stressful emotions well. They always tend to be positive, calm and sober in manner, they are able to think clearly over the situation and even stay focused under pressure. Another competence of Self-regulation is Trustworthiness and conscientiousness. People who have the competence of trust worthiness act ethically all the time and build trust amount the others through their reliably and genuineness. They recognize and admit their own mistakes and stand against unethical actions of others. They take tough and principled stands at any time concreted on a strict bottom line of their own, people who have Conscientiousness hold themselves accountable for achieving their goals and objectives. They are well organized and very careful in whatever they do. Such people keep their promises and meet commitments.


People with the competence of Achievement Drive are very results oriented. They always seek out for improving their performance in order to reach to their objectives and standards, they set challenging goals and take calculated risks. Such people follow information to reduce uncertainty and discover different ways to do things better. Another competence of Motivation is Initiative and Optimism. People who have this competence are ready to grasp opportunities around them. They pursue goals beyond what is expected of them. When thy want any job to be got done they do not hesitate even to cut through the red tape and bend the rules when necessary. They are more likely to mobilize other through unusual, enterprising effort. People with competence of Optimism keep on seeking goals in spite of obstacles and set back, they always work with a hope of success rather that fear of failure. They see setbacks as due to manageable rather than personal flaw.


Understanding others is another competence of Empathy. People with this competence are good listeners to others emotional cues. They are very sensitive for the other emotions and easily understand other; perceptions. People who have this competency help out other with understanding their feeling and needs. Acknowledging and rewarding strengths and accomplishments, giving useful feedback, identifying the need of future growth, mentoring other and giving timely coaching and helping you improve the others skills are the characteristics of people who have the competence of Developing others. People who have the competence of Service Orientation understand their customers' needs are able to provide the right service or product according to their need. Such people always seek various ways to increase customer's satisfaction and loyalty. They gladly offer appropriate assistance often. They are acting as trusted advisors to their customers.

 Social Skills

A Influence is an important competence of Social skills. People with this competence are skilled at wining people and good presenters who can appeal to the customers and to persuade them. They influence the others indirectly to build compromise and support. People who have the competence of Communication are able to deal with the difficult problems straight forwardly at any time. They are good listeners who seek for mutual understanding. They also welcome sharing information with each other, people with this competence encourage for open communication and they are interested in any kind of news either good or bad.

 Impact of EQ to Effectiveness of Line Supervisors

Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in influencing the Effectiveness of employees in any organization. Even though the other factors like salary, bonus, job security recognition, promotion, delegation of authority and responsibility ect.. impact for the effectiveness of the employees yet the Emotional Intelligence is in the first place in the list which contributes to increase the Effectiveness of the workers largely. A Zipkin (2000) has found out by a Gallup Organization study of two million employees at seven hundred companies the tenure of an employee in a company and the productivity of the employee is determined by the relationship with his immediate supervisor, the relationship of employees and the Line Supervisors leads not only to reduce the turn over and absenteeism of the company but also to increase the rate of target achievement. A Effectiveness can be identified as one of the most crucial factors of any company in Apparel Manufacturing Company's Effectiveness of Line Supervisors contributes a large amount on achieving the company's daily target. The most effective Line Supervisors are the people who have the capability to understand how their subordinates feel and react over situations in the work place and how to get involved effectively to encourage them an support them to solve problems that they are coming across.

When the effectiveness of the Line Supervisors increases, the level of absenteeism and turnover goes down. Employees have the confidence that they can work under the Line Supervisor and he understands their feelings form their perspective. The level of Job satisfaction and the target achievement increase and it creates a committed workforce who acquires positive results for the organization such as increased productivity and improved quality by building the EQ competencies Line Supervisors can produce motivated employees willing to put forth energy to improve work performance. Emotionally Intelligent Line Supervisors are proficient to manage their own emotions while they are dealing with others. Because of this employees who work under him build trust over the supervisor and feel good about working with them. It is obvious that to be effective in helping the organization to achieve their goals, Line Supervisors must first need to be aware of and to manage their own feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. The awareness of others emotional reactions and helping them to cope up with those reactions will become easier once they have become aware about their own emotions and feelings. It is essential for Line Supervisors to understand their workers and gain their respect to do their job well.

They must exercise good insight and good judgment when correcting the errors of employees and resolving disputes. They are bound to help to solve any problem that the workers are having with their jobs. If the employees who work under the supervisors are not performing their tasks well, production output is affected. Having a close relationship with their workers is very important for the Line Supervisor to achieve their daily targets. Through personnel and Social competencies of Line Supervisors, they can create a smooth flowing of daily work of the organization other that a daily struggle. The most important and the most difficult things are to deal with one's emotional situations in the workplace and to resolve them in an effective and efficient manner. Emotionally Intelligent Employees exhibit the qualities like cooperation with each other, commitment to the work, creativity and group coherence that are increasingly important for the effectiveness of them whereas less emotionally intelligence employees exhibit the kind of conflicts, endless grievances, lesser commitment to work and imbalance of work and family life. When the Line Supervisors become highly emotional the employees work under them perform their work under them performs their work more willingly and tend to display the same qualities through theme.

Insight on Emotional Intelligence Components

The FirstA component of Emotional Intelligence ,self-awareness means ,having a deep understanding of one's emotions , strengths, weakness, needs and drives, (Goleman, 1995). People who have a high level of Self-awareness are very honest with themselves and other. People who have a high level of Self Awareness are very honest with themselves and others. They avoid the extremes of being overly critical and unrealistically hopeful. Furthermore, these people know how their feelings affect them, other and their job performance. (Goleman, 1995).A A A A The SecondA component of Emotional Intelligence is Self-regulation. This is an ongoing conversation people have themselves, which frees them from being prisoners of their feelings (Goleman, 1995). Employees who have higher level of Self-regulation are able to face ambiguities of the industry more than employees who have lower level of Self-regulation. Moreover, employees with a high degree of self-regulation would be able to help in making accurate and thoughtful decisions through their impulsive behaviors. The ThirdA component of Emotional Intelligence is Motivation. Motivation extends to the deep inner desire achieve for the sake of achievement. Motivated employees will work harder for the company and will likely be the most satisfied. To rouse their employees, companies should include them in the decision making process and recognize their contributions (Broolfiled, 2000.).

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