Invasive Species: Nutria

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Native Range

Nutria, the large mammals that were originally brought to the United States in 1889. It inhabits on fresh and salt marshes, rivers, farm ponds, freshwater impoundments, drainage canals, and other several types of wetlands that are a living place for them. Coypu is the most native species that are being introduced in South America including Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Southern Brazil.

Invasive Range

Today, in the United States there are more than 50,000 invasive species and the number continues to increase and among of them, nutria is one of them. Nutrias were brought by ship directly from South America. Raising nutrias is a very extensive interest that was ruthless hunting and was brought to the US. The furs of nutria were less expensive to farm then beavers, which why nutria had more priority and people wanted furs to build the economy by selling. Nutrias were also sold as ‘weed cutters’ to private citizens to make this species more famous and most precious. These species are most adaptable where they can get adjusted in many different weather and places since they can eat almost any type of terrestrial or aquatic green plants.

Mode of Introduction

Nutria is the invasive species that is originated from South America also known as Coypu. It is also called Myocastor Coypu as a scientific name. It is large mammals that are omnivores. Nutrias never live far from water. They are strong in the swim and can remain five or more minutes. Coypu is large semi-aquatic rodents that live in groups around lakes, wetlands, rivers, and streams. The fur that they have is brown colored, however, well known because of their rounded tail.

Social and Economic Impacts

The impacts created by Nutria on agriculture, weaken the strength of the crops. Crop damage is one of the losses on agriculture since, if the crops get damaged then it won’t produce more. Damage to crops and the resulting impact on the economy of the southeast also should be taken into consideration. Means that, if nutrias eat most of the crops and create a damage in soils, then the vegetation decreases which why the economy falls. Less vegetation will be less production which how the economy will decrease in selling crops production.

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Invasive Species: Nutria. (2021, Apr 05). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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