People that have a Biblical Worldview

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A worldview is how an individual sees the world and their perception of it. It is not from a physical viewpoint, but instead a philosophical vision; everything that exists to them and is important. A worldview can also be described as the underlying motivation in the thoughts, spoken words, and actions of a person. (Lanier, 2010). Itr's what compels people to act certain ways. Furthermore, itr's all of an individual's assumptions or beliefs about reality that embodies the way that they view life (Lanier, 2010). Often, a person will fail to take a deep look at their own worldviews, because they fail to realize some of the beliefs or presumptions they have. In turn, they fail to realize how their worldviews guide every aspect of their daily lives. Having a biblical worldview means that all of a personr's beliefs and convictions come from the Scriptures. There are several implications of a biblical worldview. As a Christian, I worship and recognize only one true God. According to my beliefs, God is sovereign, holy, and perfect. I realize there are many religions in the world that also focus on a god or many gods. However, there is only one true and almighty God. God is not merely alive in our dreams, or a figment of our imaginations. Because God has spoken to us through his word, we can truly know he exists. For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else (Isaiah 45:18, King James Version). The story of creation is about God, the people he created, and about how his people can know, worship, and obey God. As a believer, I know that I have been commanded to treat others as I would like to be treated. You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31 New King James Version). Itr's probably one of the most quoted parts of the Bible. As I continue my walk with Jesus Christ, I have hopes that if it is Godr's will, I will graduate and become a teacher. As a teacher, I will strive to set an excellent example for my students, by treating others with kindness. This means being kind to all people; not only ones that hold the same Christian beliefs I do. One principle that is beneficial in working with people with different values, beliefs, and cultures is Kraftr's biblical relativity principle. This biblical relativity principle suggests holding my beliefs gently, but not be easily swayed by every interesting new idea I come across as I interact with people who have different beliefs (Smith, 2013). My interpretation of this is that I will have respect for others and their beliefs, not be overbearing in sharing my beliefs, but also not be influenced by false beliefs. To understand and relate to other people of diverse cultural backgrounds and beliefs, I will be considerate of other beliefs. However, I must be mindful of responding in an effective way that does not detract from my biblical worldview. Another consideration for maintaining a biblical viewpoint in education is the fact that as an educator, I am expected to differentiate instruction for my students. Adjusting the content, process, and product to the individual student makes it possible to keep students active in the process of learning (Ackerman, 2012). The teacher must become all things to all students, based off students readiness, profile, and interests (Ackerman, p. 12, 2012). Ackerman then goes on the reference 1 Corinthians 9:20-23 which is a great example of things Paul does to reach people. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you (1 Corinthians 9:22-23, King James Version). One of the goals of a Christian educator should be to take the time to reach all students and help them succeed on an individual basis. A solid Christian education comes from being built on a solid foundation of Christian faith. Christian education must be intentionally being built on a biblical metaphysical position (Knight, 2006). Because God exists, Christian educational systems were established. Under a Christian educational system, God is the central reality that gives meaning to everything else. Of course, other educational systems, such as public education, have entirely different foundations and cannot be replaced for Christian education (Knight, 2006). It is not even comparable. The motivation to give freely of time, money, and energy to establish Christian schools stems from the belief in the Christian view of reality. The Christian view of reality shapes the selection of curriculum and emphasis (Knight, 2006). The Bible is the primary source of information and the most crucial epistemological authority. All other sources of information should be verified against what scripture tells us. Worldviews dictate and control our daily lives. Individuals' beliefs and convictions occupy our minds relentlessly and carry over in to all aspects of our lives. Thoughts, spoken words, actions, and choices made all expose truths about who a person is and what they believe (Lanier, 2010). The apostle Paul discussed the implications of how actions can speak for themselves. You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts (2 Corinthians 3:2, English Standard Version). If the way we live our lives is on open display, there is no such thing as private faith (Lanier, 2010). Inevitably, public and private behavior will reveal a personr's true nature. Studies note remarkably positive differences in behavior of people that have a Biblical worldview. These behaviors include media use, using profanity, gambling, consuming drugs and alcohol, honesty, respect for others, pornography, and promiscuity. Young people who identified as believers were shown to experience less delinquent behavior than nonbelievers (Lanier, 2010). Basically, the same qualities that foster true Christian character are some of the same qualities found in good citizens. This shows that the biblical worldview works in accordance with God's plan for his creation. If itr's in accordance with Godr's plan than it is good for Christian education as well.
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People that have a Biblical worldview. (2019, Jun 24). Retrieved February 9, 2025 , from

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