Research Investigation

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The Big Five Personality traits as regarded to as the five factor model relates to a common language descriptors of personality. The big five factor is defined as an openness to an experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The big five personality trait is a model that was initially used to comprehend the relationship between personality and educational manners. Various researchers used the model with an aim of defining the relationship between a large numbers of known personality trait. Researchers states that personality characteristics are crucial in people’s lives and they become part of human language. Moreover, personality traits are encoded into human language as a single word.  Openness to experience reflects to the degree of intellectual curiosity, interest to ideas, adventure and preference for novelty. Conscientiousness relates to a tendency of being organized and dependable, act dutifully, demonstrate self-discipline and aiming to achieve as a planned behavior. Extraversion relates to the positive emotion, energy, assertiveness and the tendency to seek simulation in the company of others and involvement. Agreeableness recounts the tendency to show compassion and cooperativeness towards others. It measures peoples trust based on their concern and helpful nature (Barrick & Mount, 1991). Neuroticism recounts to the experience to unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, vulnerability and anger. It relates to the ability to control emotions and the stability required to stabilize personal emotions. This dimensions are observed to affect majorly people of young age such as teenagers and it thus targeted to an academic audience.

Initially, research on the Big Five and personality focused primarily on individual differences in adulthood rather than consideration to childhood and adolescence development.  However, recent studies has begun to discover the development basis of the big five among the children and the adolescence age. Different from some researchers that questions whether children have stable personal characteristics, other researchers states that there are crucial psychological differences existing between children and are associated with stable, district and salient characteristics.  Some of this differences are observable at birth. For instance, researchers observes that newborns demonstrate varying characteristics such as easy to sooth and make them peaceful while others are completely hard to calm.  The manifestation and the development of the Big Five in adolescents has been covered based on varying approaches that involves parents and teacher ratings, preadolescents and adolescent self and peer-ratings.  The outcome of this studies supports the relative stability if the personal characteristics across their lifespan from preschool to adulthood.

Based on the article “Overlap between General Factors of Personality in the Big Five, Giant Three, and trait emotional intelligence” by Linden, Tsaousis, & Petrides, the general factor of personality emerges from the shared variance among the specific personal characteristics and reflects on the continuum of socially desirable conduct with the positive characteristics and the high end of the continuum and negative characteristics at the low end (Linden, Tsaousis & Petrides, 2012). The authors states that the existence of the general factor personality does not mean that lower-level individual abbilty factors lose their importance. The article observes that the each of the lower-older factor have unique contribution to behaviors and is majorly the biggest contributor to behaviors and predicts the specific type of behavior (Linden, Tsaousis & Petrides, 2012). However, this aspect fails to contradict the notion that perhaps some substantive personality factors may influence the lower level traits. Moreover, the article states that the consistency of the General Factor of Personality in the current era shows mixed results. Firstly, previous studies compares General Factor of Personality based on the Big Five models and the Giant three model. This aspects shoes that consideration of General Factor of Personality as a general factor underlying numerous lower-order traits the General Factor of Personality would show a considerable overlap. Secondly, if the General Factor of Personality is a substantive factor it is crucial to establish its nature and homological net.

Based on the article “The General Factor of Personality: A meta-analysis of Big Five inter correlations and a criterion-related validity study” by Musek, General Factor of Personality is at the top of personality hierarchy. Musek (2007) states that General Factor of Personality is crucial and is substantive and constitutes biological roots and genetic traits. Musek (2007) states that General Factor of Personality is identified in each of the tree major samples with the Big five measures (Musek, 2007). However Musek asserts that regardless of the existence of the GFP in the big five measures, researchers used raw –item level data comprised of limited number of studies. Further, Musek (2007) observes that GFP is among the strongest and consistent compression to performance. However, several lower-order constructs have a comparable validities as the GDP for instance openness.

Similarly, in the A general factor of personality: Evidence for the Big One in the five-factor model, it is evident that exploratory and confirmatory factors analyses using varying personality means in tree samples confirmed the existence of General Factor of Personality within the Five-Factor model. It is characterized by both high and low factor measures involving Emotional Stability, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness, and by high versus low higher-order factors of personality, Stability, and Plasticity. The article is based on a theoretical model of personality structure characterized of the Big One on top of the hierarchy (Dimitri, Jan  & Arnold, 2010). The article interprets the big One as the basic personality disposition that integrate the general non-cognitive measure of personality (Musek, 2007). Also, the investigated link between the Big Five personality dimension and the three job performance criteria (job proficiency, training proficiency, and personnel data) shows that personality demonstrates consistency in relation with job performance criteria in occupation groups (skilled/semi-skilled). Based on the article, the remaining personal dimensions the approximate true score correlations varied by occupational group and standard type. Moreover, the extraversion was a valid predictor for over one occupations comprised of social interaction sales and managers. Moreover, both open to experience and extraversion were valid predictors of the exercise capacity. Moreover, the author states that personality dimensions ware valid predictors for some occupation and standard types with a magnitude score approximated as (?<.10). This aspect shows that the results demonstrate the significance of using 5 factor model of personality to accumulate and communicate empirical results (Sipps & Alexander, 1987). The findings have various inferences for investigation and training in personnel psychology, particularly in the subfields of personnel selection, training and improvement, and performance appraisal.

The study of the Big Five is an integral part in the scientific study of students based on their personal characteristics. Consequently, the research upon which our knowledge is based must be established in the methodology of science and requires to reflect the set of attitude and approaches success of the growing study of the research design. Based on the reviewed articles, it is evident that the articles considers formulation of questions development of procedures and provision of appropriate data used for the analysis and interpretation to provide a general conclusion based on factual information.

Based on the stipulated study question, it is crucial to understand that various strategies exists through which can be adopted to investigate a study. Therefore, based on the research question it is necessary to ensure that the selected study approach is sufficient to answer all the questions ensuring that all the significant areas are covered.

A research activity is a practice that is facilitated with consideration of ethical issues pertaining to research participants, specific issues arising, conduct and secrecy to facilitate security and proactive coexistence during the process. It is thus crucial to ensure that both legal and human rights are taken into consideration prior and during the research activity.  This research will thus be based on observation of the crucial values of the participants to promote trust, accountability, respect and fairness in the process of the research. Moreover, based on the requirement and the need to borrow information from other researchers in the course of the study, it is crucial to ensure that copy right issues are upheld based on user policies and intellectual property consideration. Moreover, accountability and responsibilities is crucial to promote misconduct, conflicts and protection of humans is vital in the course of the study.

In conclusion, a series of articles indicates the lively debate regarding General Facto of Personality based on its nature. Research has been done to contribute in the discussion by providing support for General Facto of Personality in Big Five dimensions among diverse measures of samples. Articles such as “ The General Factor of Personality: A meta-analysis of Big Five inter correlations and a criterion-related validity study” provides results and findings to present meta-analysis of additional support based on evaluated facts to back the existence of General Facto of Personality. However, various explanations are presented regarding the General Facto of Personality predominant support, however, evidence and views are contradictory. Thus, this study will promote the comparison of General Facto of Personality extracted from the Big Five and the Giant Three against a measure of trait and social desirability based on a selected audience of apprentices.

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Research Investigation. (2019, Oct 10). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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