Texas Senate Election Campaign

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Texas Senate Election Campaign

Creating political awareness is one of the most important things a candidate running for office in Texas Senate should keep in his mind. Planning of election to get the message delivered to people is one of the keys of getting the votes from people. Many people don't vote because they do not know the importance of voting, and how it could bring changes in different aspects of their lives. To run for office in Texas Senate, my initial approach would be creating awareness among the people about the current issues and my ways of dealing with them. Like in every election, one of the simplest yet effective ways of appealing for votes would be by knocking on people's door. I will focus on communicating effectively with the people through advertisements through the internet, radio, television, and different other means of communication.

A considerable amount of money is needed during the election campaign, and sometimes it might be more than expected. According to texastribune.org, Incumbent Juan Chuy Hinojosa from Texas Senate District 20 spent $435,471.91 to get 131,973 votes with $3.30 cost per vote, whereas Brandon Creighton from Texas Senate District 4 paid $93,194.21 to get 239,640 votes with $0.39 price per vote. A considerable amount of money is needed for campaigning which can be concluded from the elections held until now. If a candidate knows proper ways and ideas to run a campaign, he can get more votes by spending less amount of money.

Although funding the campaign is one of the most important and difficult jobs, there are many ways to attract the donors. Someone who is already popular might not need to spend a lot of amount in the campaign. Along with that, incumbents are more likely to get financial support from different organizations and interest groups as it somewhat provides insurance to them of their investment. However, running against an incumbent puts me in a difficult position when it comes to collecting funds. Still, If I'm able to convince people that I am deserving and capable person to lead everyone, I hope they will help me. To persuade people, I will use different means including convincing them in person, running ads through television, radio, and most importantly social media these days. Having a good reputation in my district, I'm positive I will be able to attract lots of organizations and individuals who will support me after I present my ideas and plans to them.

NARAL Pro-Choice Texas is one of the organizations which supports the issue of abortion. According to votermart.org, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas' mission is to recruit, develop, and sustain a constituency that uses the political process to promote public health policies that guarantee every woman access to the full range of reproductive healthcare. The non-profit organization talks about necessary measures like sex education, health care for women and legal abortion. Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights describes them as, a grassroots politically active group that began as a rally at the Texas State Capitol on President's Day, 1994, and we have been active ever since. We are citizens who are tired of the continual, piecemeal destruction of the right to own--and use--firearms and are doing something about it. The group is against the use of firearms and support improvements in the gun laws.

National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund is one of the opposing interest group who has been supporting the gun ownership. According to votesmart.org, The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates - irrespective of party affiliation - based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire. [...] NRA relies on a straightforward premise: when provided with the facts, the nation's elected officials will recognize that "gun control" schemes are an infringement on the Second Amendment and a proven failure in fighting crime. Texas Right to Life Committee is also another opposing interest group which opposes abortion. These are some of the interest groups whose ideologies don't match with mine.

Considering the popularity today, I will be focusing on online ads on social media more than ads on television which will also help me reach youths. It will also help me to save money since the television ads are more expensive. Other than that, I will use other methods like calls, business cards, banner, newspaper ads, road signs. This way I will be able to reach the senior citizens. I will take the help of popular Texan celebrities like Kelly Clarkson and Selena Gomez which will help in reaching out to those who don't know me. Gun violence, immigration policy, abortion are the major issues which need improvement. We will live in a peaceful and prosperous environment and make our lives better than yesterday.

Works Cited

  1. Essig, Chris, et al. Here's How Much Texas Candidates Spent per Vote in the November Elections. The Texas Tribune, Texas Tribune, 1 Mar. 2017, www.texastribune.org/2017/03/01/heres-how-much-texas-candidates-spent-vote-general-election/. Accessed date November 16, 2018.
  2. The Voter's Self Defense System. Vote Smart, https://votesmart.org/interest-group/1539/naral-pro-choice-texas#.W_J3hOhKhPY. Accessed November 16, 2018.
  3. The Voter's Self Defense System. Vote Smart, https://votesmart.org/interest-group/1653/texas-right-to-life-committee#.W_J4O-hKhPY. Accessed November 16, 2018.
  4. The Voter's Self Defense System. Vote Smart, https://votesmart.org/interest-group/1257/national-rifle-association-political-victory-fund#.W_J4ouhKhPY. Accessed November 16, 2018.
  5. The Voter's Self Defense System. Vote Smart, https://votesmart.org/interest-group/70/peaceable-texans-for-firearms-rights#.W_J48OhKhPY. Accessed November 16, 2018.  
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Texas Senate Election Campaign. (2019, Dec 04). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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