Java Inventory Program 1-3

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Instructions: This document contains the tutorials for Inventory programs 1-3. These programs will be separated by pages between each program in addition to being color coded. NOTE: This information will need to be copy and pasted into a notepad document. For your own benefit, please do not plagiarize this work. // Inventory program part 1 Inventory1. java // // A product class that stores and makes the name of the product, the item number, the number of units in stock, and the price of each unit retrievable. // Java app. that displays the product name, the item number, price of each unit, and the value of inventory. mport java. util. Scanner; import java. text.

NumberFormat; import java. text. DecimalFormat; class Product { private String name; // product name private int number; // product part number private double price; // product unit price private int quantity; // products in stock public Product(String N, int Num, double P, int Q) // Constructor { name = N; number = Num; price = P; quantity = Q; } // Getters and setters public void setName(String N) // method to set product name { name = N; } public String getName() // method to get product name { return name; } ublic void setNumber(int Num) // method to set part number { number = Num; } public int getNumber() // method to get part number { return number; } public void setPrice(double P) // method to set unit price { price = P; } public double getPrice() // method to get unit price { return price; } public void setQuantity(int Q) // method to set product quantity { quantity = Q; } public int getQuantity() // method to get product quantity { return quantity; } public double getTotalPrice() // return the total value of the inventory { double TotalPrice = quantity * price; eturn TotalPrice; } } // End class product public class Inventory1 { // starts execution of Inventory program public static void main(String args[]) { // create Scanner to obtain input from command window Scanner input = new Scanner(System. in); // create NumberFormat to obtain input from command window NumberFormat currency = new DecimalFormat(“u00A4 #. 00”); System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line System. out. print(“Enter the name of the product: “); // prompt for name of product String N = input. nextLine(); // read product name from user System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line System. out. print(“Enter the product number for the product: “); // prompt for product number int Num = input. nextInt(); // read product number from user System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line System. out. print(“Enter the unit price for the product: $ “); // prompt for unit price double P = input. nextDouble(); //read product unit price from user System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line System. out. rintln(); // outputs a blank line System. out. print(“Enter number of units of product in stock: “); // prompt for number of units in stock int Q = input. nextInt(); // read number of units in stock System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line double TotalPrice = Q * P; System. out. println(); // outputs a blank line System. out. println(“Product name: “+ N); System. out. println(); // outputs blank line System. out. println(“Product number: ” + Num); System. out. println(); // outputs blank line System. out. println(“Product’s unit price: ” + currency. format(P)); System. out. println(); // outputs blank line System. out. println(“The value of the inventory is ” + currency. format(TotalPrice)); } // End method main } // End class Inventory1 // Inventory program part 2 Inventory2. java // // Uses a method to calculate the value of the entire inventory // Uses another method to sort the array items by the name of the product // Output displays all product information as well as value of entire inventory import java. util. *; import java. text. NumberFormat; import java. text. DecimalFormat; class Product implements Comparable { rivate String name; // class variable that stores the item name private int number; // class variable that stores the item number private int quantity; // class variable that stores the quantity in stock private double price; // class variable that stores the item price public Product(String N, int Num, int Q, double P) // Constructor for the Supplies class { name = N; number = Num; quantity = Q; price = P; } // Getters and setters public void setName(String N) // method to set product name { name = N; } public String getName() // method to get product name { return name; } ublic void setNumber(int Num) // method to set part number { number = Num; } public int getNumber() // method to get part number { return number; } public void setPrice(double P) // method to set unit price { price = P; } public double getPrice() // method to get unit price { return price; } public void setQuantity(int Q) // method to set product quantity { quantity = Q; } public int getQuantity() // method to get product quantity { return quantity; } public double calculateInventoryValue() // method to calculate the value of the inventory { return price * quantity; } // sorts Products by their product name. ublic int compareTo (Object o) { Product s = (Product)o; return name. compareTo(s. getName()); } public String toString() // returns a string representation of the product information { System. out. println(); return “Name: “+name+ ” Number: “+number+” Price: $ “+ price +” Quantity: “+quantity+ ” Value: $ “+calculateInventoryValue(); } } // End class product public class Inventory2 { // main methods begins execution of java application public static void main( String args[]) { Product[] supplies = new Product[6]; // create array of office supllies // inventory of office supplies Product p1 = new Product(“Pens”, 1, 76, . 5); Product p2 = new Product(“Markers”, 2, 43, 1. 00); Product p3 = new Product(“White-out”, 3, 17, 2. 00); Product p4 = new Product(“Pencils”, 4, 91, . 15); Product p5 = new Product(“Crayons”, 5, 62, . 99); Product p6 = new Product(“Paint Set”, 6, 12, 19. 99); supplies

[0] = p1; supplies

[1] = p2; supplies

[2] = p3; supplies

[3] = p4; supplies

[4] = p5; supplies

[5] = p6; double total = 0. 0; for(int i= 0; i < 6;i++) { total = total + supplies[i]. calculateInventoryValue(); } // Display the total value of the inventory on the screen System. out. printf(“Total value of the entire inventory is: $ %. f”, total); System. out. println(); Arrays. sort(supplies); for(Product s: supplies) { System. out. println(s); System. out. println(); } } // end main method }//end class Inventory2 //Inventory Program Part 3 Inventory3. java // //Uses a subclass that adds an additional feature //Uses a method in the subclass to calculate the value of the inventory and adds a 5% restocking fee //to the value of each product //Displays output, sorted by name, including additional feature and 5% restocking fee class Inventory { String number; //stores product number String name; //stores product name nt quantity; //stores quanity in stock double price; //stores product price double restockFee; //stores product restocking fee public Inventory(String Num, String N, int Q, double P, double F) { name = N; number = Num; quantity = Q; price = P; restockFee = F; } public void setName(String N) //Method to set and get the product name { name = N; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setNumber(String Num) //Method to set and get the product number { number = Num; } public String getNumber() { return number; } public void setQuantity(int Q) //Method to set and get the quantity in stock { quantity = Q; public int getQuantity() { return quantity; } public void setPrice(double P) //Method to set and get the price of product { price = P; } public double getPrice() { return price; } public void setRestockFee(double F) //Method to set and get the product restocking fee { restockFee = F; } public double getRestockFee() { return restockFee; } public double getInventoryValue() //Method to calculate the value of the in stock inventory { return price * quantity; } public static double getTotalValueOfAllInventory(Inventory [] inv) { double tot = 0. 00; for(int i = 0; i < inv. length; i++) { tot += inv[i]. etInventoryValue(); } return tot; } public String toString() { return “Product Name: “+name + ” Product Number: “+number+” Product Price: $”+price+” Quantity in Stock: “+quantity + ” Inventory Value: $”+getInventoryValue(); } } // end Inventory Class class Product extends Inventory { String brand;// Subclass to add the product’s name brand double restockFee;// Restock fee to add to the inventory value // initialize constructor public Product(String brand, double restockFee, String Num, String N, int Q, double P, double F) { super(Num, N, Q, P, F); this. brand = brand; this. restockFee = restockFee; } ublic double getInventoryValue() // Figures total inventory value including restocking fee { return super. getInventoryValue() + (super. getInventoryValue() * restockFee); } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(” Brand: “). append(brand). append(” “); sb. append(super. toString()); return sb. toString(); } } // End Product Class public class Inventory3 { public static void main(String args[]) { double restockFee = 0. 05; Product[] inventory = new Product[6]; //create array of Office Supplies inventory

[0] = new Product(“Gel Glide” , restockFee, “1”,”Rollerball Pens” , 26, 1. 00, . 5 ); inventory

[1] = new Product(“Sharpie” , restockFee, “2”,”Markers” , 23, 2. 00, 0. 10 ); inventory

[2] = new Product(“Bic”, restockFee, “3”,”White-out”, 7, 3. 00, . 15); inventory

[3] = new Product(“Generic”, restockFee,”4″,”Lead Pencils” , 12, 4. 00, . 20); inventory

[4] = new Product(“Crayola”, restockFee, “5”, “Crayons”, 12, 5. 00, . 25); inventory

[5] = new Product(“Rose Art”, restockFee, “6”, “Paint Set”, 12, 6. 00, . 30); Product temp[] = new Product[1]; System. out. print( ” Thank you for using Office Supply Inventory Program ” ); // display title System. out. println(); System. ut. println(); // Sorting the Inventory Information for(int j = 0; j < inventory. length – 1; j++) { for(int k = 0; k < inventory. length – 1; k++) { if(inventory[k]. getName(). compareToIgnoreCase(inventory[k+1]. getName()) > 0) { temp

[0] = inventory[k]; inventory[k] = inventory[k+1]; inventory[k+1] = temp[0]; } } } // Print the Inventory Information for(int j = 0; j < inventory. length; j++) { System. out. println(inventory[j]. toString()); } System. out. printf(” Total inventory value: $%. 2f ” , Inventory. getTotalValueOfAllInventory(inventory)); return; } } // End Inventory3 Class

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Java Inventory Program 1-3. (2017, Sep 23). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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